One comment I saw was very interesting...

"Outside Fort Worth, Texas, friend Michael Ritrovato said Alexis had recently been frustrated with the civilian contractor about a payment issue. But Ritrovato said his friend never showed signs of aggressiveness or violence, though he played a lot of shooting video games online."

Every time there's a mass shooting, you can be rest assured that somehow, somewhere the perpetrator will be linked to shooting games of some kind, be it FPS or TPS or even platformers if possible...=.=

Wall Street Journal Blog - "Friend: Aaron Alexis Skilled at Shooter Videogames" - They editted the headline to "Friend Says Alexis Was Videogame Fan, Heavy Drinker"

11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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Crackpot News Network, always good for a laugh :D

11 years ago

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I'm gonna use that along with "Faux News", it's just too good. lol

11 years ago

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Fucking Super Mario...

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

11 years ago

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Video games are the escape goat of today's society.

11 years ago

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It's scapegoat. True, that is.

11 years ago

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poof x 4 tokens defence mode

11 years ago

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Beast misspelling ever

11 years ago

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you know it.
i'm advertising that game, Escape Goat.
it's a pretty fun, short game.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I don't even read these so called "news" anymore. Why? Because I've read enough, now it's just boring.

11 years ago

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Crazy psychos have hobbies too.

11 years ago

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12 burgers bought in McDonalds

Outside Fort Worth, Texas, friend Michael Ritrovato said Alexis had recently been frustrated with the civilian contractor about a payment issue. But Ritrovato said his friend never showed signs of overeating, though he played a lot of shooting video games online.

11 years ago

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omg, i'm sad and a little angry that ANYONE believes this is another "shot" at video games causing violence.... yes it mentions it and by right it should (after all people get influenced by movies what makes video games so special), does it say anything else?


is the blame on video games?

not in the slightest, it was just stating a fact "no matter how small"...

geez people, calm down

11 years ago

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That guy is considering playing videogames as a sign of violence. You won't hear anyone saying "he was a really nice guy, though he used to go to the cinema".

11 years ago

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"violence" is an act of harm towards something with the intention of producing harm... last time i checked, even if its virtual, shooting someone is a sign of violence...

your second point is rendered invalid as you could hear someone say "He was a nice guy, however he had a fixation with horror movies"... you can NOT generalize a statement in either sense "he was a nice guy, except he played video games" is what your statement is equal to...

11 years ago

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Like I said, "Video games probably blamed for the attack"

But what I see from the comment was that the friend was trying to convince other people that Alexis would never have attacked the Navy base since he was so nice and "never showed signs of aggressiveness or violence" except that he played online shooter games, a sentiment that all massacre suspects seemed to be accused of.

Just like the Newtown shooting where Lanza was found to have been playing COD games, suddenly video games were brought up in the lime light when NRA decided to blame video games partly for the Newtown shooting.

"And here’s another dirty little truth that the media try their best to conceal: There exists in this country a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its own people.

Through vicious, violent video games with names like Bulletstorm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Splatterhouse. And here’s one: it’s called Kindergarten Killers. It’s been online for 10 years. How come my research department could find it and all of yours either couldn’t or didn’t want anyone to know you had found it?"

Forgive me but I can see news outlet starting to blame FPS games again from this...

11 years ago

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if you think of the news as anything more than a business, you give it too much credit... you must not forget that it is a company which can and will go bankrupt if they do not amass an audience from either a debatable topic or something the majority finds interesting.

This is the simple fact of news: bad publicity sells best, therefore you are obviously going to write what gains you the most money.

edit: however i should point out in this instance, they do NOT blame video games, the fact they mention it is because of people like you and others who love this industry and won't give proper thought to the subject are going to share it around and cause it to sell more, after all, each time someone refreshes the page, leaves a comment, or even just leaves the webpage open, it increases either the chance another person will find it or the revenue from advertisement gained.

11 years ago

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I know...isn't that the whole point yellow journalism started? Little facts, flashy headlines/story, and no sources = big buxs :/

11 years ago

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Let me tell you a story.
Jim became fat. No one knows why because he always exercise, though he always eat at McDonald.
Now I didn't say McDonald made him fat but it's there, irrelevent or not. But because I included it, it infers that McDonalds made him fat.

11 years ago

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again, maybe thoughtless people say that but i would not say its because of that... if anything it will be because jim's metabolic rate isn't fast enough, therefore he needs to ingest more catalysts such as coffee or mustard, or his genetic makeup simply makes his body type become an endomorph...

