okay, this time I won't even try to be optimistic, I'm stressed af. tonight I'll go studying, and I know it's beautiful time etc, but I am afraid.
1st I'm afraid of bureaucracy, I hate it.
2nd I'm afraid I won't manage to pass all exams
3rd I'm afraid because I totally do not know city where I'll be living. I don't know what and where is anything. even studying buildings, I'm afraid I'll fail at everything
4th I'm rather introvertic and it's hard for me to meet new people, when I'm among friends I'm not even quiet, but this new situation is something that press me like a hydraulic press. :(

At least I know I'm not in this bad situation, I'll live with 2 friends of mine in one room in dormitory. I have one friend that studies same thing like me, but he's one year older and as I'm beginning 1st year he will begin 2nd. But I guess everyone has at least little bit of stress.

Please, cheer me up, keep Your fingers crossed, pray for me etc, anything what will make me more confident :)
and of course, mandatory gibs here (too stressed to make a train). It's Wrath Bundle from Bundlestars. and one bonus for Polish fellas (sorry people, I'd like to write in my native language to be sure I'll understand everything and people will understand me. and maybe there will be someone from city I'll live in ^^)

For All!
For All!
For All!
For All!
For All!
For All!
For All!
For All!
For All!
Only for my Polish fellas (sorry other people, I promise, I'll make for everyone more gibs soon :))
edit: lol, wall of text, at least not so big I thought it will be

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8 years ago*

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Is study a good reason to stress?

View Results
Nope, keep calm and drink your beer
Potato for breakfast, potato for lunch, potato for dinner, potato for supper
*already lying drunk*


8 years ago

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One thing my Mum once told me that helped a little, was that everyone else is in the same situation as you. We've all been there, and you will make it!

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8 years ago

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yes, especially that thinking 'dumber people could do it, I can do it as well' :)

8 years ago

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I couldn't figure out how to say that nicely, but yes, that's what she said!

8 years ago

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oh, why being so nice when we do not offend anyone? :D were here any names? anyone was called out? nope! :D

8 years ago

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I will pray for you to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I believe it will help you. Thanks for the gibs.

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8 years ago*

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uh, Flying Spaghetti Monster follower! :D I still preffer Cthulhu :D

8 years ago

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Pastafarianism ftw!

8 years ago

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You will be fine I promise!

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8 years ago

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oh, thank You ^^ hug

8 years ago

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Don't overthink too much, go with the flow and do your best!

8 years ago

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Can relate :(

8 years ago

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It's fiiiiine. Repeat that. Exactly like how it's spelt.

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8 years ago

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it's fine. it's fine. it's fine.
będzie dobrze. będzie dobrze. będzie dobrze (it's in Polish :D)
I hope so! ^^

8 years ago

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Relax, sure the peeps you live with will help you out. If it gets to much, just stop studying for a short while and ask a friend to grab a movie or a drink,... And ask advice on the older friend since he probably done some things before.

Anyhow, don't make the same mistake I did when I was @ school

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8 years ago

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I wouldn't want to find missing side :D thank You ^^

8 years ago

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I definitely understand your 4th point, however having two friends with you will really help. Good luck that you'll meet further nice people "automatically" (studying groups, colleagues at a job or maybe team mates in a sports club).

And, in general:
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
Bertrand Russell

8 years ago

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I love this quote. that is also why stupid people are usually so loud and smart people are silent.

8 years ago

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Good luck with your studies! I also hope you you're able to get used to the new city and everything. At least you have 2 friends (1 with experience) who can help you there. Maybe the older one can show you around a little? Sending some positive thoughts your way! :)

8 years ago

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I'm lucky guy, because this odler one is very hearty and warm to everyone and especially to me, because I decided to study in this college after talking with him. and he offered me help even with showing buildings and sectors of college ^^

8 years ago

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That's awesome! You'll get the hang of it! :)

8 years ago

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Noooooo no stress! no stress! ((hug))

8 years ago

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love Ya Tchii <3 hug

8 years ago

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Love you too Root.
But srrly, Do not stress to much, it is very unhealthy.
Stay positive, cross your toes (as you need your fingers to type)
Think about cute cat pictures, take breaks on time etc etc <3

8 years ago

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in critical situations I'll just smoke one or two cigarettes :D hmmm... especially for this occasion I changed my wallpapers in my phone to this (first is when use, second is lockscreen, the first one is very well known :D):

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Good plan, I'll help you! steals your package and runs off
(yeah I'm busy to swap to vape, more healthy oo hope one day to fully stop those stinky stocks, I'm at 2-4/day now from a full package/day so well on my way ^^)
And those are so pretty ^^ I stole mine from someone who posted it in my train, hmm let me see if I can find it back >>

8 years ago

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My maximum is 10 cigarettes per week, I prefer tobacco pipe. It cannot be smoked too often and it smells good ^^ and of course the appearance is classy ^^

8 years ago

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Bump to the top! And best of luck with your studying!

