I thought we could make a thread for not yet released games, an easy way to find them and add the interesting ones to your wishlist. To keep the list easier to maintain, let's limit it to AAA games and other highly anticipated titles that probably will make it high up on the Community Wishlist (games you expect will make it to the top 50 or so on that list when released). There are loads of awesome less known/lower budget games, but let's not add everything, there's already a list for that.

Since I won't have much time to edit the list, and it can be a pain fetching/copying information from several sources while using SG from the phone, please only post additions to the list with the formatting specified at the end of the post, I will only add games from posts with the proper formatting.

Released games are moved from the list and their placement at the community wishlist checked when a Metacritic score is available, usually somewhere between the day of release and a week after release. If there is no Metacritic score after about a week, the game will be moved up with a n/a score, or the console version score used, if applicable. Some weeks after release I'll do a second check with the community wishlist, since games tend to get higher up on the wishlist after release. I'll keep the higher value in the list.

Sorted by date of release (release date when added to the list, if it changes, let me know and I'll update):

2017-02-?? - P.A.M.E.L.A.
2017-03-07 - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands
2017-03-08 - Birthdays the Beginning
2017-03-14 - Styx: Shards of Darkness
2017-03-?? - Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
2017-Q1-?? - Friday the 13th: The Game
2017-Q1-?? - South Park The Fractured But Whole
2017-Q1-?? - Syberia 3
2017-Q2-?? - Agony
2017-Q2-?? - Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
2017-Q2-?? - Little Nightmares
2017-12-?? - Prey For The Gods
2017-??-?? - Absolver
2017-??-?? - AER
2017-??-?? - Agents of Mayhem
2017-??-?? - Battle Chasers: Nightwar
2017-??-?? - Brawlout
2017-??-?? - Death's Gambit
2017-??-?? - ELEX
2017-??-?? - Hand of Fate 2
2017-??-?? - Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
2017-??-?? - Outlast 2
2017-??-?? - Overland
2017-??-?? - Prey
2017-??-?? - Pyre
2017-??-?? - RIOT - Civil Unrest
2017-??-?? - RUINER
2017-??-?? - System Shock
2017-??-?? - TEKKEN 7
2017-??-?? - The Guild 3
2017-??-?? - Warhammer® 40,000™: Dawn of War® III
2017-??-?? - Worlds Adrift

Currently without a release year specified:

????-??-?? - Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
????-??-?? - Hellraid
????-??-?? - Hob
????-??-?? - Inner Chains
????-??-?? - Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
????-??-?? - Seven: The Days Long Gone

Now released (Metacritic score / Community Wishlist placement):

Top 100 on the community wishlist:
2016-06-28 - The Technomancer : 52 / 9
2016-06-28 - LEGO® STAR WARS™: The Force Awakens: 79◕ / 82
2016-06-29 - Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma: 86 / 54
2016-07-07 - INSIDE: 85 / 5
2016-07-19 - I am Setsuna 72 / 39
2016-07-26 - We Happy Few n/a / 11
2016-08-02 - Abzû 86 / 24
2016-08-12 - No Man's Sky 64 / 1
2016-08-23 - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 82 / 3
2016-08-30 - GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst 68 / 48
2016-09-05 - Mother Russia Bleeds 73 / 45
2016-09-14 - Everspace n/a / 81
2016-09-15 - Divinity: Original Sin 2 n/a / 40
2016-09-29 - Quantum Break 62 / 9
2016-10-04 - Aragami 75 / 79
2016-10-07 - Mafia III 55 / 1
2016-10-13 - Shadow Warrior 2 73 / 7
2016-10-21 - Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI 90 / 12
2016-10-28 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition 80◕ / 81
2016-11-04 - Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare 72 / 65
2016-11-10 - Tyranny 83 / 37
2016-11-11 - Dishonored 2 86 / 1
2016-11-15 - Watch_Dogs® 2 74 / 6
2016-11-17 - Planet Coaster 84 / 11
2016-12-02 - Steep 72 / 53
2016-12-09 - Space Hulk: Deathwing 62 / 95
2017-01-13 - Pit People n/a / 63
2017-01-24 - Resident Evil 7/Biohazard 7 85 / 3
2017-01-31 - Conan Exiles n/a / 23
2017-02-14 - For Honor 78 / 7
2017-02-14 - Sniper Elite 4 79 / 40

Did not make the top 100:
2016-06-21 - Umbrella Corps: 32 / 110
2016-08-19 - F1 2016 80◕ / 136
2016-08-24 - Obduction 80 / 108
2016-08-24 - Valley 69◕ / 126
2016-08-30 - Champions of Anteria™ 70 / 163
2016-09-14 - Event 0 82 / 151
2016-10-27 - Just Dance 2017 69◕ / 171
2016-10-27 - Through the Woods n/a / 125
2016-11-15 - Silence 78 / 103
2016-12-01 - The Dwarves 63 / 123
2017-01-13 - Rise & Shine 65 / 146
2017-01-27 - Tales of Berseria 81 / n/a
2017-01-31 - Disgaea 2 PC 81 / 114
2017-01-?? - Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach 67 / 186

◕ = score not based on PC version due to few PC reviews
bold = Metacritic score 80 or higher, Community Wishlist placement 50 or higher

Feel free to add the games you think should be on the list in the comments! If the game has a release date (or, at least a release year) specified, Include the release date (YYYY-MM-DD) and the link to the store page and I'll update the original post.

