If you mean Enhanced Steam that draws info from isthereanydeal it's not always accurate concerning SG. enhanced Steam can show something as bundled(and it is) but because it was on a $10+ tier it's not on the SG bundle list. Or something that has never been bundled but had a regional price glitch is on the SG bundle list, something Enhanced Steam does not track(this is the case with the examples mentioned above btw, regional pricing in CIS-RUS that makes it land in the list).
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Took me a while to find, searching here is a pain. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/ayM33/chrome-plugin-steamgiftsaver-find-the-most-economic-way-to-boost-cv
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I think the bundle cv system needs to be re-evaluated. At this point, there is currently 5,749 games on the bundle list https://www.steamgifts.com/bundle-games . Thats more than half the available titles on steam. 9,492 when I just checked http://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998 At this point, its become a real pain in the ass to giveaway non bundled games.
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The numbers you're using are not accurate though. The bundle list not only contains items no longer on steam or limited to specific areas(not all regions have access to all titles), but more importantly includes software, packs and DLCs. If you filter the steam store in EU1 for all of these categories you get a whooping 18449 products (http://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=996%2C998%2C21%2C994) bringing the bundle list to a bit over 31% (assuming everything in the list is included in those 18499 products which is not the case so the real % is even lower)
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Personally I don't share that sentiment, I'm pretty content with the system as is, feels to me like it's the bare minimum to limit CV exploitation as much as possible, and not encourage people to just sit on their keys for a looooong time. For example I still have keys that are from 2 year old bundles. If games went off that list I could easily use them to just farm CV while indeed being bought in a bundle.
There's only one thing that ideally I'd like to see change but that would require a huge overhaul and I don't think it's likely to happen. That is for Gift giveaways to not count as bundled ever. The fact it's a Steam Gift already verifies where it comes from however there's a million loopholes in the current way giveaways work that could be exploited if that were the case. The only way this could work without risk of exploitation is if an SG bot acted as a middleman receiving the gift from the creator and delivering it to the winner.
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Nah, that just favors quantity over quality. The system was designed in the way it is to give incentive for people to give away games that are a bit "harder" to procure as more people will be interested in them, and the more giveaways of that type you have as a site the larger the crowd you attract. Sure some people will still continue to do the same kind of giveaways regardless of the system in place cause CV is just a happy bonus for them and not their goal, but we all know a lot of people actively pursue it(personally I'm somewhere in the middle, if I see a very good deal for a mediocre unbundled game I might do a giveaway for the CV but most of the time I do them cause I have self-esteem issues and the feeling of giving away a desirable game and seeing my whitelist count grow is stroking my ego. It's a fuckin drug and I'm pathetic!
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I guess I'm just jaded, I could give zero shits about level/ratio/cv. It may provide incentive to give better games (for those who care about cv) but in reality, the giveaway page is still 90% bundle stuff. And I'm ok with that. but if level 100 required 10k in giveaways or whatever, even giving nothing but bundles, would require quite a bit of investment.
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That's the thing, 10k bundled giveaways will already land you at the max "level" assuming you're not just doing giveaways for those $1 games that go on -90% for 9 cents. Unbundled just provides a shortcut.
I like working on my Cv as a kind of game to reach "max level" which I believe that's what it was inteneded to be but I won't obsess over it. And definitely not obsess over other people's "stats" either. There are some criteria I have for my giveaways that I'm still trying to see how I can implement with SGTools now(my first attempt was an epic fail, gotta find someone to work out that custom rule) and as soon as I can find a way to make that work I wanna stop using the level requirements I use now.
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well... steamgifts will continue to be like this til adopt a fixed criteria to bundle a game.
til there... the bundle list will be just random.
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Obligatory "You are doing it wrong" post. :P
I know the feeling though. I managed to hit lvl 9 3 times because of retro bundling :/.
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You can check reagional prices with Enhanced Steam before you buy something and figure out yourself what's going to be bundles.
US price / 20 and if it costs less than that in any reagion it will be bundled.
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24 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by raydotn
I'm sick and tired of buying games with my steam wallet and they ending up considered bundled.
It's not fair for games I spent about 10€ each (lord of the fallen x2, trine 3 x3, Age of Empires Legacy Bundle among other games) being considered as bundled. But for 12€ you can subscribe to HB monthly get great games that are considered as non-bundled.
I know how the bundled system works and I like more than to receive but I hate seeing this: 80% discounts counting as bundled due to regional pricing. It happened to me several times and all those times, I considered leaving the site (not yet though).
The only motivation I got to keep giving are the users that the GAs are meant to.
I would like this to change. No more bundling due to regional prices. I'm in a Row region ...
And again, I know the reasons/arguments/ but honestly, I don't know why this site don't see things through.
... And that's it.
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