What do u see here?
Thanks a lot for your giveaways and event, Unnatural! ^^
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Congrats on the exams!! and thanks for the puzzle, I'm gonna have to come back to find the hidden stuff :3
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will there be a manga adaption for this light novel? bump-desu
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47,324 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by mirum
33 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by kudomonster
1,113 Comments - Last post 26 minutes ago by sensualshakti
410 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Arukardo
130 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by TheRegalMachine
346 Comments - Last post 36 minutes ago by DeliberateTaco
5 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by SketCZ
40 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by schmetti
1,034 Comments - Last post 13 minutes ago by GraVe23
1,705 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by beuwulf
10 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Calibr3
17 Comments - Last post 35 minutes ago by forseeker
68 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by moonlightdriver
188 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by vigaristti
Nuthing is here go somewhere else!
General housekeepingu rulus~
Before any further steps you will need to read a nicu little paragraph called hopefully will attempt gamu if won or else generally less events happenu! Or less motivation at least >.>
Now that my examus are over its time to find the needed freshu bloodu i've been planning to do although not guaranteed and may as well make it a celebration event before christmasu. I know you might start to find these spoiler tags annoying but they serve a purpose and may be hiding things. If not you want to take a quick peek everywhere as this is maybe a hidden treasure in front of your eyes! Well i suppose i'll tell you that there is hmm even i lost count which is sad of 6 so far unless i screwed up. Oh wells this puzzlu event and such was made in a rush of 3.5 hours manually created so i guess if their any mistakes i will fix it when i realise! Although more gamus may be added latter since i haven't decided it should be noted that hints and such may be added for certain difficulties so keep an eye out for the hints sections! Also to the people highlighting text watch out a trap may appear! Certain playful things for you to spend the weekend over ////////.////.///// could appear and you would never know! However given this long section of a rant maybe you still think something is hidden here? If not i'd advise you to be observant! Here we will show you the power of neps!
Shines spotlight into own space
Just a FYI for you guys most of this would be considered
weebu trashuto younormiesso i've prepared a series of things for both although it goes mostly one way since all the fresh bloodu only enter the 2 genres i generally make. But then again the criteria is still a secret and it is possible no one fulfills it but then who knows more gibs more chances to find people who do. Not generally mentioned but yeah may as well but obviously no begging although i will be watching like a hawk >.>Current gib count =
40 gibs (unless i can't mathu :doubt:)
--> 41 now
--> 45 via donations
Before anyone asks listu of gamus is not available and nor is sharing any secrets and linkus! most things are protected anyway to stop this from happening!
Hint section or any updates!
Current update it took me longer than expected to create everything so the ITH has been chopped and will be added back latter to the start button
I think somewhere i said amount of hidden gibs but its now at 12 i think maths is hardu T^T
You are free to comment or w/e you like in here but keep it civilu! in before self regret of spammed messages
End time is in AEST since Ausu but should be 27th Nov 7pm AEST to convert to whatever the timezone you are in right now
If there is anything that you think is an error or mistake on my part of hiding and puzzling please leave it on the main thread and if it "spoils" something i may ask you to hide it/delete and clarify in private.
Error updates will be here although it will then make everyone aware of where the gibu is
Currently creating/fixing the start ITH puzzle until further updates! trying! underestimated the time to manually do the rest that i released it without finishing! COMPLETED
On 2nd thought know there are gamus like nier automata, steamworld dig 2, bayonetta, factorio, super neps (changed mind) happy finding!
Forgot about this !NOTE! Dusty/Dubious keys may not be working although i'm pretty confident they will entering would mean having a possibility of deletion if key does not work! !NOTE!
Donation small trainu is up!
wishlisted_game_date (524220,"2017/05/18") has been changed
Nep 1
Donation by Gonahu
lvl 2u
Weebu 2
Weebu 3
Weebu 4
Weebu 5
Normie 0
Normie 3
Normie 5
♥ # ♥♥
I should make you work for the above dividers! :bite:
A meant to be hidden super nep for secrecy but sgtools refuses to co-operate so manual check if you wish by commenting super nepu
Or you could always try and be more observant for the other one somewhere in this huge mix which could be stashed anywhere in the threads and gibs~ rip the long name causing sgtools to fail most likely
And back to the last time controversial gibu which i will be smarter in terms of protection! (Nieru)
Start DONE/Operational! SGT requirements may be lowered by an update will appear before 36 hours of ending
SGT Rules been updated less harsh wishlisted_game_date (524220,"2017/05/18")
pssst u may need this *hands cheatbook*
Don't worry this maze is full of horrors that you may need to unveil in trying to find everything but i'm not nice enough to give you a list of all the hidden games but their are
normiesandweebugamus hidden at least! But i'm might be feeling kinda nice to some of you out their tolling and killing time but please for your safety don't rage before its all over. So maybe not you might want store some of your capitalist ways till latter however two will suffice.Take your time and read! Or you can always come back to tackle more~
They may just be hidden gibs instead!
Space left for answer sheet and hidden links after event is over
Main thread
Forum trains
Starbound/Nier Puzzlu
After getting the ITH answers from under the "cheatbook"
--> SGT check with main failure option of "SGT Rules been updated less harsh wishlisted_game_date (524220,"2017/05/18")"
--> Starbound puzzlu
99% of the Starbound puzzle is a trap the cheer-leading section with two, six, f
ourFresh, Blood four under the spoilers was what you needed.It translates to 26FB4 and thus if your though of complex ciphers or codes you failed as well as trying to highlight everything to get rid of spoilers would have given you a sentence with 7 words instead.
--> This would lead to a darkest dungeon gib which would also allow me to confirm you have passed the puzzle
--> Group Nier gib
And back to hiding for a few months after these 3 days crawls under bedu
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