8 years ago

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thanks :)

8 years ago

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im polish! but i used a polish remover so im not anymore :c
sorry trying to lighten the mood

8 years ago

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I giggled a little :3

8 years ago

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hahaha :D and You managed to lighten it :D hmmm, so it means that if I'm from Poland I am Polish, so am I shining? :D

8 years ago

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Naw man don't worry. If you like what you're going to study everything will be fine, even if hard.

Bureaucracy sucks.

8 years ago

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I'm gonna study 'geology and minig' (at least that's how I may translate it) so it will be a lot of geography (love it) and geology (love it) but also little bit of chemistry (little meeh), physics (big meeh) and maths (enormous meeh), but first two are main :) I think I'll enjoy it :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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I guess we're not the only ones here and for sure not only ones ever :D warm and strong hug for You! :) good luck! :D

8 years ago

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I will say that this feels stressful now, but all people especially introverted people need to push themselves outside of their comfort zones in order to grow as a person and gain new life experiences.

I regret not pushing myself in the past and even present day...but studying is a great excuse to expand your horizons.

8 years ago

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I feel introvertic, but some part of me know that's not only true. I may say I became introvertic after some bad experiences in relationships with other people, I had even depression and was taking pills, but everything is going to be better ^^ and again, even now one guy posted on fb group if there is anyone fancy to meet on sunday and drink some beer to know ourselves better ^^ no way I won't be there! I have to be there :D

8 years ago

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Bumpy :3

8 years ago

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something nice to me or to someone else :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks! And Bump!

8 years ago

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5th you are afraid and stressed because you are going to enter in a new and unknown chapter of your life and you do not realise yet that it has the potential to be one of the best phases of your whole life.
relax, take it easy, enjoy your time and take any profit from the experience that is coming to you :)

8 years ago

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I couldn't even better write it. and that this decision may have influence in all my future life, but hey, relax, just like You said, sometimes I have to remind me words of my friend: 'even if You fail, then what? even if they kick You out You may always begin again and again. nothing is so important to take your peace and health!' and if not Your comment possibly I wouldn't remember it :) thanks :)

8 years ago

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I see pug picture I bump

8 years ago

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so take this another pug :3

8 years ago

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OMG so beautiful \o/

8 years ago

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If I made through my first year, You can too. Going for my second year after weekend, and I'm totally shitting bricks, I know I failed 1 exam and I totally don't know what to do. Well, I'm still afraid of basically everything, mainly bureaucracy too...
Mogę opowiedzieć więcej po 'polskiemu', będzie łatwiej. Z tego co czytam to i tak masz łatwy start, bo z kumplami. Ja zaczynałem na łyso, i ciągle chodziłem tak blady że ludzie pytali się mnie czy wszystko gra D:

8 years ago

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też dasz radę :) najgorsze jest to, że mam takiego stresa, że aż chwilami cały kark i głowa mnie bolą :/ i to jest takimi falami, raz jest chillout i bez problemu a zaraz uczucie niemalże paniki...

8 years ago

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Mnie za to boli brzuch zawsze, a i dodam że żyłem w strachu przed studiami i ogólnie życiem dorosłym właściwie od podstawówki xD Nie żeby ostatecznie mi się nie podobało, bo miałem niektórych fajnych wykładowców i przedmioty, poznałem spoko studentów (i studentki) z roku, mieszkanie w akademiku zacząłem od zera, całkiem mili ludzie i zbudowałem dość dobrą przyjaźń z gościem z którym mieszkałem rok akademicki, ale dopiero za drugim razem trafiłem dobrze bo na początku musiałem zmieniać pokój gdyż miałem takiego typowego sebusia xD I tak najbardziej w sumie doskwiera mi samotność i strach przed formalnościami oraz dalszym życiem. Eh, chciałbym wiedzieć co ze sobą zrobić.. Teraz w poniedziałek jadę i będę z innym gościem którego znałem, więc dobry start tym razem. Najgorsze to te formalności, kompletnie tego nie ogarniam, i to nie tylko na studiach.

8 years ago

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widzę, że mamy bardzo podobną sytuację. tak samo miałem (nadal mam) z tym lękiem przed dorosłością, zwłaszcza, że szybko zacząłem dojeżdżać do szkoły, już w 5 podstawówce robiłem 15 km autobusem, od 1 gimnazjum to już było 40 (przeprowadzka). liceum oddalone o 80-85 km i mieszkanie na stancji, wynajęty pokoik i tak 3 lata wytrzymałem. jeszcze doszły zaburzenia depresyjne i apatia, pogłębione po tym jak dziewczyna mnie rzuciła (przegryw lvl over 9000 xD). I do tej pory mam wielki stres i nienawidzę załatwiać rzeczy papierkowych, w urzędach i u lekarzy. ciśnienie mi skacze wtedy jak nie wiem co. No i tak samo lęk przed przyszłą pracą i papierami do tego. Czasem wolałbym siedzieć w domu i czytać książki i robić coś na czarno tylko. zwłaszcza, że nie lubię dużych miast. wychowałem się w małym mieście, od gimnazjum żyję na wsi. niby 3 lata w Rzeszowie, ale mimo wszystko. Cisza i spokój i czyste powietrze to coś co kocham.