This is how you format your addition, use four spaces before the release date (Another option is to use three `-characters in a row on the line before and after the one you want to mark as code. See here for more information, scroll down to "Code") to make the comment in code format so I can copy it to the main post:

<four spaces>YYYY-MM-DD - [Game Name](Steam Store Link)
8 years ago*

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Already got my first tip through a chat message and added LEGO® STAR WARS™: The Force Awakens.

8 years ago

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Not AAA, but I think it qualifies as highly anticipated: Pyre from Supergiant Games (coming in 2017)

8 years ago

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That one will most definitely make it on to a lot of wishlists, a perfect addition, thanks. Reminds me I got to play Bastion some time, and do a NG+ in Transistor.

8 years ago

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NG+ in Transistor is really fun thanks to all the crazy combinations you can make. It's insane what you can pull off when you're maxed out.

8 years ago

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yeah this one is already on my Wishlist ;)

8 years ago

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The Technomancer is coming out in 13 days so not sure if it should be on the list, but there's also We Happy Few coming to early access next month. Seems like it's generating a lot of hype based on Twitch chat reactions.

8 years ago

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Also there's Prey, Klei's new game Oxygen Not Included, Behemoth's Pit People, and Devolver Digital's Absolver. There's a lot more upcoming games right here.

8 years ago

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Technomancer, Happy Few, Prey and Absolver added. I excluded the other two since they don't have a release year specified.

Also, a link to everything upcoming was already in the original post ;) I set the filters differently though, so it doesn't show DLC.

8 years ago

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Hmm... maybe I should read more carefully next time.

8 years ago

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No worries, it was a helpful thought :)

8 years ago

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Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is always the first thing that pops in my mind in these type of discussions. Surprised it still manages to fly under the radar.
There's also isometric dark souls EITR that might get quite bit of attention.

Of course, I can't pass on Nurse Love Addiction ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) either :3

8 years ago

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I've edited the original post, to help with sorting, the game need to have at least a release year stated, so let's wait with these two until there is more information about the release.

8 years ago

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Fair enough :p

8 years ago

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Soo Dishonored 2 and Deus Ex Mankind divided hype .
And Pyre looks nice .

Cant care less for the rest i guess .

Civ 6 may be a good game ,after all expansion stuff comes out ... as it tends to be with civ games ;)

8 years ago

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Mafia III and No Man's Sky make it quite high up on my personal hype list :) Dishonored 2 as well. I'm behind on the Deus Ex, haven't played HR yet.

Looking forward to reviews to see if they all live up to the hype.

8 years ago

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Hmm, strange that the only game on there I'm really interested in is No Man's Sky. Anyway, in addition to the previously mentioned Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, these are the other four not-yet released games I have wishlisted to keep an eye on. I'll leave it up to you to determine which meet the criteria:

2016-06-?? - [Breached](http://store.steampowered.com/app/460640)
2016-??-?? - [Worlds Adrift](http://store.steampowered.com/app/322780)
2016-??-?? - [Astroneer](http://store.steampowered.com/app/361420)
2016-Q4-?? - [The Long Journey Home](http://store.steampowered.com/app/366910)
8 years ago

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I sense a theme in the games you're looking foward to ;) Thanks for the links and formatting.

The idea was to let the users commenting in this thread weigh in on what games they think will be highly anticipated by many users (I'm thinking a future top 50 or so placement on theCommunity Wishlist or so).

Since you leave it up to me, I decided to only add the game(s) that were already on more than 3 wishlists among my Steam friends, and that turned out to be only Worlds Adrift. It's hard to draw a line somewhere, but I'm thinking this list might be up to somewhere around 50 games, and not include too much, to make it different from this.

8 years ago

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2016-06-21 [Umbrella Corps](http://store.steampowered.com/app/390340/)
2017-01-24 [Resident Evil 7/Biohazard 7](http://store.steampowered.com/app/418370/)
8 years ago*

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Excellent, added both. Thanks for the formatting!

8 years ago

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Tyranny seems pretty ambitious. And I like the idea. No official release date yet.

8 years ago

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Let's await at least an approximate release date before adding it to the list.

8 years ago

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It's out now.

8 years ago

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Did they ever reveal a release date, or did they just go ahead and release it?

Too bad we missed it. Comments about updated release dates are always appreciated!

8 years ago

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Beats me too, I was reading previews and it seems like they are still a long way off, and then — bam, it's out. I think this game deserves a little more ado than it got.

8 years ago

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I'm really looking forward to Deus Ex, For Honor, Watch Dogs 2 and Dishonored 2. But what I'm really interested in, are ps4 games: God of War 4, Persona 5, and maybe Horizon Zero Dawn.

