Take this, one of you, and play it,
for this is The Chinese Room's final game,
the game too few of us bought,
and even fewer of us played.
Do this for the precious trading cards. (*)
So the bots are going away? Is that even possible?
You know, if the Patreon business accomplishes only this one thing, I will call it a Huge Success. Yay humans! And get bent, bots! :)
Oh yeah, the Patreon business. What do you think about it? Good idea? Dumb? No opinion? Since you like reading, you read all the way down here to the question. Remember, entering without saying anything Makes Baby Jesus Cry.™
The part I like most? From reading the announcement topic you can hide patreon-ing, or whatever that's called. So I can imagine all those leechers with 1000 wins and no giveaways are secretly supporting the website after all. And not just taking our gifts and laughing at us. Totally. Keep hope alive! :)
Good luck, human! :)
(*) Fooled ya, no trading cards! Guess it's one of those crap games you have to play. Sorry, more trading card shovelware next time, I promise! (*)
(*) Ok, not really, I got bored giving away shovelware. Boobie garbage maybe, but lately even trains full of cheap +1 fodder aren't much fun. Nobody wants that stuff. Oh well.
316 Comments - Last post 32 minutes ago by McZero
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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.
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Actually I wonder how anyone will even notice the Patreon thing exists, since it's not a pinned forum topic any more. I mean, if I'd been away for a week, when I came back there'd be no sign of the thing. Can't imagine too many people will learn of it via random unrelated conversations, but I guess we'll find out...
Good luck! :)
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Oh don't you worry, there's a big green banner on the giveaway page with a link to the patreon (on the bottom, between the giveaways and the discussion bit). So people have no excuse about not knowing about it.
Of course it could be that this banner is removed for patreons ;P or by ad-blockers :(
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Interesting, I had no idea... Is that new? I wonder if the grid view thingamabob is eating it up...
Guess I should take a look, but it appears I have a few million comments to read first... :) Oh well... :)
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I don't want to make baby jesus cry... :(
I think patreos is a good idea, only for people who wants to do a economic help without obligation.
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I think a single donation would have been more popular, but I'm no expert in such matters. An automatic monthly donation seems a bit much, since what if someone get bored with Steamgifts and forgets about it... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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You can always opt out of recurring donations after your desiser amount no?
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Hmm, good point. :) Somehow I think a lot of businesses surive solely due to the "I forgot to cancel the subscription" users... :)
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I think it's great to have the option to support the site, I'm not that fond of the monthly business though.... i know, i know you could always unsubscribe, but that's just a nuisance isnt it?!...
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I think a lot of people like the idea of giving something back to the place, but I do think a monthly auto-donation is annoying. I don't even do automatic bill-paying, just don't like the idea. :) I'll send the money myself, thank you. :)
Good luck! :)
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I agree entirely. I haven't supported anyone/anything on Patreon for exactly that reason, but it seems to be the way of the future.
A friend of mine just told me the other day he subscribed to a "youtuber". I found a couple of things weird about that:
I really don't understand the world anymore.
Then again, an old work colleague of mine used to have an email signature: "Top posting makes the Baby Jesus cry." That was in the days of interlinear email replies. Somehow that just faded away, too. :'(
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Hmm, nice work if you can get it... :)
Yeah, I could watch some random internet person play Dark Souls, or I could just play it myself... :) Maybe it's easier to watch someone else playing, though? Oh well... :)
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30 mean people hate baby jesus as of the time of this comment
Thank you for these great giveaways! :)
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It's going to be a lot more than 30 before they finish... :( I assume google translate can solve the puzzle, which leaves a lot of clicking without reading for those people who didn't learn much English... Oh well.
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for another good one. Or so i hope. :)
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I dunno, the so-called walking simulator genre is not for everyone... But it's a free game, so who cares? :)
Good luck! :)
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As long as being patron has no impact on winning chances I don't mind at all.
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Yeah, if that ever happens I'm gone. :) Of course, if there were a secret 5% better odds or something like that, there'd be no way of knowing. Oh well. :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks, but I did not enter, Walking Simulators have become a big no-no for me. I still appreciate you giving away games that look so pretty ;)
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Hmm, sorry for the unnecessary good luck... :) Maybe you can use it in some other giveaway though... :)
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Luck is never unecessary, so it's much appreciated regardless ;)
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Playing The Chinese Room's Dear Esther right now. :-)
(This game might not have trading cards, but there are traffic cones inside -- another thing it has in common with Dear esther. And no game with traffic cones inside can be too bad. :-])
(Also, no strong feelings either way about the Patreon thing.)