8 years ago

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Ja od liceum jeździłem autobusem 30 km, ale to nie był problem, liceum to najlepszy okres jaki miałem do tej pory w życiu. Na studiach w weekendy zawsze wracam do rodziny, bo to tylko 40 km od miasta więc nie jest źle. Mieszkam niestety za granicą powiatu i autobusy stąd nie jeżdżą, dlatego muszę mieszkać w akademiku. Zrobię prawko to będę pewnie mobilniejszy. Co do strachu ja wiem że on jest wyolbrzymiony i w ostateczności pewnie dam sobie radę. Mam tylko problem z rozplanowaniem/ułożeniem sobie życia, nawet pracy za bardzo się nie boję :P. Depresja, załamania i inne poważniejsze rzeczy są dawno za mną, powiem szczerze że chęć grania mnie niesie trochę do przodu. I też zdążyłem znienawidzić mieszkania w mieście przez ten czas i zacząłem doceniać kochany domek na wsi, także w ciszy i spokoju :D widzę że nie różnimy się aż tak bardzo.

8 years ago

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Happy cake day! ^_^
ja niestety do Krakowa mam dalej, jakoś 150 km chyba, niecałe 200 w każdym razie. Ja tak w międzyczasie się pochwalę, że wczoraj swoje prawko odebrałem, tylko ze samochodu i tak nie będę mieć teraz, nie za bardzo byłby hajs żeby kupić i utrzymać. Poza tym na studiach jeszcze mi się nie przyda bo taniej wychodzi jechać pociągiem albo się wpakować do kolegi do auta.
Ja co do chęci grania, to nie mam tak wielkiej, bo PCet zostal w domu, osiągi ma już niskie, bo komp już około 10 lat ma,a laptopa mam typowo do pracy, może wreszcie skończę któreś opowiadanie z braku gier ^^
I właśnie aż się zdziwiłem, że się nie różnimy zbytnio, łącznie z tym, że ostatnio zacząłeś się bawić fotografią, jwk widziałem :)

8 years ago

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bumpy panic))

8 years ago

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Please do believe in yourself, remember your driving license?

Study but also take a break in between and go out into the fresh air like a garden or a park.

A good night's sleep goes a long way. (preferably no alcohol, coffee and caffeine soda's a few hours before you go to bed).

Also a prayer and a lit candle can't hurt.

Thank you for your giveaways.

8 years ago

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I remember my driving license, passed on my second try :) now I think I'll always have a chance to improve my score on corrective term, even if I fail at first :) I want to organize my time on study, some for friends and new people, but to have also time for learning and sleeping. I couldn't organize my time when I was at school because problems with depression disorders and ruined relationships etc. but now I'm finally free, I have it behind me, that's what I feel :)

And because my mentality is going better I feel also my spiritual life may resurrect, for a long time I was little bit like a zombie. I used to believe, but then some things happened (still it's hard to say it for me, but it's about my ex-gf) and I lost my faith.

btw. maybe buying candles is not a bad idea? I always loved to watch flames (currently only fire I saw was when I was lighting a cigarette or tobacco pipe. :/ but don't worry, I smoke rather rare, maximum 2 cigarettes per day and it's only when have time and I'm outside ^^)

8 years ago

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I was in a similar situation as you. Making friends (or even talking to people) is incredibly difficult for me, but it kind of just happened. Remember, you don't need friend on your study, you just have to make sure not to make enemies. If you just see it as a professional relationship (so treat each other with respect) you're gonna be fine. I have very few friends at school, but I also don't have any "enemies" there either. Most people I can get along with well but don't deal with outside of school. I realised this just after quiting my first study and before starting my next. It honestly made it a lot easier.

Being afraid to fail is a pretty common thing as well. Just make sure not to give up because of it. Some schools may even offer something to help with that.

Remember: this is the time you are allowed to fail. You go to school to fail and learn from it to then succeed. It's okay to mess some stuff up. Even if you feel emberassed at times, it's likely that most people wouldn't even notice it or will respect you enough not to laugh at you (at least if you don't have a shitty class).

Just believe in yourself and everything is gonna be fine.

Just curious: what are you going to study exactly?

8 years ago

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I'm quite different person, some time ago one person describe me as 'people or will love You or will hate You, nothing between', but I changed since then and in school there was few people who told me I was only one who never had a serious argue with anyone and that's because I try to be warm and patient to everyone :) but I also feel loneliness much harder than most people, I guess, so I'll have to 'open myself' because loneliness amongs people is worst kind of loneliness. IMHO it's one of the worst things people may experience (definitely the worst is hopelessness, but it's also just my humble opinion).

I wrote in comments above, I remember words my friends told me once: 'even if You fail, then what? even if they kick You out You may always begin again and again. nothing is so important to take your peace and health!' especially my mental health (it was after very bad ending of long relationship of mine).

I may translate it as Geology and Mining in the faculty/department (I have no idea how to translate it, which word fits better :/ sorry) of Geology, geophysics and environmental protection

8 years ago

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Dont worry. We have all been there. Yes. Almost all. Yes.

8 years ago

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most of us. indeed.

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Rootwater.