I'm not sure what you expect to achieve from ranting here on SG. Steamgifts isn't a customer support for bad group experiences - just moving on would be the best course of action.
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i'm forced to contact other people at valve,at fbi and also in my country for check and fix about this.
i was starting to sympathize with you till you dropped this overly dramatic sentence that makes no sense, even in a steven seagal movie directed by michael bay. 💥💥💥
also, don't try to make exceptions to rules with personal issues. if something happened to you, it's really sad, but don't use it as leverage.
at this point, based on how dramatic and victimizing this thread sounds, i'm considering you said something to annoy the group and mods have reasons to kick you out. 🤦♀️
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First before that happen accident,i play the game,and i respect the rule of the group,so they kick me by say i not play it but it was lie i play it enough,so i not use it as excuse for not play the game also because after on 30\11\2018 i try to reach 9 hour and 3 achievements as you can see in the video for make they happy but they kick me the same
Second "At this point etc." no if they make a group on a valve community you must to be ready to talk with people,vice versa if you want to kick people better they go play kick sport.
And if they make a group say,we gift u game but u must play,if not play will be kicked,then people play it but they kick it so is not good,better not make the group ,better not exist so
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so now i'm forced to contact other people at valve,at fbi and also in my country for check and fix about this.
I'm not sure what happened between you and the PA mod you spoke to - maybe it was just a miscommunication? I've found that people in general are pretty understanding if you explain your situation. But stuff like the line above is not going to win you any sympathy. The point when you start threatening people is when they stop listening to anything you may have to say.
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What is happen is they say they kick me because they say i not play the game but this was false.
and i provide to them all the proof images,videos etc. but they don't care,continue to reply me bad words and say kick me.
And i understand you say about can be about "Sympathy" , but who manage a group about games data (Play or not play) not must kick people for "Sympathy" must kick if play or not,or vice versa so is a fake group with fake rules and bad people too.
And top of that there is not reason to be offensive like they do,same write "kick you for mocking" or like this.
Just tell me i will be excluded because for you i not play the game,and ok finish,but that mod was so rude,is not that the way to reply,so if someone reply bad to me,i reply bad back too and also will denunce at valve too because i don't like people like that.
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So now we know your perspective. Good.
But without the other side, there is no reason to discuss anything.
Also, as mentioned before, this community cant do anything against it or for you.
The only thing posting it here achieves, is attention seeking.
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Isn't this considered calling out? Or it's allowed when you talk about group, not particular person?
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Right now,person is that morikalina that was bad with me, with "reinforced" or other member i never had problem,they very good with me,only that morikalina very bad,and also him ban\kick me from the group with lie about i not play the game.
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You really need to understand 2 important things.
1) They have the right to kick you from the group for whatever reason, or without one.
2) This topic violates SG guidelines, so what you do is just wrong, not to mention it's pointless. You can report user that was rude to you to sg support, that's the right way, but only if they were rude on sg, not on steam discussions/chat, otherwise support won't be able to help you.
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Use the appropriate avenues for support. If you have an issue with another user, submit a ticket with a user report, rather than calling them out within the community or on the forum.
So yes, it is, it's clearly a violation of sg rules. inb4 "My Bad Experience with SG"
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I thought it's about blaming people for something, including rule breaks, but not limited to it. It says "If you have an issue with another user", not "if the user break the rules". After all, only support will deside if it was a violation, because rules is too vague here.
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yes i understand , is ok , thank you , this is called censure, i will proceed to write in other places so is ok is not a problem.
The important is i know that i write this thread here today,and i denunce this and i record a video about it.
Then if PA group delete it and ban me is ok,but people will know the truth over socials,youtube and other place because they can't delete social too,maybe they is owner of PA group (until valve not ban them) but is not owner about social and one day or another people will know truth.
Time will show truth.
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Morikalina is a moderator\manager of the PA group,him at start GOOD with me,only him just notify me that if i not play the game i will get KICKED and him also write if you have reason why not play the game is time to make us know.
