Hi SG,

There is a new update to the site today regarding region restrictions. Previously, you were able to select entire regions for your giveaways, such as North America, SE Asia, RU + CIS, and more. However, with recent changes to Steam the system needed to be more flexible. As of today, you are now able to select individual countries for your giveaways.

To start, visit the page to create a giveaway. Select "Yes" for "Region Restricted". You'll see a list of countries appear, which you can then customize for your giveaway. The previous regions are in the "Preset regions..." dropdown. If you choose a preset region, it will automatically select the corresponding countries in the list to save you time. However, you can check or uncheck countries after choosing a preset region if further customization is needed. If you would like to create a giveaway for all countries except for a small number, you can use the "Select All" button and then uncheck the ones you would like to exclude. A search box is included to help you quickly sort through the list.

By setting these restrictions, only users from the selected countries will be able to enter your giveaway. Ideally, you are using this feature because your gift or key is region restricted. However, you can use these restrictions as you see fit.

You'll also notice when creating a giveaway, you can now search your Steam groups. Hopefully this will be beneficial to users that have a large number of groups associated with their account.

Lastly, all previous region restricted giveaways have been updated to the new system. If you click the globe icon beside a region restricted giveaway, you'll see a list of the applied region restricted countries.

Hope you enjoy the changes!

7 years ago

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One one hand, great, on the other hand, people will now be better able to region-restrict based on inaccurate info provided by HB.

Edit: beaten to it.

7 years ago

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Thank you for this much needed update and constant care of the site.

7 years ago

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Useful update, at least.

7 years ago

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cierto, cierto =3

7 years ago

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Excuse, Miss. You seem to have dropped this: +1.

7 years ago

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certo, certo ^^

7 years ago

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any filter will be added?

7 years ago

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there's already been one for a long time ;)

7 years ago

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there are no giveaways with country restriction, only for region

7 years ago

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there is not such thing as country restriction - only region restriction - even if you select only 1 country it will be region restriction ;) using this filter I can see for example both GAs that are for EU and that are for Poland only ;)

7 years ago

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shortly, nothing has changed

7 years ago

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Yes, because there was no need for anything to change as existing filter serves its purpose already ;)

7 years ago

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I guess all that's left now is to include region restrictions for steam store purchases, where you select the country you're buying from, the site queries Steam for that game's price in the various regions, and limits the giveaway to countries where it's not more than 10% more expensive. But whether it's worth it to bother implementing that is another matter, given how troublesome steam gifts are now.

7 years ago

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not really possible, because of how long SG GAs can last and how fast currency exchange rate can shift. GA can be 1 month long, exchange rate can shift from 8% to 10% in one or two days easilly, in critic situations it can rise/drop much much faster. So it would create many potential problems - SG calculates exchange rate at moment of creation of GA but when you are about to send the gift suddenly you no longer can. Currently it can ofc still happens - but it's on you, you decided which countries to select for GA, if it happens automatically and is set by SG then SG will be to be blamed for that.

7 years ago

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Bad that it's necessary, but good that it matches with common restrictions now. Thanks, cg!

7 years ago

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i'll enjoy this, thanks cg!

7 years ago

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Nice addon, but wish SG would remember last GA settings, it's so tiring and demotivating to have to click all the same buttons again and again for each individual GAs

7 years ago

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If ESGST GA template feature doesn't support this, I'd bet Rafael is already working on it ;-)

7 years ago

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anddddd we have stickied countries now :>

7 years ago

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Like always faster then you can imagine

7 years ago

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A bit to complicated but really appreciated! This will help out a lot! =)

7 years ago

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Thank you cg for this very useful enhancement!

