
You feel yourself lifted, weightless, as the angel’s presence surrounds you. You are carried effortlessly toward the light, and as you pass through its glowing radiance, an overwhelming sense of belonging fills you. It’s as if the universe itself has embraced you.

A voice resonates in your mind, calm and powerful, melding into one perfect harmony—every voice that ever was. "You are home," it says, the words a soothing melody.

A halo of brilliant light materializes above your head. You’ve received the Light[1zU]. The pearly gates open before you, inviting you into an eternal peace.

But something stirs within you. It’s not your time. Spudley is still waiting.

With a sharp breath, you shake off the pull of the gates. The weight of your mission sinks in—time to get back, no matter the cost.

Use the code

Stuck here :( I have the Light, cross and wings.

1 month ago

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use the code Deez gave you

1 month ago

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gh, im so blind x.x

1 month ago

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Thank you! It’s amusing how SG always encourages to try new game genres. Looks like i’m going to be beating lovely forest critters in this one. The adventure was so much unexpected fun, but puzzles too hard:)

3 weeks ago

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