So i reply to him that i play the game,is not true that i not play,and also i explain to him that i lose someone in my family so i not feel play game ghost\horror more than i play it already
But i also explain that i play 4 hour and 2 achievements and that play appreciated tool say i playscore 100\100 and that play appreciated tool show (60% has 2,40% has 3)
But him not care him kick me and write me i kick u for mocking.
After because i mad i say him is not a moderator or manager of the group,but ok i sorry this too after,and this happen after that him already reply bad to me.
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Oh for fucks sake. You will not give up on this will you?
We have the right to kick anyone we want for any reason we want. After pulling all the nonsense you did I will personally make sure you will never be able rejoin the group again as long as I am an admin of the group. Now stop, it will get you nowhere.
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Have the right to do it,if build a store and do it in your store.
But if do it in the valve platform and in country where there is also country law,govern,status you has no right to do this.
Because if make a group by say only people that not play the game will be kicked,but then people play the game and the group kick them and offend them same is happen at me so NO you have no right to do this,because this is not respect and not human to do.
Is bad.
Especially if someone show to the group proof images,videos about him play the game,and him already tell to the g roup that can't play it more than this because has family lost died in his family,but then group moderator reply to him i kick you for mocking
This is not respect and no you can't do this,and if you do this action will get reaction,and not from me but as i say already many time from valve,and from other internet autority.
Also morikalina then write me this
"Give me best regars to internet autority"
Oh well not worry that when they will see this,they will be so happy to give u back best regars too.
In my life i has to do with Scammers,Criminals,Frauds groups,but i can assure u no one was so bad to have no respect and reply bad like morikalina do,i tell to them and send also images and video proof that i play the game,but they not care,so now they ban me already (or kick me as morikalina like to write) so ok only i can do is share my bad experience about this group on the net and contact valve and other autority for check it.
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Look, do whatever the hell you want, waste you own time as much as you want, I wont waste mine anymore as I have wasted more than reasonable on this issue already. You wont rejoin the group as long as I have anything to say in it. It doesn't matter how many wall of text you write and how many "authoritys" you contact and how many empty threats you make. I have better things to do in life than deal with any of this anymore. Bye.
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is possible to pubblic fbi reply , but yes i can tell u if i receive good useful reply from them or not.
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Because i play the game,no reason for write me kick me from the group for i not play the game,because i show to them i play it,images and video too,and they can check also theyr own "play appreciated tool" if they want,but the tool is also work wrong because it show only 2 achievements when i say more time that i reach 3 on 30 but btw this is not problem because also with 2 it was enought because at time of 2 achievements tool say "60 has 2,40 has 3".
Then ok if i not play the game,and they say kick me i will accept
But if i play it,and they say i not play and kick me for i not play,so this i hurt because is a lie.
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Problem is i play it 9 hour and 3 achievements,and the play appreciated tool say "60% has 2 and 40% has 3" and i explain already right now i not feel good to play ghost\horror game because someone die in my family recently and so i not feel to play it now,i can play other games that has not topic about lost people in family for example astroneer,yoka laylee,hat in a time or like this but right now i not feel to play horror ghost came, i already sad about my dad die,not want see think about ghost or horror.
Top of that if 60% of people has 2 achievements and 40% has 3 and i play it 9 hour and i do playscore 100\100 why the hell i must play it +? what reason.
This is problem.
Or if they tell me i can do it in future ok maybe,but right now i really not feel play this genre of game is not the right moment and btw i do it already 9 hour and 3 achievements for make they group happy i think is enough ha you,i play more than 60% of other players play for make that group happy,so why must ask me +.
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They write me i don't need to reply them,and they ban me,so how i ask
They write "do whatever you want EXCEPT repling us or me anyway,i don't want get stupid notification"
And before say this the same user moderator write me him kick me for mocking,when i tell him i play already the game and i not want play it more than this because of my reason i already explain all,i also tell to him that the play appreciated tool show i play the game enough but him not care reply me bad like this
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Truth is, every group can set it's own rules.
