Hi there! I wanted to share my love for a little known gem, Neo Scavenger. A game I think any survival enthusiast worth their salt should try! Imagine waking up from cryosleep in a post-apocalyptic Detroit - with no idea what happened to the world and how you're going to survive it.
Scavenger for things to cook your squirrel with, or make water in, or to sleep warm and safe ... or simply just run around like a headless chicken hoping you don't get chased down or chewed up like a poorly seasoned taco.
Beat in the faces of cannibals! Take their crap! Eat human flesh! Or not, and instead cradle those scavenged berries and mushrooms in your hands, and poor you if you didn't take the Botany skill.
Weep with joy upon finding that plastic bag! Or just invest in Mechanics because travois are da bomb and who needs to run in an apocalypse anyway when you can carry a shopping cart worth of stuff?
Now with that silly sales pitch done, I really think people should play this game :) Nothing beats the feeling of crafting and rummaging for loot until you emerge the ultimate survivor... up until you meet that one enemy you just wasn't cautious enough with. One mistake means permadeath and you have to start over. But that's okay. Each time you die, you learn something new, a better way to survive. That's what Neo Scavenger means to me. Even the ending -
when I eventually reached it - wasn't that special to me; it was always the journey.
I won't spoil too much, but for me there was no high like surviving that harrowing encounter with a certain predator I couldn't outrun. After a crazy battle, somehow I came out alive, coughing up blood and ravaged with wounds I had to quickly clean and bandage. And then there was the time I forgot to tip someone... ;(
(Seriously!? I had no idea tipping was so important to Americans ;D )
Already played the game? I would love to hear your stories!
Edit: Forgot to mention that I will buy and gift this to the winner. Good luck^^
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I can't remember where I saw this game first, but I was hooked instantly. Thank you for the chance! :)
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Oh, hooked? You're welcome! I hope you'll eventually get a chance to try it :)
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Indeed. I've been a big fan of post apocalyptic survival games for many years now, and I remember this one ticked off a lot of the good boxes for me when I found out about it, but the price was a bit out of my range back then. I can't really say the same now, since it's on 75% at the moment, and I even have money in my Steam wallet, but my back log is just so long at the moment :o
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Perfectly understandable. I just bought a number of games myself :) If you like those kind of games, Dead State ain't bad either. I love Americana, so this ticked off a lot of boxes for me too :)
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I've traied Dead State as well, Americana I've never heard of though. I'll check it out, thanks for the sugestion :)
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looks embarrassed Americana isn't a game. It means things associated with American culture. It's why Fallout 3 and their cereal boxes fascinated me so much ;D
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Oh shit haha I see. My mistake.
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Thanks for sharing your obvious passion about this with us. I already had this on my wishlist but I think I might have to move it higher up.
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Coughs Hope I didn't come off as sounding obsessive heehee. I'm glad you're thinking of giving it a try someday ^^
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Nah, it's just obvious that you love it - nothing wrong with that!
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Neat ^^ Because I love survival games (not first person ones, my heart can't take it!) I keep an eye out for them. I just got Don't Starve to see what the fuss is about. So far I'm still struggling with that one ;P
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I have difficulty with that one too. I've just tried Don't Starve Together, which is the same thing but in a group, which makes it a bit easier and possibly more fun if you enjoy the social aspect, but I really struggle at it.
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I guess I'm more a single player ;D Multiplayer or co-op doesn't really interest me, heehee
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I'm a lone wolf too. A friend bought the game for me.
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It's always awesome to see people being passionate about something. It tends to rub off on people around them, especially people that share the same passion.
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I wondered whether I should write that long ass description on a giveaway or start a discussion, but I didn't know if that was allowed or something ;D
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I can't see why it wouldn't be allowed to start up a new thread, but you never know of course.
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Hvala puno!
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looks good hope i wont be disappointed :)
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have it on my wishlist :) so far the only permadeath survival game I played was UnReal World :)
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Oooh I heard about that. It's still on my wishlist :)
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It seems so interesting! Its been on my wl for a long time but i always seem to miss its deals or just fly by completely (huuge wishlist, i prefer variety then those mp popular games that most prefer).
It was like a game ive tought about coming to life. I mean, its one of those games that someone had to create. Being fan of the classic Wasteland, Fallouts and rogue-likes i always wondered how a survival game with deep mechanics would play out.
What seems most interesting to me is its apparent potential for emergent stories; Like the guys at looking glass defined - those that weren't planned by the devs but emmerge from play.
Ive played other survival games but none reached what i think would be true survival and its potential... the only ones i imagine achieve it (that i know of) are the recents The long Dark, Wild Eight and Scavenger.. wich i completely forgot(!). One of the problens of a big wl and focusing on the top of it:P
Thanks a lot for the chance!!
PS: i would highly recommend you'd take a look at Playing Appreciated (steam/sg group).
It does have enforced rules for playing the won games within a month (id wish they weren't used/needed, to me it always seem to take a bit away from the whole gifting spirit) BUT that means folks around there really want what they enter for, some share reviews... and they read GAs.
I mean, i pratically gave up writing my toughts and recommendations on public GAs because almost no one reads and also theres bots entering all sorts of public GAs :P
I still like doing then but been doing then much less because of those damn bots I appreciate seeing winners appreciating their won games :)
but thats just an idea.
Thanks so much for the awesome ga! \o/
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Thank you for the well thought out response! My whole purpose for the giveaway was kinda like, "Hey gentle nudge there's this cool game you might have never heard. Come see!" ;)
I have certainly heard of Playing Appreciated, but think it asks for a bit more time than I can give at the moment? I'll certainly check them out. I've also not heard of Wild Eight before
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Check it up. I haven't played it yet but seems promising; Its a real-time survival with co-op.
