Is suspension an effective punishment for cheaters?
Just saying -- too many people "forget" or "neglect" to report rule-breakers, and leave others to do it for them .... after the fact.
If I'm ever feeling lazy in that regard, I remind myself that I'm just passing on the problem to someone else, and that's just not right ....
edit: Oh, and I don't care how far back the infraction goes - I'll send a ticket. I'm sure support just loves me <3
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Very much this. SteamGifts does no policing of cheaters. They even forbid calling out cheaters or discussing specific cheaters.
It's up to the community to be on the lookout.
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I'm still against the whole "calling out" thing. I've been a victim of some bullshit "calling out" myself, and seen the damage it can cause if left unchecked, so I see why that rule is in place.
More people need to get off their butts and report, though. The more reports for rule-breaking that a user gets, the more quickly they get GONE.
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Especially now - with more support members - tickets are closed is really short time!
Couple of weeks ago I had to wait 10 days for closing simple reroll request - yesterday I had 4 tickets closed in less than 1 hour :o
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Yep, and with more support members handling things, there's no excuse for someone not sending in a ticket for infractions older than a month.
There's no way of knowing if they've been suspended until you ask support (aka don't assume they've already been suspended).
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Support grants reroll for any infraction no matter how old it is but... when you select reroll reason there is information about "30 days". Some users treat this seriously.
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Tzaar, I don't speak for everyone in support.
But personally, I don't mind if you check someone who has an infraction back from 2012. There is no statute of limitations on SG.
I used to myself all the time. I did however use SG++ to add a tag to the user so if they won from me again, I had notated the last date that I had sent a ticket about them to see if the infraction was after that point or the same ones I had seen prior. That way I didn't send tickets to support again and again about the same user. :)
But seriously, all it takes is everyone doing their part in policing the community.
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I was going to spam you with tickets whether you like it or not! XD
Gotta make you earn that free ... err ... ummm ... time?
But yes, I tag users already. ;)
Maybe that should be the next feature SG implements. I don't much like making threads or Bugs/Suggestions, though.
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I don't think I'll ever have free time. Now that I think about it, I need to make some GAs.... been awhile.... been too busy facilitating everyone else's.
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I did however use SG++ to add a tag to the user so if they won from me again, I had notated the last date that I had sent a ticket about them
Alternatively, your support tickets page is searchable, so you can very quickly check against that.
Though just blacklisting anyone with significant rule-breaking that you can't get rerolls for, should also work to avoid any future need to put in new tickets for them.
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They even forbid calling out cheaters or discussing specific cheaters
Rulebreakers need to be reported, not discussed.The rule's meaning is:
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Yes, that's why in a re-gift thread I quote the relevant rules and link to the sgtools test for that user showing that this is a re-gift.
Like this:
from the Terms Of Service:
from the FAQ:
from the Community Guidelines:
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Best way would probably be getting automated "not activated/multiwins" check during sync and anything like that would automatically send report to support for check for manual confirmation of rule-breaking or checking him as "everything is ok".
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I'd be happy with a notification whenever someone is re-rolled.
Something like "Hey buddy, you won a giveaway, but your ass didn't activate a win or you had a multiple win, so guess what? Someone else is getting that win now." in a nice flower-framed pop-up window with space-cat giving the middle finger whenever a re-roll is approved. ;)
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Then rule-breaker gets mad, marks their stupid multi-win as "not received" or recalls the feedback altogether. Some users don't care about their CV and don't notice.
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How do you distinguish it between a game getting revoked? It is literally the winner's word against the giveaway creator's.
Or they just leave it pending and claim that they returned the game to the giveaway creator or something, and the giveaway creator hasn't been online in a few years.
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If all the user's unactivated wins suddenly become Not Received, it's safe to assume that we're dealing with "Misuse of Giveaway Feedback" -> perma-ban. If he/she only had one such game, I'd let it go unless I have clear evidence of wrong doing.
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Under the proposed system, new users would only have one infraction before they got notified. So, not a clear case of misuse then.
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Don't go trying to dash my hopes and dreams for a very special space-cat. ;_;
By the way, some already do that (perhaps trying to pass SGTools checks). I had one do that, checked to see if he'd done it to other users, got the other guy to report him too, and he ended up perma'd.
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I will make it happen. Might take me a day or two twelve to get around to it, but I will.
Likely, I'll use a different cat with a more appropriate expression, or graft those elements onto spacey. Maybe grumpy cat? Maybe a disappointed spacecat is more appropriate than wrathful/angry.
Anyway, the end product is always better if an idea simmers for at least a few hours after brainstorming.
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If it's going to be automated, why not just make it so clicking "gift received" requires that you be synced with the game on your account?
Obviously, this would require a list of games that Steamgifts can't recognize (like DLC) where the check would be skipped, but a list like that would still be useful and maintaining it would be less work than repeatedly manually-confirming unreceived gifts, I think (since without a list like that any game that isn't visible to SG would trigger the report anyway.)
It might lead to people not marking games received or even marking not-received, of course, but that would be beneficial in the sense that it would make it more obvious that they're acting in bad faith rather than just misunderstanding the site (so they could be immediately permabanned.) And it would reduce situations where people do just screw up, making the system work a bit more smoothly and ultimately saving support's time.
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Someone upthread echoed your suggestion of Received triggering a Sync and potential warnings. It is certainly a good idea on first impression. If the site rejects everything else in this thread (which so far they seem determined to do), that one new feature could at least avert much of the unintentional violations. Hopefully it isn't hard to implement, but that depends on SG internals.
There should always be wiggle room for honest mistakes. One wiggle option already exists and pretty much covers everything: if someone wins a game they already have, then they just don't mark it received, and instead request a re-roll. But this seems to elude a lot of people for whatever reason, and I try not to assume it's stupidity or bad intentions. Relabeling "Received" as "Activated on my account" might help, as someone wisely suggested.
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I think some users delete/hide games from their account. It's impossible to get 48 games without anyone noticing.
I always check my public winners
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If someone really wanted to waste support's time, they could delete about 100 wins from their library, get perma'd, restore those games, get unbanned, and then do it all over again~
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Damn, I just suspended (well, reported) someone for not activated win from 2014. And he still won few more games since that time - but he activated those.
To tell truth, when I reported him I was 100% sure he done his punishement since rest of his games are activated and just wanted confirmation, but surprise surprise...
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suspension is enough, khalaq has mentioned it more than once that users usually don't fall into recidivism.
i'm ok with the system as it is, no need to punish offenders even more.
blocking them from entering giveaways does nothing, they either didn't want to get that game at all (you won't force them to activate them) or it was a mistake (it will be fixed as soon as that person realizes he was wrong).
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Suspension are a very effective deterrent. This is exactly the problem. If they weren't a strong deterrent rule breakers would find themselves banned, and the good members of this community wouldn't need to waste so much efforts on pointless tickets that are only bound to be denied.
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I do think that at least some of the offenders legitimately don't understand that it's against the rules and why. If I was a completely-new SG user who didn't understand things like CV, wins, etc, I might accidentally enter a giveaway for a game I didn't want, then say to myself "oh, oops, I didn't want this!" and think that the right way to deal with the situation is to pass it on to someone else rather than asking for a reroll.
Obviously if someone does it more than once that doesn't apply. But I think that at least some of the people who do it once and then never do it again made legitimate mistakes and didn't realize the problem with what they were doing.