What they did isn't against the rules, from SG or Steam. Their recruitment post says clearly what you need to do to be with them.
Even then, they say that you can rejoin the group whem you meet the requeriments In this case, playing the game.
All you could do was play the game and them ask for rejoining the group later.
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"Truth is, every group can set it's own rules.
What they did isn't against the rules, from SG"
This is right
"or Steam"
This no,because they give away games that come from other donators,so if they not respect the rules they write in the time i enjoy the giveaway they is like scam or fraud group so and steam not accept this ,expecially if i provide them proof about it (pic,videos etc.).
"Their recruitment post says clearly what you need to do to be with them."
Yes but if people do it,and follow their rules,but then morikalina ban who follow the rules and who do what the PA group say,so this is a problem and this violate steam rule too,steam staff not like happen this,is NOT HONEST to do.
"Even then, they say that you can rejoin the group whem you meet the requeriments In this case, playing the game."
i play it already long time before they ban me https://i.imgur.com/JyEWKCU.jpg ,and i send to them image and videos proof about i play it but they kick ban me
So why still happen all this,because i play the game,and i play it and play appreciated tool give me playscore 100\100 4\9 hours played and also 4 achievements (60% of player has 2, 40% has 3) but they ban me say i not play the game.
Also i tell to them that in 30\11 i reach 3 achievements but playappreciated too not show it,i also show them a video proof but they not care they ban me and always write me "i kick u not play game" "i kick u for mocking" and all nosense messages like that.
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I'm sorry you had a bad experience but I must say I've only ever had a good time with this group.
Maybe you should have contacted the mods and the GA creator to tell them about your circumstances. It's always a good idea to keep the lines of communication open.
Usually when the tool is at 100% the GA is auto validated so I'm not sure what you're leaving out but the group has been fair in my experience.
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This is what tool show me https://i.imgur.com/JyEWKCU.jpg (and it also wrong coz i reach 3 achievements at 30\11) but anyway the problem is that morikalina kick ban me,so also if the tool validate me him kick me so the tool can't fix ban.
yes me too has good experience until morikalina come to me and kick me for no reason and also bad to me.
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You've got nice stats there!
Omg I'm so rude, I should've said perfect stats. Call authorities! Call FBI!
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First and foremost, private giveaway groups can kick you for whatever they consider appropriate, or for no reason at all, because this is not any corporation or other institution to be bound by any special law that guarantees you anything. You can already stop making fool of yourself and trying to communicate with police or other "fbi" because it only further ensures people that you have no clue what you're talking about.
Secondly, trying to make drama out of it is inappropriate. Every group operates on its own rules, and you should discuss it with staff available in given group instead of publicly. I'm not a member of PA, mainly because I disagree with their ways of handling things and requirements, but I am owner of my Touhou and in my group every staff member is supposed to do his best to ensure that every member feels fine in the group and is given all the help he might need from us - if your case happened under my leadership, you'd be given at least a good month or two more or other way to satisfy the giveaway creator given circumstances, and the staff would support you in this, not go against you. Still, regardless of that, PA didn't do anything wrong, because it's their choice how they're handling things in their own group and if they decided that you didn't comply, then you didn't, regardless how much you'd want to prove entire world otherwise. Just because people are expected to show compassion doesn't mean that you'll be given that, and just because other group would handle it differently doesn't mean that this one will. I also highly doubt that everything happened indeed how you describe it, because I'm unlikely to believe that nobody there cared about your case and said "rules is rules", but even if it did happen, that's between you and PA, not you and SG.
I suggest to use this opportunity as a lesson for the future and find a group that satisfies you. Nowadays it seems that people that actually care about others are in so minority that it doesn't shock me how you got kicked instead of talked to. As a person who operates on entirely different rules, it really saddens me, but also gives me a valuable lesson how I should never let this happen to my own members.
My condolences for your loss, I hope you get better soon.
