Can't remember seeing a flight sim game with lower than 30-40euros cost.

Just found it "weird".

10 years ago*

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For 30-40€ you can buy lots of good, AAA, indies, bundles, and other games, just don't spend that money on overpriced simulators or buy them in bundles.

10 years ago

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Flight simulators are a niche game, so there are not a lot of people willing to buy them, then the companies can't lower the prices too much. Also, FS gamers use to be collector-type gamers, so they spend more money than the average.

10 years ago

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Flight simulators are a pretty niche market compared to most games. Even the X-Plane on phones costs quite a bit more compared to other apps.

Doesn't help that there aren't that many good flight simulators. Only Flight Simulator X (not the new version) and X-Plane 10 seems to be decent.

10 years ago

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Older ones certainly aren't, for instance Il-46 sturmovik is $10.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yes, FSX (no there new version, future version will be a gold edition or similar via steam), x-plane 10, DCS sims and Falcon BMS are actually the top in flight sims. I personally take DSC sims with DCSworld in military sims, Falcon BMS its supported by community since Falcon 4.0, Falcon AF, now its open source or similar.
FSX still being the king in civil sims but X-plane 10 is live to future (maybe FSX too with steam release but its a 2006 game).

Edit: Falcon BMS and FSX are a cheap option, the rest of games... take in count that they invest money in develop games to few potential buyers.

10 years ago

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thanks for the answers guys. personaly I dont play flight sims,but whenever any caught my eye,I noticed it was expensive.

And I found it kind of weird,is their budget really bigger or equivalent to AAA titles? I always thought they needed less money in budget than most of the AAA titles.

10 years ago

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No, they don't tend to have a budget as large as a AAA game, but they also don't sell nearly as many copies, thus they need to have a higher price to make up for this. The expected playerbase are generally speaking adults who have jobs, and thus a decent amount of disposable income, rather than teenagers who use their weekly allowance to buy games. The high price point does make it harder for new people to get into the genre though, as they are less likely to throw a lot of money on an unknown. Luckily there are some cheap titles, like IL-2 Sturmovik (which is really good) which can act as good entry points.

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Sorapak.