

no possibility to enter
what's the name of the base game?

7 years ago

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No Time to Explain was removed from the Steam store after No Time to Explain Remastered was released. Owners of NTTE received a copy NTTER, but they way they did this was to make NTTE into a two-app package. This means the original key now gives you NTTE and NTTER. However, when SteamGifts asks Steam about the original game, Steam tells it about the app inside the package rather than the whole package, which makes NTTE look like DLC (that's my interpretation of what's going on). Unfortunately, the only folks who might get past "Missing Base Game" are people who have the original game, so if it's detected, they'd probably be blocked from entering (and shouldn't enter) because the package is already in their library. It's a Catch-22.

According to the way things appear in and a message on the Steam discussion for NTTER, if you redeem the NTTE key now, you still get NTTER, too. As a result, a workaround would be to give away the key as NTTER. However, NTTE is marked with two-stars (a zero-CV giveaway) while NTTER is marked with one (reduced value, so 15% of $15.00). As a result, even though you technically get more with NTTE, since you get the old and new versions of the game, it's worth less CV, so the site administrators may disapprove...but it looks like it's also the only way to work around the bug that blocks the giveaway. I'd recommend contacting support to get an answer on how to proceed.

7 years ago

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