that some people cant just live life until their natural death
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Stabbing them 23 times would naturally cause death.
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It's the proliferation of algorithms. In real life we are almost always surrounded by middling and average. This mundane mediocrity grounds people (or should). Ever since algorithms became commonplace however, the middling and average on the internet has increasingly been sorted out, leaving only the extreme and the 'exciting' stuff for immediate consumption. It's great for companies but absolutely terrible for people who need the average stuff to frame the exceptional and crazy stuff.
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all day, every day, unfortunately. you really can't escape them.
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I guess I can rant here a bit... basically in a discord server that is a subset of another discord server.
One day I noticed I was being ignored by a few people from the discord server and I didn't really know why.
I also noticed I got removed by the individuals. I tried to reach out to the one I would say I was closest to and got no response for the longest time.
Eventually I got a response saying I made them uncomfortable (no explanation how and I don't believe I did anything to the extreme that they should be treating me like how they did but who knows).
Anyway, I stopped DMing them or anything and was trying my best not to pay attention to the fact that a subset (of the already subset discord server) was ignoring me because I still had others I enjoyed talking to / playing games with.
A few days later I was contacted by the server owner and told that unfortunately I made certain people feel uncomfortable and it was a chill place to hang out so they would be booting me from the server.
The shitty part of it all is that I played games with some people from the server and groups started there a lot which I can now no longer be aware of. A lot of people I like to hang out with still hang out there.. I was also never told anything before the sudden ignoring / told that I'm being booted.
Also, aside from the 1 main person I contacted I had little to no interaction with the others to have even made them feel uncomfortable so I don't know why something that could have been resolved by just talking escalated into what it did.
Anyhow, I guess I'm not necessarily mad just confused / upset that it escalated the way it did and it is making me feel a bit excluded from certain things?
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I feel you!
It sucks when stuff like that happens, even more when they can't even be honest about what happened so you can understand.
Personally that stuff like that happen is bad enough but at least be honest to the person and don't just ghost him/her!!
I had a story a bit like that as well years ago, had a group of friends, we had fun, they all lived close together and I lived in another city and out of nowhere I was left out and they stopped talking to me and I was out of the group, though ways I found out 1 guy told everyone to stop talking to me and they all did, never found out why...
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Here's hoping you find a new group of friends that aren't toxic.
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Thank you! I do have others I still talk to from bigger server and such so it's not all bad, it's just awkward at times when they're around as well in the bigger server and also a lot of people I played valo with are from the small server and groups start there often which is just shitty for m. Thanks though <3
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Everything. I don't stay angry for that long. I just feel sad after a time. For example, I am studying in a university. In a sense, I was supposed to finish my education on January, start an internship and maybe a job in the near future. But what is really happening is that due to many negligence, I have only finished half of my course. Not just me, every student. It's even a public university. Yet they simply don't care about the students. They ignore everything, not even make one single decision on their own. I can give like 100 examples as to what they did. I don't even know how these people can even be considered teacher. Some of the worst people I have seen in my life are from my university. They basically consider the students as burden. They want the money but they don't want to teach a student, guide a student. They want every student to learn it themselves.
Let me give a random example of how everything, every rule is made to harass students. So we had an exam last year and we had to fill up a form online.
You might think, ok. It's just filling up an online form. How could they mess this up? Simply, type the info in the form, upload a picture and that's it.
Right? What my university did was gave a doc file. Download the doc file, print it, write the info, scan it, make a pdf of it and then upload the exam form in a google form.
This might feel like I am taking it too seriously. But this is just minor issue I tell people. Not even the serious ones. But it's been 4 years, I barely learned anything and I don't even if I will be able to leave from here in the next 2-4 years. That's just how education is my country. Go to school at age 4-5, finish primary school, junior, go to college, go to university. You are forced to waste 20+ years of your life to know that education system is a failure in my country. By the time, you get a job, one of your parents is dead, you got no house, you go through an arranged marriage, have kids and cycle continues. If someone commits suicide because of depression or mental health, then their family is harassed by everyone. Even in death, people can't have peace in my country.
Like just imagine, a course of 4 years taking 6-8 years to complete. I just can't take the stress anymore. I am at that point of life where everyone is sick or dying or died. My parents are always sick or just have different health issues. Hell, I am like almost 24 and already have medication for different things. Funny thing is that I had gone to the doctor for a different reason. But that issue never got resolved but I take medication for other problem he found. Probably will have diabetes in a few years and that's what happens when I think about my life in my dumb mind.
