This is a bad idea right? Right?

I should shut it down right now?

Anyway... Simple group for those who have decided to donate... And proudly display the star... No ratios, no giveaways, no discussions, Nothing of value... No avatarReally bad avatar even...

If you are interested, post here and send request.

7 years ago*

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i thought it would take longer

View attached image.
7 years ago

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I waited for over an hour! Just imagine...

7 years ago

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That's quite an impressive edit. Some source code changing I suppose?

7 years ago

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They had me for a few seconds there.

7 years ago

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It looked real enough for me to quickly visit Create a giveaway just to make sure.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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you are my star :)

7 years ago

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lol, you're evil Mully :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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That's what she said. sob

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Ooh, new request to join button on Steam? Fancy. Also interesting idea for a group, I'm in. 😛

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This might not end well...

So do have your mods act as bailiffs and audit the donator star every month and kick those who didn't renew their donator sub? What if they have running GAs?

7 years ago

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Yes... Or no, but probably... Still it's bit more complicated as the regular level status doesn't seem to appear on profile.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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Please send request to join on group page.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Are you going to create a new post every month and ask everyone in the group to comment to prove they still have the star ? Have fun checking everyone are donors constantly !

7 years ago

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I will have fun... ;D

I hope that star will be added to user page. Otherwise it's big more complicated to track.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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That's one option. ´Doesn't help if people hide their stars that is an option...

Still, have to see if there is even sufficient population to support this sort of group.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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But you have the cosmetic stuff..?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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how do you do that ?
Sorry if it's a a kind of joke, I don't understand it >_<

View attached image.
7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Now I am sad I'm at 5 year mark...

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Ok, you won't fool me that far :P

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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We never called you Honest Student. I recall it was Perverted Tutor. :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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I can vouch for his honesty! Know him in real life and I don't remember him ever telling a lie :D! He's been less active here recently cause he's doing all kinds of projects, latest one I heard of was him helping recovering addicts. Really friendly/ helpful guy, won't find a more honest character around here that's for sure.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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Sorry to had doubt about you Honest Student ! This Casual User totally convinced me :O

7 years ago

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Sent a request to join the elitist club ;)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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True, it's already filtering for people giving away money! So maybe we are exploitable. Or just nice ;D

EDIT by popular declaration giving money means person is a bad person. As such we all are bad persons to many members of this community.

7 years ago*

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Or just nice ;D

$3 a month doesn't make you nice.

7 years ago

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Marginally supportive?

7 years ago

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You have six people in your group - literally a third of them are aggressive bullying shitbags who have put me off posting trains for nearly a year. This is the Steamgifts elite? No - I don't think they are nice or even marginally supportive because they suddenly have a star next to their name.

7 years ago

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Have you considered that term elite can be used as an insult?

7 years ago

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Some people use 'nazi' as an insult. Does that mean Hitler wasn't necessarily bad? That maybe the final solution was just ironic? I don't know what your point is.

7 years ago

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Neither do I yours. If you aren't interested in this group or dislike it's members, you are free not to join or partake in this thread...

7 years ago

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I'm not interested in the group and I'm not going to join. But you are posting in a public place and if you are saying its members are nice or anything else then I don't see why I shouldn't have opinions.

7 years ago

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At least they are giving something to the site be it money this time.

Which is lot more than whining on the forums on trivial use of single word. And clearly taking it's use as personal insult.

7 years ago

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In the interest of fairness, you knew exactly the kind of responses this thread/group could garner.

7 years ago

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Yeah, some people just don't get light hearted fun. So whine and people taking insult is just to be expected.

7 years ago

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So what's your point? it's OK to treat people like shit as long as you give $3 a month? People are nice as long as they give $3 a regardless of what else they do? Or I need to shut up and keep out of your thread while your members are free to shit up mine?

7 years ago

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If they break the rules report them? Blacklist already exist.

I'm not the police of my members... Or should all groups they are member of kick them out? Do you actively work towards that too?

Also you are clearly suggesting that giving money to the Patreon isn't a nice thing to do?

