Here we have a German Steam key for this game that will appear on the winners won page shortly after the giveaway ends. Naturally, this key is meant for German persons.
9 Comments - Last post 26 seconds ago by freshduke
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29,681 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ManOman
Hey, sorry - I can not activate your key because of region lock. Can you do something about it?
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Hey, Thanks for letting me know you can't activate the key and not just keeping it.
I did mention in the description that this key was for German persons. Are you ok with me asking support to re-roll the winner?
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Reroll will not solve this problem, i think there are less than 10% German participants, so i am still waiting for you to send me valid key.
However , i did not reveal or use your region locked key that you sent to me. So your key is still valid (for German only).
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I have requested a reroll.
I do not mean this to sound rude and I hope there are no hard feelings, but yourself has chosen to reject the key on offer in this giveaway.
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As i said, it will not work,.
And i did not reject your gift.
So i will just sit here and wait for the valid key
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It was stated in the description that this was a giveaway for a German key for this game.
You have been sent a German key for this game; you have chosen to reject said key. Therefore I have requested a reroll.
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It is against the rules of SG, giveaway description means nothing. I am actually kinda surprised that a guy with such insane ratio as yours, cant get me simple key of a bundled game.
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I am surprised that someone with normal ratio like yours cant read basic english .
Here we have a German Steam key for this game that will appear on the winners won page shortly after the giveaway ends. Naturally, this key is meant for German persons.
Just cause you prolly use script to autoenter giveaways or dont read their discription doesnt mean the GA creator is at fault .
The issue here is/was that there is no option to create a German only region restricted giveaways .
And your b1t***g about it like that isnt helping .
I am actually kinda surprised that a guy with such insane ratio as yours, cant get me simple key of a bundled game.
That comment is what a 10y old sais when you take away his batman toy ...
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it is against rule not to try to activate the key, and the german key will work as RWO, just less blood for you
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the german key can be activated anywhere. you didn't even try. so you obviously knew you were entering for a german key, with the intention of getting a second key then. nice move...
i rarely ever use my blacklist. but honestly, you deserve a spot there. trying to trick someone into giving you another key like this - yeah, you deserve it.
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How's that sitting treating you?
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I'm sure he found a cushy chair on one of his many new blacklist spots ;-)
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Are you guys have some mental issues or what? here is screenshot proof about what type of error i got after trying to activate the key.
Do you think after so much wins and giveaways i will try to trick or scam you on a bundle crappy shit game?
As his description says - key is ONLY for German people, well sorry - there are no GERMAN LOCK restriction on SG, and i did not read your description. That is your problem - not mine.
Whoever blacklist me, will also get blacklist in return from me . Hope you guys enjoy! Bye
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Maybe, but I don't care. You are just rude and arogant.
And please. if you BL me, that makes it easier not to enter your GAs.
PS: The last time I tried to redeem a game in the wrong country, it was listed in the error message. Seems to be different here.
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I am not rude or arogant, where did i insult ga creator? I said him that key is not valid, and he needs to do something about,
WHILE he is rude and arrogant himself, bringing some kid friends up here to flood and blacklist me.
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The giveaway creator asked in the forums if it's really not allowed to give away region-locked keys, eventhough* he stated the lock in the description. He was told that this is not allowed and that a winner has the right to ask for a key without restrictions. Anyway, people could easily figure out where to find the giveaway in question and see what was going on. The way you handled this brought you all those blacklists.
Although you are in the right to ask for a ROW key, you could clearly see that this was not one. Instead of just blindly joining the giveaway, you could have been nice and told the giveaway creator that it's not allowed to make these giveaways. You could also have done so after you had won, because it was clear that the giveaway creator made a honest mistake. You could have also just agreed with the giveaway creator to delete the giveaway.* You chose to insist on the key and while that is backed by the rules and you are in the right to do so, other people think that is rude way to handle this and don't want you to win anything from them in the future.
That's where those blacklists come from.
The giveaway creator already realized his mistake with this giveaway.
You are still entitled to insist on your ROW key, but that* key should actually work without problems.