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Well, it wasn't me. Tell you what, I'll whitelist you to help balance out the other people's shitty karma. ;) :)
Welcome to my 💙 club. 😎👍
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I did not know it existed.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I remember a similar story.
Slashdot Japan and Slashdot (English)
Slashdot Japan was also a community that almost disappeared several times while it existed for about 20 years.
The cause seems to be the pursuit of corporate profits.
The existence of "currency" used by humans seems to breed wickedness.
What are you currently mad about?
I am about to watch the scene where humanity will make the worst choice, hoping that they will fall out over currency interests, get confused and make the best choice.
|ョΘ・) . €$₽
I heard that the chain of misplaced buttons is called the cucumber crisis.
Back pain resentment! =͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞🥒 🌏
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Back in 2011 the original owners didn't have enough money and time to pay for and maintain the website after it got too big for them. Reddit offered to buy it, keep them as owners, and take a % of the profits in return. It was fine for 10 years until Reddit decided it's not worth the hassle anymore.
The original owner is also planning on making a new gift exchange, without interference from Reddit.
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i'm grumpy because i was doing really well in a daily solitaire challenge until i borked it in the last game
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Restrictions due to Omicron.
Uhh, look, I'm far from a COVID denier or antivaxxer, that isn't the issue for me. But in my eyes, we're suddenly closing down everything due to something that is just a basic goddamn cold. It spreads fast, yes, but people aren't dying from it.
The reason I'm pissed is because just a few days before starting the new university semester, my courses just suddenly switched everything to distance mode despite countless promises from the school that they would prioritise learning at school. I was looking forward to finally getting a routine with life and getting to meet my friends more often, but now I'm stuck at home again.
I don't do well in distance mode. I get distracted during lectures, and I feel socially isolated. Studies show that countless other students feel the same and perform worse when being stuck at home. But we're going to have to live with that because of influenza? When we're not really the ones who really get sick from this?
I never opposed restrictions, when COVID was peak dangerous and we had no vaccines. Hell, I don't even oppose some restrictions now - of course I'll wear a mask at the health center and I don't really care about parties anyway - but goddamn please just let me do my studies properly instead of fearing the flu.
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Not enough to justify messing up young people's studying.
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something that is just a basic goddamn cold.
yeaaah, except it isn't :-)
also, cold ≠ flu ≠ covid19
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Medically, of course they're not the same. Symptoms wise, it's getting really hard to tell between them. That's why I compared them (with maybe some bad phrasing sprinkled in, this is The Mad Thread™ after all)
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Yes, you're right, my bad. I'm sorry, I guess that was just my "being mad about things" contribution – people just denying the whole thing irks the shit out of me.
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Yeah, I tried to not come off as a COVID denier but maybe I did badly. I just feel that right now restrictions are a bit too excessive for how it's actually affecting society. Steps should be taken to prevent spread where it doesn't "interfere" I think, like distance mode harms student productivity. Wearing a mask when you visit the hospital, mandatory tests for entering/leaving countries, getting vaxxed, restricting parties and events for entertainment aren't really things that interfere with daily life in that way and I'm fine with those restrictions. If that makes my view clearer?
If thousands of people in Sweden this week can protest against COVID vaccination passes (I do not agree with these people btw) or travel to ski resorts right now with no problem, then I think that I should be allowed to sit in a lecture hall with 50 people and be productive.
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No, I hear you. I can't speak to other countries' measures and restrictions but you're right, some decisions just don't make any sense at all. Like, idk about you personally but if you have to get tested X times a week anyway and / or wear a mask, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to go sit in a lecture while others are at work during the same conditions.
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Have you tried asking your local doctor/teacher for their opinions on the decisions that don't seem to make sense to you? One of the biggest frustrations I often come across with regards to COVID is people's insistence that they figure things out for themselves (even if the thing they're trying to figure out usually takes decades to fully understand and grasp) as opposed to just consulting someone who already did the decades of research years ago. From some of the people I've talked to (or whom family has talked to) who do work in the field, one of the biggest reasons why face-to-face isn't that popular is that the teachers themselves are often against it. While some teachers are against it because distance learning is pretty good for them, they also note that the demographics of teachers tend to leave many of them on the more-vulnerable-to-dying-from-COVID side, hence their reluctance to return to irl in the face of Omicron uncertainty.