7 years ago

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I'm not suggesting anybody broke the rules. I'm not telling you to police your members - and I never suggested that giving money to Patreon wasn't a nice thing to do. You are just putting words in my mouth.

I'm simply having an opinion on you suggesting your group is elite, nice or even marginally supportive given your membership.

7 years ago

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So giving money is marginally supportive? Yeah sure dude...

7 years ago

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Well I could go outside and give money to a tramp and then kick shit out him. Would that be marginally supportive?

7 years ago

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Yes. You know what the word marginally means?

7 years ago

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I thought I did and I checked my dictionary to make sure and it turned out I was right. It means to a limited extent or slightly.

I still feel you have folks that overall still aren't doing that much for the site even if they are chucking in $3 a month to Patreon.

7 years ago

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Rather lot more than any other single user having adds on...

7 years ago

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That literally doesn't even make sense.

7 years ago

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There is clear difference between what helps the site and what helps the community.

Giveaways help the community, but are actually a cost for the site itself paradoxically.

Clicking and being served relevant adds or using the refferal links are things that help the site. Albeit they are very small, as such even a 3$ donation vastly triumphs these.

7 years ago

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So this is the new steamgifts. $3 a month will forgive any behaviour. You can bully and abuse other users, you can leech from the site, you can do whatever you want - but as long as you give to Patreon you are a net positive. Thank you for clarifying that.

7 years ago

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Did I ever say that? Did anyone but you ever even suggest that? I just said that MAYBE we are just nice!

I didn't ever imply that we are... That is just something you came up out of nowhere....

7 years ago

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Pick one or the other then. You have users that aren't marginally supportive to the site because their bullshit far outweighs $3 a month. Or else I don't know why you are discussing the difference between the site and the community and the importance of referrals and so forth. We can move forwards from there.

You said maybe you were just nice, which you are entitled to do - and I gave my opinion on that which I felt entitled to do as I didn't see this was a private conversation...

7 years ago

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I can admit that I am not a nice person and it is that clearly neither are you. And I can admit that some of the other members of this group might not be nice people either. As I don't put any sort of value judgements on them. Only requirement is to show that they have some patreon feature turned on.

Still I think it's pretty cool and nice thing for someone to donate to site that allows people to give games to more or less strangers. I haven't ever argued that it makes them nice or justifies their other behaviour. But somehow some people pulled that out of their ass...

7 years ago

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"EDIT by popular declaration giving money means person is a bad person. As such we all are bad persons to many members of this community."

I'm really not the one pulling stuff out of my ass here...

7 years ago

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I took you stance. I don't think there is any value in continuing this argument...

7 years ago

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It was never an argument. You just ignored a bunch of stuff that I said and made things up instead.

7 years ago

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No you started it by making stuff up and generalising actions of few members of community to whole community.

7 years ago

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You are making shit up again.

In my first reply I specifically said I had an issue with a third of your six members. That means two people. It is literally two of your members that have bullied me in the past. I have tried not to make blanket statements.

"I still feel you have folks that overall still aren't doing that much for the site"

"You have users that aren't marginally supportive to the site because their bullshit far outweighs $3 a month"

And so on and so forth. I never criticised all your group - you have nice people in there too and I never previously had an issue with you.

The same as you claiming that 'popular declaration giving money means person is a bad person' - nobody said that!

7 years ago

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I've seen you stick up for people I consider to be some of the worst at harrassing and singling out people for their special comments. Apparently bullying is subjective.

It's not ok to forgive people who donate $3 but its ok to forgive people who post funny gifs, make big trains or giveaways above level 9. Its the same shit.

Fwiw, the entire patreon thing is asking for trouble as a dividing line, I agree with you there.

7 years ago

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"It's not ok to forgive people who donate $3"

What? I've never said there was anything wrong with donating to patreon. I'm just saying it doesn't suddenly make people nice. It's entirely different stuff that I'm not forgiving people for just because they made a $3 donation.

"but its ok to forgive people who post funny gifs, make big trains or giveaways above level 9. Its the same shit."

