for me it was bioshock 1 I know it's not that long but I played when I was a little bit younger and it felt like forever

4 years ago

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Witcher 3 maybe.. Also Nioh took me a while but i checked to be sure Witcher 3 is longer.

Edit: Oh i just saw first comment. I don't know i don't play much of that kind of game i guess. Nioh might be still eligable but if it still doesn't count, the closest thing might be Shadow of Tomb Raider.

4 years ago*

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Uuuuummmm, honestly, your reply to the first commend didn't make it any less unclear to me as to what counts as linear. ^_^'
I'll just list my most played definitely-not-open-world games in order. Just... pick one of these, I guess?

Darkest Dungeon - 367 hours (I definitely would not call this one "linear", plus I've replayed it several times from the start.)
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst - 290 hours (This one is mission-based and there are a lot of "optional" missions which don't advance the plot. Even following the main plot missions it's still quite long.)
XCOM: Enemy Unknown - 246 hours (Same as Darkest Dungeon. Too many procedure generated missions for me to consider it linear.)
Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale - 204 hours
All the main Hyperdimension Neptunia games. Megadimension Neptunia VII was the longest at 159 hours. (They are very plot heavy, but the gameplay is primarily dungeon crawling, so... I dunno.)
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - 115 hours (This is a straightforward platformer so it's definitely linear, but there isn't much of a "story-line" going on. Also my playtime is bloated since I liked it too much and kept trying to get the borderline impossible achievement. XD )
Serious Sam 3: BFE - 110 hours (WINNER!... in case none of the above count.)

4 years ago*

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If we are including a single playthrough, then Skyrim. If we are including multiple playthroughs, Chrono Trigger hands down. Note that I have owned this on Playstation & SNES. So my Steam Hours are paultry compared to the dozens of playthroughs I did of it.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

4 years ago

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Zelda: Skward Sword
It took me 60 hours to finish it. Absolutely loved it, and was sad when it was over.

4 years ago

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AC Odyssey about 170h (includes all DLCs)

4 years ago

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Zoombinis a kids game that got harder and harder as you went to the point where some games that are almost 100% luck and chance would murder your entire party and send them back to a win that game you need to get like 1300+ zoombinis from point a to point b in party's of 16

4 years ago

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DOS2 maybe, though it's not really strictly linear.

4 years ago

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Yeah, somebody above mentioned D:OS, but that doesn't seem linear enough to me to meet the OP's criteria. You can go anywhere you want, but you'll get your @ss handed to you and die horribly.

4 years ago

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144 hrs on record for Deus Ex: Human Revolution (not director's cut), if that's linear enough.

4 years ago

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For me it was definitely: Indiana Jones® and the Infernal Machine™
I can't say how many hours i spent with it, but it was a very, very long time!
Back then that was 2 CDs!

4 years ago

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Gothic Arcania IV - ughh felt like ages to finish that line _____ (this is no serious comment).

Thief (2) - Zombies always stopped me from advancing further. Took me years to beat the series.

Life is Strange ;)

But beside from PC:
Pokemon or Mario games probably have my most linear playtime without repeats.

4 years ago

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Final Fantasy 7.

1500+ hours, many, many playthroughs including Item Only, Level 1 challenge, etc.

4 years ago

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What game FEELS the longest: Resident Evil 4. Not sure if it really is the longest single player game i played. I must have finished that game 20 times and have all achievements on the Steam version. Resident Evil 6 is also very long (but multiple campaigns so it may not count). Now that i think of it, Final Fantasy VIII is very long as well. All FF games are.

4 years ago

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