That's a noble mission.
You have over 1700 games! I hope you consider deleting/ignoring garbage stuff (if u have any) or games that don't interest you, instead of forcing yourself to play through them. Life is too short after allπ.
I'm also attempting to do so for my teeny tiny library, and so I joined BLAEO. Also trying to regulate myself in terms of what GAs I enter, staying away from keydrops; after all whats the point of mindless hoarding. No fun or joy in that.
But I suppose things go one step at a time. Good luck! πͺ
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Garbage games tend to be good to clear off of a person's backlog as they are generally super lacking in content (short games), or have bad gameplay that could usually be broken quite easily. So if that's the category of bad game then I'd recommend aiming for those haha.
If it's bad in the sense of just being boring, long-winded, or playing badly with no exploits available then yeah... avoid that then haha
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I tried this once. Decided I had too many games that were either not that engaging, or others more interesting, and I quickly burned out.
If you really wanna do an alphabetical thing - may I suggest choosing games you want to play from each letter, and play that list.
So, you only have a list of 26-27 games, and you don't overwhelm yourself. Also make a category for just these games, so you can focus.
If you managed to get through a single alphabet of games you wanted to play, and enjoyed it, then you might be inspired to keep going, instead of burning out playing your entire collection in order.
Diversity of genre, and different game lengths also help to stop burnout.
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You can do it however you want, but to get the most enjoyment out of the games, I personally would not do it alphabetically. I enjoy playing a lot of different types of games, but I am not always in the mood to play every type of game.
I may be in the mood to sit back and play something relaxing because I am worn out for whatever reason, but if the next game alphabetically is some really difficult game that takes a lot of concentration and skill, you may not enjoy the game. If you waited and chose to play that game when you were in the right mood, you may have enjoyed it a lot, but instead you ended up not enjoying it not because it was a bad game, but because you played it at the wrong time.
Or maybe you are in the mood to play some fast paced first person shooter or arcade game and the next game on your list is a slow story based point and click. You might get anxious and bored of sitting there not being able to focus on the story because you are amped up for some reason. Again, this may make you not enjoy the game even though at another time in a different mood you might have loved it.
It can also be daunting sometimes to start a very long or involved game. Sometimes I just want to play a simple game that only takes a few hours to complete. Starting a game that you know you are going to have to sink 60-100 hours into can be difficult when other things are going on in your life.
I only collect games I am interested in playing, so I am basically doing the same thing, but I am not doing it alphabetically for the reasons above. This is also the reason I do not like joining groups or entering GAs where there is a requirement to play the game by a certain date. I try to give myself the best chance of enjoying the games I play by looking through my entire backlog and picking a game based on the current mood I am in.
Edit: The thread is now closed with the OP deleted and you blame everyone here for not being able to read, but I feel like you are blaming everyone else instead of realizing that maybe you made a mistake. I did read the OP and gave a thoughtful response just like many other people that posted here.
According to the Google cache that is still available, the OP had 3 sentences that said "I've decided to thin my backlog out. I'll go through my library alphabetically and I'll try to finish every game. let's see how far I get. Wish me luck".
That is what I responded to. You specifically said you were going to go through your "entire library" alphabetically and try to "finish every game", "let's see how far I get". Then you got a bunch of thoughtful responses from everyone trying to help you by explaining how they tried this and playing games like this is not enjoyable.
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I to recently started this mission.
1 was a very recent additon(alina of the arena) - will be added to my casual forever game list(not a game I will grind hardcore(like monster train), the other 3 were short spurts and I decided not for me(this is going to happen to alot of them).
My goal is a minimum try at least 1 backlog title per week, with that my backlog will be at least started within 6 years...
glad I took a longgg break from SG, it improved my mindset about games from being a collect them all, to try and get what I want to play, buy what I really really want(*coughs Alina, Borderlands 3(D4 taking over time here... so not starting it yet)).
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my main issue is... should I bench those 100 hour games until last so I can get through more games first?
I know the moment Hades 2 drops that's going to eat 50+ hours of my time. Then there is every path of exile league(might take a break until POE "2"
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I agree with Maya, this will probably end with a quick burnout and after this you may not want to play out of your comfort zone for a while. One from each letter is a nice suggestion and they could keep you busy whole year. If you want to reduce the backlog number fast, I would suggest go for the shortest ones instead of alphabetically.
Also, 100% Orange Juice is a bottomless pit. :)
yer be warned
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Yeah you can say that.
If you have friends to play with, it's really fun. It may not be that fun with randoms, however you can make friends from the game if you get along with them.
If you're into cute anime stuff I would say go try it. The game is all RNG, even in story mode. It's not the gameplay is fun, it's the bullshit you encounter with your decisions is fun.
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hmm, will prbly uninstall it then, would need friends to play it with... and if were going to play a game together itll be AAA game(like borderlands #, Diablo 4, etc...) or in person for a Euro game(think legacy games like Pandemic Legacy, or other games like Azul, Nemesis, Terraforming Mars, etc...)
cute anime stuff > realistic graphics any day of the week for me in video games, although sometimes realistic is the right fit for graphics(like in D4... would be a very different vibe with an anime art style)
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Well, it's more of a chit-chat time with friends for me anyway rather than just a co-op game so it has its uses if you're in end game.
For cute anime stuff this game had potential if the devs didn't butcher it. For co-op I'm kinda over AAA games so indies all the way for me. It's a peaceful life. :)
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Nice approach but i assume the strict from A-Z playing will not give you the maximum fun that the blacklog beat could give.
I done lately a other way with picking different games that looked interesting in the steam store and/or fit to my different mood/genres, as examples a solitaire game, strategy games etc.. Give them the favorite tag in the steam library and to play this ones, depending on my mood, energy level and time.
Can recommend this, till now it bring a lot of fun.
As a side question, i see you have me blacklisted and i am curious why. Would you answer me this question ?
If easier for you, feel free to write it in the comments of my steam profile.
I have no hard feelings because of it, it's your BL, your decission.
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As someone who attempted what you are trying now, and finished 670+ games from my steam library, I have to say, you will fail if you do it that way. There are so many games that you will make you pull your hair out, because of how unfun it is to do. Dont go for 100% achievements either, it will just make you miserable.
I usually do a test run of 10-20 minute to see how the game runs and if it resonate with me before commitment, you go much farther that way than to just run at a game just because its the next on the list
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I had an idea like that as well and then start with my oldest games to my newer ones, but very quickly noticed I lost motivation.
Now I just try to finish games I feel like playing but prioritize shorter ones since I also noticed that the longer a game is, the less motivated I am to start it since higher chance I will take a break and end up dropping it.
Hope you can manage to beat some nice games and also enjoy yourself in the progress, just personally would just drop games that are really not fun since else it can get a chore fast!
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