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So what was the last board game you've actually played? It doesnt have to be good. Just the last one you've played. Yes.
For example i've played a board game called Relic Hunters made in Korea.

PS. I'll gladly play one game of Sagrada with the winner. Yes.

Clank! In! Space! on Saturday.

I'd played through Clank Legacy (and the second one should be shipping later this year), but never one of the proper games. It was a 4 player game and I lucked out winning by a single point. Was a blast!

1 day ago

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Good old Clank series. I have everything from it for now. Though i still havent touched Legacy. One day for sure. Classy choice. Yes.

1 day ago

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1 day ago

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Tewam! Welcome to this year's train and thanks for the carts! YES!

1 day ago

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I love board games :D I most recently played some Hadrian's Wall, it's a great one.

1 day ago

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I've played that twice, about a year apart. I looooove how when you think your turn is over, but you get one more little dude and you can do like 10 more things in a long combo. So much fun! I'm bad at it, though lol

1 day ago

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Exactly!! It's so satisfying.

1 day ago

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So we've got a solo player here? I own this game but since i've very rarely play anything solo i still havent tried it. From the conversation i can see a glowing recommendation. Yes.

1 day ago

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You can play it with up to 6 players but each player plays mostly on their own with some small interactions between players. I usually play it with 2 players.

1 day ago

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My last board game was Monopoly: Pixar Edition. I played this and Risk with my family for my birthday as it has been a tradition for about the last five years. I just moved across the country but hopefully I can find others to carry on the tradition with next year!

1 day ago

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I'm not a big fan of Monopoly games but i cant deny it's popular choice and nostalgia game for many. Dont be afraid to check out different games too :D Thanks for answer though. Lovely knowing people are still playing board games. Yes.

1 day ago

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What can I say, I'm a classic man haha. While I lived at home, we tried to make it a monthly tradition to have a family game night which always was a blast. We also played "Mexican Train" every year for New Year's Eve for as long as I can remember while enjoying traditional meals throughout the evening. I hope too that board games don't become a thing of the past...

1 day ago

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Sushi Go Party It's fun!

1 day ago

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You don't actually have to make sushi in this game, right?
(looks like there's an online version!)

1 day ago

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No it's a card game where you strategically play cards while swapping hands, to make sets which have varying points.
If you're into card games, then this is easy to pickup and play, but with various sushi table setups, it keeps it "fresh".

1 day ago

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Sounds fun (unlike Uno lol)
It does look like the kind of game that is best played with other people and not online but I'll gladly try the online version and get the game for later.

1 day ago

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Do you have a preferred setup? Wish I could think of one, but all I know for sure is that I rarely try to collect makis.

1 day ago

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We like to change the rules-( this is an expanded version of the original Sushi Go.)
You gotta watch what other people are playing as well, but it’s all about optimising how many points you are going to get. It’s quite a good game in that anyone could win, and it’s not usually the same person winning all the time. I can’t say anything about the online version of the game, I play the physical version.

1 day ago

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There's gonna be new overproduced version of this game soon.
I kinda dislike drafting mechanic but welp. I wont say no to Sushi go :)

1 day ago

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Monopoly Empire, few years ago

1 day ago

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Cool. There are more modern board games out there though :f Just saying. Yes.

1 day ago

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We played Paiko, a 2 player abstract strategy/tactics game. And a game called Harmonies, kind of make patterns based on score cards, surprisingly fun.

1 day ago

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I'm in love with Harmonies. Simple rules but has some depth in it. Not only shapes but also condidtions on the cards - and then using both for later moves. Qulite clever indeed. Yes.
Mever heard about Paiko but looking around it's kinda hard to get in my part of the world. Yes.

1 day ago

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There's a print-and-play for Paiko, if you wanted to give it a try. I saw some clever people who just printed the board and didn't even cut it out. The square tiles are pretty easy with scissors, and I've mounted it to some cereal box board for easy cutting.

I think it can be played online on, but it requires knowing the super secret handshake to load the files, in the Discord.

1 day ago

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Codenames is a huge hit at Game Night. We sometimes do JackBox. Our co-host keeps three huge crates of board games here for our events and next time there will be a DnD table but I plan to do a couple of other tables where we randomly pick a game from the crates!

1 day ago

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From games like those i kinda enjoy Decrypto, Phantom Inc and Just One. Try them out if ya'll have a chance. Yes.

1 day ago

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the last one I played physically was Near and Far, my group started a campaign in it for when our fourth can't make it for Pandemic Legacy(season 0 I think)).

Sagrada is such a fun game, haven't played the digital version yet because... well I own the physical and expansions so odds are I will just pull it out and enjoy rolling the dice.

1 day ago

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Yeah. Playing board games in digital version isnt the same experience for sure. I have both games ya mentioned in my collection but they're still in foil... One day i'll find dedicated people for sure. Yes.

7 hours ago

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Does Uno count? Technically it's a card game. Yes
Never played a game of Uno that didn't end up with someone throwing the cards at someone else btw. Lovely game.

1 day ago

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I would say Yes. Throwing cards around can be bit dangerous though. Yes.

View attached image.
1 day ago

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Haha thankfully never played with a mutant.

1 day ago

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Zombie Kidz Evolution with cousin's kids, a 4-year old and an 8-year old. Lots of fun.

On PC, uhhh Talisman: Digital Edition years ago. Roughly 89 hours in it.

