Then why did you comment? Do you do this in real life? Walk down the isle of a store just telling people " Hey, i didn't buy that shirt you are looking at and I am not intending to, so I have no opinion. just wanted you to know that"? If you did that in real life people would look at you like who is that @zz... guess what, no difference here.
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Fuck this.
This is the internet. Not "real life". You make absolutely no sense here.
And I'm asking you, would you do this in real life? Go up to people and say all that? I doubt it. And if you would, well then you are a seriously sad person.
Not only are you being rude for no reason AT ALL, but also, Gabzilla was on-topic. It's not like he just "walked up" to OP and tell him that he didn't intend on purchasing the game for no reason...
Please, next time you're online, use your brain. :P
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I don't really see how a new $20 video game is quite expensive. Do you just want them to make it $1 like an ipod game? Most game developers don't like starving to death so I'm glad that indies are able to make enough money to keep making games. I'm not really interested in survival games like Rust, but I've watched a friend play it for a bit and it seemed fun enough.
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$20 is pretty expensive since most games drop to 75% off about a year after release. You can get pretty much every other triple A game cheaper than this, and most of them are pretty polished by the time you buy it.
Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of early access.
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Then don't buy early access. People that choose to buy early access do so because they want to play a game at the very earliest and/or they want to support a particular developer or project (both financially and through bug-testing).
Also, the reasonable comparison is between this game and AAA games when they're brand new, and most of the time AAA games are going to be set at a price point double or more than this.
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True, that's the point.
Don't buy Early Access games if you're not ready to buy a game with missing features, bugs and all this stuff.
Also, when you buy an Early Access game, you'll have it forever, also when it's released and with all features and nearly no bugs.
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Well its a matter of perspective isn't it? I mean $20 dollars might seem cheap to you but depending on where he is buying from, that would convert to a lot of money for a game. Also depends on what kind of financial source he has (in other words, if he is an adult who is earning his own money or a kid getting it from his parents). So it depends on how you see it.
Besides I doubt the op (or anyone in particular) want game developers to starve or not get paid their due.
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"I got gazillions bucks in my bank so what the hell - 20 is like nothing."
Please, remember sometimes that other people could be poor or live in country like Belarus or something. Sometimes 20 bucks is a lot, especially for stupid game about building shacks in forest.
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If a game is good, I bet people won't even mind paying $60 for it. But the problem facing the gaming industry today, especially shitty early access, is that there are way too many games starting from $10 onwards that SUCK.
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Same, I played experimental for the first time the other day and it looked good. Still a lot of stuff to get added and fixed though
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yes - because all great games take less than a year to develop.
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Day Z doesn't have a story, a campaign, an original concept, or anything that would require major planning. The "bare bones alpha" made $5 million in just 24 hours of the Steam release. Surely that should speed up production and give the fans a completed game sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed customers will have a Beta release sometime next year and god knows when the actual release will be. A bigger better game will come along by then.
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All these early access games are overhyped garbage.I'm not paying 20$ to test your game in alpha stage with a bunch of autistic 16 year old's.
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I'm confused... Whats wrong with 16 year old autistic kids? Whats wrong with autism on the first place?
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Personally not a fan of these zombie survival games ... They bore me so its quite unlikely if I ever buy this game.
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"My game is bad when I bought it when he was still in Alpha and is still updated !"
Well, you paid for a promise. But it's from GMod guys, still better than The Forest guys.
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That's what hype does, now please learn from this and NEVER pre-order or buy an "alpha" game again.
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Anyway I'm really tired of all these zombie survival bullshit. I'm just eagerly awaiting the day DayZ and 7 Days come out of early access and become fully matured games. Most of the other survival games are just rubbish with no originality whatsoever. They just copy and paste from one another.
I don't think I want another survival game. I think I would just stick to CS and COD for online games.
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Does someone wants to trade with me? I have the LandMark closed beta key
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for me rust will be in this sistuation i mean alpha for over one year since the team re-write the game from 0
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Well have you heard about the total Rust overhaul? The devs are starting to code the game from scratch, and it is known as the Rust Reboot
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jeez, creating a thread about an early access game that is not finished yet...
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Servers are having high ping and those that have low ping, will have almost empty servers. (Probably because of my region)
Most of the Rust Community is evolving into having more of an "a$$hole" attitude.
(For example: I ask them for help, and I usually get tricked , eventually getting killed)
The price of Rust is also quite expensive at 19.99 USD, and that sucks because it HAS YET to be completed entirely and still
an early access game. (Although there has been regular updates unlike coughs coughs 'The Stomping Land' coughs coughs)
Game is still buggy and laggy, but the developers should be able to resolve this issue soon with their regular updates thankfully!
But, overall I still do not recommend buying this game at its current price for now at least.
What are your opinions, would love to read your thoughts below.
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