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Interesting, I haven't even considered the traffic cone metric, wonder if that's anything like the old Start to Crate thing. :)
Good luck! :)
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An interesting metric. :-) I actually collect screenshots of traffic cones in games (I have a whole Facebook album with cones from 317 different games at the moment, and counting), but unfortunately, I don't keep track of how long it took me to get each of them. :-(
But off the top of my head, there are games that throw cones at you right on the menu screen (Contagion, Dark Years), in the intro (The Troma Project, NFS Most Wanted), or even on the splash screen (The Mean Greens -- Plastic Warfare). And I don't know which game had the longest Start to Cone time, but GeoGuessr (a game which places you on a random spot on Earth in Google street view and lets you move around) felt like the hardest one. I was looking for a very particular real-life cone captured in Google street view (the one on the head of the statue of Duke of Wellington in Glasgow, Scotland) -- so I had to keep restarting the game until the game randomly placed me somewhere in Britain (and each time, it took a few minutes to figure out if that's the case), and then actually move 420 miles north, because it placed me in southern England. It took about 7 hours, roughly the same time it would take to drive in real life. :-)
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Interesting! Great story too... :) I'd never think of hunting for traffic cones... :)
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Thanks a bunch for these beautiful games. I had all of them on my wishlist :-)
Kudos to you, f!
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Hellblade and Omni Link are still on mine, so here's hoping for a nice discount in the Winter Sale... :)
Good luck! :)
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Well some people do read that far down :P
I'm kind of neutral on the Patreon implementation. I voted for it when it was still only a discussion but was kinda let down when I saw the tiers, especially the lack of the typical $1 one. Not that $3 is much but guess you can call it a pet peeve of mine, when that tier is missing for some reason it bothers me.
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Well, some people do, but usually it's not a very high percentage. Maybe my descriptions are crap, though. :)
Ahh, I don't know anything about other Patreon things, just kinda mentally tune them out... :) So there's usually a $1 just to say thanks sort of thing? Interesting...
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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That's ok, it's some Early Access thing, probably sucks too. :) Plus, if nobody enters that giveaway, I can keep the key for myself! :) Good luck, me! :)
But what's Steamgifts without greed? Someone's got to try for all those bundle leftovers! :)
Good luck! :)
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An option to donate without Patreon would be better.
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Hmm, like some sort of one-time paypal thing? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Wonder if that's possible with Patreon, or if you'd have to cook something up on your own? Dunno...
Good luck! :)
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i dont have an opinion on that, but i brought a cat gif so jesus wont cry
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Aha, you're right, that is a cat gif. I never have gifs saved, would have to look for one each time. :( So here's one sorta-cat-gif, assuming I remember how to do it:
Good luck! :)
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I don't find the option of monthly donations via Patreon appealing, especially when I don't care about any of the "features" this subscription offers. I would much prefer to donate occasionally (via paypal) when the site goes through significant enhancements, which is what happened in recent months. Unfortunately there's no such option at the moment.
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What, you don't want to Choose One of 100 GIFs for Your Winners? :) Think of the fun! That's 100 times more fun than the default! For only umm, 15 bucks. Per month! Woohoo! :)
It sounds like a non-recurring donation is a popular idea, wonder if that's something that will be added later... And it does seem like a lot of changes have popped up recently, wonder if it's Patreon-related or just unrelated things happening at the same time...
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Aha, makes sense. :) But where does that leave my poor giveaway description? I can't tell people it was all a lie! Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Wait a second... is baby Jesus a bot?
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Weird, never saw that before... There sure is a lot of goofy stuff on the internet... :)
Good luck! :)
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Well I am patron myself so cannot really say it's bad ;p I spent so much time on this website in the past that the least I can do is to chip-in a few dollars to cg for maintaining it for so long. I would prefer non-patreon donation thou. feels bad when 23% of your donation goes to government you disagree with, because taxes.
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Well, you could say it's bad, i.e. this is probably a dumb idea but I'm doing it anyway. :)
I wonder if making giveaways counts as donations... Probably not, at least not directly... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Well I think that patronizing program is fine... I just don't have extra money to patronize with...
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I'm a bit surprised to see a total of 106 Patreon people, would have expected more... But hmm, somewhere I read most Steamgifts users have never made a giveaway, so maybe it's not so surprising... :)
Good luck! :)
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Wow, I'm out of the loop, I hadn't heard about the Patreon stuff until this topic.