It would be great if you could also add the country code name alongside the country name. Otherwise it's quite difficult to translate Humble's "Only available in AF, AO, AZ, BH, BI, BJ, BW, CD, CF, CG, CI, CM, DZ, EG, EH, ER, ET, GA, GH, GM, GN, GQ, GW, IL, IQ, IR, JO, KE, KH, KM, KW, LB, LR, LS, LY, MA, ML, MR, MW, MZ, NA, NE, OM, PS, QA, RW, SA, SD, SL, SN, SO, SS, SY, SZ, TD, TG, TN, TT, TZ, UG, YE, ZA, ZM, ZW" into actual countries.

7 years ago

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good idea, have a +1 ^^

7 years ago

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Certe, certe +1! :O

7 years ago

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I agree! +1

7 years ago

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even better improvement idea - let users paste country codes (from humble for example) and translate them into region locks :)

7 years ago

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Yes, this would save a lot of work. +1

7 years ago

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Yes !

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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"Antarctica"... yeah, make giveaways for the penguins and handful of scientists that might be there.

"North Korea"... good luck, Kim!

I can see many people using this to troll.

7 years ago

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it's hardly a troll when noone is able to see you trolling ;) basically no different from making private GA and not sharing it with anyone ;p

7 years ago

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Actually, people could create giveaways, most likely for AAA games, and leave links in discussions and such. Make a giveaway for a AAA game, that absolutely nobody can enter, and just sit back and laugh. Quite different than creating a private GA and not sharing it.

7 years ago

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At this point the creator is making fake giveaways and is potentially liable for suspension if they keep it up

7 years ago

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But even CG said... "However, you can use these restrictions as you see fit." Why would someone get in trouble for creating a giveaway for a place that is on the list? They would just be using the restrictions as they see fit...

7 years ago

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In your example, particularly with AAA games the creator clearly has no intention to deliver the game. Regardless of "legitimate" region selections, that intent makes it a fake giveaway. It's similar tio users who currently create such giveaways but delete them at the last minute. The first few times it may be ignored, but the more they do it the more likely it is that someone will notice - and you can guarantee that some users will be keeping an eye on giveaways for those regions and reporting them as they come up.

7 years ago

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Ok, let's quit beating around the bush here. The whole point is that certain places shouldn't even be on the list. Putting places on the list, where people obviously aren't going to be entering from, is just going to cause problems. Like I pointed out, CG said that people can use the restrictions as they see fit, so why would it be ok to assume that someone's giveaway is fake (even if it blatantly is) and suspend them for using the restrictions "as they see fit"? This could just end up causing more work for support, and we already know that they have their hands full.

7 years ago

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The suspension wouldn't be for using "restrictions as they see fit" though it would be for Fake/Misleading giveaways.

7 years ago

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You're missing the point, and I was not implying what you said. Giving people the option to make giveaways for places where no one will/can even enter (and the giveaways will obviously be fake), is only encouraging fake giveaways, thus creating more BS for support to deal with. I feel like a broken record trying to explain this.

7 years ago

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Broiled chicken is definitely healthier for you than fried.

Got it.

7 years ago

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you can use restrictions how you see fit - it does not mean that if you use restrictions you can break all other SG rules using "but you say I can do as I see fit". People have been suspended for creating not-real fake troll GAs in the past (me included - and got it b4 GA even ended). So if you make fake GAs with stupid restrictions to troll people you will get suspended - not for using region locks (which you can use as you see fit) but for creating fake GAs.

7 years ago

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It seems my point went straight over your head as well. My point is... allowing people to use region restriction options that are "stupid," as you said, is only going to encourage trolling and fake giveaways, and give users a somewhat... false sense of security, since the site owner pretty much told them to do whatever they want with the given options. Certain regions, such as Antarctica and North Korea, SHOULDN'T be on the list. It doesn't take a genius to realize that NO ONE will be entering from those areas, so obviously any giveaways will be fake, right? But, wait... why are users given an option where any giveaway made will be fake? Also, calling a giveaway fake is against the rules, is it not? Unless, of course, you're reporting it to support, and we all know that they need even MORE tickets to deal with. Anyway, I'd love to know why you seem to think it's ok to give someone the option to choose these "stupid" region restrictions, and then punish them for doing so. To me, and possibly many others, that logic makes zero sense.

