It's all speculative. But honestly, I feel the time for real profit on cards is over-- we had our fun coming out of Beta, but the market is simply oversaturated. Many more people selling/speculating like yourself than there are actual badge crafters (who are willing to use the market for cards and not trading). Values will continue to drop, the only thing I see spiking prices/interest would be lead-ups to events like this Summer Sale, with inflated mystery card values as an example.
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Prices of some summer cards/items will certainly rise. Many people investing in them doesn't change their value but makes them raise faster in price due to lower supply.
I'm not counting on short term profits but if u hold onto the cards for like 5 years I think you can easely get 10 x your invested money.
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Haha yeah, because the Steam Market is obviously a great place for long-term, multi-year investments. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but I doubt your "profit" would keep up with common currency inflation rates.
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Again, I'd point you to another poster's argument that most people that care/would pay for the cards they want have already done so at the cheaper rates available. You are literally banking on one or two ADD collectors that will be willing to pay above premium prices years down the road. That is, assuming all of the other "speculators" such as yourself aren't still undercutting you
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Like the RS exemple I've given a bit further. People who wanted a santa hat could have collected it, yet it still sells very high now. Short term I think you're right. That's why I don't agree with people who think they'll make a lot of money short term.
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Short term is the only time you will really even make much money at all. While the summer sale is on, people sell their cards 1c lower than the current price to get money in their steam wallet, fast. This is because lots of games are going lower than $3, so thats only around 30 steam summer sale cards or 10 and a few other game cards, or just $1 off of a game you want to get on sale. Right after the summer sale, if someone decides they want to collect all the cards they will think like you.. "Oh right after the summer sale is the perfect time to buy those summer sale cards, before they go up in price too much!"-More profit. I think every single trading card out there will raise at least 2c after the summer sale simply due to people no longer wanted quick money in their wallet. In addition to that, what if your trading with someone who is new to all these cards, lets say 3 months after the summer sale. They offer you a Shank 2 card (Lets say they existed and were worth around 30c) for any one card you have, so he asks you to show him all of your cards and pick one because most cards were worth less. He spots the summer sale card and-not knowing about the market yet buys it from you at the price of 2 Shank 2 cards. That right there is 50c profit.
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The problem with the RS comparison is that most people buy a santa hat as an investment, they aren't actually spending a ton of money because they can always sell it back for a similar if not higher price. Since making the badge loses the card, there will be less people willing to spend a lot of money on it.
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I really doubt that the price will raise (yeah, maybe in a year). Why? Two reasons. 1st - too many people are collecting them and hope, that the price will raise. 2nd - everyone, who cares about cards, already crafted their badge since they're at the cheapest possible price right now, so there's absolutely no demand.
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Yes, my collection is for long term. I don't expect too much from short term too.
But foils probably will raise short term as they're already raising while the summer sale isn't over yet.
More collectors will appear and new people will come that want to craft all possible badges.
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"More collectors will appear and new people will come that want to craft all possible badges."
Again, this is speculation. You're hedging some mighty bets on digital pixels inside a secular-market featuring a single slice of the video gaming community (one that loves cheap stuff, I might add).
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I've played Runescape in the past. I don't know if you did. But "rare" items there that were dropped in holiday events in abundace are now worth hundreds of millions. Even the latest ones that were dropped while the items from the very first event were already worth a lot. And people were collecting them for profit purposes.
"The Santa hat is a tradeable discontinued item. Santa hats appeared randomly on the ground all over RuneScape on 25 December 2002, when players could pick up as many as they wanted. They are a purely cosmetic item having no stat bonuses, and no requirement to equip."
Now worth 150.000.000 coins in Runescape. They were sold for single digits at the day they were released. There were tons of them collected.
Even the completely useless "Half full wine jug" is now worth 300.000.000+.
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This works about everywhere and with everything. Only thing that could stop this from happening is the whole cards shit becomming less popular.
Basic economics is that when an item isn't produced anymore and there are only items taken out of circulation that the value of the item will raise.
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The time/effort you're spending on this > the amount you will profit
If you're that interested in shortfall econ, play around with some penny stocks-- the analysis you're doing could make you exponentially more elsewhere.
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Not much efford in buying them lol, already bought everything I need. Didn't take a lot of time.
People never thought that santa's in Runescape would ever be worth something either. And people buying them were often seen as stupid guys wasting their money. Those guys are rich now (or at least the ones that didn't panic sell af a short while thinking they were wrong).
