
6 years ago

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6 years ago

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The twist in Narcosis is that... Well, don't read any further if you ever intend to play, as I'll also be talking about the ending. :D
you spend the game underwater, trying to get back to the surface. The narrative is set in a way that you think that your character is talking with his therapist, reliving the story, telling her what happened... At the end, you actually make it to the escape pod, but there's already someone in there. You hear the guy saying that he can't stop it from launching and that he's so, so sorry... So yeah, the guy you hear talking throughout the game is the one who managed to survive. And he's full of guilt since he wasn't able to save you. I admit I didn't see that coming. And I thought that it was a pretty shitty death. All alone, in darkness, with almost no oxygen left. That's a terrible way to die.

5 years ago

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Wow. Well, I don't intend to play no... but that's really a twist.

Thanks for sharing your experience in the game
Now I understand why you posted here.... so the people entering for Narcosis didn't read it by mistake.
Very clever of you :)

5 years ago

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Yeah, I'd rather not spoil the story for anyone interested in the game. ;)
I like it when games manage to surprise me.
Not sure if this would be your cup of tea, but SOMA is such a great game, story-wise.
I did play on the easiest difficulty so I could concentrate on gathering as much information I as could to better understand what was going on. That's a game that fully deserves its "story rich" tag on its Steam page. So much feels. ;)

5 years ago

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