Would you want a steam tag for Pokemonlike games to be implemented on Steam?
It doesn't have a steam page yet but Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition is coming to steam on October 18.
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Oh yes fudging definitely gonna add that to the list when it comes, do we know for a fact it's coming to Steam though and that it isn't going to be a ... Epic exclusive :(
When Digimon Survive, Cyber Sleuth and it's sequel gets steam pages then I will definitely add them to the list as well :).
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I'm not sure if that was the one I played, but I remember renting one on PS4 that I could not figure out at all. I took my digimon out for a few battles and they always needed to poop almost immediately after leaving, I got sick of it pretty quickly, lol. And I think I ended up evolving a Numemon or Sukamon once and literally just trained it to death because I didn't want to use it at all.
I was hoping for something more like Digimon World DS/Dawn/Dusk or Digimon World 4.
Actually, I think it must have been Digimon World Next Order, which makes more sense why I was thinking it would have been more like the Digimon World games I had played.
I might need to try Cyber Sleuth at some point.
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That would have been Digimon World: Next Order, its originally a PSVITA game that got a PS4 port, it isn't available on any other consoles/platforms from what I'm aware of.
Digimon Cyber Sleuth doesn't have the monster caring mechanics of Digimon World games, so you don't need to train their stats, feed them, make sure they don't poop on the flow, oh and most importantly, they won't die of old age.
Digimon Cyber Sleuths combat system is similar to that of the newer Person games which is amazing, and you need to digivolve your digimons manually when they have reached a certain level, once you take them to the place to digivolve you get all the options available and can see their level requirements so you can choose what your Digimon turns into, once Digivolved it turns back to lv1 but as the new digimon so that you can then level up again to digivolve into a different form. So no random factors like in the Digimon World games.
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Ah yes, that sounds much more enjoyable, haha. Though the DS Digimon World games (DS, Dusk, and Dawn) didn't really have randomized stuff or the "Tamagotchi" care, you could choose when you wanted to evolve them, but certain evolutions needed you to fulfill certain requirements first. Dusk was one of my favorite games, haha. I actually haven't played Digimon World 4 enough to even evolve anyone yet, but that was one I wanted so bad for ages (I literally memorized the Trailer's music from just watching it on repeat so many times, lol) and had to buy it used a number of years back (though I only found it on Xbox, and playing it reminded me that I don't really like the classic Xbox controllers...). It also doesn't have the "Tamagotchi" care, so I'm not sure which games had that, maybe just the first couple?
But yeah, thanks for the info, I do love Persona and Cyber Sleuth looks awesome so I'll definitely have to try it sometime. And apparently it came out on my birthday, why didn't I even know, haha?
P.S. Sorry for responding to such an old post, I didn't even notice it was a year old until I was reading some more, haha. I blame whoever else brought it back to the top, but a late bump is still a bump. ;P
P.P.S. Also I've been noticing "Creature Collector" tag, was that what ended up getting decided on? I've started tagging with "Monster Taming" and adding "Creature Collector" too.
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1) I've been looking for the DS Digimon World game but damn it's expensive haha
2) No prob responding to such an old post XD
3) I have no idea why and who decided on the Creature Collector tag, it just popped up a month ago but I'm still leaning towards Monster Taming as it encapsulates a more specific set of games than what Creature Collector does. A Creature Collector doesn't necessarily have any taming or battling in and basically just covers collecting.
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It's a little bit buggy but I like it :)
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I will say that after the bs of ooblets when they went to epic, I doubt they'll actually come to steam as their page would presume
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I don't really want the game to come to steam. The devs really don't deserve the money from any potential steam sales after their attack on future customers. Unless the game goes perm f2p on steam, then I'd prefer it stays on epic. Its a cute game ruined by its devs pulling a notch
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I would add Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered. Doesn't have a store page on Steam yet but it should release on September 20.
Apparently the second game doesn't have this mechanic, maybe it would fit in the Honorable Mentions category. Haven't played it so I'm unsure. Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom. Seems like there's creatures called Higgledy which you can find through out the world and they can passively help you in battle.