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If ga creator realized his mistake with this giveaway, he should apologize to me and send a valid key. Instead he called some kid dog friends to blacklist me, lmao. Like i dont even want to talk with you guys anymore.
I did not anything wrong, i did all according to rules.
GA creator did 3 mistakes:
1) Created GA without region lock restriction
2) Sent not valid key to a winner
3) Insult winner with multiple instances.
End of story, i will not post here anymore.
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I just told you why people blacklist you and that's not because the giveaway creator called for his "kid dog friends". It is because people saw what you wrote here and that' they find that it was just rude.
You could have handled this better.
And yes you did nothing wrong according to the rules, but you could have been a kind person that forgives a mistake, instead you chose to insist on your key in a rude manner.
The giveaway creator did at no point insult you or encouraged others to insult you, as far as I know he will just send you another key. All he did was to ask for clarification in the community as he didn`t know about that rule.
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you are mostly right - GA creator should have contacted support for German-region restriction or create a private/forum GA for German people. but he hasn't used multiple instances for insulting you. however, i also see that you have edited your post when you are promising the blacklisting "in return". unless i'm mistaken it was you, how promised also blacklists from your friends, or am i wrong?
but anyway, you have legit right to expect ROW key/gift to be delivered to you in one week, then you can mark it as not received or report the GA-creator.
but there's one thing that i can't understand, if you do not even read the descriptions, why you ever entered "bundle crappy shit game" giveaway?
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Or he could at least ask my permission to DELETE this giveaway, not to make a reroll. I could agree with that, instead he made some trouble to both of us
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That's what I suggested to him and that's what I wrote in my inital reply to you (i deleted it later) above.
And yes, this was just trouble for both of you.
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SO now you admit that it was Ga creator mistake, right? So why blacklists for no reason? Yes , that is what i see
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What do you mean exactly?
No I just think that this whole thing went out of control.
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you are deliberately ignoring all criticism on your part. you acted very rude right from the start, which is the main problem here. and your later posts are even worse. instead of trying to resolve the issue in a nice way, you stay rude and insult people. those blacklist entries are not for "no reason".
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Where did i act rude? Maybe you can show me? I do not see it! Ga creator made a mistake, he should apologize to me and delete this giveaway after, not asking for some useless rerolls or cry to his friends.
All i am saying i did nothing wrong here, while ga creator made coule of mistakes.
My later post about kid dogs maybe a little rude, but IT WASN"T FROM THE BEGGINING, it was after bunch of undeserved blacklists.
We could still resolve this problem, if you all will remove those blacklists, and i will give a permission to delete this giveaway. And do not forget that i use or reveal his german locked key anywhere.
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you were rude from the beginning. not yet insulting, like later. but rude. "i will site here and wait for the key. why can't you just get a simple bundle key". that's not the way you're supposed to talk to someone who wants to give you a gift.
for what should he apologize?
why do you still say he brought his friends here? that is not true, and you have already been told that.
it's good that you want to resolve this, but do i understand that correctly? you want to permit the deletion only if we remove the blacklist entries? definitely sounds like that. i hope you don't mean it like that. ^^
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This doesnt worth 60 abused blacklists, i will contact with steamgifts support to make some investigations.
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lol, instead of resolving anything, you seem to want to make it all worse and worse. people can blacklist you whenever they want. support can't help you there. and if you want to get rid of those blacklist entries, you should try to be nice instead of threatening people with "investigations". i just removed you from my list, and now that i read this, i already regret it.
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This guy is acting supreme wrong inviting more than 60 people to blacklist me here for nothing, that's all.
Just imagine everyone will do the same thing?
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did you still not understand that he didn't invite anybody? he asked on the forum without even mentioning your name or this giveaway. people found it themselves. he could not prevent that.
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also, you didn't answer me. for what should he apologize?
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whatever, i will remove you from my blacklist. i am not a big fan of blacklists anyway. and perhaps i was really wrong about the key and that it should be able to activate anywhere (still not sure about that). that doesn't change the fact that you were extremely rude, and that you really should think about changing your behaviour in the future. i mean, so many people tell you that you were rude - maybe that means you actually were, you know.
