
I got this key from the Jingle Jam charity event. There was a mix up with these keys in particular. They were supposed to be for Rising Storm 2 but they sent keys for Rising Storm GOTY, which I already had. As such, I was unable to activate the key, but from my understanding, the key is still valid. Please let me delete the giveaway if the key doesn't work for any reason.

Online shooters are the bane of my existence in a lot of ways: I'm terrible at playing them, and my weak PC and internet sets me back further. And yet, I keep playing this despite all that. Maybe it's because drawing a Katana and charging at the enemy with absolutely no regard for your own safety is just... fun!

It's a WW2 shooter, but rather than the typical America shoots Nazis stuff, it's set on the Pacific (US vs Japan) and Eastern (USSR vs Germany) fronts. The "deathmatch" mode that's so popular in modern military shooters is all but abandoned here. This is a game for teams to work together to win. All in all, this game has everything I like in a shooter game.

Oh, and you can drive tanks sometimes. Vroom!

-Featured Review

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3 years ago

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Gracias ^_^

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