Yeah, because I get along really well with everybody who does that. I'm absolutely notorious for sucking up to everybody who makes big trains and high level giveaways. /sarcasm

That said, I'd agree that bullying is subjective. And I don't agree with everything that certain people do even if I do stick up for them on other matters. I was one of the people that thought the patreon was a great idea but I'm having second thoughts if it is just going to be this divisive.

7 years ago

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Was always going to be divisive, a lot of these prolonged arguments start getting off track was just trying to calm things/bring some outside perspective to things.

I also wasn't aiming my point directly at you. I mean in general people do forgive and forget shit things just because "lol Mr Popular forum guy did a funny" or "Mrs big game giver needs to like me so i can enter their giveaways".

How long before the "no patreon" group starts. Full blown forum war which is hard to mod because its the site owner who started it...

I'm going to just avoid it as it already feels like its becoming not about patreon but about things that have long since passed.

7 years ago

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Well I can only speak directly for myself rather than people in general. And I try not to generalise about others, despite occasionally failing and accusations to the contrary. My whole point was that groups of people aren't homogeneously 'elite', 'nice', 'supportive', 'bad' or 'good' just because the support a patreon - exactly the same as groups of high-level users, low-level users, game collectors, people who make trains, card farmers, weeaboos, etc.

I don't really see a repeat of the Payday 2 skins/no-skins war. In this case cg never actually promised there wouldn't be DLC or microtransactions for steamgifts and it isn't like people need to buy drills to open their wins yet. Although the site may well now have a pay2win element if this group is making giveaways already - as in paying directly to cg and receiving access to extra giveaways rather than just buying levels and friends with games purchased off-site.

I don't feel strongly about patreon and I'm the first to admit I was kicking off over stuff that happened way back. That clearly isn't a positive thing. A long time ago I quit all my SG groups, stopped making topics and started ignoring a lot of things because there just too much negative drama. And I should stick to that - but clearly there is a lot of unresolved bitterness ready to pop out. And although I should know better sometimes it does. Mainly when I perceive people as 'getting away with it'...

7 years ago

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I think we're all a little guilty of going a bit mad when we're angry! You've done nothing wrong just wanted to try and bring some calm to things. :)

I left all my groups and took a break from SG too, was very healthy. I don't enter GAs now my backlogs too big.

Stay safe anyways mate, end of the day, internets not worth your sanity.

7 years ago

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Huh, we need to forgive people for making giveaways above level 9 :O?

7 years ago

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This is getting really ugly very soon... giving money to an organization doesn't make anyone generally a nice person, only supportive for that cause. I won't get a better person on SG for supporting my local animal shelter, and I can't demand it either. Way too many people use donations to a cause of their choise as a shield and reason to pose as nice, while they are stepping on others and act super cocky. You're just enforcing this narrative by ignoring shitty behaviour but calling them nice for paying some money. It's a sad world when monthly 3-15$ is enough to ignore all wrongdoings and jerkyness and just blanket-call people "nice".

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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At least they are giving something to the site be it money this time.

Anyone making giveaways is "contributing" to the site, as giveaways are what draw more visitors.
Don't kid yourself over $3 a month. Like I said, you can't buy "nice."

7 years ago

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Okay, so we have come to conclusion that everyone who give the 3$ is clearly a bad person. And shouldn't be using this site in the first place...

Good now that is clear for everyone...

7 years ago

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Please don't presume to put words into my mouth.
I get enough people trying to do that already.

7 years ago

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I think what Tzaar's trying to say here is that the patron system is inherently sexist.

7 years ago

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But is it gluten-free?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Oy vey 😣

7 years ago

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Son, I am disappoint.

7 years ago

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Yeah, I definitely hate this idea.

7 years ago

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I'm considering the patreon. I'd rather stab myself in the dick than join this group.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Threads like this are actually dissuading me from being a patron, sadly.

