Better make a few more threads about it to seal the deal.
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You know what they say: if you like it you should eat a gently microwaved honey-bun off it ;)
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Let me give you some steps then
-Join private giveaway group
-Make sure group has no more then 5-10 people
-Make sure group has a 1 giveaway per week rule and is enforced
-Make some more group GiveAways now that you won stuff
-You have high CV value now
-Join more exclusive groups
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I was honestly winning at least one gift every three months for awhile. It is not mathematically probable you will ever gain profit by doing giveaways. In fact, you'll be lucky to get even. You should only do giveaways if your intentions is to give to the community. Making giveaways for the intention of getting some sort of payback of more than you have given is silly and a waste of time.
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Honest question: why is it better to spend money on your giveaways to win one, instead of buying that game for yourself, while just waiting on free steamgifts until a win? Or some people so desperate about the numebr of their wins, that they rather pay for them? o.O
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The problem is the people that see this site as a free games dispenser and get mad when they don't get the games they think they're entitled to get, instead of seeing it as a way of sharing the love and increasing your e-peen. That way you don't think all the time about how many games you should have won already and get surprised when you actually win one (and it feels better than just buying it).
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Oh my god I can't breathe...
That can be taken two ways......
As can the pacifier.......
I should stop now.
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Apparently from someone who doesn't know the site very well. Sure, some people win by 1000, but most win by 3000. By the time you've entered 3000 giveaways, you will have read the FAQ, participated in the forum, and learned how to join a group.
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Join groups, make forum your home and have over 150 in value.
That works.
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I'm pretty sure you're missing the concept of "randomness".
You won't win on-demand simply because you've entered many giveaways.
Here are a few tips. Don't enter public giveaways for popular AAA games with thousands of entries. It's a waste of time, so just skip them and enter smaller bundled games giveaways instead.
The easiest way to win anything is by entering private giveaways, or joining a good giveaway group. By "good", I mean a group where you must create a giveaway on regular basis, and the same goes for the other members.
For private giveaways, it's the easiest. Just lurk in the forum daily, and look for puzzles or private giveaways in the threads.
Out of 17 gifts won, only 2 were public. Out of the 2 public giveaways, one of them was a developer giveaway for 10,000 copies. I gave up public giveaways a long time ago, and I'm pretty satisfied with my wins.
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There is no set number of entries for people to win. I won my first time somewhere between 700 and 800. I seen someone win after 2. There was a person on here who had entered over 4700 giveaways and never won till a special giveaway was made just for him and another person who had a high amount entries without winning and even still it was just a 50/50 chance that he could have still lost.
Basically its all random chance. Keep trying it "might" eventually happen.
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Every similar thread I like to jump in. Over 3700 entries and not one public giveaway won.......
So chin up, keep trying.......
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You failed to make a sacrifice to the Steamgifts Gods! That is where you went wrong!
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I won my first giveaway at around 200, but I only enter for things I honestly want and would play, or would use in the case of DLC (which is what I've won). I pretty much enter knowing I'm not going to win, but it's fun to me just to have the chance to win.
My advice? Stop counting. Stop expecting to one day win something. Just enter the giveaways you're interested in and let them go, eventually you'll get to the point where you're just basking in the good karma that people are offering you the chance to win the games that you want, and not caring whether or not you actually win. Remember - when you comment on a giveaway saying thank you, it's not a pre-emptive 'thank you' if you win, it's a 'thank you for being generous enough to offer this for free to the community'.
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It really depends on what you're entering and the individual odds of each giveaway, but most people have won by 1000. There will always be statistical anomalies, but if you're entering public giveaways that are only open for a couple hours and aren't Watch Dogs/5000 entries kind of giveaways, it'll average out to about 1000. It was easier to tell this when Estimated Giveaways was still listed, but that just resulted in people saying they should've won more and creating threads about it.
As people have mentioned, creating a giveaway will increase your CV, which will allow you to enter giveaways with fewer people, thus increasing your chances. Also, joining giveaway groups will allow you to increase your odds, as you'll be entering giveaways with fewer people. Entering private giveaways in the forum will also give you a good shot, although they typically have a minimum CV requirement, to prevent leeches.
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Give it time. Random is random.
I had almost 1500 entries before winning for the first time, then I won two games in one day.
Random is random.
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1600+ entrys
1 won
0 received
Someone gift me hl2ep2 =o
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I'm a few entries away from 700 and have not won (nor expected to win).. If I were allowed to put 700 entries on a single game, one other person could enter and win with their single entry :> TRUE odds are a beast, and unless SG has some kind of "odds-enhancer" that kicks in after a certain amount of giveaways, then its higher than likely that you could enter tens of thousands (or millions!) of giveaways and never win anything..
EDIT: Here's a link :> TheRedApple64 just won their first giveaway on their 51st entry :>
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I'm at over 1,300 Entries and still got nothing.. I have bad karma I think...
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