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I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me here. I'm not in school or university anymore and I obviously empathise with people (read: teachers) not wanting to be around other people during a pandemic. I just can also see the flipside of people really struggling having to stay all isolated. Two sides to the coin and all that. Personally I'd prefer not actually going in and participating in classes online instead, but like I said, it doesn't matter for me since I'm no longer in school/uni.
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Simply put, you don't actually empathize with teachers on this topic. Not quite. It's a fallacy but I can't remember its name right now. Nevertheless, it goes something like this: if you go to a bar and have a drink with the bartender, you'll be fine; but if a bartender has a drink with every person who enters the bar, the bartender will die.
Most people view this matter from the pov of a student. That makes sense but it neglects a very important aspect of what teachers do: namely that teachers deal with a lot of students, in several different classes, every single day. I don't think there's any other job out there with what basically amounts to multiple mandatory daily seminars like in education. There's a massive risk to educators in in-person learning right now that people constantly overlook, as evidenced by your statement that you 'don't see why you wouldn't be able to go sit in a lecture while others are at work during the same conditions.'
You sitting in a single lecture class of 50 is a minor risk to you. A professor giving daily lectures to 6+ classes of 50 has a distinctly not minor risk of getting the professor hospitalized if significant precautions are not taken.
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Bro, I have no clue what you're on about. I literally said that I get people (i.e. teachers and professors) not wanting to be around other people (i.e. students) during a pandemic, what more do you want from me? Do you want me to write a thank you note to every teacher out there? Like, legit, what is your point? Actually, don't even answer, I'm not entertaining this weird nitpicking or whatever you're doing. I got better things to do.
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...That's fair. In hindsight, it probably stopped being directed at you (or anyone in particular for that matter) halfway through my last reply. It's just... I've spoken to these people, some of them I've known for most of my life, and I truly get where they're coming from. You're not even the first person I've encountered who's made these sorts arguments (far from it) but the arguments still always make me frustrated as all hell because so much of it just comes off as cruelly dismissive after listening to and understanding the other side. Still, I can't deny my anger was misplaced here and that I had unreasonably made a 'me' thing into a 'you' thing, so sorry for venting at you out of nowhere.
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Ah. Well, the thing is, this og comment was about missing in person lectures so naturally I'm not gonna go "yeah but think of the teachers!!!", and rather express that I get where they're coming from. That doesn't mean I don't think teachers have every right to not want to teach in person, quite the opposite. I just didn't feel it was the right time to bring it up. Also, I too am sorry for snapping at you but I'm just not a fan of people assuming or insinuating things (go figure)!
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I'll give the same advice I always give when people make this argument: consult your local doctor for advice and opinion. My mother is a retired nursing teacher so she has connections with the local hospitals and my family is rather well-informed about how good or bad the ground situation is (it's usually bearable until it reaches a tipping point and then everything goes to hell and currently they're firmly in the 'hell' situation where I am, but inching their way back to bearable).
Moreover, while I personally understand the whole 'student productivity' argument, I have always been against it. To be honest, the whole 'student productivity' argument has always smacked me of something deeply unreasonable considering the pandemic. Like kids being treated like corporate drones. Anyway, my little brother wants to go back to class but there have been at least two spikes in his school's area since 2021 started, and our mother (who, again, used to be a nurse and a teacher) has firmly been in the 'no' camp, which honestly says a lot.
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Your first point is a fair argument, I'll give you that. I don't get the impression from someone I know who works at the local hospital that they are overworked here. There is a high spread right now but people don't really seem to be sick to the point where their life is in danger. Mostly unvaccinated people seem to end up at the hospital, but at this point whether you're vaxxed or not is a choice and not due to limited access to vaccines (which is a world problem, as Kappa explained below). Of course, this varies by area and I understand that things are different in places that have it worse.
I understand your student productivity argument, I might have phrased things badly here. I'm getting an education and studying by choice. It is solely my responsibility that I pass my courses right now and I would love to do so as Swedish student loan requirements depend on academic performance (meaning that I need to pass a certain % of my courses, or I will not be allowed to take more loans, and I would not be able to pay rent). It's a different world from high school and below, I don't think of these kids as work drones.
As for high school & below, Sweden is keeping schools open lol. Schools are only allowed to close when COVID spreads at that individual school, otherwise they're not allowed to close. My sister, who attends a fairly small high school, is not experiencing any school related restrictions right now and has not for a while.