That's why I think the ideal solution, if we were going to go for an automated fix, would be to make it so you can't mark a game as received unless it's on your account (though ofc this would require exceptions for every game that SG can't see on your account...) That would immediately weed out all the innocent mistakes, saving time for everyone involved.
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I'd be happier with another half-automated system. Right now, if someone serves a suspension, they can be rerolled for the next month if they win. This should not be difficult to code that once a suspension ends, they cannot enter any giveaways that end within the next 30 days or just don't let them be selected as winners.
Same for pressing the marked as received. It could be renamed Activated on account, which triggers an account sync; if the game is not there, a warning window pops up saying that they didn't do it.
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marked as received. It could be renamed Activated on account, which triggers an account sync; if the game is not there, a warning window pops up
That right there is a really good suggestion.
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Hugely problematic with DLCs and steam bundles. We all know how well the system identifies those :\
Also there are a bunch of cases(a minority, but still...) who might get suspended for someone else's mistake(e.g. revoked keys that were fine for months, similarly named games where you win one and receive the other without realising(this has actually happened to me :P ) etc etc) and you fix the situation as fast as you can but with the automated system you're still locked out.
But I like the second idea of the forced sync!(although it still has the DLC/bundle issue as well)
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Hugely problematic with DLCs and steam bundles.
SGTools managed to find a solution to that. It is not perfect, but works as good as possible with Steam's API.
revoked keys that were fine for months, similarly named games where you win one and receive the other without realising
Hence the warning window on activation. I am not suggesting a constant monitoring.
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Yes, perhaps pure automation is a problem, as long as the Steam API has ambiguities and false positives/negatives. Moderators, at least senior moderators, should always be able to intervene in weird cases.
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I think the system needs to have a list of games that SG can't see on your account. It would be useful here, but it'd be useful in other places, too (possibly even show a small warning on giveaways so people know to check their accounts - this is especially a problem with games released as episodic DLCs, where fans can easily forget which ones they already own.)
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The way I see it, regifting is a mistake that can always be fixed. Just buy the game.
I can't even re-roll winners that have regifted in the past. It's very frustrating, but I don't want to have to go through SGTools every time I want to give something away.
The end result is that I end up not giving away as many games as I would like, because SG and I differ on what is acceptable.
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Re-rolls being denied because of that arbitrary 30 day rule drives me effing mental.
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I ask for reroll every time - even when offence is older than 30 days - and my requests are denied only if suspension was already served ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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It doesn't make any sense but some users actually follow it - and do not report rule breaker and send gift instead. Message should be more clear. FAQ says that you should check your winners but when you ask for a reroll you see this: "did not activate previous wins this month".
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I would argue that suspensions are ineffective deterrents against cheating. I am constantly seeing users return and do more re-gifting, hoping to gain rank and access to better giveaways. They are not dissuaded by a timeout.
Also, just a personal opinion and not representative of the staff as a whole, but people who purposely withhold gifts from winners are arguably worse than the people who did not activate due to not knowing the rules.
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Now that's an argument I'd like to hear in detail. That should be quite entertaining.
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There's an implied agreement at work here, beyond what's spelled out in the terms of service (that's between the site and user, not between user and user). It's goes something like: you play nice, and I'll give you free stuff. That's all we ask. Someone cheats, they are not owed anything.
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Let me quote the guidelines here:
Gifts should be sent to the winners within one week of the giveaway closing.
You cannot ask users to perform any special action in order for their entry to be considered valid, such as liking a Facebook page, or following a Twitter account.
As Wolfedood says, two wrongs don't make a right.
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"Don't be a cheater" is not a special action to be performed. It's a requirement for participation in the site ideally, yes?
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if the winner isn't suspended, already owns the game, or has been already suspended, then he isn't considered as a rule breaker on sg and you have to deliver his win as ToS states.
your cheater definition doesn't match the rule-breaker definition on sg.
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And thus here I am making the case that the rules are inadequate in that regard, and polling to show that a significant portion of the community agrees.
Believe me, I don't feel good about refusing someone a key, even if they are a cheater. I enjoy giving away games.
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they agree out of ignorance, just like masses agree with everything.
it's not a secret mostly everyone in here would rather go to the extreme of banning everyone on the first offense...
but sg doesn't work like that, and i hope it never changes. support shows a lot of tolerance towards rule breakers, and it's fine by me.
a handful of 10 cent bundle games lost in the process are nothing compared to permanently blocking access to people for not activating their wins.
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Myself, I don't want to ban anybody.
I'm suggesting a rule that is endlessly forgiving: pay back the debt of the key you misused and you can come back. Make it right, and earn a complete pardon.
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Let me make this easier for you then:
Gifts should be sent to the winners within one week of the giveaway closing.
Ergo not sending the gift to your winner makes you a rulebreaker.
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In the straightforward case, of course. I wouldn't withhold a gift just because [insert arbitrary personal reason].
My intention in creating this thread was to make the case that the rules as they currently stand are ineffective and unjust. They require honest, generous users like you and me to reward users who act in bad faith, and it happens frequently: something on the order of 1-in-5 winners (the precise number isn't important).
I am not trying to make an enemy of you by arguing my case. I am not trying to break the site. I am appealing to principles higher than the rules to show that the rules need to be changed.
If you use your moderator powers to punish me for resisting unjust rules, so be it. I won't be cowed into compliance just because "the rules say...". Suspension won't deter me. Suspensions don't deter anyone who is determined.
I do apologize for the unintentional slight in bringing up your giveaway history being non-public. I wasn't trying to label you a hypocrite or question your generosity. I was trying to get you to examine your motivation in avoiding public giveaways, because my experience in talking to many users is most steer clear of public GAs because they're sick of rewarding the inevitable cheaters. Your behaviour is consistent with that, but perhaps I was wrong and you just like forum-linked GAs. My bad. You do see and understand why so many users don't do public GAs, though, and it is evidence of a systemic problem.
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Ergo intentionally not sending the gift to your winner makes you a rulebreaker.
Though, frankly, you're making an unsustainable argument even with that fix:
Winners should correctly mark their gift as received or not received within one week of the giveaway closing.
As that is also in the guidelines, and with identical phrasing, and yet winners are not considered rulebreakers after that week, there is no basis to support your interpretation.
Giveaway creators are allowed one week to send the gift after the giveaway has ended.
would make for a far better quote, but even there, and in the text following, understanding of the circumstances of the other individual is indicated, rather than any implication of wrong-doing or necessity for punishment.
Finally, we have this quote:
You warrant that: [..]
within 7 days of the giveaway ending, you will use reasonable efforts to send the Gift to the Winner using the Website services, or the e-mail address the Winner has provided
As such, that would be the definitive quote for making any assertion (further so, as it's part of the ToS, rather than just the site guidelines [and for those that don't get the distinction between the two:] ).
Looking at that phrasing, we can clearly see what the site interprets as rulebreaking: Any situation where reasonable effort could have been made, but was not. However, as reasonable effort is not defined, some degree of subjective interpretation does apply- perhaps not from site rule-enforcement perspective, but certainly from the perspective of the creator. As such, even if a creator is punished for not sending the game under that circumstance, they cannot be considered to be a rule-breaker under it.
tl;dr Thus "Ergo intentionally not sending the gift to your winner makes you a rulebreaker." is, while perhaps not entirely precise, the simplest presentation of the matter. :P
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Ignorance of the rules is never an excuse. Users agree to them on registration, it's their own fault if they haven't read them.