1 day ago

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My kids are still too young i guess (6,5,3). But i have that Zombie game on my radar for sure. Yes :)
Talisman is a nostalgia title - i can still play it from time to time but i have some friends that only play that game with all expansions. I takes a WHILE. Yes.

7 hours ago

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I don't remember exactly because it's been years, but it might have been Great Western Trail or Darwin's Journey.

Sagrada was pretty popular with one of my gaming groups.

1 day ago

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I thought Darwin's Journey was quite recent... (I've enjoyed it but i got 4th score out of 4 players :D)
I yet have to try any game from GWT series. How many gaming groups ya had :D ? Yes?

1 day ago*

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Yeah, Darwin's Journey is quite recent but we played it in 2021 on Tabletop Simulator before it was released :D

I'm not a big fan of Alexander Pfister (GWT designer). I find his games too fiddly. Mombasa is probably my favorite of his because it's more streamlined and has higher player interaction than his other games.

At my peak, I was playing with 4 or 5 different local groups, not counting gaming conventions :) Sadly, I lost touch with the hobby after the pandemic and got sidetracked by other things.


1 day ago*

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1 day ago*

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Someone already posted next before you. I think the end is here:

1 day ago

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Pfffffff thank you! :)

1 day ago

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Harmonies, yesterday.

1 day ago

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Virgin Queen and won as Spain by successful gunpowder plot :)

1 day ago

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nice to see heavy game here))

1 day ago

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7 wonders. its not my fav, ive had it for years and thought it was overrated and wanted to sell it to make space for more boardgames, but decided to give it a chance and its pretty good, and i think i will actually keep it 😁
my fav is 'cryptid' btw!

1 day ago

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Sorry, your next link is pointing to cart 3800. should be pointing to 3785 instead:

1 day ago

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Castle Combo on bga, and it's pretty good one

1 day ago

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If I go to Spiel next week, I'll definitely buy it. Very interested. I avoid playing games on BGA. The only boardgame, that I play digitally, is Through the Ages.

1 day ago

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sadly I don't have a group to play regularly. Saying that, I prefer heavier games for irl, light games like Castle combo is perfect for the online quicky. It's a decent game to add to the collection if you into a lighter, but still smart, Tableau builder.

1 day ago*

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Personally, I tend to play heavier boardgames, too. But with my family it's always good to have lighter games that are not trivial.

1 day ago

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Secret Code, not the one we all know but one with words and cards.

Also, welcome back Yesman <3

1 day ago

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I dont know why i thought ya meant this.

Mastermind with words and cards? Huh. Tell me more.

1 day ago

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Last one was Frosthaven. Before that were Terrorscape and Escape: The Curse of the Temple.

1 day ago

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I still havent touched my boxes with Gloomhaven and Gloomhaven Jaw of the Lion. Doubt i'll invest in Frosthaven. [Though had over 100h of fun in digital version of Gloomhaven)
I've played copuple of games of Terrorscape and it was quite good. Escape one is the one with real time? (checking the link) ah. Yes. I still have to try it out. The thought i dont have BIG BOX edition makes me sad for no reason though :D Yes.

1 day ago

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I enjoyed my first couple of plays of Escape 10-ish years back, bought the big box and did not touch most of the additional stuff since then.

A couple more recent recommendations:
Let's Go To Japan

1 day ago

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Faraway will be in my hands in few days. As for the Japan game i maybe put it on my radar when it will be out in my country as it's already planned for printing.
Daybreak? I'm not sold yet. It seems quite pricey for now for what it offers.

From other time related games i kinda enjoyed Magic Maze, FUSE, 5 Minutes Dungeon. Yes.

7 hours ago

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Forest Shuffle

1 day ago

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New forest expansion will be out soon too @_@ Havent played it yet though :D I will. Yes.

1 day ago

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We just played it once. But I bought it together with the Alpine expansion which we left out for the first game. Still unsure if I like it that much that I need more expansions.

1 day ago

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I'd play it without the expansion for some games. The expansion is fun, but it just adds more types of symbols and a few differing card abilities, and I think the base game is totally fine without it, until you want some more added complexity. It's easier to get a handle of the scoring with just the base.

1 day ago

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I played Dorf Romantik, but I'm only starting my campaign

1 day ago

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Still in foil here but it seems light enough just to try it out of blue. Yes.

7 hours ago

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Wingspan. Got it recently (finally!!!) and we very much love it :3

1 day ago

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Unless you mean boardgames on PC, then... it is either wingspan or everdell xD

1 day ago

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That's one of the classics i still havent played. I kinda bounced off Everdell train so far. (2 attempts)
I'll play Wingspan for sure one day. Yes.

6 hours ago

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Sounds good :3

3 hours ago

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Nice! I built a Pokemon Wingspan, but I need to figure out solo... but then I need to get the table cleared... and be able to grok instructions...! We play it on BGA sometimes though.

1 day ago

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Oh, that sounds cool too! <3

23 hours ago

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Ticket to Ride (Europe?) a few years ago, probably. I own UNO and Clue(do), but have no one to play with...

In video game form, though, UNO for sure. I'd love to play the card version with video game rules someday.

1 day ago

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Ticket to Ride. Modern classic which is actually quite fun to play indeed. I've played few Cluedo-ish games but never in original. I have some copy of it though so one day. Yes.

6 hours ago

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