
Advent Calendar 2016 - Oppenh4imer edition.

Day 23


Should be the Cosmic Edition, was not in the list - as far as I know, because bundles on Steam can't be handled by SG.

Excellent gift - cosmic or not :-p

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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wow wishlisted game. Thanks for the chance

7 years ago

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Should be the Cosmic Edition, was not in the list - as far as I know, because bundles on Steam can't be handled by SG.

Packages of any sort seem to typically not get auto-recognized by the system, meaning you have to put in a ticket to support to have the entry added to the list. (And once added, you can put in a 'Change Giveaway Game' ticket to correct a game listing- so long as the winner acknowledges that they received the package/bundle, staff will update the giveaway accordingly.) Listings are based on the unique identifier each game/package/bundle has, so there shouldn't be any that outright can't be added to the list; However, ones without associated store pages will return a value of $0 CV.

7 years ago

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I bothered support with a similar problem about 1 week ago and was told it is not possible. As the winner should have the correct appid in their library, everything should be fine.

7 years ago

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Interesting! First I've heard of that exception. I mean, I'd assume there'd be issue for things like Complete-a-Bundle, since those are configured a bit differently- but then, those can't be gifted, anyway. But first I've heard of any sort of normal package/bundle having issues.
Maybe SG just isn't configured to parse the /bundle/ format yet, and all the previous ones were actually still using the /sub/ format?

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I hope SleepyCat does not mind a citation:

No, bundles have dynamic pricing, so they are not reported by SteamAPI and cannot be added to the giveaway list. In addition, if I'm not mistaken, a bundle cannot be bought as a gift, it gets split into individual games.
7 years ago

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That's about what I figured for the bundles that work in that manner, but Cosmic Edition seems to function like a traditional package (and can be bought as a gift). All bundles that function in that manner have thus far been able to be listed, as far as I've been aware. However, taking a look at Civilization V, that may just be because the giveaways have been pointing to the sub entries for the games instead of their bundle entries.

In that case, then linking this to support likely ought be able to allow them to list the bundle properly..?
'cause I don't see anything configured in a special manner for Samorost, when compared to any of the other bundles that have been successfully listed. :X

Assuming there's not something more in-depth that I've yet to learn about bundles, Sleepycat may simply have confused it as being a Complete-a-Set bundle, when you linked it to him the first time. :)

7 years ago*

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Maybe I am thinking the wrong way. Sleepy's reply was for
If I am ever in the dire need for CV I might request to change this one.

7 years ago

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That one also seems to be able to be gifted, but it is lacking a sub entry, so that does seem to be the defining factor. :)

7 years ago

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That one split into 2 gifts.

7 years ago

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Gotcha. That's actually quite nice, means you can (for a change) buy it for the DLC and trade off the other base game copy.

7 years ago

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Oh, thanks!

7 years ago

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wow my nº 1 wishlisted game ;P thanks m8 and btw cool event, opening the door everyday, awesome cheers

7 years ago

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In my wishlist for a long time, thank you for the chance

7 years ago

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Oh lovely, thanks a lot! :)

7 years ago

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Wow thanks!

7 years ago

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I liked the other 2 so thanks a lot!

7 years ago

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Much wishlisted, so thanks for the chance!

7 years ago

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Thanks for awesome giveaway, this game is solid gold

7 years ago

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gasp My favorite little Amanita-Design character! ♥

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hello, I will activate the key in two days, hope you don't mind! thanks

7 years ago

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Any special reason why? You are online here, you are online on Steam, so why not activate it right now?

7 years ago

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I 'm not in my house with my computer, so I can't ,sorry
It's online because of my phone
I'll activate it as soon as possible.

7 years ago

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Now I feel stupid. Shame on Steam for not showing being online by phone properly.
Have a nice day:)

7 years ago

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