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Not saying it's an excuse, I'm saying that when in both cases rules get broken it's worse doing so fully knowingly you are than being ignorant about it cause in the first case it's a choice while in the second it's stupidity. But both cases are a rule violation, period.
And to take it a step further I'm assuming in the case of a refusal to send as we're discussing it here, a reroll has already been requested and denied so it's only based on moral grounds that disagree with the rules of the site which you've agreed to yourself and are adamant about enforcing( the irony :P )
ps. When I say "you" I mean it in a general sense, not you personally
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Honestly I've largely just stopped caring and will just send a win now and just re-roll when it's already owned rather than waste my time looking for past infractions just to be told "no re-roll""
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Also, 18% recidivism is acceptable to you? Seriously?
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It makes your assertion categorically false. Suspension does have a strong deterrent effect on a large majority of users.
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It makes the assertion "suspensions have no effect" false, I'll grant you that.
Whether it's adequately effective is open to interpretation. Whether we can do better is a given.
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Also, you haven't done a public giveaway in 9 months. Tell us again how you're not judging who you give your free gifts to.
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It's not a personal attack. I didn't call you names. I pointed out a factual inconsistency between your stated belief and your actions. There's a huge difference.
And yes, trains and forum-linked invites are technically public. But so are groups giveaways, if you go join the right Steam group. All doors are open if you know where the key is hidden. I'm talking about public public giveaways.
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Literally, your arguement is invalid. You're talking against rulebreakers. jatan makes a fully open giveaway for rulebreakers and people with clear history, as long as they read the topic for it. You can not just twist other people's sentences to serve your arguement, while they has nothing to do with it. That's like calling me racist for not dating people of colour (because I already have a girlfriend) - jumping to a wrong conclusion from an entirely different statement.
edit: I really mean the Monty Python and the Holy Grail gif as the meanest thing I would like to say about you. It's just that I can't stand logical fallacies, as they make proper discussions and arguements look wasted, and they cheapens the whole topic. Good arguements lead to a solution, bad ones just make a mess.
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Y'know, I used to mark post-secondary logic. For several years, not just a semester or two. My argument is not invalid. You're allowed to disagree with my assumptions and point out what you believe are flaws in my reasoning. That's how arguing works. But my argument is not "literally invalid".
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Maybe not fully, but let's go again
You have a topic about if someone have unactivated wins they deserve less/no new wins until they fix it. This obviously splits the community into rulebreakers and not rulebreakers.
jatan makes giveaways in forums, that kind of splits the community based on if someone visits the forums or not.
These are entirely two different methods and grounds for selections, so they are not supporting, nor going against eachother. They are different. Same effect, applied differently, from different sources. Using them as one arguement against the other is just purely far-fetched.
Also in a discussion about blacklists and if they deter people from recurring rulebreakings, a sudden change into "Also, you haven't done a public giveaway in 9 months." is a personal attack as it's irrelevant to the actual topic, as jatan didn't say a single word about choosing who to give to. He was talking about people who don't send the won games to the winners who broke rules in the past, even if they were already punished for them.
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Right, and I'm saying that avoiding public giveaways is a tacit acknowledgement that public giveaways will net you a ton of cheaters.
It was an implication about jatan's faith in the current system's effectiveness, not an attack on their character.
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Fine, like really, not just angrily saying fine before leaving the discussion :D
One thing that really makes forum giveaways outstanding - the community. If I own a game, I don't see a public giveaway for it. If it's on the forums with a topic, I see the giveaway, I likely answer the question, or just bump it. For me this is the main reason for prefering forum giveaways for anything that's worth a little more, being more enjoyable or close to my heart, giving for the community and having way more response, replies, gifts, jokes from people more or less know :)
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I rarely go into the forums. Life is finite. I can't fully participate in the forums on every site that I like. I jump into some threads on Imgur and a few subReddits, I've been on Fark for eons though not so much any more, and I admin a few busy public groups on Facebook. That's my internet time limit right there and then some :)
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Right, and I'm saying that avoiding public giveaways is a tacit acknowledgement that public giveaways will net you a ton of cheaters.
Or maybe Jatan really likes the forum section of this website. IIrc even before they became support, their comment number was always pretty high, solving and making puzzles, etc.
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I love public giveaways, they make my blacklist grow.
Seriously, in one of my previous publics, 20% of the checked entries had unactivated wins / repeated wins. D:
Forum giveaways still get some rule breakers of course, but just a bit less.
If you are happy with publics, that is great. You are offering plenty to people that ignore the forums, both good and bad. Doesn't mean forum privates are any less generous. Can still get hundreds or even thousands of entries here, after all.
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Can still get hundreds or even thousands of entries here, after all.
Highly depends on their "exposure" :P
e,g.: Currently have two "big" giveaways running, one level 0 public, one level 1 invite only(publicly posted on the forum). They are both part of an "event" promoting a certain thread. In that thread there's a lot of giveaways running and the GAs from the "contributors" besides the OP are not linked directly but there is a permalink to the specific comment where we posted them.
The public one has over 4.000 entries, the private hasn't hit 100 cause people don't click the permalink in the OP xD
ps. Oh the fun I'll have scanning the public one in a few days and reporting every infraction I find 😈
I do agree that forum ones are still pretty much equal to publics in most cases, I was just looking at a chance to throw this screenshot somewhere xD
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I used to take part in forum events, those could get pretty crazy. :D
I miss the days of hundreds of Forix.
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For me it peaked with the Barbie Dreamhouse trains. Nothing can top that anymore...
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I did one more topic since then, only got 10 giveaways sadly
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For sure, DeltaBladeX. I'm not saying private or semi-hidden giveaways are not generous. That's not what I mean at all, and now I see why my statement was misconstrued as a personal insult. Not at all.
To clarify:
Making public giveaways does require a leap of faith that the winners are in good standing. I am trying to maintain that good faith despite the frequency of users with unactivated wins (in my experience, for GAs of level 4 or below, the percentage is well over 20%). This points to a problem with the rules or how they are applied or both.
I do not want to retreat into private or semi-hidden giveaways. I want this site's system to work. I've been running a consistent campaign to reward those who do public giveaways by whitelisting anyone who has done GAs from level 0 thru 10 within the last year. I promote doing public giveaways because I think users at all levels deserve a shot at some free games. The only private giveaways i do are to my whitelist, which is rewarding those people who met my challenge. Please, look at my giveaway history. That's the ideal I espouse, and I practice what I preach.
Now, the main reason I get from people who comment on my challenge negatively is something like, "I don't do low level GAs any more. It's nothing but cheaters." I have heard this hundreds of times. Something is seriously broken that so many people have this impression. And like I said, I want public giveaways to be a good experience, not a demoralizing one. I do not want others to retreat into private or semi-hidden giveaways.
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Fair enough on your reasons to continue with publics. I'm even happy to do the rare public give myself, but if I want to do something nice, it is going to be a private of some sort, unfortunately. Or at least with a decent level if I have to do public.
It also helps that forum users are more likely to be people I know. Always nice when I recognise the winner.
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About the giveaways from level 0 to 10, how can you even check? It's a lot of works when the user created many giveaways. I doubt I created public GAs for all levels, and currently all my public GAs are L0. Despite the high percentage of rerolls, I'm not likely to increase level. When I want to reward contributors, I much prefer using forum or group GAs.