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Ah, Sweden. I don't particularly agree with their medical strategy but Swedish medical experts seem to be onboard and I assume they understand the situation there better than I do. As I mentioned in another comment, the bigger concerns tend to stem from teachers, for teachers. Teachers tend to be on the older (and sadly, less healthy) side and thus more vulnerable to severe infections from COVID demographically speaking, and many teacher unions from where I'm at are against a return to in-person learning if there's any uncertainty regarding their protection or if there's lacking support for if and when they are hospitalized. There's not really much point to a return to in-person learning if the teachers themselves are unwilling, after all.
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The graph on page 8 shows a comparison of the infectivity of different types of coronas in the UK until January 2022.
Many people think that the trouble with Omicron is that it is a ""Common cold."2.0.ver
Your version history may probably include words like: old killer, bald, and sexual impotence.
Fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, headache, joint pain, nausea, difficulty breathing, taste disorder, and many others.
The time between infection and re-infection is probably 6 months.
Why do we do containment?
The main reason is that the larger the population of infected people, the greater the chance of mutation.
Most of the aftereffects of delta are over a period of time.
There is a lack of information on the aftereffects of the Omicron system "due to the short period of time since its appearance."
If the aftereffects are left untreated for too long, the octopus will take over the earth instead of humanity.🐙👾
In the near future. There will soon be a time when this can be avoided by taking a vaccine once every six months...
But in poor countries, people who are immobilized for two weeks every six months will be the norm.
The re-infection lottery can cause sequelae.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Our World in Data
9.7% of the world's poorest people have barely ingested one dose.💉
The larger the population, the easier it is for the virus to mutate.
The bottom line is that 90% of the population has the potential to suddenly and irrevocably disappear off the face of the earth due to lack of vaccination and therefore lack of symptom relief. (In extreme cases)
What if you have a broken human society that your academic performance helps?
If humanity is learning from the past, it will get better....
Human activity on Earth is supported by the technology and labor of people we will never meet in person.
With this in mind, each person is expected to make his or her own choices.😷
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I love RedditGifts too! :(
I have a disability, and over time I've come to accept this. When I first became disabled it was like I went through a grieving process. That was years ago, though. Most of the time I am content. But certain family members look down on me because of my disability. They think I'm a moocher failure. (I have a few good family members too that I know will always have my back). But I'm pissed at these family members that think they are better than me just because they can hold a job. Or in my brothers case, who doesn't even have a job, but still thinks he's better than me simply because I'm disabled. He called me a waste of space. He knows exactly what buttons to push to make me angry. But I keep it all internal. That's probably not good for me.
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I will clean this topic of its negative aura by opening a new tab in Google Chrome and arranging properly it according to Feng shui principles.
how does that work? i'm intrigued
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i mean the mechanics of doing feng shui in a browser tab, i'm really curious as to what OP is talking about
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I usually browse the internet by arranging the browser windows in a 3 by 3 grid. Usually I keep Steamgifts in the top left for massive profitz, but for this time I dragged it the middle, exchanging it with the League of Legends subreddit. They may experience an increase in enmity, but I'm sure they are already more used to that as everyday mortals are.
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I want a more detailed description! Like, you literally have 9 windows up on the Internet all the time? Do you have a huge monitor or are these windows minimized? I'm having trouble picturing this.
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No, I've been tired and started talking silly things :D the 3 by 3 grid is supposedly real for feng shui and applicable to a home or even to a desk... at least this is what my colleague told me when we were tired and bored one afternoon, and started googling about stuff, and discussing how awful our flats are according to the maps :D
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Well, I fell for it :D I mean, if browsing the Internet that way is what works for someone then I wouldn't judge them for it and I don't want to assume things. Everyone has their weird quirks...
But I will say that I would personally just get a giant headache if my monitor was set up that way.
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The Book of Boba Fett keeps getting worse. Not even a masochistic will handle these levels of bad writing.
Pretty chill cat btw.
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I can't believe they made Mandalorian again but reskinned. SW fans will just eat anything up
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It's hard to believe they screwed the most badass bounty hunter. I don't think even SW fans are happy about It. In my case I really like Sci-Fi stuff and being Boba Fett you would expect something really good. Last good thing was Rogue One imo.
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You liked Rogue One? To each their own, I guess. For me, it was a total dumpster fire. I can't even remember the names of any character today. And the whole premise was underwhelming as hell. I know that they steal plans for Death Star otherwise the first movie wouldn't have happened. It's just not fun watching a movie where you know from the start that they will succeed, no stakes whatsoever then.
And speaking of premises, the one in Bobba Fet is stupid as hell too. You want to be a crimelord who "rules with respect"? Ok but......why?And it's like him + 2 other characters. So it's a crime syndicate made out of three people in total.......