I haven't got much to lose :p
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Not much effort in compiling the info in OP? How often are you refreshing the market page? How much time have you wasted talking to me? >__<
Edit: And "those guys" are rich now because they still play Runescape years later. If you aren't "winning" in an MMO after a couple of years, you're doing it wrong.
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That, is basically like saying it is only a guess that a game company that is improving their games will gain fans, not lose them. Valve are not done with trading cards, I guarantee you. As they get better and more games in peoples libraries get cards suddenly people with lots of cards will be like hang on, I have 234 cards, what do i do with them? And that will be the beginning of their collection..
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I've played Runescape in the past. I don't know if you did. But "rare" items there that were dropped in holiday events in abundace are now worth hundreds of millions. Even the latest ones that were dropped while the items from the very first event were already worth a lot. And people were collecting them for profit purposes.
"The Santa hat is a tradeable discontinued item. Santa hats appeared randomly on the ground all over RuneScape on 25 December 2002, when players could pick up as many as they wanted. They are a purely cosmetic item having no stat bonuses, and no requirement to equip." Now worth 150.000.000 coins in Runescape. They were sold for single digits at the day they were released. There were tons of them collected. Even the completely useless "Half full wine jug" is now worth 300.000.000+.
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bought 6 full summer getaway sets. gonna try to hold onto them for about 2 years..
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I don't think the emoticons will be restricted to this summer sale, they are so basic. Like this one :D:
That will be made available to anyone in the future by other sales or competitions.
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I think they might disappear after the summer. Dun dun dun.
After completing one set I realized I just wasted 10 cards on something worthless that gave me some XP I didn't need cuz I'm already level 10, and ugly background and a useless emoticon. But if I have some money in the last hour of the sale I will buy all the cards because apparently some people think they're worth it. So I'll trade it for a shit ton.
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they will not disappear after the summer. Valve already said so. Why do people keep thinking that?
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No, all cards in the getaway set are flagged as "common". They have equivalent chances of dropping. Certain ones may have happened to drop slightly more often (to an almost statistically insignificant level of difference) and/or through happenstance they just have not been listed as much on the market (by some fluke owners of Skyrim getaway cards may happen to have held onto theirs more).
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"Try a random number generation of 1 to 10. Not every number is going to be 12,5%."
. . . wow, just wow.
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Actually, he is right. The odds that card will evenly co-exist is not likely. There is bound to be more of one card and less of the other. It is mathematically unlikely, out of all the possible outcomes, that every single card has an equal amount of copies unleashed to the public. There will be at some point a more "rare" card.
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1) 12,5%
2) What he essentially said is that not every card has the same probability to drop . . .
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I think you simply misunderstood his post. He means that, for an example, 12.5% of cards are card A and there is no way all the other cards will also be 12.5%. That is what I got out of his post, but since he edited his post to 10%, I am confident that was what he was originally trying to say and now made himself more clear.
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There will always be more of one card than another. If you roll 6 6 sided dice.. Will you get the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6? Or 1 1 1 1 1 1? No, it is more than likely you will get something like 5 1 2 2 4 6.
It is pure luck what cards become rarer, but it will always happen because the cards are random, there are not 200 of each..
You say you have 10+ of each.. Cool, but guess what, you dont have the exact number of each unless u baught them from the market or got really lucky,
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You are correct, though with a large enough sample size of dice rolls, the distribution becomes increasingly even. Even if there are slightly more of one or another card in a set that there exists so many copies of, it should not mean a significant difference in value.
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correct, that is actually the Law of large numbers. So there aren't cards that drop more often than others, in large numbers, if they have the same value of rarity (or "commonality", although it isn't a word)
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Ive always wondered, what would happen if you bought every single one of one item.. And sold them all for a certain amount higher than they used to be (Depending on the item of course). Would you gain money due to people buying it thinking it was a rarer card and badly wanting it? Or would you lose money due to the people selling cards for $5 that you would have to buy?
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This is called price-fixing. With infinite capital (and no regulations), it will always work.
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Yes, of course anyone can "fail" at price-fixing. If you meet the above requirements, you won't. Not sure what else you're trying to bring to this concept.
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...okay? What part of "infinite capital" and "no regulations" are you not comprehending? I'm obviously referring to a market in a vacuum, bringing up bots is a pretty weak attempt at a straw-man. It doesn't matter if the fixer in question is a bot or a user.