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Good thing you're already on my whitelist then.
And yes, I have to manually check for 0-10 for each user.
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I pointed out a factual inconsistency between your stated belief and your actions. There's a huge difference.
How so? The original argument has nothing to do with public giveaways at all. So your attempt to downplay my response by trying to label me a hypocrite of an unrelated subject is the definition of ad hominem.
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Well, I do agree that withholding gifts are bad thing, but it's does not excuse not activating. It's just a separate sin.
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Well I wouldn't call a re-gifter a thief. How can it be stealing if you won it? It's more like someone gives you a gift for Christmas and then you decide to trade or sell it. It's inconsiderate and opportunistic and if the gifter found out I'm sure they would feel angry or hurt. But it's not theft. Requiring the re-gifter to activate the key before entering more GAs isn't a bad idea.
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Not activating wins is explicitly against the rules, in the FAQ, the Community Guidelines and the Terms of Service.
And, to defend my theft analogy, it is stealing in the sense that someone else who wanted the game would've won it if the re-gifter hadn't entered. And a consequence of re-gifting is gaining points toward leveling up, so those points (and the opportunity to enter higher rank GAs) have also been stolen.
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I never said it wasn't against the rules. I just think calling it stealing is a bit hyperbolic. Are people also thieves if they win a GA but don't play the game? They "stole" the chance from someone who really wanted to play it. According to your thinking you could make that argument. You shouldn't get all melodramatic about it.
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I'm making an analogy for the purpose of proposing that there is a sense of something which should be returned. MoshiMoshi compared it elsewhere to a debt which should be repaid.
The central point is to show that timeouts are an insufficient penalty. I am trying to articulate why.
No melodrama is being had ;)
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Agree. Pay off their debts before they want to join another game.
Suspension is the punishment. They still have the debt.
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I know a person who won a SG gift in a forum.
Later, he made a GA and posted the link at the same forum. The original giver find it. The GA was deleted.
However, the gift is still in his Steam inventory now.
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I'm not sure many would be missed. But if you're proposing some kind of amnesty to go along with phasing in a new rule, that's not a terrible idea.
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yeah, i mean there are some super old infractions (2013-2014) that the gifter is no longer active and it was a multiple win. in those cases it can be pretty difficult to correct after all this time with an inactive gifter in the mix. that's really the only reason why i say it shouldn't be retro done, several of those good gifters that have changed their ways already would be missed (but yea, certainly not all or even majority).
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Just to pick up a minor point which has been slid past several times in this thread: the contradictory idea that the cost of repair one's account history is somehow onerous when the cost of giving away free games is not.
Now I know that most of us mostly just give away bundle leftovers, but most of us also have bought an extra bundle or even a new game once/sometimes/regularly/often. For the case of ongoing givers, if we can afford to pay for new goodies, we can afford to pay off our bad debts instead.
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I guess I'm not understanding why a 2-years-ago GA would need to be re-rolled?
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i have a multiple win infraction of payday 2 x-mas soundtrack from nov 2014 & dec 2014, i have 3x copies of it in my inventory and i want to correct it. in order for me to correct this i must contact one of the two gifters and return a copy of the soundtrack for them to re-roll to a new winner. but since both of the gifters are no longer active (hell we'll say one of them is even deceased, and the other quit, i can't do anything about it.
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Oh, for multiples. Well, maybe those just get ignored. It's cheating, for sure, but not so simple to fix.
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I completely disagree with suspensions being ineffective deterrents. A SteamGifts account is tied to your Steam account for life, so any mark on your record is going to hurt. People who maliciously abuse the regifting system in order to send the copies elsewhere will be permanently banned rather soon, as the standard penalty is a 7 day suspension times the number of offenses. As soon as one account is permanently banned, you will have trouble ever accessing the site again thanks to IP tracking, plus the fact that all new accounts have to link to a new Steam account, pass the entrance check, and starting over at level 0, where it's pretty hard to win anything (worthwhile, even less so) in the first place.
This means that the only people who are legitimately punished for regifts are likely to be people who made genuine mistakes. Right now they already get a minimum 7 day suspension (if enough regifts, an indefinite/permanent suspension until it is fixed, in which case your suggestion is already implemented), potential rerolls for 30 days after that, AND they are blacklisted and shunned by the community perhaps permanently and they cannot enter most SGT giveaways until they fix the regift. And you want to argue that it should be even harsher than that?
Not to mention, a funny 'side effect' of not fixing your regifts properly is that you can accidentally win and activate the game again in the future, which will net you another individual suspension for multiple win.
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That's an exaggerated way of describing what is being proposed. In fact, I think it would be simpler and fairer to replace bans with a simple rule that you to acquire a replacement key and activate it before you can participate in GAs again. There doesn't need to be any escalation of suspensions nor any bans. If they refuse to reset their record, they are banning themselves.
If the mistake was due to ignorance, well, some lessons are a little painful in life.
As for blacklists, those are personal judgments and are not part of the moderating system. The only reason they come into play so often on this site is because we don't have an effective system for deterring cheats and users find site policing of account standing to be an unreliable filter for keeping cheats out of their giveaways.
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I do agree it would be a lot simpler if they just forced people to fix their issue(s) before allowing them back. That way nobody would be punished longer than necessary and won't have a tainted record when they return, while blocking those who deliberately abuse the system. On subsequent attempts, they could then ramp up and add suspensions if deemed necessary (to avoid abuse).
On an unrelated note, I also think they should remove the rule allowing re-rolls during the suspension period and up to 30 days after the suspension. If a winner is unable to activate a key due to a prolonged suspension (more than 7 days) it should still be grounds for a re-roll (AFTER 7 days have passed), but in all other scenarios it seems exaggerated.
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Funny story - and this is not an argument for or against the OP - I actually know of one user that made a new steam account with the same name as his old and renaming the old account by adding the suffix "old". The old account was permanently suspended on SG so I reported the new account, but the ticket received no action that I could see and after a about a year I closed it because the user stopped visiting this site. I seriously doubt SG actively monitors for alt accounts or IP tracks, so even when it appears obvious it is not too difficult to avoid detection.
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Look at this screen - this person is still not permabanned. And yes, I reported him when he got slighly less unactivated wins, he got temporal suspension and after that he continued to not-activate. I don't know if he sell it, or it's just a second account. Do you still think that suspensions are any effective?
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I must admit that I didn't activate 2 games when I joined SteamGifts just because I didn't read faq carefully. On other site with giveaways users where allowed to regift won games. After some time of not activating won keys I've received ban for week or two. Since then I've never broke SG's rules. But 48 games?! In my opinion such users must be perma-banned.
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I couldn't vote because I disagree with all the options and even the option "I don't know / no opinion" is wrong, because I do actually have an opinion.
Yes, time-limited suspension (like today) does have a strong deterrent effect, but is not a good solution because it creates and endless burden on support and GA creators. Suspension should only end when rule breakers activate all their wins, and not a second earlier.
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Sorry about the limited options. Oh, and good thread link. It depresses me to see that this exact issue has been put forward by someone more articulate a whole year ago and nothing happened. Yep, definitely time to look elsewhere for somewhere to share my bundle leftovers..
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Some thoughts on this.
Alice won a Digital Homicide game back in the day, never activated it. Since the game is no longer on Steam, she won't be able to come back to SG.
