It is too long to be something wrong,It must be something right.
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Though I'm really not in a point where I can say this, I agree that that rule isn't THAT useful. In your case, it can be excused as it is said and done. (Don't hate on me because I haven't contributed, i joined 2 weeks ago)
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I think the rule is stupid. once the game is your its officially your property, do whatever the heck you want with it. It's pretty crappy how a site tries to control what you do with the game, it should be up to you.. add it to your inventory, trade it away, give it away, your choice... I myself unpack everything i win just becuz im a game collector, but I don't support that rule
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The rule exists because it levels the playing field. If someone was entering giveaways to transfer gifts to someone else, they're essentially cheating the system by giving that person an extra chance to win.
Not to mention it's very disrespectful to the gifter and the other people hoping to win if you enter in a giveaway if you'renot even interested in the game.
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That as well, but it's certainly not the only reason. You could set up an alt farm and never trade or sell the games for profit and it'd still be a misuse of the site.
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A very expensive altfarm, given the minimum balance of steam games. Even a bundle of Bundles would be pretty cost-intensive, repeated enough times to be worth an edge.
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Why people like you keep spoonfeeding retards with short attention spans? Holy shit, if they have the patience to make a whole comment saying ''lol 2long2read'' they might as well read the fucking thing.
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He made it way more apologetic. I thought he gave DotA away to a random street bum, but he clarified that it was someone he knew who plays games.
I stick by the logic behind the rule. If your buddy wants a free DotA2 invite, he should join and enter for it like the other 693 people that entered for it. Doubling(+) your chances with communal entries, particularly now that points are unlimited and fairly meaningless.
If you don't have time to play something you won - don't enter for it. If you weren't sure you'd have time and after winning you realized you don't have time for it, ask to have it rerolled.
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Well according to you it was okay to give away a game you won...
But it looks bad because: you seem ungrateful for winning the game + it would look as though you entered the giveaway along with your friend for an extra chance to win.
There are many other people who want to win Dota 2, so it seems very unfair that you'd win it twice, when one of the keys could've gon to someone else.
That seems to be what I understand.
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Well, I didn't know I will give the key to my friend at the time I joined the first giveaway
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Not reading the rules is - for sure - not the fault of SG. If you join a community you must accept their rules or live with the consequences otherwise. I wouldn't call beeing unable to inform your self properly the fault of anyone besides yourself.
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Well, I don't technically own the game at the time I join giveaways (as it is not even possible I think).
Also, I did it once and not even realizing it against the rules, as I stated in the main post.
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Yeah. Seems legit. Analogy: Julian Assage thinks, that it's not a crime to publish militairy stuff of the US government, it must not be a crime.
And reading is difficult, too. Why would I read rules, when I can just break them? And when I get caught I say: "I don't know. And technically..."
Enjoy you ban!
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Well, I am reasonable guy and if admin thinks I should get a ban I will be okay with his decision. I know that not knowing the law is not any kind of excuse.
Actually, I often read through rules very carefully to be sure I am doing everything fine. This one situation happened by me trying to get my friend happy surprise and after long time since I read this rules
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Nice Straw Man there. 1. Julian Assange isn't a citizen of the US, so isnt subject to their laws. 2. Publishing classified materials is not a crime, unless you happen to be authorized to view said materials, which is why Bradley Manning will go to jail forever.
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Exactly. By eliminating that rule you're openly letting anyone use their recently won giveaway for profit, thus destoying the purpose of SteamGifts; To gift games to people who can't afford them and/or truly care to play them.
When a rule has a grey zone it starts to falter.
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What if everybody does that? Chances for winning a game for your own that you want to play yourself would decrease substantially. If your friends want to win games, they should get their own account. Plus it make the contributor rules way more ineffective. You could just throw together all your friends stuff into one account for giveaways and enter high contributor giveaways with that and give the won gifts away to your friends.
There are a lot of good reasons why the rule is there.
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I am starting to see the point of this rule, though it seems like it is pretty much outdated. I could see these things you guys mention when the site was like 20 people. But now it is kinda forgivable for one guy trying to make his friend happy...
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If your friend has a "passion for gaming", he can join the site himself. I guarantee you there's more than one "busy man" who finds/makes time to contribute here.
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You could've just told your friend about the site.
If it was up to me I'd ban you. It's a nice gesture that you admit breaking the rules and try to explain why you did it, but it's still breaking the rules. Ignorance can never be an excuse.
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"To top that off, I probably won't do this again just because I still want to be the good guy going by the rules."
You can't be the good guy going by the rules, you've already broken them.
"This guy - my friend - is a busy man with passion for gaming and I am not seeing any case of abuse by making him happy without any kind of profit for me"
By entering (and winning) a game you have already won, you deprive someone else of winning this game. You make your friend happy at the expense of someone else.