What I'm trying to say is that people shouldn't be given tools that encourage trollish behavior, and also be told by the site owner that they can use those tools as they see fit. Obviously, at present, there is no rule against using regions that no one can enter from, and there shouldn't be anyway, because like I said, they shouldn't even be on the damn list. Also, it wouldn't make any sense to keep them on the list and then tell people they can't use them... because why are they on there to begin with?!

Users might not take advantage of the stupid options just yet, but I guarantee you that if left as is, someone eventually will. I may not be support, but if I were, and I had to deal with an already massive workload of tickets, I would definitely feel that even a single extra ticket is one too many, especially if it's related to something that could be prevented.

Trying to get my point across here is tiring, and I'm sick of trying.

7 years ago

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I'm sure that a "massive workload of tickets" will result in cg making adjustments, but I don't think this is going to be an issue. An L0 public GA with no regional restrictions is a much more effective way to troll people and get responses (the food of any troll) than anything that's restricted to Antarctica.

7 years ago

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Please don't twist my words. I didn't say anything about this creating a "massive workload of tickets"... when I said that, I was referring to the current workload that support has... you know, the over 18,000 user reports that they will most likely never get through, as well as the many, many others for the other categories. There's absolutely no benefit, or point, in leaving those regions in the list, there is only the potential for problem causing. And, it would take CG maybe, what... 2 minutes to remove them? Or, you know, I guess we could just wait until someone does cause a problem, and THEN do something about it. I find it incredibly stupid to leave options that could potentially cause problems, regardless of the severity of those problems. Anyway, I'm seriously done trying to understand how anyone could find a reason to defend this. There's just way too much whooshing going on here for my liking.

7 years ago

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there is potential benefit - you are giving examples of Antarctica, but then you will complain about another country and another - because there is no SG user from said country - but there may be in the future - and first removing selected countries, then re-adding some small country because we actually get an user from said country - this seems like a lot of unneccessary work which proves no actual benefits. At least not at this moment - somehow I haven't seen flood of troll GAs for Antarctica yet. You are developing a problem that haven't even occured yet and exaggerating it to colosal size, demanding it being fixed (which takes development time from other important areas), while noone have spotted such a problem yet.

So if it becomes a problem - sure then filtering, evaluating and removing countries will be justified, until then there is no reason to waste time on that.

7 years ago

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Omg, after reading that nonsense, I feel like I've had a digital lobotomy. I've tried to be civil here... but it seems that no matter what I respond with, you will respond with something twice as ignorant as your previous reply - more asskissing bullshit. You seem to enjoy arguing, even if your argument is asinine. I mean, this is seriously all you could come up with? Keep them on the list just in case SG users someday inhabit those places? Antarctica being habitable, and having SG users in the near future? Are f**king kidding? Antarctica would probably be a damn ocean before that would happen. Also, "then you will complain about another country and another"... I've only mentioned Antarctica and North Korea, or can't you read properly? I'm also not "demanding" shit, I'm suggesting that they be removed, BEFORE a problem arises. Or, I guess, by your logic, we shouldn't try to prevent problems, we should just wait until some asshole does realize they can use those places to troll. Imagine if everyone used that logic... this world would be an even bigger shithole than it already is.

"...this seems like a lot of unnecessary work"... "which takes development time from other important areas"... yeah, I guess instead of taking a few minutes to remove something that could cause an issue, CG could instead put that time towards adding more Patreon benefits! Yeah!!

Anyway, I'm beyond sick of dealing with your terminal case of brainlessness, and I won't be conversing with you again, because I don't particularly enjoy the feeling of exploding brain cells. Good day!

7 years ago

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You tried to be civil? please... - others tried to be civil - explaining various points to you. You were the one being passive-agressive to anyone who dared to point out that you may either be wrong or maybe it's not such a big deal like you make it. And when someone dared to not agree with your holy point now you show exactly how civil you are - when spoken to in civil way you turn to vulgarities. "you gave me digital lobotomy" - indeed such a civil argument. "asskissing bullshit" is such a civil way to adress your opponent. Not to mention dropping F-bombs (what are you? 10?).