7 years ago

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Eh, if people want to pat themselves on the back in a closed community then more power to them.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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Posting because of bump

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Check this thread: if you are interested in giving money to this site.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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this is why we hate you! <3

7 years ago

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Some people truly seem to hate this idea ;D

I don't really understand why they care so much... As for OP it should be clear that it's pretty much circlejerk joke...

7 years ago

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Apart from the fact that your jokes ended being funny around a year ago. Now you're just acting like a total fool.

7 years ago

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Yeah... But hey, there is some fun in being a fool. As long as you don't end up in useless arguments with other fools. Which I have failed here...

7 years ago

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useless arguments with other fools

You've put words into the mouths of two other people in this thread (and many more who haven't even posted, actually), and you call them fools for the words you put there?


7 years ago

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And those fools started it by taking my words and twisting them to attacks and generalisations.

7 years ago

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I'm one of those two "fools" and I didn't attack you at all, nor did I make any generalizations.

7 years ago

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I don't understand where the whole "buying nice" was in my words.

Then again I still think it's rather nice thing to support the site monetarily... I never said it would make that person nice. But that is the kind of twisting and invention of narrative that is so common these days...

7 years ago

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So maybe we are exploitable. Or just nice

Your words. "Maybe we are ... just nice."
You're the one twisting your own words now and changing your meaning Not me.

I have nothing against contributors, but, in point of fact, you're the one making generalizations here.

7 years ago

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Maybe nice, maybe elitist assholes who like special things...

Maybe just nice...

Doesn't imply nice. Just potential of being nice... Don't you agree?

7 years ago

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Everyone has the potential of being "nice."
$3 a month doesn't have any bearing on anything. You're the one who implied it did. ;)

Kinda my whole point.

7 years ago

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Yep, still I consider donations to be a nice thing that a marginally nice person would do. I don't understand what madness pushes people to take it beyond that...

7 years ago

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You and I clearly have different definitions of "nice."
I'll stick to mine, though, and i'll be sure not to call you a fool for disagreeing. :)

7 years ago

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I like to think that, despite some of my asshattery on occasion, the giveaways I make are helpful to the site - rather than nice :P (maybe I'll try for nice some other time - after a bit of practice of course) /s (with you all the way here:P )

7 years ago

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It's because you're trying to defend a certain group of individuals, while at the same time, berating these individuals for acknowledging that they're doing it for personal gain. You're literally going through these conversation in circles.

7 years ago

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Nice and generous are not the same thing. One can be nice but not generous and vice-versa. Niceness is a personality trait that says said person is pleasant to be around.

7 years ago

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Donations are a nice thing. They are something that a nice person might do. Many people who make donations are nice people. But clearly complete assholes are also capable of making donations. If a complete asshole makes a donation they don't suddenly become nice.

You have people in your group that have made me really fucking miserable. I'm not buying that making a $3 donation has suddenly elevated them to nice or even marginally nice. $3 and a star does not suddenly make up for everything that happened and then give somebody credit on top of that. This is where I'm flipping my shit.

To clarify; I don't mind if people want to donate to patreon. I don't mind if somebody wants to start a group for people who donate to patreon. But it's just a group for people who donated to patreon. I'm not saying it makes people bad - but it sure as hell doesn't automatically make people nice either.

7 years ago

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Why do you keep saying that I said people making donations makes them nice despite any of their actions?

7 years ago

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True, it's already filtering for people giving away money! So maybe we are exploitable. Or just nice ;D

I don't really want to interfere, but I'm pretty sure it what you said here...

7 years ago

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So I said they might be exploitable? Why no one has attacked that one?

OR is not an AND. I don't understand why people need to attack based single word.

They must be really sad people if they can't consider that people have nice and not so nice sides. And clearly have too much of the later. As anyone else would let it just go.

7 years ago

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"Fools", "toxic", and now "sad people."

Some advice? Stop with the insults. They're not helping your case, and they're not "nice" at all.

7 years ago

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I'm not the one who started useless flame war here. By misusing my words...

7 years ago

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Oh, so now it's my fault you're insulting people? Or is it Sixes?

$3 a month doesn't make you nice.

You're right. I'm awful.