Bob joined the site recently and got extremely lucky — he won a fake GTA 6 giveaway, marked it Received because he thought that's what needs to be done in order to receive the game. He never receives the game, though, he is later suspended and now has to purchase GTA 6 in order to come back to the site.
Bob's friend Charlie got lucky, too — he won Mass Effect 5. However, the version he received was for Origin. Still, feeling grateful for the gift, he marked the giveaway Received and subsequently got a suspension.
Dwight won a region-restricted copy of Hitler's Balls, a very controversial game banned in several countries, including Dwight's own country. He marks the giveaway Received and regifts the game. Again, once he is suspended, he can no longer come back to SG.
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Besides I get your point, Bob entered for the giveaway because the GA is on STEAMGifts, so there has to be a Steam version, so he can buy it. (Also I proved that Charlie's and Bob's problem is the same, so they are the very same person. They both gets suspended for multaccounting, case solved! :D )
Dwight maybe can get a copy from a trader if it's not activation-blocked in the country, but not in every case. So yeah, it can be problematic.
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There are other ways that penalties can be assessed for special cases, and other way to scrub a record (up to and including deleting the problematic GA). All this is solvable.
Or moderators could continue processing hundreds of tedious re-rolls every day until the universe ends.
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There are other ways that penalties can be assessed for special cases, and other way to scrub a record (up to and including deleting the problematic GA). All this is solvable.
And that's how it's done today — situations get resolved on a case-by-case basis. The only difference is that we don't deal with this on the very first offense, only with recidivists.
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We have different definitions of resolved. But anyway, you're as much as saying that my suggestion creates no problems that don't already exist. Which sort-of negates your objection in bringing up all these unique cases.
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The cases I suggested are not unique — misleading giveaways, resulting in the wrong game being activated, users delaying activation to the point of the key being invalidated, cases when users mark the giveaway Received just to be polite, cases when users win a region-restricted game and don't know any better than to regift it — this happens if not all the time, then at least very often.
I believe that a short-term suspension is enough for the first offense. It serves both as a punishment and a warning to pay attention to the site rules. If they don't learn from that first mistake, well, then it's a different story.
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I'd be content with site policy along the lines of:
I could hold my nose and gift to users with one unactivated win. One. I get it, people make mistakes. I've made mistakes. There has to be a line though, beyond which an act of contrition is required. Suspension is a passive punishment, not active. Nothing is required of the cheater.
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I addressed the false impressions expressed here in another thread.
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Slightly off topic, but I have a copy of Xcom 2 that finished a month ago, not sure if the winner has redeemed the key but definitely hasn't marked it as received. What should I do about it?
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He's been offline for over 18 days (both Steam and SG). At this point, you have three choices:
In a worst-case scenario, you'll be able to request "Received Feedback" at a later date.
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OK, cool, thanks. I'm happy to just wait, the guy might just be busy, not well or something. Thanks for the info mate. :)
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I believe that a short-term suspension is enough for the first offense
Any response as to why the recommendations some users have made towards a user's first win giving them a prompt that informs them of basic gift acceptance rules haven't been implemented? If the aim is to avoid unnecessary suspensions, that feels like a pretty intuitive implementation. :X
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That's why it's controversial and banned in so many countries... including Dwight's.
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I did. Not saying I remembered them all from the first read, but I got main concepts. And whenever I was unsure if I'm doing right I read them again. It's not too hard.
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If I remember it right - on previous version of SG it was just a thread in discussions section. So I found it by using search feature. Is it really THAT hard?
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No, but is accepting that some people may not have read the rules and guidelines thoroughly before entering giveaways that hard? The way the site is set up, I see that as entirely possible. I would even go so far as to wager that there's a portion of SG users that think this site is something similar to Gleam, where you claim your key and do what you wish with it.
Even the acronym "FAQ" doesn't imply that it contains any rules for using the site. The "Help" button that replaced it isn't much better, if you ask me.
Again, just my two cents, so take it at face value. :)
edited to add this:
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Well, I gladly agree that reading rules should be enforced upon registration, if that's what you meant to say. I don't remember how it goes when you register (and not even know it, as I registered back on the old site), but if user does not require to read and accept the rules - it should be fixed. But it does not replace harsher punishments, it just complements it.
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It's surprising because in other threads where the same question is asked, most people admit they didn't read them before entering their first giveaways.
I, for one, didn't bother to read them until I needed to read them regarding a situation with one of my giveaways.
If everyone (by default) read the rules before entering their first giveaways, we wouldn't need all the threads from people saying "Read the FAQ" or "Force people to read the rules when they sign up" that have popped up all over the forums since I've been here.
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Rules on gameminer were consistent. You didn't needed the gold to participate in giveaways, and you didn't needed give them money to obtain gold. But, of course, it was a way of making profits, instead of ads.
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I did :) Or at least I entered for a few then read the rules on the very same day - I like to know what can I do, and what am I should do according to the rules. Being ~23 and good with English surely helped in a responsible approach which is not true for the whole userbase
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Truth to be told I didn't expect to win anything at all, so besides entering I couldn't really do anything wrong. On the other hand though if somebody wins something on a site about giving and winning games and still haven't checked the rules, that's a problem. (Before winning they basically have no giveaway-releated interaction with anyone, so they can't do harm. Like how a shitty car is still okay to drive it around in your garden or on an empty field, but as soon as there's a chance to cause harm to anyone - being in traffic - it becomes important to be working at a minimum level)
Not attacking Sleepy's standpoint nor supporting the other guy's, as it's hard for me to be objective. I get the creeps from the idea of using a site that has rules I should follow and I don't even know them, so I don't know when would I cross any of them - so I simply can't understand people who use the site without even knowing the basic rules.
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I'm just saying - not everyone is the same, has the same motives or the same behaviors. If we're not accepting that and finding a way to make those behaviors more consistent site-wide (for instance, by making people read the rules/FAQ before using the site), then anything else is just a "band-aid" solution to the bigger problem.
Obligatory edit: TLDR - I'd be a lot more receptive to much harsher punishments if everyone were consistently forced to read the rules.
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I was lurking on the forum for a long time before I started creating and entering GAs:
Registered: August 29, 2013
First thread created: April 6, 2015
First GA won: July 12, 2015
And yes, I did skim through the FAQ before I created my first GA (which was a bit before I won my first). It's very easy to display a message similar to this at specific milestones (first GA entered, first GA won, first time to click Received). It should be sufficient to just display something nice & friendly along the lines of "You better read the FAQ, or you're going to be suspended from the site in no time. You have been warned" ;-)
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The problem with enforcing an regifter to buy a key and activate it on his own account, is enforcing it. Although it is rude to regift, I would not call it theft as long as they mark the key as received. On the other hand if you don't want a game for yourself, you shouldn't enter the giveaway at all.
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Well, he's not enforced. It's up to him - he can buy a game and come back to steamgifts, or he can just ignore it and never came back to steamgifts. It's entirely his choice, he's not enforced to either side of it.
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If you break the rules in the real life, you go arrested (banned), and it goes to your historic. I really thinks that should have, in all users profiles, the historic of bans. If you cheat on csgo and vac gets you, will stay on your profile that you got banned, at least, for 10 years.
Not knowing the rules isn't an excuse. I don't remember, but if you need to agree with the terms of service on SG, you agree that you know the rules. If you just check it before read... I'm sorry, that's your problem, not ours.