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Nothing is gonna surpass chapter IV to VI movies but they could fill some gaps. Comes to mind "Shadows of the empire" Till this day I don't know why they haven't exploited that comic, It would have been better than Rogue One somehow. Look, if I have to choose between Rogue One, Solo or the last 3 movies I would pick Rogue One despite knowing what's gonna happen, that's how bad SW is now.
No comments on Bobba Fett series.
I've heard Ewan McGregor could return as Obi Wan but Idk how bad will that be. The Phantom Menace was a terrible movie too, the last battle is the only good thing there.
Enough of SW for today.
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It's pretty awful.
They really really messed up on just about everything related to tv shows.
The most recent episode was basically a The Mandalorian stand alone episode. Season 2 and a fraction - episode 1.
Which, in my opinion, 100x better then all the previous Boba Fett episodes.
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So I'm guessing the show aint got nothing to do with the comics or background, Is It?
There's gotta be more. I can't even remember what happens after Jango Fett dies in the movies, the kid just grabs the helmet and that's It. There's no development here, hell of a mess with the writers.
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I have f***ing high blood sugar during all day despite injectin insulin. I don't know the freaking reason and i'm mad with my body because it's doing stupid things without consulting me...
I'm sure the main problem is becasue it's cold outside (and inside my house actually) and i'm getting a cold and insulin isn't working as intented... Or even better, the body is trying to get rid of what is causing the cold and throwing my precious inyected insulin with it, making all the sugar travel endlessly through my body and trying to scape through the pee (note that this is not the right place for it to go)...
¡Aahahghaghhga stupid and malfunctioning body!
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I'm not really sure about being mad about anything... I pretty much immediately default to sadness instead.
Like for example, right now I'm kinda sad about Redditgifts closing down, despite not knowing about its existence until a few minutes ago. Particularly, since from what little I know about you (even outside of making a topic about it ;P ), you definitely liked a site like that a lot.
Hmm, anger would imply that I can actually do something about the problem, right? Then I guess I'm mad at myself for being as useless, helpless and... unwilling(?) as I am to do anything about... anything. Then again, I don't really think I can do anything about those either, so back to sadness.
Erm... here's a kitten hugging a plush toy.
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The heat. It's so damn hot, it hasn't rained in all month, I'm done with the temperature being close or above 40° C every fucking day. I'm just sick of feeling sick because it's so damn hot all the time.
Thankfully January eventually ends and I can go back to something resembling life again.
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Oof, at least we still get winters over here, nothing too intense because of the subtropical weather but the temperature drops below 10° C for a couple of months.
And yes, the electricity bill is painful to look at but it's either that or not using the AC and legit dying.
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Well, there is a considerable exagerration in my statement, but compared to all the other online games I play, LoL's community is so toxic, that sometimes even I snap. And I am known by my friends as one of the chillest guy they know. xD
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NFT and all the crypto bullshit. especially dense ones (I'm not talking about the ugly monkeys), but someone complained that the solution to not lose access to your games if you are banned from the PSN is to put the video games in the blockchain. how can you be so stupid?
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There are so many things wrong with his logic but just for sanity's sake I will only point out one. Folks can only just barely put low-res pixelized images on the blockchain without resorting to placeholder links. How the hell do they expect to put a whole-ass video game on it?
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Write something here that upset you recently and every few days I will clean this topic of its negative aura by opening a new tab in Google Chrome and arranging properly it according to Feng shui principles.
I'll start:
Yesterday, a website that was active for more than a decade closed its doors. was made by some nice Reddit users and it was an expanded version of secret santa exchanges that you can see on forums and IRL. Aside from secret santa, there were also summer santa exchanges, t-shirt ones, Marvel & DC, comic books, books, pet stuff, and so on. I participated in almost all of them and one time the guy that got me as a match even bought me all parts for a PC and shipped it over. I remember some people were even giving away boat cruises and there were many celebrity users participating in exchanges, like Bill Gates. In 2011, Reddit bought the site and they eventually realized that not much money can be made through it. I mean, how exactly could you even sell anything in a place that's centered around philanthropy and users sending things to others out of their own pocket. It's a closed loop. So they closed it for good (while giving some PR garbage about closing it to "enhance user experience", whatever the heck that means).
But the thing that irks me in this whole case is how some business or a corporation can just swoop into something that's been community-created, take it over and then close it without any feedback from the users.
As a reward for reading all this, here is a picture of my angry cat:
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