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I am not into blacklist some one too, but in some scenarios like this for example - i ll do it in return for 100% sure.
And i see you removed me for your blacklist - much appreciated, i did the same thing with you!
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A++ would blacklist again.
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Being rude is not about insulting.
Every GA I have taken part in (or noticed somehow) with something in the description like "might only work for / might not work for" had "invalid" entrys. (That is kind of rude by itself, but "standard")
But every one of the winner was like "Oh, sorry, did not read that, feel free to reroll". Because that is "being nice".
Furthermore the rule state a "delete" in this case, since he provided a key, but not for the version/game described by the giveaway. Independenly of what you want.
So your "Gimme key, it's in the rules" is false and kind of arrogant und unfriendly. It's not always about you.
And in addition to that he didn't brought his friends here. You brought the GA creator into an unusual situation and he asked in the forum, what to do (without mentioning a name or a giveaway, but well thats not that hard to look up).
So you can look up the Thread and see, that the creator was just not sure what to do since the "is only for" is standard behavoir and usualy there are no problems with that. But in your case they are...
He's not rude in any way.
PS: You still have not blacklisted me.
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Ty for info, kid
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I have just read through a bunch of your replies.
I am pretty sure, that I am older than you are. But hey, have a nice day.
I'm sure in a few years, when you are an andult, you will understand.
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The only thing i see here, is a rat ga creator, who somehow manage to make our issue public and set people to blacklist me for no specific reason behind it. Just imagine everyone will do it everytime.
And as far as you blacklisted me after this, and it means you are stupid kid, that's all.
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It was explained here a few times but ok here we go again:
1) The GA creator asked help on interpreting the rules without mentoning you or the GA
2) People searched this on their own
3) People are blacklisting you because they don't like how you act.
I think you did not understood the concept of a blacklist.
It's a list of people I don't want to give games to. Nothing more and nothing less. I have blacklisted people for various reasons. If they have a ratio I don't like (and they already won games from me), if they won many games from me and I want to give other people a chance or if they are just act like I would not (like you did here).
Noone told me to blacklist you (and noone can, since I don't give a fuck what others think). It was just that your comments made me think "I don't want to give my games to this person".
Calling me a stupid kid for that shows, that you have some real issues (or are like 12 years old)
And to be honest: reacting with "stupid kids, rat, dogs" on that just shows that we all were right. So instead of blaming everything on someone else, you should probably start reflecting your own behaviour.
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When i walk up i saw 60 blacklists already, that means giveaway creator did what i said in my previous message.
I started react like this only after some people yelling and blacklisting on me FOR NO SPECIFIC REASON.
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This is his thread. Where is he doing what you accuse him?
And there is a reason for blacklisting you. It's:
and (especialy):
The last one is the one that I thought while reading, ok don't want him to have my games.
So as long as you don't show me where the GA creator called people here to blacklist you, you are talking bullshit.
But I guess you don't undertsand half of what I'm saying.
Oh, and your Capslock is stuck.
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You seemed to be a retard, because if a guy created a giveaway, HE OWES a valid key to a winner.
I had some issues with winner's of my giveaways, if they said that key did not work or locked in their country, i immediately send them good working key without any bitching and crying on forum.
As you can see, i have 100% feedback.
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Ok, wow now you plain out insult me because YOU do not understand what I am writing.
I never said you were wrong (with your initial stuff). I just said that HOW you talked was something I personaly don't like and thats why I blacklisted you.
Second you accused the GA creator of calling people here to blacklist you. That is just plainout wrong.
And last. There are countless GAs where the description specifies something and people act according to it. They don't HAVE to, but the want to because they are nice people.
And theres a difference between providing a locked key without a description (thats just fucking up) or having a description. Maybe not from the rules point of view, but from the manners one.
And last:
NOONE here ones anyone else a damm shit. People are giving away games for free because they want to and have a great community. The rules are only there so people do not exploit the system.