Even if it's hard to see, there's honest people that do wrong things. Make a mistake ONCE is acceptable, but make it again... The first time they break the rules like not activating gifts, people shouldn't be banned, they should receive a very big WARN (like when you won a gift) and they need to pay like a traffic ticket (making a giveaway). If someone do it again, then you can ban this guy and send him to hell, but only in the second time.
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I don't agree with that mainly because from what I can tell, SG is lenient by design. The point of not calling out fake giveaways is to let that 1 in 1000 GA creators not feel harassed. The point of suspensions without 'repaying the debt' is to let those people not to feel harassed afterwards if they continue to follow the rules. Which is why some people have a huge problem with SGTools but that is a different drama for a different thread 🍿 Most of the time there is no debt to repay. In the other thread you had a person with a 3 year old account marking a region-locked gift as 'received'. The other person has gone on to have a double given to won games ratio, would you like them to be labelled cheaters and excluded from the community?
As a giveaway creator you have leniency shown to you as well. Technically not delivering a GA is rule-breaking. It doesn't matter what you think about it being fair, that is the rule. But rarely is anyone ever suspended for it especially on the first offense. Breaking a rule to prove a point is breaking the very foundation you stand on more elegant in hindi. What if people start arguing that not-activated rules is fine too? Mutiple wins? For that matter how do you even handle multiple wins? Most of those are from people entering Dev giveaways with automatic key delivery, even if they are 100% honest that they did not use the 2nd key they are still going to get suspended for it just because there is no system in place to handle that eventuality unless the Dev themselves contact Support.
At the end what is more important to you & the community as a whole? That $5 bundle game 'debt' being repaid, or inspiring someone to become a more contributing member (be it in terms of gifts or forum posts talking about 😈🗡️)? I guess it depends on how much you value the gifting side of the site to the community side of it. If you want to gift to a selected group in terms of whatever criteria you personally decide on, you have Group giveaways, Invite-only giveaways, Puzzles, Whitelists, etc.
Which is why I don't think changing the rules to be more punitive is a good idea, but what you did by explaining it to them, that they can fix their records or their old mistakes is definitely top notch 🆒 beans. If your suggestion was 'Explain to people who get suspended what they did wrong better and how to completely remove their suspension record' i.e. "Regifters should be encouraged to clear their record of unactivated wins" I would support it 100% 😺👍 but I cannot support the idea of a lenient community turning to the stick🏑 when there are perfectly good carrots🥕 available in abundance.
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Would also like a more harsh punishment.
Just remembering a user who won one of my giveaways that I even asked to first activate his pre-won games.
His/her reply: "The moderators are aware, why i haven't activated the games. Please do your job (=send me the key) and not the moderator."
Reply by Support: "This user has already served a suspension so you may send the game, thanks for checking."
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Yep, it can be infuriating.
Especially when they arrogantly imply that you (the one who is voluntarily giving away free stuff) owe them (the unrepentant repeated cheater).
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Hey asshole, you idiot, i have an unactivated key, you know why? because of a stupid giveaway a friend did, a private one where only 5 people entered, all real life friends. I won, i said, give the game to your brother (just cause) as i already have and played Just cause 2, would be a waste. I was suspended for it, my intention was good but technically i deserve, no big deal, can't enter SGtool GA but who cares, i don't enter the site for games anymore.
According to you i am not a legit user, but even i haven't given much i HAVE given more than received. My point is, calm your tits with your delusions of heralds of justice, as that is the way dictators are born.
A gift after all, should not be under any restriction or condition or it stops being a gift. Rules and moderation are necessary but should never be abused.
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Thanks for the insult. Yes, truly, I'm a wannabe dictator for suggesting a revision of the rules that makes more sense.
So, you marked a game received when you hadn't receive it? Yeah, that was dumb and self-inflicted. And you've had scores of chances to fix your mistake for less than two bucks ( Then your bad record goes away. Two bucks.
But no, I'm the asshole. I'm practically Hitler.
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Hmm, I'm not one for half measures. Let's go literally Hitler.
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If you didn't wanted to play - you should not have entered. So yes, you are NOT a legit user, and your intention was never good, don't fool yourself.
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Hey asshole, the game is on sale for $1 all the time. He is saying people should have to buy the game that was not activated idiot. Play by the rules.
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Suggested it before, but (surprisingly for me) many people think that this is too harsh, and that suspension is enough.
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will be great if there is info for unactivated win & suspensions info on user page, so GA creator can help check and report unactivated win from past. Sometimes i see few, but how i can report it if i don't know suspension already been made or not, and it is few months past / year.
*sorry about my english
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Making that information public would go against the "no calling out" rule.
I can advise asking for a reroll instead of creating a user report in any case when you suspect that your winner might have an unactivated win. A support member will check the user's history and will grant you a reroll if the user has not been punished for that non-activation yet. Otherwise he will tell you that you may send him the game.
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You can look up whether a user has unactivated wins here: but it can't tell you if they've already been given their slap on the wrist. Report them anyway.
And your English is understandable, don't worry. Better than my pitiful grasp of French and Japanese :)
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Thank you,. i did use rhsgst to check, it link me to sgtool.
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I have a suggestion to make for the penalizing system in general. Only one type of punishment would really hurt any offender and that is, money. In our case it's CV, so, apart from the temporary ban, there should also be a community service for all offenders. A simple but effective plan would be something like this:
10 x 10P (=100P)
to the community in order to unlock his account to enter giveaways. His giveaways should be public and could be leveled up to his current CV level. Needless to say that those 100P do not add to Bob's CV. 👿2 x 10 x 10P (=200P)
to the community, and so forth.There are a couple more considerations:
multipler = 5 + 5 * level
so it's 5x for L0, 10x for L1, 15x for L2 etc.I think it's a fair system that gives the offender the ability to provide back to the same community he claims he wants to be a part of.
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The immediate practical issue with this is the same problem as the current system: since all we can do is check a users wins against their Steam library for non-activation, a user who has been caught and punished looks identical to a user who hasn't. Requiring them to clean it up is inherently tidy and self-regulating.
Other than that, sure, penalties against a user's CV would likely be effective deterrent. It's pretty severe, actually.
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You're right, there should be a cleanup, tiding-up or something-up, somehow. :/
But consider that: after a small transitional period, we won't be bothered at all if someone has or hasn't activated his games! Accounts with too old offences would practically gain their clean slate and newer accounts would think twice if they have to pay multiple times for their profit.
It would be like "please fool us and don't activate your games, give back 10x games instead. Profit!" :p
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apart from the temporary ban, there should also be a community service for all offenders
I think that this system can be great for dealing multiple wins or or unactivated wins of games that were removed from Steam, because both can be difficult to fix. Create X amount of public GAs, and your win is assigned retroactively to a dummy user intended specifically for these issues.
For most unactivated wins though I think that buying the game and activating it is a more elegant solution.
In both cases I don't think there's a need for any time-restricted suspension. Fix your problem and it goes away. Until then, you can watch from the sidelines, but not enter any GAs.
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You're an optimist but having only 18% of public giveaways, your 16 rerolls are way too much, imho. That's 16/117 or 13% , or in other words, you've rerolled 1 out of your 10 public giveaways. How's that "fine"?
Also irrelevant, what are other people's flaws have to do with one's breaking the rules? I may beat my kids everyday or sleep with goats, that wouldn't make me an offender in SG, or worse, clean others of their wrongdoings.
