It's weird... there's 2 versions.
This one is at $1.75 -
This one is at $15.80 -
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Current prices, clicky not working for some reason.
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Hell I have the Dota 2 foil which one guy has going for $63 but of course and another idiot has to post a second one and drop the price down to $27. Why doesn't everyone keep prices up and make more money instead of dropping them. If you want to sell yours faster just drop it a penny or so not almost $30
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I understand $60 is crazy high but when you see the cards drop fast as crap down to less than a dollar than there's not really money to be made now is there. If everything was kept at a reasonable price than everyone could actually make some money. There's no reason to low ball prices just to sell your cards faster.
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I got the card from buying a game and playing it. My time and sometimes even more money to complete a set of cards to craft to get the special globe cards. What's the problem if i want to make some money off of it that's actually more than 5 cents
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You bought the game for the game, the card was free. You got the card for free, like everyone else, and it is your problem if you got taken advantage of from other people selling something they got for free with no real value at ridiculous prices. Taking it out on others and being whiny someone else did exactly what competition is for and setting an accurate standard for pricing instead of being your little business ally and keep prices similar to you like a monopoly is ridiculous and you should feel ridiculous.
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Crook? This is how markets work, some sell high and some sell low. Its not a crime to set a price on something if some idiot is going to pay X for a virtual item that literally provides you with nothing other than profile "flair". IMO Steam should set price limits on cards based on availability (i.e if theres 1000 of a specific card vs 15 of a specific card), but they wont because if a card sells for $10, they get a nice cut of that.
If someone sells a card for X amount, more power to them. More likely than not they will not sell it b/c someone will undercut it severely. Blame the people who are in such a damn hurry to craft the badge to get "firsties" that they'll spend crazy money on worthless crap.
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It's not taking advantage of people. People spend money on crazy things all the time because they want to not because they are being taken advantage of.
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That is exactly what the term means. Letting people do things they shouldn't for your own personal gain. For example, trading a pokemon card for a video game. Kids do some crazy shit for pokemon cards back in the day, but it doesn't mean it is a fair deal and it doesn't mean the kid isn't being taken advantage of. The fact is, these virtual skinnerbox shitcards are valueless but are sold at ridiculous prices because people that think the way you do want to take advantage of people with a ridiculous addiction. Disagree with however you want, but that is how it is.
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Ya rarities should keep higher prices. Specially with low numbers. If a card only has 3 on the market why should it be undercut so bad. Keep the price up until there is a ton of them.
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Guess it's time to wait a bit for the prices to lower.
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All the rewards are for games I never play. These ARE as useless as the Summer Cards.
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They'll be worthless, don't worry ;) The sale just started, it was the same with the summer sale aswell!
High prices at first, then lower and lower and...
Edit: Btw, I noticed they're not ACTUALLY selling for couple of $$$, it's just on market but actual sold prices are under $1, basically under 50 cents!
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No, they were selling for a couple of $ at the very start of the sale. I sold 3 of them for multiple dollars. You're not seeing the update in terms of price because its so slow at the moment, but they definitely went through a patch when they were selling for a few bucks each. It was very brief, but definitely occurred.
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Had sold 2 extras i had for .25 each, but held on to the other 50 (5 Full sets). And now they say the crafting is unlimited. Damn Volvo. They know how to make money off of useless crap.
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If the market value is $1 - $3 for the normal ones, why must you buy $10 or more worth of games to get a free card from steam? They just know how they can get more money, but I also don't play the games you can get in-game items when crafting it, so useless for me.
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Well, there are those practically-idiots who are racing towards level 1000. Seeing how this badge never ends, they will buy every card I guess.
Or prices will fall tommorow as every TF2 idles will use his farm to get his 1000 cards and start flooding market. Unless they'll craft them for TF2 items...
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I'll wait untill the sale is over since I don't play any of the games you get stuff for and get myself the snowglobe badge, if steam doesn't decide you can't craft the badge any more after the holidays wich would suck ass.
Oh and I bought metal gear solid and didn't get any snow globe, fak u steam.
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Mine say
Dota2 Snow Globe
Valid until Fri Jan 03 2014 21:00:00 GMT+0200 (South Africa Standard Time)
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You don't get cards for preorders. I had to double check it too cause i thought something was wrong.
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Well, the value went straight down again. All of a sudden there are 500+ cards of each. Right when the event started, it was around 300, prices started to climb when the cards were under 100. I'm guessing that spike will be the only one, since everyone will start getting them by community votes.
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That is not a surprise. The market is also completely monged because of the amount of people using it. It was just like this with the Summer Event.
I put my globes up for sale about 2 hours before the event at $4 a piece and sold all 3 within 20 minutes of the event starting. They sell high because of the people that always seem to race to want to get the badges. Now, the market will stabilize, but all the people who saw high prices and tried to change wont get that change because they will sell cheaply now.
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They sell for ~0.2€ each right now, must be a bug with the market if you see very high prices. And I'm sure the price will drop a bit more, especially since you can't save those cards for later. I bet on the last day of the sale they'll sell for a few cent each since there will be millions of them available and no one wants to let them go without at least a tiny bit of profit. So if you want to craft the badges I'd recommend to wait for the last day of the sale. If you want to sell them, sell them asap.
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sold 3 spare normal globes (#3 and 2x #6 iirc) for 80 cents each. Then got #1 and #5 for 40 cents and 30 cents lol.
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As soon as people get the first batch of cards by voting on deals, the price of the Snow Globes will rapidly decrease.
Just watch it.
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Smart uhm? I wont say i'm not smart, but i did sell all my cards(20 cards) and got around 20(19,76) bucks for it, that i spend buying 2 nice games so... nah i did the right thing.
But i do think i did a wrong move doing 1 badge just for the fun, i would be able to buy another game with the hype they are getting right now.
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Not me. I immediately crafted the 5 lvls I saved up, and sold like 30 cards for 20 cents each when they initially came out. Also sold a #5 foil for $3, today it sold for $15 and the normal cards are selling for over $1. BAH! I would be swimming in steam wallet money. I thought these things would be as worthless as the summer cards.
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