So and since you seem to be not able to understand a single thing I wrote (and only speak in insults):
You are a fucking dumb russian asshole. Thats why you get blacklisted. Being right or wrong has nothing to do with it.
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"You seemed to be a retard"
I read the whole thing to this point and here we go... please blacklist me dude!
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So when giveaway creator is rude to me and insulting me with reroll (which cannot be done according to steamgifts rules) and also want me to reject this gifts it is ok. And when i "rude" (LOL, what??? really???) tell him that i will sit down and wait for a key IT IS NOT OK.
With those kind of mind you, kid, should work a clown or something like that then.
Ga creator did not even offer me to delete this GA and forget about instantly as problem starting to grow.
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Man, take something less of the drugs you took.
I already explained you everything you just asked. If you can't read stop insulting me.
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No one is saying you're a scammer. No one is saying you're wrong, either. The giveaway was not following the rules, you are completely right about that.
However, seeing how it was an honest mistake and he does mention it in the description, the decent thing would be to accept it.
But instead, you had to insist he HAS to give you a valid key for this "bundle crappy shit game", as you put it, even though you care so little about it that you couldn't even be bothered to read the description.
So, you're not wrong. You're just an asshole.
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edit: ah forget it.... -.-* sorry that I replied here...
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GA creator should ask me to delete this giveaway, not to make a reroll, so that basically means he messed up totally. Especially since there is German lock for giveaways.
I have nothing to do with that, but as i said before reroll will not solve this problem and i did not act rude or something like that. While you all guys act very rude to me.
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the german lock was added after all this happened. he couldnt create a giveaways just for germans at the time he created the giveaway. his hope to make somebody happy was destroyed by people who dont want to read the description and just want to get their "bundle crappy shit game", no matter for wich price.
btw: you want to blacklist back? so blacklist me ;)
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Don't worry it's done already
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Ok, I admit I was rude, but you're not exactly invoking mature reactions with the way you talk to people here.
Why wouldn't a reroll solve it? You're telling me there's not a single German entry?
Why can't you just agree to give up this key, which, according to you, means nothing to you? Why don't you feel at least a little ashamed of the fact that you completely ignored the description? Why do you even enter a giveaway if you don't care at all about the game?
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So little kids, go cry to the other spot. Key is not working, and creator should give me VALID key according to sg rules, since his GA has no region restrictions.
Whatever he put in description - means nothing at all, and can not push me to do any thing, you can ask moderator/admins if you do not believe me.
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You can also check entrants list, lmao there almost all from other countries, not german.
Poor me to win this and got not valid key and then some blacklists for no reason :D
My small advice: since there is no german lock on steam gifts - first of all you should creat support ticket about them to add it, and second: if you have only german valid keys - do everybody a favor, give it away on your private german only group, which gave me more than 70 blacklists.
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You should check out this movie. It's pretty cool.
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you last paragraph is correct and GA creator should have done that before giving the key away. but the first phrase that you are saying about entered people, actually, means nothing, as i assume that most of them are using auto-join scripts and, of course, can't read the description.
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I am not using any scripts, but however i sometime do not have that enough time to read gas descriptions. This giveaway was exact same case.
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i'm not accusing you, but just making an assumption that many users may use scripts to join the GAs automatically (all those automatic "thanks" posts, you know).
when the bundle was just released there were quite a lot of only-german keys for this game with the similar description. so reading them saved me some points, even low number of entries looked attracting at first.
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To quote myself:
"In this instance, due to Groupee's description of the key and now also finding out that such giveaways were actually against SG's rules at the time, I will provide the winner a WW key for the game.
But thankfully, due to Germany now being added as an option to the region restrictions when creating a giveaway (thanks cg :) ), this issue shouldn't arise again, which will be beneficial to all in future."
I'll post again once I have sent the WW key.
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Maybe you could also just close the thread now. It has become a witchhunt(not your fault) and you got your answer. Maybe you and the winner can find a solution between you two.
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?????? It is his fault, he made all of this, he could silently resolve this wrong GA between us, but instead he decide to start this mess.