11 years ago

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Yeah, it could have been any those things. Heck, he may even have a glandular problem but none of those were mentioned. It's the fact that he ate at McDonald every day being mention will lead people to base that the weight gain was because McDonalds and let's face it, people nowadays don't think. People will just make an equation in their heads based off what they read saying, "If exercise makes you lose weight and exercise + McDonald = weight gain, then McDonalds must be very bad for you." It's not directly blaming McDonald but insinuating that McDonalds causes it.

But yeah, I agree with your edit to CombatWars.

11 years ago

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This heading makes things sound more interesting...

It's a blog on Wall Street Journal though...take what you will from it.

11 years ago

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now that one is singling out games (and also drinking but that's irrelevant to this conversation). It directly points blame at alcohol and gaming in general so i could understand why with this article however, it still doesn't change the fact the last one was purely to get people riled up in controversy and gain revenue. so yeah, this one is the one people should get mad about if they want to, however to be completely honest i don't see what good it does when you could instead do something constructive and just ignore it.

(fun fact for people who get mad over stuff like this: the only reason this still occurs is because you get mad and angry and voice that opinion, and as stated before, more revenue therefore they will keep doing it).

11 years ago

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Actually, before the title was edited, it was headed "Friend: Aaron Alexis Skilled at Shooter Videogames". People reading the blog would automatically assume that shooting games in general were to blame for the atrocity committed on this day since the title did not even mention his drinking until the recent edit.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

11 years ago

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Why can't we go back to blaming rock and roll? >.>

11 years ago

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That Elvis guy was a monster.

11 years ago

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Man plants bomb at Justin Bieber concert. Elvis blamed.

11 years ago

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That gosh darn rock and or roll music is the work of the devil, I tells ya! Makes our children do naughty things! *Shakes a walking cane at the sky*

11 years ago

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I don't see quotes around what he "said", I see a paraphrase.

Therefore, I will not trust them

11 years ago

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Come on. I've been playing all sorts of video games my entire life. Cannons, guns, cars, planes, everything.

And look how I turned out.

I'm fine.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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what about it...?

11 years ago

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It's a little girl ¬¬.

11 years ago

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And how is that a problem...?

11 years ago

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It looks kind of disturbing, like that girl from the Orphan movie.

11 years ago

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Not completely.

11 years ago

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hate to break it to you, but yeah it kinda screams "I drive a white van with the windows covered and FREE CANDY written on the side"

11 years ago

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Umm, my van is black.

And yes, I do drive around throwing free candy out the window on Halloween. Seriously, you can get shitloads of candy at Costco for cheap. Do you have a problem with that?

11 years ago

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Did he try to make rocket jump? No? Then my expert opinion is: games are not to blame -.-

11 years ago

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Where's the positive news? "Man lands 1 winged plane on water,right after doing a barrel roll, saving TRILLIONS on board. He played a lot of flying simulators" :D You never see that!

11 years ago

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Ah yes. Also, the mongols invaded because they got too frustrated on the final boss in Wolfenstein.

11 years ago

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and WWII was just Hitler angry at BlightTown

11 years ago

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Hitler pre ordered Wolfenstein 3D only to discover it was a game about killing himself. So he killed himself.

11 years ago

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You know some of us have to go on murder sprees after playing games to satisfy our murder boners. Some people are so inconsiderate.
I mean we never kill less than our share and we help the planet by performing population control, next thing you know murder will be outlawed... pffft Thanks Obama.

11 years ago

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Yes, videogames make people more violent. Postal 2 is the reason why I go around constantly pissing on everyone and chopping their heads off. Oh, wait... :B
Yeah, society is full of all sorts of idiots. This does not surprise me. I wonder what the next scapegoat will be.

11 years ago

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They ran out of EXCUSES to give. So they make up stories. That's how the media works. If you don't find it, make it.

11 years ago

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I blame Saints Row 3.

11 years ago

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That guy was a Buddhist. So Buddhist terrorists is the new fad?

11 years ago

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Why doesn't the Media just tell the truth, a goat told them to do it.

11 years ago

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"Well he seemed like an okay guy, but he did poop every day."

11 years ago

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100% of all murderers pooped, fact!

11 years ago

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Don't tell me you're surprised. The news tends to be infamous for being, y'know, full of shit. It's what they're there for, after all.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by CombatWars.