Well that had enough information to force me to go to the page, look at the download, and come back here to see if anyone else posted anything else...
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To start with, NWN is not a WoW clone. If you've tried DDO, it's similar to that in many ways. The game uses the AD&D universe, but it's action-oriented. You are expected to move around during fights, dodging and lunging into position for attacks, rather than just standing there waiting for your cooldowns do you can mash the button, again. The main complaint I've heard from others is about the limited content. Once you hit level cap, there isn't a whole lot to do aside from the adventures other users make. I chalk this up to the game having just been released recently and the dev's still focusing on stamping out bugs. New content will come.
I've heard this game described as "STO with a D&D setting."
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Okay, so it's like a game that caps you at X level and when you get there you can't do anything else? I like the games that allow you to do tons of stuff after that... That's why I can't wait for Elder Scrolls Online, I just hope it doesn't suck...
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Well, I prefer Fallout and Borderlands over it too, but that's because I haven't played it yet... Plus Borderlands is hilarious [9-Toes (Also has 3 balls)]...
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It's not like WoW, but it's still a generic MMO-- you're gonna be killing X number of this or that and collecting stuff. The combat's good and very enjoyable, but the loot all looks pretty much same-y, so that sucks. Finally, I've been experiencing a lot of lag while playing it. It doesn't happen every single time and I'm not sure if it depends on where you're from (I live in Europe), but it's still annoying as hell.
Hope that helps a little.
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This does help. I'm still not going to go and throw my internet connection at my screen to download it, but I may look into it if me and my friend want to play a game together other than Borderlands (when he gets it).
But thanks for the info!
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Oh the mmorpg. Meh, I played it for 10 minutes, didn't like it, now I have to download 1 GB to play it again since that was in beta.Cbb.
Get Neverwinter nights 2, it has cooperative mode I think. Played it a while back so can't remember. It's on GOG.
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I've got 2 characters to level cap. Levelling is rather fast, not too boring compared to other MMO's I've played. The dungeons are very limited and you'll end up grinding the same 2 or 3 for top tier loot.
PvP is imbalanced as fuck, and pay to win influences it very much. You can still buy the 'premium' items with ingame currency though, so technically, you can opt to not pay any money and still get the same items as those who do, obviously spending a lot more time grinding for them though.
It has a cool crafting system that you can access through their website so you can train even if you are not able to log into the game, yet the rewards for crafting are pretty much garbage.
There's also a system that lets players design quests, but I never gave a crap about that to be honest since I don't like questing to begin with.
All in all, in my experience it was fun for like 2 weeks. After you already know all the dungeons by hard and get bored of doing them over and over again, there's nothing left to do.
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Okay, so it's a short game experience? This helps quite a bit. I might check it out later just to see if I'd like it...
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As a person who does not like most MMOs, I find it to be enjoyable. I don't play it much - too many single-player games I actually paid for to get through! - but what I have played I have found to be one of the best free MMOs I've played...and in my boredom, I've tried quite a few.
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Okay, this post helps a lot. I'm like you since I have a lot of games that I paid for so I'd like to finish them, but I do enjoy playing some games with friends.
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So I was scrolling through the forums and saw a topic on best F2P MMORPG games, and then someone said D&D Neverwinter. I checked it out before and almost downloaded it, but I decided against it just because I figured it was another generic WoW type MMORPG.
So the question is, what does everyone here think? I'm not just itching to play it because I still have to break in Fallout New Vegas and Borderlands (and finish Fallout 3), but in case I decide to play it, what should I look for or should I steer clear?
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