This is the prize for listening to me whine about my life as much as I did.
133 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by andremarques971
2,781 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Lugum
9 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Cim
53 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Lugum
315 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by theistian
35 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by spodamayn
25 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Nicknames
29 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Moogal
972 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by ConanOLion
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10 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by 666lhdkiller
121 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by cHendler
61 Comments - Last post 57 minutes ago by cHendler
0 Comments - Created 3 hours ago by Lugum
I have finish reading. I cant go without telling advise (even if i am not a therapist and just nobody )
You have a excellent writing (not funny one but :) )
You deserve better parent ( but sometimes you dont choose )
You cant meet somebody now because you feel that nobody trust you (but it is not true)
You should take therapy just to help you talking with 'real' people
You have the courage of having an accurate opinion of yourself
You have many things fun to live and you will pass trought shit time too (trust me i have just the double of your age ;) )
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Thanks man..
I think I know that feel. All I can say is, just don't give up yet. It may sound stupid, but I think it actually works.
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I have to agree with the person above me. It's really good that you can see the issues and evaluate yourself to a degree. There is no reason to turn back or give up at any point. There are days when everything is grim, and perhaps letting it out in a rant like this is helpful.
Someone close to me had a similar issue, and people advised him to do exactly this, rant, then write it down and then read it a few days later with a clearee head, and then reevaluate. They also advised him to find a really immersive hobby or sport,so maybe that helps as well.
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I read your post and I've been where you're at, emotionally. This is some heavy shit, and I'm a cynic bastard. So take my advice with a chunk of salt.
Instead of saying stuff that I myself don't believe in, I'll just say this:
Stop trying to impress others. Learn to do it for yourself. You'll soon have this love hate relationship with life, but you'll know who you really are and where you stand in this well-scripted live divine comedy.
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Hey, first of all thanks for making the giveaway.
I am relatively new here but we around the same age. While I was reading your so called "rant", which is not that at all, I saw big differences. For example I went to university(no colleges here) somewhat pressured by parents, but wanting it, I am still going strong and my social life was booming, especially during the summer(working as a bartender).
Why am I saying this you wonder ? Well despite those differences, life can still feel empty, without a meaning, without a particular goal ahead of us, and that starts getting depressing. Despite the situations - we feel the same way basically.
Still, I encourage you to not let your head down ! Keep it up, above the water, chin up and boldly ahead. I have adopted this philosophy that things in life go bad, only to return back to being normal, well working & etc, only to break again, to be fixed again and so on and so on.
It is not a very nice way of thinking but makes some things easier.
Not feeling valued can be because of people surrounding you, of your own disappointment either in something or in yourself, but just be brave ! Maybe it is just our beginning-of-20s questoning of life :P All will be nice soon-ish, I am sure, but for it to come sooner you should chase after it, do what you feel like doing, fulfill what you want to do today, then tomorrow & etc & etc.
And good luck to everybody for this giveaway ! Thank you once again and I hope despite the "dark" tone at some places in my message, you'd be able to bring your spirit up !
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I'm 24 yo now and I had a similar situation (I dont want to share details), last years were very hard for me. I needed psychiatric help... and it was effective. Everything worked out, I found new job, new flat and become optimistic again. Just dont give up, good luck.
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When things look grim, think about the fact that when the rain stops, the sun always comes back to warm your skin ;)
IMHO opinion, it all boils down to finding something you do care about, so much that the motivation it gives you drives your efforts towards self betterment. If you can't find that on your own, seek external help. I'm sure you'll get there at some point as this rant of yours proves at least one thing : you might not be aware of it, but you do care about yourself ;)
PS : thanks for the GA !
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I was able to relate to just about everything you wrote in that forum post. But I don't know if I have any advice considering I'm stuck in a rut myself. I would have pretty much ended my life years ago if I had the opportunity.
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I am glad to hear that you are going to talk to a doctor about this. If they don't seem to be helping, go find another one.
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i read your rant so here is mine;
i'm 23 still in college, have no job experience so far and feeling pretty much the same. Every one around me is so sure of themselves and i am supposed to finish my bachelor in this summer semester, people already know what they are interested in and even though i completed (almost) all of my classes when people ask about which theme i'm interested for my thesis i'm like "???". I feel so disconnected and also have zero social life because small amount of people i called friends have already graduated.
Sometimes i feel like there is nothing i can do but hope life is going to be better
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