Edited the numbers, i miscopied them from sgtools page ;)
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Oh boy you're so rude! O_O
Don't know why you're trying to start a fight with me, but i'll make an effort to reply with patience.
Also, People only look at other user's profils to look for bad things. Why even bother? Stop witch hunting.
Ehm..who's witch hunting? You have posted a statistic about your giveaways and i've commented on your "that's fine" comment. You have no excuse to feel offended by me or anybody else commenting on your profile, while you specifically started mentioning your status of rerolls vs your total giveaways. If you want your privates stay private, don't mention them on a public discussion. I couldn't care less about your profile as long as you don't write comments with false or cooked statistics in them.
Stop working yourself up over problems that don't exist. Making the current system "better" is not as easy as you all wish it to be - guess why its still in place?
You're referring to me in particular? Cause this topic is about 2 days old and i've only commented once, today, in the comment above. Anyway, any system that works can be enhanced, become more attractive and more fair. IF humanity followed your stance, we would still live in caves like the Flintstones family.
If you want to give games to only a specific group of people, use groups or SGTools. Because of people like you SGTools exists, freaking use it then!
Are you still talking to me mate, or you're hallucinating? Again, my ONLY comment in this discussion is this suggestion which clearly helps already certified and punished offenders to reinstate their well being and put and end to some of the ongoing problem with regifters, non-activators etc.
What's your problem with that, anyway?
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What's wrong with wanting to reward contributors, and how do you reward contributors without looking at those metrics? Levels are pretty much useless, because there are some high-level users that only give to private groups, so for all intent they're not really contributing anything to the community at large.
Give to whoever you want and let others give to whoever they want. There's no right way to give. Do as you please.
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Define "judging". I'm not saying their rights on this site should be changed from what they are today due to these numbers. I just decide that they can't enter some of my GAs. Similar to how someone else can decide that users who don't solve puzzles can't enter some of their GAs.
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I don't need to act innocent when I am innocent. I do nothing wrong, and it's completely within my prerogative to give to whoever I want, however I want, as long as I don't break the site rules, and I don't. Yes, those were four commas in one sentence. If someone doesn't want me to enter their GAs because I put too many commas, I'm completely ok with it.
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Don't act innocent, we all know very well that people around here judge others by % given public, private, group, region restricted and so on.
I would take this rant seriously, but you only have 2 nurses on the picture, one short of being taken seriously :3
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Give away your games the way you like, be part of the forums the way you like, but stop minding other peoples buiseness, really.
Rude, rude and rude again. You say "Stop minding" but that implies that i ever started! I didn't. Replying to your comment about your rerolls is not prying since you started it, apart from that, my comment was on partially false statistics and didn't imply anything else than that. What could it be implied anyway?
You know you're participating in a public discussion, right? You're not forced to be here, commenting on a discussion implies that you're willing to discuss, but you're obviously not prepared for an argument.
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I've had to put in 17 re-roll requests just in the last week.
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You claim 650 GAs and 16 re-rolls.
I gave away ~60 games this week (one Otakumaker 10x bundle) and had to do 17 re-rolls.
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Wow that's amazing bs. O_O
The cause or reroll does not have anything to do with the quality or the price of the donated game! Apart from that, the offense in question is triggered in a previous giveaway, hense the operator of the last giveaway reports it and asks for reroll.
Also, giving away shitty games is not forbidden, winning and not activating them is. Previously you claimed you don't care about re-gifters and non-activators and that's fine in a way, but you seem to awfully care about the quality of the donated games to the extent that you prefer rule-breakers over donators.
Also, thanks for not judging, donators may give away shitty games because they have shitty wallets. Winners have no excuse to refrain from activating or even regifting the games they win.
On a side note,
I really enjoy the hypocritical rhetoric of some old and well known users here: They often participate is discussions like this wearing an old-wisdom hat, posting ironical gifs and one-liners about shitty donators with their shitty games , nag about the card farming, the CV farming, etc. etc. They pretend they -and only them- defend the greater gamer society from the evil cheap gamer who destroys the gaming industry and entertainment. They do offer verbal immunity to rule-breakers and hug every shady action as "people make mistakes". They are the good people, the noble ones!
They're too noble in fact, because what they really do is they're judging all other gamers/members/donators, nearly everyone except for members from their beloved closed vip groups, they're judging 24/7/365, they don't like anything else except what they and their VIP friends approve. They are constantly show-offs with their money and their ability to have, play and donate expensive games. Finally, they show their pure elitism which they disguised it as old-man's wisdom and.. don'tcareism.
It's called hypocrisy. :-\
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Who doesnt own massively reduced / bundled games? Bots, people that dont buy them etc.
You have one point here, which is partially true, bots do enter cheap games, because they cost lower that non-bundled ones and their auto-entering scripts are massively targeting these 1P-to-5P giveaways. Although, you can check my last month's giveaways you can see many L4+ accounts they seem to participate in cheap game giveaways, hense the "partially true". ;)
My major objection in your point of view is that you (and others) seem very disgusted by bundled games, while:
So, it's a bit strange to devalue bundled games giveaways and their donators, in order to hide the real problem, which is, the rule-breakers.
I'm not offended, by the way, it's only a discussion.
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Pretty obvious, but let me help you.
You: 650 Games Given away , 16 Rerolls Really, in my opinion the current system is absolutely fine.
ProceduralTexture: I've had to put in 17 re-roll requests just in the last week.
You: You give away massive amounts of cheap games, what do you expect`?
You: It's to be expected to get lots of rule breakers and bots when you shove shovelware onto the site, Basic knowledge.
So the problem for rule-breaking according to you is bundled games and not rule-breakers. This is pure reaching, totally irrelevant and not needed. Why would anyone do that if he doesn't hate bundled game, hate bundle game donators or love rule-breakers. I chose to assume the least worst of the possible versions.
Please give me any other possible cause for your reaching, or back your claim with more evidence.
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Yeah i thought so you're just shitposting here.
Copy/pasting your answers is not "made up", is evidence. All lines are from your posts above, you want permalinks too?
Nah, i won't bother anymore, you're not eligible for any serious conversation. Try harder to find some answers. Or grow up. Either would do..
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Nicely argued, judgegr. You make Bruce Lee look sluggish.
That troll, like half the opposition in the thread (especially the site staff), displays a curious soft spot for cheaters while barely concealing contempt for average honest users who are frustrated by the cheaters.
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I'll refrain from discussing the site staff' arguments because it happens to agree with quite a few of them. Between your case and theirs I'm somewhere in the middle to be honest, though I have nothing to add or say against, anyway. ^^
About the "trolling" argumentation: That's exactly what triggered me to answer, I've read a lot of thin arguments that look like trolling, but there're almost suspicious in a way. I mean, why would anyone defend a rule-breaker if he's not a rule-breaker himself, possibly through multiple secondary accounts? Why would anyone defend gifting high class high quality games , devalue all bundled games as crappy games, and at the same time defend the rule-breakers who auto-enter giveaways, not activate gifts etc. ? It's like shooting yourself in the foot.
Isn't that a bit strange? O_o
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"You all", as in collective responsibility? That's Hitler's line of argument, bad things happened when he tried to impose that, so you might wanna be more careful.
AGAIN, i wrote one suggestion here which is clearly better than the current punishing system, in fact, this community service model is extensively used in many developed and civilized countries as they think of the offender as a member of their society.
