Riddlers Lair Approved and Riddlers Labyrinth Affiliated

This means if you complete this puzzle than you receive points towards joining a special puzzle gift group so the prize is more than the gift at the end!

This is a new type of puzzle, its almost like reading a book but your part of it so please give it a try so far I've gotten good reviews from people who put in the effort/

Rules and other stuff:

The same as always no cheating (posting answers or putting out questions on other sites) and have fun! I'll either post hints here or on my twitter and follow me for future puzzles. Feel free to friend me and ask questions but I'm not going to be of much help. If anything seems to not be working let me know by pm DO NOT POST IT HERE!

I would like to thank Tzell, wbarton and cfriend for helping me create this very complex puzzle.

Answers or important information will be in bold from the story!

Necessary Background Information:
The village of Krondia is a peaceful somber town and happily, you call it home. The leader, Bartholomew son of Krondor, is very generous and knows you by name. The town hero, Tork son of Bartholomew, also knows you, for he was the one who found you in the woods as an infant with no parents in sight. Everyone in town pretty much knows you for your strange beginning in this world and the fact that strange things always seem to happen around you. Everyone knows you are a special child chosen by the gods except you. "A new hero is rising," everyone whispers around you.

While on a nightly hunt, a bright blue glow shatters the dull shadows of the night. As you, Morn son of none, approach it you feel a tingling through your body and eventually it takes control of your body. Against your will you are forced to pick up the glowing stone and look into it. As a curse passes over you an old voice, older than time itself echoes in your head.

“Now that you, Morn son of none, have sworn your soul to me, the great wizard, Merek the master of evil, by the silent pact of the stone. There is only one way for you to free yourself and that is by freeing the beautiful princess captive. Your souls are forever tied so in the event you fail to save her and you die, she shall die with you. You must solve my puzzles and play my games if you wish to live. Try not to break free of the curse because you will only find sorrow on that path. Free the princess from my dungeon in a week's passing or else her time with yours will be up. I’ll be watching you pathetic hero.”

While you start to process this information a mist surrounds you and a green glow fills your view. a light beautiful voice fills the air, it's the oracle.

“His quest shall take Him far and wide

Through riddles and puzzles and battles galore

When He find himself stuck at a rock do two things, He must shine his light and touch the riddle

When the message must be unlocked, his true full name is key

When he fights the beast he best remember the stone

The son of the evil one will prevail in his quest

He must go forth on the journey and see what gets unveiled”

After the shock of your life possibly being over, you look down to find a set of five clues to start your quest:

1.“Are you still there?” What says this? (first letter) A: Turret

2.“My life for aiur” What says this? (first letter) A: Zealot

3.Atlas and __ replaced you, so now I just want you gone. (first letter) A: P-body

4.“The Free man must follow” What species says this? (first letter) Vortagaunt

5.bit.ly/xxxxX A: the "X"

Answers for step 2:

You arrive here and the oracle says do two things when you get to a rock. First shine your light. Highlight the page and you find instructions that you will need later for the final battle. Then the oracle says touch the riddle. So click "The Riddle" in the title and it brings you to a riddle. The answer to that riddle is Castle but since everything is backwards the answer is actually eltsaC.

Fortix Giveaway Answers:

  1. Raymond Fiest

  2. Solemn Vow

3+4. Yersinia pestis

5.Catapult or Trebuchet (both worked)

The True Name

The you arrive here and the oracle said when a message must be unlocked your full true name is key. So what is your true name? The oracle also said the son of the evil one will prevail! You are going to prevail and who is the evil one? MEREK! Using clues in the story you can conclude you are Morn son of Merek.

The Battle

Next is the final battle using the instructions and the spell named furra you should use the spells in this order: Fire, Ice, Air, Air, Air, furra. That turns into bit.ly/FIAAAf which takes you to the next part.

*The Final Riddle

That link should take you here, the answer to the riddle was FreedOm because after this you are free!

Points in the Labyrinth

If you got to the Fortix giveaway you earned 3 points in the labyrinth!
If you got to the Trine giveaway you earned 8 points in the labyrinth!

Check the High scores and the Labyrinth Group!

Check out another labyrinth puzzle here when your done with this one, brought to you by cfriend.

Please do me a favor and tell me if you like puzzles like this or traditional puzzles more so I know what to make for the future!

12 years ago*

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All high scores updated!

12 years ago

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Thanks again for the really nice puzzle and story, but it seems you missed crediting me for finding Trine..

12 years ago

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I didn't get 8 points yet.

12 years ago

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Ok I'll go do that now for you

12 years ago

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Now I sound greedy, but I think you may have followed the advice from the cat in my avatar, because I didn't get the 8 points. =/

12 years ago

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I updated it thanks

12 years ago

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Oh wow, nicely built puzzle! Thanks for the effort you put into this (and the ones before leading to this one)! Too bad I tried the puzzle only with the first version of the third clue ("Atlas and ... replaced you"), and had absolutely no idea what to put in there. Furthermore I though the "you" part has to be figured out as well as there seemed to be only 4 hints for 5 letters. :D

12 years ago

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This was quite funny puzzle giveaway, thanks nitsogop, I'm hoping for more of these in near future.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by nitsogop.