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I'm not a member of PA, mainly because I disagree with their ways of handling things and requirements
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First of all, I am sorry for your loss, too. It must be more difficult to deal with it, comparing to a random internet group's ban.
Secondly, just found myself kicked as well, so you're not alone, at least (if it makes you feel better) =)
Don't get angry, no cia or fbi will ever observe it; let it go. It seems that since the group became popular, mods became more formal in dealing with violations. There s one? Several days to rectify. No? Kicked and next joiner, please.)
Is it right or wrong, I don't know and won't think anymore. Better will make a few giveaways for the rest of people in Steamgifts.
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You're completely delusional if you believe the FBI (or any authority, for that matter) would care about this.
Anyway, since you decided to call out a group moderator in particular, I'm closing this thread.
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i want to share my bad experience with the Play Appreciated Steam Group.
At first i happy because i win 4 games and i play all of them
The last game i win and play is Wick,i play it 4 hours and unlock 2 achievements , i really not im mood to play this game because sadly i lose someone in my family the period of the win of this game,and because this game is about ghost\horror i not feel to play it,but for try to respect the play appeciated group rules i force myselph to play it until 4 hours and 2 achievements just for the respect of the group
Then i check in the Play Appreciated Tool website and it show "Playscore 100\100,achievements 60% Has 2 , 40% Has 3,4 Hour played"
After this i was contacted from the user morikalina and him tell me that i will get kicked from the group because i don't play the game in 1 month.
i reply to him that i disagree,because i play the game,and i also explain to him that i not feel good right now to play that game more than 9 hour and 3 achievements because i has lost\die someone in my family so i'm not in mood to play horror\ghost game
Him reply to me that him will "KICK me for MOCKING"
After this i reply to him and other users that i very hurt about this rude way to reply and kick me from the group , because i play the game and is a lie to say i not play it,and because the result of play appreciated tool was good,other 60% of people has 2 too and 40% has 3.
i give also to them proof of what i say with images and videos
But they don't care
i also try to explain to them that i very hurt about this,because i say i play the game so is not just get kicked for say i not play it,and because i explain that someone in my family is died,and i say also that if they kick me for this fake lie reason i think i will proceed to contact valve and other internet authority because also if they gift games (gifted by others people) this in my opinion not enable they to be rude with who access their group giveaways and exclude people in this way with fake lie reason.
But they reply to me this
So i already do all i can for talk with this people by show also proof images,videos and all but they not care act very rude and kick me with fake reason,so now i can't do nothing with them because i can't contact them in their group or in SG,
so now i'm forced to contact other people at valve,at fbi and also in my country for check and fix about this.
Then maybe they is good,and i just unlucky,but i can say this happen to me and i very hurt about how they reply rude and without humanity because i show with proof that i play the game but they ignore it and kick me.
Also now i don't have time because i has accident the same day that they make me hurt about this,but soon i will publish this also on internet blogs,reddit and on youtube,because i think is not just they offend people like this and kick people no reason.
Anyway i thanks SG,PA for give me the opportunity to win the first 3 game,i thanks also the giveaway creator (also before that this happen i thank)
i thanks all people that work for this can happen that was good (but i not thank morikalina for me is not good because him very bad to me and him say more time kick me for mocking or i not play the game that for me is not just and is also a lie)
But i very hurt about that user and how him write and kick me with lie.
I think if they must gift games for then after offend and send bad word to people so is better their group not exist.
Because is better not have games,than have it for then someone say "i kick u for mocking" or "you not play the game" also when is not true.
Then i'm sure there is millions of people happy about their group,and i'm sure this happen only to me (or i hope we will see in the next months when i pubblish video and articles about this if have other people too...and we will see also when the right people check them...)
But my experience with them was very bad and i not council to my friend to enjoy their group for sure.
And the only good people that try help me is "Mousewithbeer" or someone with name like that,him very good with me and try to help,but sadly PA group not fucking care about him try help too , so the only i can do now is contact external sources for verify about this,because i try already fix it directly with PA but i can't they ban me everywhere and reply me always with rude bad words.
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