All you need to do.
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Unless you do want certain games. Let's face it.. There is no doubt that "The Forest" and "The Stomping Land" will be at least in "Community's choice".
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I have $12 in my Steam wallet, and 1560 Steam games. Going offline for a couple of weeks really is best for me.
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To be honest, I would actually agree with you about it few days ago but since then I had the feeling that it will be 25%. After all, it is supposed to be the biggest discount a game will get in a very long time. But hey, even 10% is awesome.
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The Forest is actually in second place of best sellers(I wouldn't consider 80% and 50% discounts as best sellers). And besides, as a dev friend of mine said "It is better to have sold 5k more players who paid 25% less on the price than 500."
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You should, as Summer Sale Bestseller list will be full of -75% :P
That's a good thought, but I don't think there are THAT many people who will say "no, I'll never buy it for €15, but I'm getting it for €11".
While they will get many angry people who will say "wait, you're saying if I'd waited 2 weeks I would save money, screw you and your sequels, not buying anything from you until it's -75% off".
When Brave New World by mistake appeared on sale, Firaxis/2k quickly apologized to early buyers and gifted them copy of Civilization 4.
And if multimillion company can't allow itself to scorn few early buyers, you think indie company can?
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You are mistaken at one thing though.. Community Choice is as it is, the community's choice, not a random accidental sale. As far as I understood, these are Steams rules and the devs don't have a say in it if they want to continue using Steam, I guess that the only say they have is regarding the discount.
Obviously there is no chance The Forest will go on sale outside the summer sale because that will make it the dev's choice and we are back to your example about Brave New World.
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Community Choice isn't "what community wants from all Steam games". It's "Valve picked around 90 games that will be daily or flash sales; every 8 hours you can pick from them 1 (which in total will give around 30), so their whole-sale price will be reduced to daily price for 8 hours".
In case you weren't for earlier sales: that's how CC looks.
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It's not always full of the best sales. Winter sale bestseller list included DayZ pretty much every day even though it didn't get any discounts. If a game is popular enough, it doesn't need a sale to sell well.
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I meant SALE bestsellers, not "games that sold few days before so much they couldn't be taken down".
DayZ sold in over a million copies in first days. NOTHING would be even close to that number during sale, so DayZ would be on bestseller list for 2 weeks even without a single sale (that's how that list works - unless they changed something - it's what games earned the most in last 2 weeks).
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Or you can wait until those games are actually finished, and buy some fully completed games (likely at a bigger discount as well).
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The Stomping Land and The Forest definitely, those are the two on the top of my list!
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Have fun. I've been playing Y on my 2DS. Got the 4th badge so far.
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Never bought a game on steam for less than 75% off! It's a good mark to put yourself at
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Someone already did bump it up. People just keep using this thread for some reason.
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I disagree with the last bit in there about how the best sales tend to repeat on the last day. They only repeat for the popular stuff. So if you miss something like Skyrim or Bioshock, then yeah, wait. If you miss an indie game having a flash sale, your choice is to grab it at a not as good sale price, or wait until it gets another sale which may not be until winter.
Also, Steam is a bit weird with their sales. With about anywhere else, until the 30th would mean until the end of the day on the 30th. This isn't the case with Steam, so pay attention to the timers indicating when the deal is over.
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Yeah, really should have because not everyone wants the games that will appear in the encore and many games don't get a flash sale or daily deal at all. Most of what I want is smaller indie titles that will be lucky to get one flash sale or daily deal and that's it.
Pretty much, if it' at 75% or more of a discount on the first day with no daily deal or flash sale, it's probably not getting one. Also is pretty safe to grab stuff below $1 because more than likely it's not going lower.
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332 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by wigglenose
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1,605 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Vasharal
So this is the first time I am actually waiting or bothering with Steam sale, never heard of it before this year's and never bothered looking too much into Steam's store.
I was kinda wondering wtf I am going to do during the sale and how will it look and stuff like that(I noticed quite few threads and posts like this on here as well). So I decided to go to the best source I know, a dev friend of mine. He started explaining but then he realized it is all written already so he linked me to this (NOTE THAT THE ARTICLE IS FROM LAST YEAR) (if you know all of this then good for you, have a cookie).
Anyhow, figured I'd throw this link here so others could figure out wtf the sale is all about and what to do when it finally hits.
The sale seems to be 19-28 and then encore until the 30th.
Enjoy and be careful not to be murdered by your wallet.
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