


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Hola, veo que gané el premio, pero no me pude conectar porque tuve un problema con mi PC. ¿Habrá chance de reclamarlo? En caso contrario, no hay problema. Lo único que pido es que no me pongan en lista negra porque no pude reclamarlo por causas de fuerza mayor. Saludos y disculpen las molestias causadas.
Hi. It seems I won the prize, but I couldn't claim it due to issues with my PC. Is there a chance to claim it? In case you redrew it, it's OK, however I ask not putting me in your blacklist because this wasn't my fault at all. Have a nice day and sorry for all the inconveniences I could cause to you.

8 years ago*

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Steam Gift successfully received and activated. Thanks a lot.
Juego recibido satisfactoriamente. Muchas gracias y saludos.

8 years ago

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