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I wish Square Enix would release Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker on Steam much like the Final Fantasy 3 DS port. There's already interest on Steam for DQ games what with the Heroes titles and XI, as well as the new interest generally due to The Hero being added to Smash Ultimate.
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Monster Sanctuary
This game just became available on steam early access.
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Self bump, decided to go with Monster Taming as the general consensus through the discussion is that this should be the applied tag along with a few devs also agreed with this, please do tag these games as Monster Taming so that we can easily get games like this in the future through the tag system :).
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Here's 3 that aren't mentioned here yet.
SRPG where you end up capturing more units throughout the game to use in your party.
The remaster is based on the International version which had a Creature Create mode where you lay traps across the game world to capture fiends, then you can feed them items to teach them skills and power them up. They can also be used in the party and you can completely ignore the main characters and have your party just be fiends but will be AI controlled. You don't have to use the system, but it is there and is very overpowered eventually. The fiends even have special stories for most of them, and you can get extra items by finishing them then releasing the fiend.
Yet again, you can capture most of the monsters in game and use them in your party(though only one at a time). AI controlled monsters, player controlled main characters.
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It was International version only before the remaster, so if you only ever played X-2 on PS2, then the option wasn't there. It's avbailable pretty early from what I remember, like first chapter even.
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Bookmarking this discussion ^^
Don't Starve allows you to raise Beefalo although I've never managed to tame one myself. You also sort of tame the pig people by giving them food.
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Yay thank you for bookmarking.
Regarding Don't Starve: How do you raise the Beefalo? I played it a bit before and never did that so I just want to verify how exactly this is done, how do you tame them and raise them? Or is it simply you build a pen around them, feed them to pop babies out and then kill the offspring when they have grown up? Because then this doesn't qualify for the Monster Taming tag.
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You apparently gain obedience points with them by brushing and feeding them. It's very time consuming and you need to worry about feeding yourself, too. This wiki will show you how in detail. Honestly, I haven't been able to last more than 40 days in one playthrough myself. I managed to last through winter, but once summer comes the hounds with fire ability burn my campsite down resetting my progress (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Damn that's a pain in the ass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5tO3HZk5ro
I guess it qualifies as an honorable mention
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Just stumbled upon this in the community train:
Extravaganza Rising
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Seems like it is not available in quite some regions, don't know why:
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Damnit Extravaganza Rising !!! How are you XD haha.
Thank you for mentioning it anyways, I will add it to the list.
Hopefully, the game pops up in some bundle through which I can grab it :P.
PS I have a coupon for 20% off Monster Sanctuary, it expires in 9 days or so, let me know if your interested and I will give it to you, its a damn fun Monster Taming game.
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I wish you luck :D
Thanks for the offer, but I just started to tackle my backlog...and it is much too big. So I have enough time to wait for an offer that is really good or maybe even a steal :)
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Created a SteamGroup to be able to manage this a bit better, that being said I still intend on keeping this discussion open and updating it :)
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29,691 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by MyrXIII
I love the monster capture/training genre (cough cough Pokemon games), but it's quite difficult to find such games on PC and even more so on Steam, please mention/link more games with this type of setup (hell in general it just needs monster capturing or battling in order to qualify really).
Created a SteamGroup to be able to manage this a bit better there as well :) Monster Taming Games Group
The group also has a curator if you want to easily see the tagged games (we've tagged them based on the type of monster taming elements they have) : Monster Taming Games Curator
I would also like to implement a steam tag for this type of game on steam, if enough people tag the games with the tag and we get the devs involved (I have spoken to a few that are very keen on doing this) then we can maybe make this a reality and through doing this make finding games of this sub-genre extremely easy :).
The main idea I got from communicating with the devs is to call the tag "Monster Taming" as this will encompass all the games that have anything to do with capturing, nurturing, raising, evolving, and/or fighting with monsters, it's vague enough to encompass a lot of game thus making it more viable to be an actual tag. If anyone has a better idea please feel free to comment on my first comment in order to add it to a vote in the future, until then let's find some more games in this genre on Steam :).