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Again, he just asked for clarification of a rule in the discussions board without referring to this giveaway. I can see from his replies, that he certainly didn't want you to get blacklisted by all the people.
This happened, because everyone can easily look this up as this is a public giveaway. And people didn't like your initial replies, as they looked entiteled and smuggish - if you want to call it like that.
As I said, this certainly got out of hand, but you can't blame the giveaway creator for this. He just made a mistake by posting a false giveaway. A mistake that can happen*
I can only advice you to get over with those blacklists, they don't mean much anyway.
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I got angry because there is no reason for 60 blacklist, maybe 1 from the giveaway creator? yes then i can understand that.
But when other kids are about to participate in this mess, as i said earlier, i will find and blacklist ALL person who did this in return, as well as i ask some of my friends to do this.
Btw sappyMA, you seemed to be the only reasonable and mannered person among these dogs.
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Don't you think it's just better let it slide? I can clearly see that you are angry and that your replies today were certainly said with a heated mindset. I also think that this went all too far and I wished you two would have been just able to understand eacher other earlier. I do also believe that this is a problem we have to face in a multi-national community, where it is easy to misunderstand others, not just because of differences in our languages.
I often jump to conclusion far too early and I wished that it was different, but all I can do is learn from that and try to be more reasonable to others; and try to be more kind towards other.
I don't really know what else to say, but maybe it would just be the best to just calm down for a day and then just move on.
Sure it is an annoying feeling when 60 people blacklist you but those are certainly not all bad people, they just didn't like a reply from you and don't want you to give you anything from now on. But it's just their decission, does it really matter You are free to blacklist anyone who blacklists you - a lot of people probably do these revenge-blacklists. But just doing it to get some sort of payback will resolve nothing. Nothing good can come out of that.
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No worries i ll soon blacklist them all in return, since i want to become a kid like they all do
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They all are miserable shit people, if they blacklist a good person for nothing.
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"βeyοnd reprοαch Vor 9 Minuten
You are miserable piece of shit, get a job"
tell us please, who is the good person? he even wanted to give you a new key and your only reaction is to insult the only person, who was on your side. great job!
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He brought more than 100 dogs up here to bitch and cry (there was no reason for it), he 100% deserved all of my words.
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You've just proven that all the blackilsts are totally deserved :) Feel free to blacklist me back. Oh, and don't forget to tell your friends to do the same :3
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ROFL, he wasnt going to give me a key, HE ALREADY INSULT ME with mass blacklist and said he is about to reroll.
All that i said was after that, and everybody who participated in this deserve it 100%
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he just asked for help, cause he made a giveaway to gift a german restricted key but someone outside of germany won the key so the winner coudnt use it... its nothing wrong to ask for help. he never asked others to blacklist you or anything like that. many people have seen your conversation and decided to blacklist you. so there must be something in the conversation, that made the people angry...
may i ask, where he insulted you? i want to quote him:
"In this instance, due to Groupee's description of the key and now also finding out that such giveaways were actually against SG's rules at the time, I will provide the winner a WW key for the game."
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He said that already after he insult me with 100 blacklists, so that doesnt make any sense, because he is rat
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I honestly think you're wasting your breath here, but I do like your attitude. Thank you for trying :-)
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I have now sent you a WW key xadorotag;.you'll find it on your SG won page. I brought it and had to wait a little while to receive it; apologies for the delay.
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you might need to contact support and provide the evidence or WW key purchase to ask for re-roll, as the winner doesn't activate it during the seven days period and marked as not received.
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Gifter sent you a WW key, did you receive it?
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i think i get now what do people mean under "blacklist drama")
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It's kinda funny to me that this humorless cunt isn't actually German to begin with.
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Added you at steam. Actually I am german ;) So there should be no problem with the activation. But its easier to talk via steam chat than here!
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Ah I won it already so please reroll!
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Not a problem; I will request it :)
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Thanks for another re-roll; the key has been sent. Apologies for not being around the last few days to send it; I unexpectedly ended up with no computer access.
I've sent the WW key and will provide the German one as well if wished.
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