7 years ago

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Yeah, we all are. After all I think there are no nice people in the world. Or very very few. Certainly not here...

7 years ago

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"Yep, still I consider donations to be a nice thing that a marginally nice person would do."

7 years ago

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Because anyone even not slightly nice would just leech. And not even make giveaways...

7 years ago

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So are you now saying that anybody who makes giveaways is at least slightly nice? And there aren't any leeches who make giveaways to maximise their leeching?

7 years ago

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@ Sixes.

Even more confusing - are level 0's who donate slightly nice? :O
(and I can actually think of one who might, if he's still around Nvm, hasn't been on in 3 months)

7 years ago

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Well they said earlier that I clearly wasn't nice. Although I make giveaways so apparently I am nice. What if I made a donation? At first I was angry but now I'm mostly just bemused.

7 years ago

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I support your right to your opinions, but I think at this time, none of you are getting anywhere with this discussion.
It think it's fair to call a cease fire as nothing is going to be accomplished.
Feel free to ignore me if you wish, I'm saying this more as a member than as support.

7 years ago

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I support your right to your opinions, but I think at this time, none of you are getting anywhere with this discussion.
It think it's fair to call a cease fire as nothing is going to be accomplished.
Feel free to ignore me if you wish, I'm saying this more as a member than as support.

7 years ago

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Discussion's been over for an hour, but thanks?

7 years ago

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Could have started again, and perhaps I'd even be to blame for that. -shrugs-
Off topic, hope all is well with you :)

7 years ago

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I'm always excellent, thanks.
Hope you're doing well also.

7 years ago

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Yes, I'm saying that anyone who donates by either directly or by making some giveaways is at least slightly nice. Or exploitable, as we well know it's rather useless to game levels on SG...

7 years ago

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I support your right to your opinions, but I think at this time, none of you are getting anywhere with this discussion.
It think it's fair to call a cease fire as nothing is going to be accomplished.
Feel free to ignore me if you wish, I'm saying this more as a member than as support.

7 years ago

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If you manage to pull this off without it turning into a shitstorm you'll deserve a medal or something. Sadly if I had to guess I'd say that this thread will become so toxic that it will even start bleeding its toxicity into other threads.
Good luck, you are going to need it.

7 years ago

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It is clearly already been made toxic by some actors... Thanks for well wishes.

7 years ago

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Some people hate ideas because some other like it, they would love it if other hate it. Contradiction spirit you know, they don't even know why.

7 years ago

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I was just checking this thread again out of curiousity and if I'm not wrong this reply was meant to be for me (if not just ignore me).
My main worry isn't that this will become toxic, it already was when I wrote my comment, what I fear is that it might spread into other discussions. Maybe you should have waited a few days before starting this group, to give the whole thing time to settle down a bit, no need to jump into the boiling water.

7 years ago

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I wonder what's next? SG GA's for which we must pay a fee to enter?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Hmm... Stupid thing here is that the payment doesn't go towards mods of the group... ;D

7 years ago

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Indirectly speaking, ambidot is correct.

7 years ago

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Higher levels are also not really reachable by tremor-bought games and card-selling, it just feels simpler and cleaner in this case.

7 years ago

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2017 is worst gaming year ever. And even worse are have to come.

7 years ago

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How? Plenty of good games were realesed this year.

7 years ago

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Hum I pushed to enter cause it's a group. So I wonder if I had to....

7 years ago

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You didn't. As you are not visibly eligible...

7 years ago

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Please don't feed the trolls, Ekaros because now they have a new bone to chew on they will grow exponentially! ^^

7 years ago

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But if I didn't feed myself I would starve, not very soon, but eventually...

7 years ago

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You don't even know what the hell trolling is. /facepalm

7 years ago

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go go go

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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that's a beauty ;_;

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7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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I'll take the chance to thanks you again for making the blue theme, it doesn't show any star so I have a cleaner/classic SG forum experience :D

7 years ago

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Bump! :O

7 years ago

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[This comment is available for SG Gold™ donators only]

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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