So the main consensus was reached, let's all go ahead and tag the games with "Monster Taming" !!!
The following games I am aware of that share this "mechanic":
9th Dawn III
9th Dawn Remake
A Legend In Zormore
Abomi Nation
Abomi Nation: Monster Rifts
Adorimon : Arena of Ancients
Aeternum Quest
After The End: The Harvest
Akumon Summoner
Alchemic Beasts
Alchemic Cutie
Along Came a Dragonfly
Amber Island
Amikin Survival
Anima Island
Anode Heart
Apacies: Creatures of the Old West
Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim 2
Astral Arena
Athenian Rhapsody
Atrio: The Dark Wild
Baby Dragon Rancher
Bastard Bonds
Beastie Bay DX
Beasties of Greenhollow
Bloomtown: A Different Story
Blue Hunter
Botworld Odyssey
Bubble Chicken Farm
Bugaboo Pocket
Calculator and monsters
Capture Creatures
Card X Monster
Cartridge Monsters
Cassette Beasts
Cats Are Money
Chimera Island
Chronicles of Zimoria
Coromon: Rogue Planet
Costume Kingdom
Creature Clicker - Capture, Train, Ascend!
Creature Keeper
Creatures Inc
Creatures of Ava
Critter Café
D.A.M. Champion
Daemon Sigil
Deity Quest
Desktop Dinosaurs
Digimon Masters Online
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth Complete Edition
Digimon Story Time Stranger
Digimon Survive
Digimon World Next Order
Dino Park
Disc Creatures
Disc Creatures WORLD
Dome-King Cabbage
Doodle Dice Monsters
Dr Derks Mutant Battleground
Dragon Creek
Dragon Eclipse
Dragon Eclipse ARENA
Dragon Shelter
Dragon Spirits
Dragon Spirits : Prologue
Dragon Spirits 2
Dream Catcher
Duel Revolution
Dwellink: War of the Nine
Echo Generation: Midnight Edition
Eidolon Awakened
Epic Battle Fantasy 5
Escape Gaia
Eternal Exodus
Expert on Domestication
Extravaganza Rising
Fable Grove
Fae & Fauna
Fae Tactics
Fantasy World Souls
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - Missions and Monsters DLC
Fera Knight
Ferromon Together
Final Stardust
Fusion Nexus: Alchemic Evolution
Fusion Relics
Geneforge 1
Geneforge 1 Mutagen
Geneforge 2
Geneforge 2 - Infestation
Geneforge 3
Geneforge 4
Geneforge 5
Genetic Fluff
Genome Genetic Monsters
Genso Chronicles
GlyphBound Kotodama
Grimmlins Tale
Grow Your Pets
Growbots: Battle Academy
Haypi Monster 3
Hogvalord: The Ranch
Home of the Yokai
Idle Critter Adventure
Idle Monster Frontier
Isles of Isvenness
Kabuto Park
Kādomon: Hyper Auto Battlers
Kādomon: Hyper Auto Battlers Prologue
Kindred Fates
Kindred Fates Combat Arena Alpha
Kins Chronicle
Kittens in Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy San Francisco: Battle School for Only the Most Awesome Monsters
Kobold Garden
Kodama Battles
Lamina Island
Let Them Fight
Little Horrors!