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I have invested in cards too... i bought like 8€ of current value of normal summer cards and 2 foils that i found at a really low price (if i sell them now i already profit). I am also trading them 1:2 with people that need cards to completer sets (it's easier than you think trading 1:2). Btw i will not put money into bgs and emoticons because they are not consumable and there is a huge number around.
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only good deal i made was :
selling every card i get cause in the future will be more and more cheaper.
buying with 3 euro a foil card and sell it with 5 euro after ~ 3 hours.
in the future cards will be more expensive? i don t think so.
only if that buyer will be dumb...
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the summer getaway cards are 100% assured to be more expensive when the sale is over.
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holy crap, how do people still believe this? Valve already said that the cards will still be on your inventory and you will be still able to craft the badge!
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So wait, you'll wait a whole year to make 100$ profit at most?
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I wasn't aware that he needed a whole year in the front of the computer watching the market.....
He can, you know, just let it sit it on his inventory? He is not exactly "wasting time" this way.
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Take like 10 minutes to buy cards now.
Dont worry about it for a year.
Get a profit of 100$
I dont really see the problem here.
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Haha, if this were actually the case you would be right. But look at the extensiveness of the OP, he is definitely doing a lot more than what you just suggested (and that was on the OP alone).
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Only moment I plan on checking is when I wanna buy a game xD
For the other part I pretty much wanna forget them so I keep as long as I can. The more time passes the higher their price probably will be.
So why do you guys play games? You should put that time in a second job!
And doctor, why do you check these forums while at work? Why don't do something at works that makes you extra money, for example creating and selling websites. And if u can't why don't you spend it on learning how to?
Well, you guys don't. Argument is invalid.
People spend awfull lots of time on things just to save a little. Do you guys buy VIP tickets to not have to wait in line? I don't think so. BS argument.
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Flip-flop, flip flop.
"I'm not wasting my time." /
"People waste their time on silly things, why does it matter that I waste my time on this silly thing?"
And buying VIP to skip the line is a perfect example of valuing your time over money. Conversely, in your case you are spending a lot of your valuable time to make a very small (possibly nil) value gain. But like you said, you are young and value your time less, therefore it's hypothetically more viable for you to spend your hours studying the market. Hypothetically, that is, if you can't find a minimum-wage job within your traveling radius.
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"minimum-wage job"
I'm not comming out of my bed for anything less than 20€ / hour (and that's already a small amount).
With the degree that I've almost got I'll already get more...
And I'm planning to also get a 2nd degree + learn 3 more languages on top of the 4 that I already know (and improve 2 of those a bit).
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I'll point out that you're forgetting the time value of money in your calculations of profit. Money that you spend on investing in cards might not have such a great return rate compared to other investment strategies and considering how much you're sinking in, that hidden cost could be somewhat significant. Basic opportunity cost.
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Some people work very hard at convincing themselves they aren't doing "work."
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Word harder at telling us how much work you didn't do.
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you don't really put time into it. you buy them in max half an hour if you are slow and after a year you put them in the market (you need 5 min for all inventory) and wait someone to buy them. Not really much time into it huh... Now go flip burgers
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Are you kidding me? OP spent that same amount of time just making his original post. Seriously, all of you "market speculators" are severely underestimating the value of your own time. Yes, even flipping burgers you'd be better off DUCY?
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Exactly, it is wasted time. You won't find me on here unless I'm at work or simply too stoned to move ^__^
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I think you may have missed the comment that you just replied to ;P
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Sigh, it was you, elvper, who was claiming to not be wasting time. Once again you're turning the argument around for no apparent reason (other than to attempt the light away from yourself). For the record, I am currently at work. Therefore, I am being paid to post on here-- whether I am wasting time or not is negligible, for I'm on the clock (e.g. not "spare time"). You won't often find me posting otherwise
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Here's my take on a year at most, most people will have all the badges they want, and wont care about cards. Im only lvl 7, and I alreaady sold all of mine, Maybe not, but that's my take.
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New players come, new people get interest in having a large badg-e-penis, ...
And there are always people who like to collect a lot of one item, certainly if it's rare, to show off.
This is pretty much a proven concept. The only question is how fast prices will raise and for what items. (items with a large supply could fail to rise in value).
Foils will be a guanteed succes I think.
