
Möchtest du dieses DLC haben? Ich glaub so.

Dein Deutsch ist viel besser als mein Tschechisch ;o) ich kenne nämlich kein Tschechisches Wort :o(
Your german is much better as my czech ;o) i don't know a word in your language :o(

5 years ago

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Danke sehr!
Ich muss aber sagen das ich viele wichtere Worter vergesen hab, und so kann ich mein Deutsch nicht so gut vie mein Englisch nutzen. Und auf Deutsch zu lesen kann sehr langsam fur mich sein. Meanwhile in English I barely have to think about how to form a sentence correctly. Also, I think it's fine that you know just one other language :)

5 years ago

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Normal wenn du die Sprache wenig nutzt. Dann rostet man etwas ein und vergisst Sachen.

I know much more as one language but only my english is good enough to write and talk.

My french is from 30 years ago and i had it only 6 month in the school. Not much left but i can still sing 2 child songs, count from 1-10 and use a few words (as example for dif. vegetables, dif. animals, street, friend, yes, no, thanks and different more adult words/sentences :-D + a few swearing words). It's, partly, a "poetic" language -special at the adult stuff ^^-.
But to my shame it should be more it should be more by nearly each one that live here because i live near the french border in germany.

My italian are counting from 1-10, different words (yes/no/hurry/thanks/love and such stuff), a lot of sweaing words too, hand moves if needed as extras :-D. I can't understand all that italians say but i get partly a direction from what they talk.
It's hard for me to say it but i am 1/8 italian and my family don't speak italian (besides different swearing words)... so not learned something from them.

My spanish and (south american) portuguese are much lower as my italian but i understand the one or other word. Partly because it is near to the italian.

My rusk. are only yes/no/hurry, a lot of swearing.

And i can a few words in dutch (belg.), turkish, latin, swedish and japanese. And a few greek swearings :-D

5 years ago*

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Yeah, its nice to know the 'essential' words in some languages haha. One perk of czech is that you can easily understand your slovakian neighbors, since they sound very similar.

Anyway, thanks for sharing

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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