As much as I dearly love VII and even though no other video game character's death has had as much impact on me as Aerith's, I have to agree with skd3's assessment. If VI had debuted on the PSX instead of the SNES & had the same graphics et al that VII did, it could've drawn in even more people than VII did.
I hear after skd3's 4 year-old played FF VII & got to the part where Aerith died, he told her to "man up" and then turned off the Playstation in utter disgust. Trustori.
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Bruce Willis's character in Sixth Sense is actually a ghost.
Anything else I can help you with? :D
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I should just go and hang myself now
I've actually never heard the Rosebud one though
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MallowOni.... wait a sec, DI forums before the retirement?
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Yes! VI is BY FAR the best. The best story, the best characters, the best twist, the best shocks, the best villain, etc.
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Overall best characterization, storyline, music, and villain. I could go on a long, LONG rant about why I love to hate Kefka, but I'm too tired.
Also, Sephiroth's a terrible villain. Within same game, Rufus Shinra was a better villain than him.
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OK, you asked for it, but first...
The first you really hear about Kefka is when you learn he's responsible for turning an 18 year old woman into a mindless, fully receptive slave. He goes on to turn on allies of the Empire to recover said woman (mind you with NO proof that said allies have her), then proceeds to set a STONE CASTLE on FIRE. Later, he poisons a river to poison a downstream castle with no feeling for his troops imprisoned there, and comments on how he "enjoys the chorus of thousands screaming in agony at once." In that context, Doma castle is REALLY far downstream; think about how many hypothetical settlements along the way were decimated, not to mention ecological damage. He willingly sits in prison for his "war crimes" to fool the protagonists, then goes on to wipe out the remaining entirety of a magical race for their power. Later he kills off the Emperor he willingly served for 20+ years (think about this: he must have been planing this the entire time) by kicking him off a continent floating miles in the air, steals the power of three (3) goddesses and bends their physical forms to serve him, reshapes the face of the planet (literally) as he sees fit (effectively winning against the heroes), and uses his power to utterly destroy any location on the planet that opposes him from a single, static location. All this while wearing clown makeup and laughing (and that 16-bit cackle STILL haunts my dreams). If you need more description that this, look up "Kefka Dissidia" on youtube. His Dissidia characterization is spot on. He's also apparently popular enough to warrent his own Wikipedia page, which gives a lot of insight on his character from the developers and localization head.
This is a villain you love to hate. Like seriously LOVE to hate. Like marry and sleep with every night for the rest of your life love to hate.
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Kefka, in my mind, is the greatest video game villain of all time. Only one other entity I'd consider on the same level of EVIL. That being, DeathEvan in Breath of Fire 2.
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long hair.
I jest, I jest. I have no problem with Sephiroth.
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He's a whiny mama's boy. Literally, that's his entire character. His entire motivation is to be with his "mother". At least Rufus Shinra knowingly raped the planet and oppressed people for monetary gain, took a Weapon blast to, well, everything and survived long enough to show up in a movie.
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He's only a BA because he looks like one and has a bunch of flashy powers and fighting styles. In other words he's a shallow villain that only appeals to bros who care about "looks" and little more and who shouldn't be playing RPGs (or any story based genre) to begin with probably. Like Azurefang said, he's quite possibly one of the most shallow and poorly conceptual villains in any RPG to date, people only like him because he looks and acts "badass" and you just proved that point.
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FF3/6 and FF2/4 (original SNES version) are in a virtual tie for me. Both are vastly superior to FF7.
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You mean the same guy that's been responsible for every FF that after IX? The one that says "non-linear, open world games are a Western thing, not a Japanese thing"? The man that wants all FFs to be a movie broken up by 1-2 battles every 45 minutes and thinks this is a good idea? I want to choke Tetsuya Nomura with FF I-IX -_-
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no, that's not him at least according to wiki
"He first started working designing few parts from Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI and has also been the character designer from various games, debuting in Final Fantasy VII. Additionally, Nomura debuted as video game director for the Kingdom Hearts series starting in 2002 and was also the director from the CGI film Final Fantasy VII Advent Children.[2]"
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I won't edit previous so clarity may be achieved.
My bad, I had always heard everything attributed to Nomura. Need to shift my hatred to Motomu Toriyama.
Then I retract. As long as Nomura brings his KH experience rather than bending to the previous XIII's, I have some hope.
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Honestly, that paranoia stems from fear of "new". As long as one understands that, just like printed material, there can be mistakes and you should always follow through and check primary sources, things like Wikipedia are fine.
My post ranting against Nomura is an obvious (and embarrassing) point on that.
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Randy Pausch said he used to mistrust Wikipedia until he got to work for an actual encyclopedia, World Book if I remember correctly, and saw their "standards". After that he said Wikipedia was fine.
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My personal favourite in the series is Final Fantasy X. I was never a fan of the ATB battle system used during the SNES and PS1 games, but the CTB system was something that I liked. I would have put over two hundred hours into the International release of the game.
After that, Final Fantasy V. Didn't like the battle system much, as I mentioned above, but between the story, characters and the character classes, this one was still enjoyable.
Finally, I'll mention Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. I enjoyed this one quite a bit, having beaten the game more than once.
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VI and VII tend to be named as "best" a lot, but VIII is my personal favourite. I quite like Tactics too.
They're all good though. It's my favourite series and I really don't think there are any "bad" ones. I've played all but 2 or 3 of them and I've loved them all.
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Tactics absolutely has the best battle mechanics. The way you could combine jobs, gear, and abilities to create some truly ridiculous & fun characters just hasn't been topped in any other FF game in my less than humble opinion.
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FFT is my favorite game of all time, but is so drastically different than the FF "base" games, I consider it it's own entity.
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I like 8. Not just is it a romance story, but also it goes much deeper if you think about the theroy: What is if Squall dies at the end of CD1 (at least on PC)? Everything after just goes more crazy and crazy. Squall's Dead
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I liked 8 and 12, though they seem to be less popular with most people.
Tactics is easily the best though.
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The best ones are 6, 7, 9, and 10 in no particular order, though 10 was my favorite.
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Final Fantasy 7 for the first 5 hours. The Midgar beginning is probably the best introduction to an RPG world ever.
Final Fantasy 6 for the first half. Great story and bosses. Loss of narrative in World of Ruin hurts the game a bit, but World of Ruin is about individual character stories rather than plot.
Final Fantasy 4 for the music. None of the non-unique (Dancing Mad and One-Winged Angel being unique, seeing as how they show up only once) music of other entries compare.
Final Fantasy 9 for the first two discs. Those first two discs are amazing, but the story pretty much jumps off a cliff by disc 3.
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I would have to go with either 7 or 9?
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