So let me speak to you in a way that clearly is the only one that reaches you - you are a sad little twat, that cannot get over the fact that some stupid bullshit you spent lots of time writing endless walls of text about is not really important, and in your silly little twattiness you jump to conclusion that it must be because everybody else decided to jump onto you to show you you are not so important. And even if presented with multiple arguments - when you cannot defeat them you go full-retard-rage. So I am done speaking with you, cause well, the cockroach I encountered on a hallway today is worth of my time than you are. Cheers ;*

7 years ago

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giggle - cheered me up for the day no end that :)

7 years ago

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Hi. Also, at least one user from North Korea although that could be proxy (not sure what that would accomplish as that was before region locked giveaways were allowed iirc).

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I legitimately chuckled.
Thank you.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Can you make preset regions for all communist countries and/ore excluding all capitalist countries?

But for real, I'm sad that regoin restrictions block you from seeing the game instead of just entering the ga, because this cold be used cooly for a puzzle. I guess it could be used for a community puzzle too. We have what's necessary though at least now.

7 years ago

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Yes, it would be nice if there was an option for GA creators to allow out-of-region users to view the GA but not enter (join) it.

7 years ago

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There's always the going to the GA page while logged-out workaround but yeah, I'd rather have some other, simpler method.

7 years ago

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It's also possible to open in an incognito/private browser window, but unfortunately none of these workarounds work with out-of-region GAs.

7 years ago

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Another small enhancement proposal:

When searching for a country, change the "Select All" to "Select All Filtered". This would make it much more convenient to add searched countries than to move the mouse all the way to the checkbox. It doesn't sound like much, but when adding dozens of countries to the filter it makes my carpal tunnel cry.

Even better would be to perform this when the user presses Enter. This way, to add a country, just type its name (or part of it), then press Enter add to the list. Use Ctrl+Backspace to search for the next country, until done.

7 years ago

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Very useful update! It's a shame we have to deal with so many region restrictions these days. But so be it....

7 years ago

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The Steam groups filter is awesome! The next step is to put the groups in order of the the most used first :)

7 years ago

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With ESGST you can pin your most frequently used groups to the top of the list.

7 years ago

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Any specific reason why you've added a second

<input type="hidden" name="whitelist" value="">


7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The Europe - Humble preset is meaningless. Humble don't determine regions - the publishers whop provide them the keys do. As such that selection will likely be wrong as many times as it's right. With the new change that option should be removed.

7 years ago

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People have been making region locked GA's almost exclusively whilst entering anything they can get their hands on. Am I right in thinking we can now "switch off" a region?

What happens if you make a whitelist giveaway and region lock it? Will the whitelist overwrite the region lock?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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you got order wrong ;) region lock overrides all, yes,m but then BL is next, not WL ;) If I have you blacklisted and you have me whitelisted I will still not be able to enter your WL GA because of bidirectional blacklist and because blacklist overrides whitelist ;) group/invite thingies are separate as they are just type of GAs which can be combined with region/wl/bl factors but is independent.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Can you add a NOT for region selection? Or at least presets that are NOT for a region. ie. Not for RU+CIS.
because sometime region limitations are restricted not inclusive.

7 years ago

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Select all and then deselect the one you want to exclude

7 years ago

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i see that can been done, but i am asking for them to made it easier. Most people don't know what CIS is.

7 years ago*

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Ahhh, I see what you are saying now. Yeah, deselecting from the preset (or toggling it to exclusive rather than inclusive checklist) would be handy in that case.

7 years ago

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omg, thats the best idea ever
maybe even i create some gv

7 years ago

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Lots of problems solved but also more problems created.

7 years ago

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As always, you totally rock with the continued and lovely improvements, cg. Thanks :-)

7 years ago

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