it's not that hard. only 1 or two questions are an incy wincy bit hard. Hints will be posted gradually in the hours to come. I only think question 3 is harder then the rest to the untrained mind . . . since i don't know if people know what that is.
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yeah . . . i haven't seen that sort of questions in recent puzzles. That's why you might think it's hard. Once you figure it out you're quite done with the puzzle :D
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great job on figuring out 3 :D it had 5 possible answers. I thought 9 was easy :D
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just so you know, there really really isn't a giveaway on that last puzzle. I just wanted to see if someone figured out the secret word to answer all questions :D. So don't try to hard on it
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at least one person figured out 3 and multiple persons figured out 5.
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yeah, sorry. English isn't my main/native language . BTW, i hope you're not referring to q3, because that's not what it seems.
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no m8, it's a giveaway and it's still open for ~20 hours
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maybe you're thinking to hard on that question :D
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sorry m8, it's just morning (11 am) here in my part of the world :))
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sir, this made me laugh :)) . . . especially in combination with that avatar =))
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no disrespect meant :D . As for the answers, they are not mistakes and include both variants from the theoretical and practical points of view of looking at a sphere.
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i have nothing against ponies, i am actually a Pro-Pony activist that fights for pony laws. I long for equal rights for both ponies and people
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3 - I don't get it.
5 - I thought "thinking back" would mean the same answer, but it wasn't.
9 - I thought I figured it out when did exactly what it told, but didn't.
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Got 9. It wasn't easy but I was thinking in the right direction.
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Giveaway has ended.
To the victor goes the spoils.
For lazy copy paste people
10 question.
10+ answers.
1 bundle game.
No contribution required.
It's not Skyrim, it's a bundle game.
I'm not lying.
Giveaway ends in 10 min.
I like pie.
So . . . . ATTACK!
There is a secret word that solves all the questions. It's not completely random but hard to find nonetheless. So i suggest finding the answers to the questions and worry less on the solve-it-all word.
All questions have multiple answers in either letters or numbers some have even up to 6 possible answers(don't let this scare you off, since they are there as answers for different minds).
All questions are easy(except for q3 it seems) if you solve them logical.
The Answers To The Puzzle:
q1: How many sides does a sphere have ? (numbers or words are both ok)
q1a:1, one, infinite. Why so ? Well theoretically a sphere has but 1 side surrounding the entire area but practically you may say that it is composed out of on infinite number of tiny sides that cover all of the surface.
q2: How many eggs does the average rooster lay per day ?
q2a: none, 0, zero, null(for the normal minds), 2 balls,two balls (for the perverted minds). Why so ? A rooster is a male it doesn't lay eggs. The other answers . . . well . . . as i said . . . it's a male ;D .
Q3: Their Wits
Q3a: this, hist, hits, shit, sith. Why so ? This was an anagram( scrambled words ). I think this was the most hardest question of them all(besides the secret word that unlocked everything). I agree that figuring out it was an anagram was hard for . . well . . . 99.5% of the players. If you would have figured out it was an anagram you could simply go to an anagram solver and you would have gotten a list of 130 combinations of words. OMG 130 combinations ???!!!?!?! Most of them make no sense but at the end of the list you could spot a giant block that says "write hist/write hits/write shit/write sith/write this". Any of them would have worked.
q4: Question 3 was easy right?
q4a: yes, no, bastard. :)) It was up to you to decide, i can't force decide for you (but you could call me a bastard for making such a hard question such as q3 )
Q5: I'm thinking of a number between 0 and 99999. Brute-forcing might take a while. But you should guess it if you think back to the first question.
Q5a: 54321, fifty-four thousand three hundred twenty-one, fifty four thousand three hundred twenty one, fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one, fifty four thousand three hundred and twenty one. Why so ? The subtle hint for this question was inside the question itself "back to the first question". Which is q5 q4 q3 q2 q1 => 5 4 3 2 1 =>54321. Some might not have figured this at all, and some might have thought it was 4321, but some would also have tried 54321 to see what would have happened :D .
q6: This questions are dumb aren't they ?
q6a: yes, no . Again you decide whether or not they're dumb or not. No decision forcing what so ever :D
q7: Did you knew that all these questions had multiple optional answers ?
q7a: yes, no, really? . Maybe you knew maybe you didn't . . . I can't read your mind now, can i ?
q8: 2 more questions to go, right ?
q8a: yes, no. Maybe some don't know to count very well, so it's a forgiving question either way.
Q9: Just so you know, there's just one more question so just write the answer in the box.
Q9a: the answer in the box., the answer in the box . Why so ? Well . . . the statement clearly says to write "the answer in the box", as in you should write that as the answer. Some tried with just "the answer" or "answer", unfortunately for them that was not the entire answer and it was incorrect.
q10: what climbs up trees and throws poo at you ? Those foul creatures.
q10a: monkey, monkeys, a monkey. Never, ever, eat a friggin banana in front of caged monkey at the Zoo . . . they throw poo at you. I think most people got that it was a monkey because an elephant or a crocodile would be pretty confusing if you ever sow them in a tree. Especially if They where throwing poo at you.
1100 players have tried their luck. 17500 guesses where made. 23 solvers did it. 14 joined the giveaway. 1 person won.
I would like to thank everyone that participated, tried their luck, and entered my twisted puzzle mind. I hope you enjoyed the puzzle even if it wasn't as easy as you thought (or as i thought as a matter of fact) .
What does Wits mean ? According to the dictionary (and myself and some other people too), it means, and i quote, " The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.".
How could someone bruteforce Q5 and Q3 ? Simple. Q5 was made out of numbers and could easily (but time consuming) randomly inputed, but, there would have not been enough time. As for Q3, one person wrote "shit" as a random word when he thought of poo on q10. You could call it bruteforce, i call that luck :D
Your english, you have none ! I hope that now that Q3 was explained you can understand why the words "Their Wits" made no sense and why my english has nothing to do with it :P . . and that was a statement not a question.
Your puzzle is dumb ! Again with the statements. q6 was there to speak your mind . . . too bad i couldn't see what was chosen by the majority.
Tha super-duper-magic-unlock-it-all-secret word. What was it, you meanie ? It was . . . . get ready . . . . TAM TADA DAM . . . . "banana". A lot more than i thought have figured it out, as in i was expecting no one to figure it out at all since the only connection is with, q10, the monkey. Yet it seems Magicka used that secret word before me :))
Are we there yet ? Yes. This is it. And again, Thank you for participating, and good luck on the next evil puzzle that i, or someone else, might "inflict" upon you ;D
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