Can't be more clear than that, though you can still devalue and diminish my contribution here while you're actually hiding your incapability of actively and sincerely contributing to the conversation, yourself. Well done!
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For starters, stop asking question before answering some first. You're doing it from your opening post, giving one liners and questions instead of answers , then you wait for random interpretations to your cryptic answers which you obviously deny. Nice try but others do that for a living and quite professionally (politicians etc.)
Also, i never devalued your suggestion because you didn't express one, not even when you're asked to do so three-or-four times in a row.
Don't act as the victim here, you're trolling the discussion to steer it info one-on-one fights, that's what you did in the first place with me, attacked me for every word i didn't even say or imply, remember?
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I never said you devalue my suggestion, i said everything BESIDES YOUR SUGGESTION..
I HAVE NOT REPLIED TO ANYONE ELSE IN HERE. Again, I've posted ONE post/suggestion and only replied to YOUR attacking me. Keep trolling the thread, it's what it needs right now.
Also, i am not the one who took out the HIlter card for no reason.
There's no "Hitler card". If you don't know what collective responibility is, that's merely not my fault of using it to boost my argument. You used it , i described it. Also, there's no "YOU ALL...." in discussion groups and in communities in general. Grouping people according to your needs is exactly what others would do to defend themselves.
I am not the one accusing others for multi accounting for no reason. I am not the one not awnsering the questions. I am not the one making stuff out of thin air.
All the facts and your contradictory claims are in the posts above. Scripta manent. I have nothing more to add.
PS: This is not an e-peen contest mate, try to be productive while contributing to the conversation and stay to the facts. You seem to have a personal problem against me from your first post, which i don't share. You should be happy i have your double age and still played your cat & mouse game for a couple of times, to offer you some fun. But you seem to overdo that, it's such a shame..
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Enough mate. Read the answers above and answer some youself. You've posted about 20-30 posts and noone can't tell for sure what your stance is. I mean, do you like bundled games or not? do you like cheaters on not? Do you want punishment or not? You go either way in each of your answers, you place some traps where every participant in the discussion would either get involved in an e-peen contest or avoid you altogether.
I would like to see a collective post of your thoughts and ideas about the matter in discussion, not oneliners and questions to questions. I would enjoy your post which makes clear to me (the troll) and all others (the "you all") of what you're trying to say here.
Are you able to do that?
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So, no answer it is. Thank you for trolling us, come again.
Also, an apology:
YES i'm sorry that i was utterly and inexplicably wrong: supporting a cheater does not make you a cheater. What was i thinking! Thank you for your kind words and answers are making this so clear to me now. Also, supporting a rapist or a killer does not make you a rapist or a killer! For all i know, you might be a defense attorney, you might be a priest, you might be deaf of blind or retarded.
You might be related to the offender, you might like breaking others' balls by taking the illegal, the immoral or even the improbable side. Or you might be a troll, having fun by starting controversial discussions which you don't follow through, exchanging line of arguments and argumentative styles in relation to the offered opportunities. You might be intoxicated or an alcoholic or posting during a break from a psychiatric asylum.
All in all, you might be something or all of the above, but definitely not a killer or a rapist, or a cheater.
For all that, I'm truly sorry if my previous selection of words might offended you.
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Actually there can be some correllation between points of a game and chance to be rerolled - can be quite a stretch depending how we see it, but as far as I've seen on the community it's very likely more relevant than just to be random.
Let's say I'm new here, a few months or just weeks after registering. I just want to win anything, but I didn't really read the rules as it often happens. I enter everything that's cheap and looks remotely okay, as 100 pieces of 3P giveaways give better chance to win than 10 pieces of 30P, right? Same-ish entry number, but 10 times as many giveaways - I have a better chance to win, and a better chance to be a bundle-filler trash (uncrowded, unity fps horrors, indiegala monday-games, the usual, really soulless clutter type of a game that doesn't even sell without bundling. So many 1-3$ games in bundles recently) but then I realize that it looks like shit, so I don't activate it... So far this looks like a legit scenario.
Now imagine this on a daily basis with hundreds if not thousands of similar-thinking users. Join cheap, win cheap, not activate if you don't like it, again join cheap - it's like shooting with a buckshot, and hoping that it will hit something worthwhile. - there's a better chance to find a rulebreaker releated to cheap bundled games ON a cheap bundle game GA if that's what they mostly enter for. I know that, I was there as a new person, entering for everything, squeezing out the most of my points... Not every winner is a rulebreaker and there'll be rulebreakers on expensive giveaways as well. It's just in some people's character for that age that they don't think through the rules, the "what I want, what do I enter for" part and then not activating it.
It's a similar connection like how there's an objectively bigger chance for a level 0 to be a rulebreaker simply because more likely that they didn't spent time and/or effort to get to know the site, so out of care or attention they break the rules.
(And with respect where it's due: most of the bundle games are shit, simply because one good monthly, let's say 3 weekly HB / month and a few other good, bund bundled game can't balance out the games that were coming from groupees, otakumaker and IG recently, spewn out straight from the bellows of Greenlight. Not good games got bad by being bundled, just in the past half-one year the ratio of bad, unimaginative games' number in bundles raised a lot)
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Thanks for sharing this experience, i really mean it. Discussions like these should have one purpose, to share experiences and perspectives so we evaluate situations as objectively and unbiased as it can be.
Also for the bundled games, i'm sharing the same thoughts on how bad have become all those small 1-2h of gameplay games i used to enjoy. Although while saying that, i still like and go for the 30-shitty-games-for-a-buck bundle, acting like a customer under hypnosis :p
As for the rule-breaking i have the notion that there's some kind of trend, a revolution against authorities or just a profit opportunity. I know people who constantly try and find a way to fool any system, although it is meaningless, tiresome and definitely not as noble as they claim it is. That's why i suggested earlier that evolving the punishment system to a community service could save the day, where everyone's bad actions must be followed by some good ones. like a karma balance or a torrent ratio. This would encourage real people to restrain themselves from offences while bots and ill-thinking users might find that too tiresome to fool, or not profitable to exploit.
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2,372 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by wiLLie22
74 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by ZeePilot
32 Comments - Last post 41 minutes ago by CalamityUP
241 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by ShannonA81
605 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by WaitingforGodot
41 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Atombomb2097
33 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Gramis
9 Comments - Last post 14 seconds ago by BauerBoy24
3,691 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by pizurk
92 Comments - Last post 21 minutes ago by DrSlitheen
15 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by JTC3
133 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by mirum
157 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by PastelLicuado
278 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
This a██hole has a clean record: but we've all seen people with one or two or a dozen unactivated wins in their record because they re-gifted games instead of activating them on their own account.
Current site policy allows moderators to punish those who cheat with temporary suspensions and eventually permanent bans. I would argue that suspensions are ineffective deterrents against cheating. I am constantly seeing users return and do more re-gifting, hoping to gain rank and access to better giveaways. They are not dissuaded by a timeout.
What would be effective is making those users clean up their record by acquiring another key, and activating it on their account, before they're allowed to enter GAs again. To allow users to continue with just a suspension is like a convicted thief getting sentenced but not having to return what they stole. Re-gifters are thieves: they steal from the honest users of this community. They should be required to return what they stole by activating another copy of the game they won. This is a punishment that fits the crime. It is proportionate and just.
SteamGifts will not consider such a policy change without a demonstration that users feel the current punishments are ineffective. Thus this thread and poll. Derogatory remarks about my mother go below.
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