Today i deleted my Darksiders 2's save game, just before the final boss. Does anyone have a save so i can play ?

12 years ago*

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12 years ago

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tried all this save games.. when i put them to my documentsmy gamesdarksiders 2... and i enter in game .. dosent show any save..

maybe because are from pirated software..

12 years ago

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You can always try to undelete your savegame with Recuva or any similar software.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Create a new save and if it creates a new random numbered folder inside of \Documents\My Games\Darksiders 2 then you're probably fucked. Also, why would it being pirated have anything to do with a save file.

12 years ago

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because it dosen't recognize it. :)

12 years ago

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Again I ask why it being pirated has anything to do with that. It being pirated has less than nothing to do with the save file.

12 years ago

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Well... maybe you're satisfied by just watching gameplay videos of the final boss + ending scene?
That's what I did when I formatted my PC but forgot to backup the save file from Prototype just before the final boss x(

12 years ago

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I want the achievement :(

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by b4nd17u.