Changed the example ITH-link to instead of
Appearently the x-link brings you directly to a 3 year old giveaway ^^ Must be hardcoded by the creator of ITH or something.
Just noticed that the leader for the ITH group on steam is the same guy that has that giveaway, so I guess that's confirmed to be his handywork. Also noticed that he's been inactive for 9 months, and the last guy that won something from him is SilentGuy. :)
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Woot :) Must have been during the stick of truth event... damn, that has been ages :-o
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That looks insane. And that grid on ITH!
I wonder if that's possible to create ourselves, or if it's something he specially coded for his puzzle.
But that event is 2 years old, the GA the x-link leads to it 3 years old. So probably not. And the game you won was 1 year ago (Duke Nukem Forever).
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The lab results just came back. It seems the smudged out text was because it was written twice on it and then erased.
Layer one: Cipher
Layer two: 673 1 673 2 63 4 408 3 408 4 408 5
This was a hint that was going to be dropped if it hadn't been solved within a couple of days.
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Would you prefer to work together on puzzle 4 in the café, or would you prefer getting a hint and solve it on your own?
Storywise, it makes no difference. It can make sense that several agents caught up with each other and are temporarily working together.
It's not a democracy, poll result may not be the deciding factor, but I've debated with myself back and forth on the subject and would like to hear your opinion on the matter.
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Puzzle 4 (the café), Hint 1:
Actually, I'm not going to give you another hint, you've more than likely already deciphered the hint I would have given you.
Instead I can tell you what it isn't. I don't like "cipher-ception", the only time I would use a cipher on top of another cipher is if the middle result is rather clear what it is. For example a binary leading to Hex or vice versa. If you keep adding different ciphers on top of each other you can make anything signify anything in the end.
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But I didn't think it was a cipher over a cipher in the first place. :P
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Puzzle 4, Hint 3 7
You are looking for an 8 letter code to an ITH page. You know you're on the right track if you find a code (this last part will only mean something if you've already deciphered it correctly, but perhaps don't understand the result).
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Puzzle 4, Hint 4 8
This is something I've already posted in hint 1 really, but something I think needs extra attention. There are 2 unique messages in the string of numbers, a hint and the code. And as I posted, you have most likely already deciphered the hint.
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Interesting, so now I just need to figure out how to decode the code based on the hint. I actually tried googling something related to that hint when I first translated the string, but couldn't find anything relevant.
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Puzzle 4, Hint 5 9
The first hint, which probably everyone saw when they first arrived and tried the most obvious deciphering relates very strongly to something that the waitress said. If you don't understand what the word she said has got to do with ciphers, google it. Also, she wasn't the only one that got cut off before that saying was finished.
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No idea what I'm doing, but if CXXXXXXXXEXX is the Cipher's name, I believe it could be CIPHERBASE32 or CIPHERBASE64.
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The X's are meant to be smudge, not exact letters. :) I wouldn't worry about them too much. I'm sure the lab will come up with a clear result in a few days if the note hasn't already been solved by then.
Storywise, it's a way for me to drop a hint.
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Alright, I'll wait for someone else to try something. :P Other than that, I only noticed there are 26 words in the front side and 26 numbers in the back side, each with a digit from 1 to 6, but I don't know what to make of that.
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Seeing how this is a group puzzle, I'm just collecting thought here:
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
3 | 14 | 12 | 9 | 11 | 21 | 8 | 9 | 5 | 4 |
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I've been derping with Binary, because that has been the main theme in all cases.
126 1 126 2 189 4 189 5 37 5 37 6 89 3 89 4
561 4 561 5 561 6 205 4 205 5 584 3 426 1 557 1 742 2
753 4 753 5 17 2 17 3 17 4 255 3 255 4 530 2 54 1
A simple even/uneven conversion makes: 01001011 11101110 10111010 11010111 00101110 11101110 0001
Which is nothing :P
Yup, I'm useless... :P
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Hmm, that looks like one of your previous puzzles that remained unsolved. It resembles the Beale cipher very much and the keywords "declare" and "Independence" might be taken as a hint in that direction. The difference with the classic Beale should be that each even number should point to the number of the letter in the word to take, instead of just take each first letter.