"I would like to hear some valid explanation of this practice being destructive for the site"
It's not destructive to the site, it is unfair to the other users.
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My suggestion would be: just like we can't enter for a game you already have on your library, we shouldn't be able to enter for some we already won.
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So your neglect to read or follow the rules somehow leads you to not wishing to be banned? Give the copy of DotA 2 back if you have not already redeemed it, and request a re-roll. Just suck it up to the fact you gave your copy of the game away to your friend to make him happy. The other people who entered the first and second giveaways who did not win could care less if your friend is happy. You robbed them of their chance to win. You are a cheater. You cheated. And even now as you respond to people you complain that the rule is unfair or outdated. You could care less about the community, you are just writing any of this so you don't get the banhammer you deserve.
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I have nothing against being banned if thats what should happened in any admin's mind.
I was more curious about having some kind of discussion about this issue.
And to be honest couple of people gave me proper reasons so I can fully understand the issue.
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You should submit a support ticket and ask for a ban on yourself. Maybe it will be a shorter ban since you came forward. Accept the punishment and move on from there.
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What would you rather see? That everyone who breaks the rules and says sorry afterwards gets a free pardon?
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Then what's stopping someone with malicious intent from breaking the rules to get more games, and then feigning regret later on to be excused of the offense?
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Good intentions doesn't imply any excuses. The rules are there for a reason, and if you were excused this time, it would just be a sign for other people to "Make their friends happy" by giving away won games.
Think of it this way. You didn't actually put in any effort to make your friend happy. You won a free game, free only because everyone follows these rules, and then broke those rules. You gave your friend something you did not earn. The giveaway is made in good faith, and breaking the rules doesn't help.
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You have to trust nice guy via the internet on this one ; )
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I'm sorry officer, I didn't know that killing people was wrong. Can you forgive me this one time please?
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It was discussed earlier with @SFaPiL. He even used some fancy quotes.
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You did the crime, which you should pay for by taking the ban. Once your ban is lifted in the far future, don't commit the crime again.
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The board of directors was really excited about our decision to increase the interest on the mortgages.
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I believe you, and I don't see why all these people want you to get a ban. You did do something wrong, but you didn't realize until afterwards. I think everyone should just move on.
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So you think it's okay to break the rules as long as you apologize afterwards? You'd make a fine politician.
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If he actually did something bad and hurt someone without meaning it, then I would think he should get a ban of some sort. But he didn't hurt anyone, so I don't see why you're hating him.
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didn't hurt anyone
Depriving someone from winning is kinda hurting, don't you think?
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I only see one win on your account for Dota 2. Did you acquire your other copy somewhere else? Or do you already have multiple accounts on Steamgifts? :)
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Hang the bastard, hang him high! Hoist his body up to the sky
Sorry, when am I ever going to use this!?
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I obviously told him to do so. But afterwards. It was like "hey, there is a cool site when you can do this and this, and I won one game, do you want it cos I don't have time to play it actually?"
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If you didn't have time to play it, why did you enter for a second copy?
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Should of gave back the 2nd key and if you do really care you should change "I probably won't do this again just because I still want to be the good guy going by the rules." Probably is not good enough.
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Anyway, for now I am going to sleep. It is fun I could actually work with my not the best English to get my thoughts out ; )
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A reason for this rule is that people who give it away can be using it in a loop - they would give the game away on the site, thus raising contributor value; so this is here to prevent that.
I agree with what most people said (the kinder words anyway).
But yeah, speak with Support.
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To start this of, I am a nice and kind person. I like to help people and I think of myself as of very reasonable guy.
I was highly interested in Dota 2 invite, so lately I entered Dota 2 giveaway and my arguable luck gave me the win, thus the game.
What's the case then? Well, I gave it away to my friend who had friends to play with because I figured I had like two other games to finish and wouldn't have time to focus on Dota 2 right now (but I still wanted to play the game in the future, so I was joining Dota 2 giveaways to get another one). And also, he is a big fan of these types of games so I made him a nice surprise by doing so. And he was very happy too.
What happened today though is what I would call the Karma. I won another Dota 2 key, this one was supposed to be mine so I can join my friend and play together with him.
But I suddenly realized it is against the rules of SG. So my question is why exactly, as I'm failing to understand why would it be. I mean, I am not abusing the site. This guy - my friend - is a busy man with passion for gaming and I am not seeing any case of abuse by making him happy without any kind of profit for me (except for private satisfaction so common for true member of SteamGift community).
Anyway, this is my story. I would like to hear some valid explanation of this practice being destructive for the site.
To top that off, I won't do this again just because I still want to be the good guy going by the rules.
There is lots of interesting points in this topic and I tried to keep up with answering best I could to lots of them. But for now I need some sleep, so maybe we will continue tomorrow (or maybe not, because I will be banned ; )
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