8 years ago

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Don't know if they qualify for the list (definitely not AAA but at least I am highly anticipating them):

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - Real time tactics similar to Commandos/Desperados set in feudal Japan - Q4 2016
Battle Chasers: Nightwar - JRPG-style game with turn based combat in a setting that reminds me a lot of Torchlight - 2017

Also: Thanks, added South Park , For Honor and Absolver to my list. Most of the others already were there :D

My top 3 from your list would probably be For Honor, Pyre and South Park (Though I'm really sceptical if Ubisoft SF can keep up with Obsidians quality...)
For Honor just looks so incredibly promising, I hope it will live up to its expectations!

Edit for your convenience:

2016-Q4-?? - [Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun](http://store.steampowered.com/app/418240/)
2017-??-?? - [Battle Chasers: Nightwar](http://store.steampowered.com/app/451020/)
8 years ago*

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Both of these look very nice, but using the same "3+ of my Steam friends already have these wishlisted" method mentioned above they don't pass for now. I do want to add everything mentioned in the discussion, but then it will sooner or later turn out to be a copy of the Steam list mentioned in the original post.

Let's keep an eye out and see if these seem to get more popular when they are closer to release date/get an exact release date set.

Thanks for the formatting, highly appreciated!

8 years ago

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Sure thing :) One more you might want to do the wishlist check for:

2017-??-?? - [ELEX](http://store.steampowered.com/app/411300/)

This one might have better chances, since it's made by a well known developer (aka Piranha Bytes, the devs of Gothic/Risen)

Link for easy checking: http://store.steampowered.com/app/411300/

8 years ago

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Thanks, that's a perfect addition - and great with the formatting, I can quickly add that one before I take off for now.

8 years ago

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Other than the ones already mentioned:

8 years ago*

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+1 for I am Setsuna!
It looks so nice :)

8 years ago

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Oh wow, God Eater is making its way to PC :O

8 years ago

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Thanks, I'll check these for links when I have the time, got to leave the computer now.

8 years ago

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I added the links, dates and, some more titles that appeared at E3 or are well known.

8 years ago

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Excellent, added all but Serious Sam VR to the list.

8 years ago

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INSIDE was a hit, right now it's #13 on the Community Wishlist!

8 years ago

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Thanks! Just found some new games I can leech for ;3

8 years ago

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Cool, you have found one of the "other purposes" mentioned in the title ;) I knew there were some!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Nice, where do I find these at the Steam store? ;)
Both are very promising games that I'm sure will be loved by many, but let's keep this Steam specific. Thanks for the input.

8 years ago

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They don't have Steam pages.

8 years ago

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God eater 2
Dead island 2

8 years ago

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Dead island 2's page got removed weeks ago and might be cancelled.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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Champions of Anteria™

2016-08-?? - [Champions of Anteria™](http://store.steampowered.com/app/374520/)

There are some nice titles, added some well, most ¯\(ツ) to my wishlist. :3.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the addition (and formatting!), and good you found some games to add, that's what this topic is for ;)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Worthy bump, great thread.

8 years ago

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/sees For Honor
/curiosity intensifies
Publisher is Ubisoft
/caution mode on standby


8 years ago

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I don't think Ubisoft is that bad.
Yes, most of their big franchises are very repetitive and get boring way too fast, and a lot of people hate on uPlay (which I can understand, but I don't think it's that bad either. It's got quite a few good ideas that volvo might learn from).

But they published quite a few great titles, even in the last few years (Valiant Hearts, Child Of Light, Rayman Legends/Origins, Grow Home, South Park: The Stick Of Truth, just to name a few) and they tend to not pack their games with thousands of DLCs.

Also, what I've read and seen about For Honor so far looks great, and now that I know it has a Single Player Campaign I just can't wait for it!

8 years ago

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Funnily enough, I'm not interested in a single game of those in this post. Complete indifference. lol.

Anyway, you can add Torment Numenera. Way too many people are anticipating it to ignore it. It's in early access now but in good shape, however it will be released fully, no sooner than next year Q1.. :(

8 years ago

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Got neat adds to my wishlist! Ty for putting this together! Habe a vump!

8 years ago

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Speaking of Umbrella Corps, look how fast the player is crawling LOL


8 years ago

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Wow. I was not aware of Resident Evil 7. YAS! That's not enough. YAAASS! And Dishonored 2 and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. Awesome games coming!

8 years ago

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Great, seems like the thread is doing what I hoped it would!

8 years ago

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2017-Holiday - [System Shock](http://store.steampowered.com/app/482400/)

Woo. :D I can be useful! Found it while surfing the store for games to wishlist.

8 years ago*

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Thanks! Added.

8 years ago

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 2016-06-28 - [The Technomancer](http://store.steampowered.com/app/338390/) : [52](http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/the-technomancer) / 100

2016-06-28 - The Technomancer : 52 / 100

8 years ago

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Thanks! I actually checked it earlier today, but no Metacritic score was in then. Waiting for LEGO The Force Awakens that's also being released today, no Metacritic scores as of yet.

Too bad it didn't turn out to be a better game, seemed quite interesting.

8 years ago

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I was waiting the better game :(

8 years ago

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All their games are pretty mediocre. Some people still enjoy them. Thought Mars War Logs was okay.

8 years ago

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