Here is a link to a Declaration of Independence with numbered words, but the problem I had then and still have is that some things don't "fit" this line of thinking. For example, the 189th word is "long" and it clearly doesn't have 5 letters. So, there's either something else that has to be done first or the source text to be used is not the Declaration.
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I used the Beale decoder m3rc mentioned in the other puzzle, putting the numbers in the ciphertext field and the words in the book field, and got "idhooofhoohofiihoadafahfhdi", which is probably nothing.
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Just an observation, this is the sequence in the original puzzle:
229 1 229 2 229 3 300 1 300 2 62 1 62 2 363 1 363 2 363 3 762 6 762 7 762 8 1136 1 1136 2 1136 3 635 1 635 2 635 3 46 3 231 5 231 6
561 4 561 5 561 6 205 4 205 5 584 3 426 1 557 1 742 2 753 4 754 5 17 2 17 3 17 4 255 3 255 4 530 2 54 1
I noticed that the bolded part is repeated here, so it's likely to be a sentence / clause. Assuming each pair corresponds to a letter, there are 18 letters here. Any common phrases?
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OK I solved it..
Text of the Declaration. Start counting from "The unanimous declaration..."..
126th word, first letter: M
126th word, second letter: e
189th word, fourth letter: e
etc. etc.
And here's the decoded message:
Meet me at
eight mrLa
seven six N
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Well done. I got more interest in this within a few hours of posting than I got over several days the last time, when noone could solve it. Didn't know how hard it would be to find it, but I'm glad someone was able to figure out that the declaration text Beale used didn't include the titel and, as someone mentioned early, seperated "self-evident" to two words. It's also been quite established that the Beale cipher has many errors and is almost certainly a hoax.
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Have a bump for currently stuck. Will return later.
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Everybody, chill out. I got this. Master solver here.
I am working on this for two hours and I believe I am really close. Just one thing that has been bothering me about this specific encryption:
Are Cipher Bin Ary and Usame Bin Laden cousins?
I just need this last piece of information and can claim solved after getting this.
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I think the problem is exactly that people don't read or are too lazy when the ITH link isn't directly posted in the thread.
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I thought maybe those were there just as a distraction.
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That's not part of the 8 symbols you are looking for either. I guess I can reveal that fact, you are looking for an 8 letter code to an ITH page. You know you're on the right track if you find a code (this last part will only mean something if you've already deciphered it correctly, but perhaps don't understand the result).
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More hints may be posted if they are asked for or if you at least tell me where you're stuck.
Previously on the Puzzle Agency.
You have become an agent at the Puzzle Agency. Shortly after proving your loyalty to the agency in the Case of the Secret Ruler, a hacker managed to plant a bomb in the building. After defusing it, you found a compartment with a mysterious note.
Story: The Case of the Mysterious Note
The boss has gathered a group of agents in a conference room. You are here today because you are among the brighest of the Puzzle Agency. In the center of the table lies a note with text written on both sides. Cipher's name seem to have been smudged out, but otherwise the note is intact. The lab has scanned the smudged out part, but the results aren't back for another couple of days. You need to find out what's on the note, it might reveal information of Cipher Bin Ary's next target, or even his location.
Front side
I declare, from here on out,
an equal world all without
secrets to hide what's true and real.
Independence for all puzzles I steal.
Back side
126 1 126 2 189 4 189 5 37 5 37 6 89 3 89 4
561 4 561 5 561 6 205 4 205 5 584 3 426 1 557 1 742 2
753 4 753 5 17 2 17 3 17 4 255 3 255 4 530 2 54 1
Group part solved
The first puzzle is a group puzzle, share anything you want about it, including the full translation. However, do NOT post links to any results it may uncover. All puzzles after that are individual challenges and standard puzzle rules apply, no sharing of information.
This case involve use of p3d. All hidden codes are to be used on that site to reveal that puzzle's setting. It also uses ITH which 8 letter codes can be used on.
Earlier cases (optional)
Prelude: the Puzzle Agency entrance
The Case of the Secret Ruler
The Case of the Terrorist Hacker
There's also a Puzzle Agency steam group where news for upcoming cases are shared.
Shadowgate: MacVenture Series
Kingdom Rush
Wargame: European Escalation
ARK: Survival Evolved
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