Of course not with the same depth as scavenger- but i think few have.
Playing Appreciated i meant as my go to place to make some GAs of games i think deserve more appreciation- not necessarily as my go to place to enter GAs. I don't enter any if i see i won't have the time for example.
Now theres a con of course- there its certain your key will find good use and probably someone who will appreciate it as it deserves but the visibility is limited; A public GA certainly shows more people the title. But i don't suppose many read.
Perhaps making a topic with link to a private GA could be cool too- it would spark discussion and wouldn't be as limited in reach as PAs.
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I was just curious as to what you thought of Wasteland 2? It was a lot different than Wasteland, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit. I still play the C64 version of Wasteland (via Emulator) from time to time. It's a really fun game!:)
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I played it only a little and while i enjoyed it it didn't impressed me that much. I confess i played a bit too little to judge (it was a free weekend or something like that) since it didn't give it the time for characters and plot to grow on me but...
-it wasn't the evolution of the concept that Fallout was; It was fallouts 1 and 2 (inspired by wasteland) that made me discover Wasteland and being made so many years ago(and with less funding then wasteland 2) i expected wasteland 2 to be, if not wasteland, the 'fallout 3' i always wanted. Its not a improvement and not really on par with classic fallout.
I mean, its not as in-depth or varied; Its like a somewhat lighter fallout with wasteland's team of rangers(wich is really nice). From reviews it seens to pick up steam way better with all the encounters, plot events and such but the core loop/basics not feeling as engaging was a turn off for me.
-Perhaps my main gripe: it doesn't have the charm and character of wasteland, not even fallout. Even fallout is shadowed by the originality and uniqueness of wasteland. Wasteland instills this feeling of a mad world that to this day ive seen no equal while wasteland 2 feels like every post-apocaliptic game/movie we've seen dozens of.
And while i can see the care put onto it(a lot) i don't feel its 'soul'.
Its strange but soul is how i call this trait of some games i can't really define precisely. Trying my best to describe it involves perceived passion and inspiration along with a strong core concept, mood and vision that permeate all and generally but not necessarily a noticeable strike of originality. There are many games with a little soul or remains of it - the so common effect of development where vision and the initial inspiration have to make consessions or leave because of deadlines, technical difficulties or even the common trappings of any creative work.
Others feel souless as they seem much more like completing a checklist.
I know original wasteland devs were involved but somehow it ended up feeling more soulless. If there were any true passion and drive behind it its traces were buried under said checklist or left to mid-end game.
Right now wasteland 2 is once again sitting on my cart but it seems that once again it won't make the cut as in the same cart theres other games that from videos, reviews and even short demos i felt way more soul then it. Im a bit sad; I really wanted wasteland 2 but to my view we got a 'wasteland sucessor/inspired by wasteland' more then a true sequel.
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I know exactly what you mean. I read other reviews mentioning words along the lines that Wasteland 2 was missing the soul of the first one too. I guess it's something that even experienced devs have a had time recreating.
It's like how this chef, David Chang I believe, says he would spend weeks crafting this one dish, but it turns out it's something he put together in five minutes that people end up loving the most (his pork belly buns). It's all the right combination of tastes, textures, the different flavours playing together... what, how did I end up talking about food? Maybe I'm hungry ;P
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Its true to every creative endeavour its only we don't usually think of food alongside other creative fields (i forget it is at least).
Just now on tv a old singer just said that the last song he put on his disc, made as an bonus and improvised/stiched together was the one that became radio popular. It happens.
Perhaps their failure was overdoing, over caring. Its one trapping im very familiar with. Sometimes a design that was greenlit and going in the proper direction lacks something and then i go back to the draftboard to canibalize those vague first ideas still full of energy. The very process of polishing, removing the uneeded, making things more acessible and such risk taking away.
While i never developed a game(outside of jams) ive made board and tabletop pnp games as a hobby. What i noticed was that the most complex and well tought and calculated games were less enjoyed or missed something- so i changed my approach to bringing up quickly made prototypes of any wild concept, seeing what clicked and just improving and changing from there. SO much better!
I wish games were as easy to make that way. EA is the closest to this design aproach- sincerely the best approach for game design- but its the worst finantially and too time consuming.
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I know its wildly different then a sandbox (and not as varied) but Killing floor have some dumb co-op fun (and challenging), but i haven't checked out the newly released KF2.
My dream is seeing a zombie survival amidst a big city; They can be fun in open wild spaces and sparse buildings but thats hardly the staple and the most tense of the zombie genre. Thats why i was hyped and ten disapointed with Nether - weren't zombies (but horde like monsters anyway) in a much more urban setting but some crazy dev had to @#$% it up.
If not that at least a mp sandbox stalker would be great. Its a shame the genre only picked up after stalkers were made, it could have had better modes for its 32 player serves then ctf :P
I feel your pain.
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Tried the demo a year or two ago and it already looked really good. Thanks. :)
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Yes, the demo sold me :)
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I was always interested in this game from the time I saw the trailer in a Discovery Queue. I waited until it went on a good sale and purchased it. I do have it installed, but have not played it yet (I know, I know! LOL!). It does look like a very good game, and I really need to give it a shot.
Thank you for the description as well.:) I'm sure you may have garnered a few more sales for the game because of it.:)
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Extra sales is unintentional, but would be cool ;D
Let me know if you need any tips for starting off! :)
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I'll do that for sure! Thanks for the offer!:)
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Quite the sales pitch! It's been on my wishlist for years and I had kinda forgotten about it.
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I tried not to sound too obsessive ;D There's a great community for it too, and mods make it even better :)
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