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I thought it was a pinned topic, but apparently it's been un-pinned. So I dunno how anyone's going to hear about it. It's not on the front page, or in the forum, or anywhere obvious I can find. The only place I see it is one link on this page - so when you sync your account, look around for the "Patreon" thing. Otherwise, I don't know. :)
Good luck! :)
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well....dont care, sorry...🐉
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Hmmm, some sort of cake, I guess? Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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I guess if all the bots behaved like that there wouldn't be a problem... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thanks for the chance fiftykyu. :3
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Well, not a very big chance, unless nobody bumps that thing and I forget about it... :)
Good luck! :)
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Hey i'll take it, a chance is better then nothing. ;)
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Oh, there's more stuff in the second puzzle, so check the forum topic... :)
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Oooo, ty again. :3
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I like the so called "Boobie garbage". :)
Back in the day, people used to actually play games for the enjoyment... not to idle for cards. Shame we can't put that genie back into the bottle. Don't get me wrong, I like badges, emoticons, and wallpapers, but perhaps there was a better way to employ them? They should be there as a community thing and not as a money making tool. However what's Valve's incentive if there's no money to be made? Could have always been a value-add for being part of the platform. Buy it here, you get something. Played x hours, you get something. Completed the game, you get something.
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Yeah, I remember buying games to play them, but somehow it turned into buying games I wanted to play some day, or because they had such a huge discount, or whatever. :)
It's too bad achievements can't be used for anything, but I guess with "SAM" that ship has sailed... If I ever had a game on Steam I'd make one unobtainable achievement called something like "I cheated this achievement with SAM." :)
Good luck! :)
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"Buying games to play some day, or because they had such a huge discount" ... I can relate to that. There are some nights where I end up spending a couple of hours between SG and then checking all of the sites for deals (like they changed much from the previous couple of nights) and debating over whether I should really buy that bundle or not. It would be embarrassing if I actually had to justify this to a non-gamer.
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Maybe it's a dumb hobby, but it's cheaper than a lot of other dumb hobbies... :)
One underappreciated thing about Steamgifts is learning about the great deals / free stuff... :) If you see 100 different giveaways for something, you know you overlooked a bundle or promotion somewhere... :)
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I've bought too many bundles for games this way. Like you said, I'll see a game start showing up repeatedly, it looks interesting, then I check the for the bundle it surely comes from and then end up buying it. :)
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About Patreon, one thing I know is that a lot of artists get revenue from it.
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Interesting, I don't really know much about it, see it mentioned various places on the internet, but dunno...
Guess I figured it was like a guy playing music on the street, and people throw money in his guitar case. Wonder if anyone can actually make a living that way... :)
I guess if you have a popular thing you have a chance, but attention spans are so short on the internet. I figure next month everyone's moved on to the next new thing. :)
Good luck! :)
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It's kinda similar to Twitch's subscription in a way. Most of those I've seen offered limited illustration, PSD files (for those who want to study how they draw) or even extra NSFW stuffs.
Some artist community sites starting to use this subscribe concept, pixivFANBOX for example.
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Very interesting, thank you! :)
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I don't really have an opinion about the Patreon thing. Frankly I didn't even understand fully what Patreon was before I checked it out thanks to SG. I wanted to donate, but it turned out to be more of subscriber system, which I don't support.
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I think a donation option would be more popular, i.e. some way to give money one time, and not have it recur automatically... But what do I know? :)
Good luck! :)
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Yeah, it gives much more freedom if you can decide when and how much you want to give. These "monthly" things are just generally what I'd like to steer away from, I won't even join a giveaway group that requires you to make a giveaway per month even if I do strive to make GAs for groups as regularly as possible.
Thank you!
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I'm not in any giveaway groups, just not my thing really... :) And I sometimes forget to make giveaways for something, but Valve killing gift purchases was the main nail in that coffin... :( Oh well...
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Yeah, Valve's new policy really affected my planned giveaways. I guess it's good for my wallet but I'm still annoyed by this very unnecessary change.
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Wait, no boobs or cards? What is this?!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Unfortunately that latest Dharker Studio game looked like crap to me. :) And this Winged Cloud bucket of suck is coming out I dunno when. So I'd have to poke around the store manually, and I'm too lazy for that. Sorry! :)
Good luck! :)
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Is that implying that 'Nekohime' might find love with Suki or Clover or is that just wishful thinking? ;)
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Considering the devloper I'm going to say yes and yes. :) Or, maybe not fall in love, but at least fall in a bunch of boobies... :)
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Another Sakura game for the wishlist! <3 :P
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Don't worry, there's boobies in the new puzzle... :)
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