Little Noah: Scion of Paradise
LumenTale: Memories of Trey
Luster Beasts
Magia Story
Malice Greed
Memoryland Prelude
Mirrored Soul
Monster Battle Quest
Monster Capture King
Monster Care Simulator
Monster Crown
Monster Evo
Monster Harvest
Monster Hunter Stories
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Wings of Ruin
Monster Path
Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX
Monster Sanctuary
Monster Tamer
Monster Tribe
Monster Viator
Monsters Idle RPG
Monsters of Seabrook
Monsters of the North
Moonstone Island
My Fantastic Ranch
My Personal Hilopet
My Singing Monsters
My Time at Sandrock - Monster Whisperer
My Universe My Baby Dragon
Myth Caller The Nightmare Shaman
Mython Island
Nanomon Virtual Pet
Necromancer's Gift
NEODUEL: Backpack Monsters
Never Ending Beyond
New Town Needs Tamer
Nexomon 3
Nexomon Extinction
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered
Nights of Azure
Nova Odessa The Demon Trainer
Oni Hunters
Ooga Booga Battle
Ova Magica
Oztrich An Adventure
Paleo Pines
Palladise Island
Palladise Island:Legendary Space
Patch Quest
Pedigree Tactics
Persona 5 Royal
Pet Lands
Pet Lands: First Steps
Phantom Beasts Redemption
Pixelitos - Spritle Royale
PIXELS Digital Creatures
Portal Fantasy
Primal Fray
Procemon: You Must Catch Them
Pry Into The Void
Rainbow Billy The Curse of the Leviathan
Re Summon
Realm of Ink
Renditions of the Awakening
Rogue Monster Rush
Safari Zone
School of Dragons
Scripted Souls
Secret Summoner
Seeker: Quest
Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne HD Remaster
Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance
Siralim 2
Siralim 3
Siralim Ultimate
Skystead Ranch
Slime Rancher
Slime Rancher 2
Soul Binder
Soul Hackers 2
Soul of Giga
Soul Reaper
Spawn Kings
Spirit City: Lofi Sessions
Spirit City: Lofi Sessions
Spirit Mancer
Star Garden
Summoners Tale
Super Auto Pets
Synth Beasts
Temtem: Showdown
Terra Maega
The Capture Worlds
The Corpsmen
The Dragoness Command of the Flame
The Last Monsters
The Monster Breeder
The Paradell
The Summoner's Sky
The Thaumaturge
The Vision Of The Ant
Theogony Crystal Water Blue
Time to Morp
Time To Morp: First Contact
Timmy's adventures : Verbmon
Tinker Spell
Tiny Pasture
Tinymon RPG
Toby's Island
Topac Battle
Tournament of Tamers
Tupi - The Legend of Arariboia
Untamed Isles
V-Monsters Digital Farm
Via Mortis
Virtual Beepic
Void Monsters Spring City Tales
Volzerk : Monsters and Lands Unknown
Voxelotl Garden
VR Animal Kids Rumble
Wildkeepers Rising
Witchery Academy
Work Adventure
World of Final Fantasy
Xander the Monster Morpher Universe Breaker
Xenos: Cartoon Creature Catcher
Yaoling: Mythical Journey
Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago
そこへ向かう(GO THERE)
百煉登神 Immortal Tales of Rebirth
Honorable Mentions (for games that have monster capture or training mechanics but it isn't what the game is built around)
ARK: Survival Ascended
ARK Survival Evolved
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Assassin's Creed Origins
Beasts of Maravilla Island
Berry People
Cat God Ranch
Citadel: Forged with Fire
Conan Exiles
Critter Crosser
Cyclopean: The Great Abyss
De'Vine: Heavenly Acres
Dino System
Don't Starve
Don't Starve Together
Dragonscale Monastery
Dungeon Village 2
Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop DLC
Far Away From Home
Far Cry Primal
Final Fantasy 10-2
Final Fantasy 13-2
Force of Nature
Heroes of Might & Magic III HD Edition
Heroes of Might & Magic V
Heroes of Might & Magic VI
Heroes of Might & Magic VII
Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition
Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
Legend of Mana
Luma Island
MiddleEarth Shadow of Mordor
MiddleEarth Shadow of War
Monster Museum
My Time at Portia
No Man's Sky
Octopath Traveler
Once Human
Penko Park
Persona 4 Golden
Planet Centauri
Planet Explorers
Ragnarok Online
Research Story
Rune Factory 3 Special
Rune Factory 4 Special
Rune Factory 5
Serin Fate
Soggy Beans
Sonic Adventures 1
Sonic Adventures 2
Soul Locus
Sun Harvest
The Binding of Isaac
The Serpent Rogue
Towers of Aghasba
TROUBLESHOOTER: Abandoned Children
Yonder the Cloud Catcher Chronicles
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