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New people? Honestly, do you really think that a new Steam user would care about some silly badges? Badges are for people who are among the Steam community for a long while and achieved other badges. Someone new definitely won't care about badges (especially since they can't get older badges - from Treasure Hunt, Potato sack badge, previous holiday/summer sales etc...). And what's the point of having cards laying in your inventory? Everyone who really cares about cards and badges already crafted them.
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I just sell them now while they are worth something. In the future (when people dont care about badges and realize levels are pointless) they will be worth close to nothing. I've already made over $40 from the cards by playing games I would play anyway.
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Honestly think that most of the bigger sales ( money gain wise ) for the cards have past already. Though who knows how it will be in a few months or so. I personally would rather just hold onto the cards where I would not even get 10 cents on. No point in selling them ( in my opinion ) if I am not even going to get 10 cents from it. So I am holding onto a bunch of cards. ( Including summer getaway cards ) If they go up in price, great I will probably sell, if not. Then oh well. I will just use them if I ever get my hands on the missing cards.
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You must be buying a few fortix copies then :P
Would take a fair amount of card sales to get a 2.50 usd game. To each their own though :)
Besides the way I look at it, there will always be more sales in the future, so if these cards do go up in value, means more money for a future sale :P
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before the sale I made up to $30 in card sales, then bought about $16 in games just for cards first day of the sale and brought myself right back up to $30.
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Do you also invest / hold on to steam summer getaway cards hoping that they will rise in value in the future?
Here's my list of investments and my toughts on how good they are to invest in.
I use "RS" in my text, this means (current) "Rarity score". The higher the better.
Edit: added this for the haters :P
For the haters: There are let's say 500 foil cards avaiable of each kind. Atm >30 cards are sold each hour.
Let's say the cards avaiable in the market are only 5% of those that are ready to sell. That would equal 10.000 foil cards of each kind. Let's say that demand would drop A LOT (unlikely to be so much) to 1 buy each hour. = 24 a day (let's take 25 to make it easier). That means that after 40 days 1000 foils have been sold. Which is 10% of total supply. A more realistic estimate is that 20% of the total supply of foils might already be sold the first month. Do I have to tell you what that does to the value of the cards?
'1. Foil cards.
(+) Limited supply (~500 on sale)
(+) Considered valuable (foil)
(+) Already going up a bit
(-) High cost
(-) Limited room to raise in price
'2. Emoticons.
(+) Cheap
(+) Can easely double, triple, quadruple, ... your investment when they get more expensive
(-) High supply
(-) Rather low demand
'3. "Sale" backgrounds
(+) Cheap
(+) Can easely double, triple, quadruple, ... your investment when they get more expensive*
(-) High supply
(-) Rather low demand
(-) Not consumable
(-) *Not likely to become more valuable any time soon (if ever)
Chivalry: nothing special, lowest price (---)
Skyrim: rare, low supply, demand is ok, expensive (+)
Bioshock: popular (+)
Prison architect: rare, low supply (+)
Tomb raider: uncommon, low supply, low price (+)
Torchlight2: Rare, lowest supply, ok price (+++)
Kerbal space program: nothing special, lowest price (---)
'4. 'Normal' summer getaway cards
(+) Everybody can craft the same badge 5 times
(+) High demand
(-) A LOT of them avaiable
(-) Porbably less badges crafted after the summer event
(-) expensive compared to the amount avaible
In my opinion the only one worth buying is Skyrim because there are the least of them.
My investments:
Foils: (24€)
12 x Chivalry;
5 x Prison architect;
2 x Skyrim;
1 x Reus;
1 x Bioshock
'Normal' summer cards: (10€)
75 x Skyrim;
10 x Reus;
2 x Chivalry (not bought)
Emo's: (11€)
24 x :steamwings:;
50 x :D:;
30 x :B1:;
20 x :bag:;
10 x :plane: (wasted);
10 x :postcardb: (wasted);
10 x :postcardf: (wasted)
Sale backgrounds: (8€)
15 x Chivalry (wasted);
10 x Kerbal (wasted);
10 x Torchlight;
10 x Tombraider;
5 x Bioshock;
5 x Prison architect;
5 x Skyrim;
30 x steam getaway map;
Postcard backgrounds: (probably all wasted exept maybe football) (5,5€)
20 x bioshock;
20 x chivalry;
10 x dead uskabd;
30 x football;
10 x kerbal;
10 x prison;
10 x reus;
20 x skyrim;
10 x torchlight;
20 x tombraider
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