
Level 9... Level 9... Level 9...

Please make sure your e-mail address is correct (though how could you be level 9 and not know this) as I will be e-mailing the winner 4 separate keys:

  1. Civilization V base game
  2. Civilization V expansion Gods & Kings
  3. Civilization V expansion Brave New World
  4. Other Civ V DLC as described in the current Humble Bundle.

This should result in the entire Complete Bundle being registered to your account. If you are entering just for DLC, tell me which keys you won't need. Then I'll have to check on the legality of giving the "extras" away again, though I'm sure someone will inform me.

Instead of thanking me, tell me which Civ you pick in Civilization and why. I pick the Americans because I am a Real American who fights for the rights of every man.


This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Considering I'm half American Indian, I'd go with that ... but we all know how that turned out. -_-

8 years ago

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I only have base game c:

8 years ago

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You can still enter.

8 years ago

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Maybe I would try not only one Civ ^^

8 years ago

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May I enter for Civilization V expansion Brave New World and other Civ V DLC? I own base game and Gods & Kings DLC.

Cheers! ^^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Alright, thanks! ;)

8 years ago

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I never played any Civilization games... i always wanted to but i was to much scare to play it. It seems to be so complicated.

8 years ago

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Hi Boffo97 thanks a lot for the GA =) I have only the base game

8 years ago

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Marked Received ! Thanks again =)

8 years ago

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Why you delet ^^
I think you are totally entitled to make it a GA with the base game.

8 years ago*

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I deleted the comment because I closed the thread in question due to it not resulting in any agreement about what I could do and my irritation at some accusing me of trying to deliberately scam the question. Like I'd be stupid enough to risk a level 5 account to get $4.50 in CV and even stupider to announce my intention to do so first.

I agree with you, but I want to see what the legal word is first so I put in a support ticket. A strict reading of the rules suggests that I would have to send you the key, but you wouldn't be allowed to do anything with it. Which would be rather pointless IMO.

8 years ago

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So true & i had already won the base game on SG !
See you soon ;)

8 years ago

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Just heard from a mod. He says it's a grey area which has come up before. It's fine for me to go ahead and make a giveaway for the base game, but he advises I not do it so often that it comes across as CV abuse. I might see if I can give it away privately first so that CV isn't even an issue. I'm just glad it CAN be given away.

Provided, of course, that you have no objections to this

8 years ago

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Of corse =)
You are good and wise Boffo,i really do not see any problem ethics.

8 years ago

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Thanks. Enjoy your DLC. I found that it (particularly the expansions) makes a good game a lot better.

8 years ago

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