
Howdy folks, it has been a while. A very long while.

I'm sure most of you have forgotten me, and that's okay. For those of you who remember me, I hope you've all been well. I could write a very long description about where I've been and what has been happening, but that would go on forever, so here's the very briefest summary I can give of what has transpired since we last spoke:

  • I got sick, very sick. I'm now a lot better than I was a few months ago, but it was pretty dire for a while and I had to go into a lot of intensive care. Still not completely out of the woods yet, but luckily through perseverance I'm being seen by a lot of the people I need to be seen by, so hopefully with time I'll make it through this. A lot of things have had to take a backseat as a result, including stuff like this.

  • Due to all the things I've been through, my finances are not in such a strong state anymore. Therefore I haven't been able to really justify spending for giveaways and things, and probably won't be able to for a very long while (barring these few I'm doing now, but I've had these gifts in my inventory for a long while now). I understand if this means I need to be removed from your groups / whitelists, but I hope to return one day once my financial situation is back in order. I won't be entering any giveaways until I can return to do them myself.

  • For those of you who took an interest in my personal life, a brief update: The friend I was close to decided to back out on me one day, without warning, so that didn't help matters. Took some time to recover, but I'm meeting and seeing loads of new people now. Still don't think I'm fully recovered, so I'm taking it easy. It is making forming new relationships difficult, but I've learnt a lot and the few new relationships I've made have been really fruitful, so I'm confident I'll be alright.

  • On the brighter side, stuff at the British Museum is still going extremely well, and I've even found myself getting embroiled in national politics following the recent snap election (I'm a Liberal Democrat, if you're curious).

Hope you've all been well, and that these few giveaways I can do make up for my hiatus, which will sadly have to continue for a while longer. If you want to keep in touch, you're welcome to add me on Steam.

All the best,

  • Kyle

Thanks for the chance at this one as well! :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you for the update.

First of let me wish you well and best wishes for a complete and swift recovery. Glad to hear you are doing better, soon enough you will be completely well I am sure :) Looking back, these circumstances can help make you stronger and more able to deal with other adversities in life, while also they can also serve in making one appreciate other things in life that much more. I had a similar experience years ago, not as serious as what you describe, but serious nonetheless, it helped me put things into perspective.

Hope your finances improve in the near future :) and regarding relationships, my advise would be to not let your experience hinder you, have as much fun as you want to at this stage, life is too short and one should always embrace all opportunities.

Thanks for the great giveaway :)

7 years ago

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Just wanted to say I hope your health is better, wishing you all the best in life. :) -sends hugs and positive vibes your way-

7 years ago

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