I think Saya no Uta has pretty great story. Being an Utsuge, it pretty much sells depression on a plate and basically not a game for everyone. But I do recommend people checking it out if they are into Lovecraftian horror. Be warned that it has sexual themes like OP said.. Also OP if you're looking for more VN that have similar good stories, I recommend checking out Higurashi(more horror focused mystery story) and Umineko(more mystery focused fantasy horror story), both of which are already available on Steam. However both are pretty long series so it may not suit your interests. I know you're not looking for recommendation but I feel the need to spread the word about these 2 games as well.
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I didn't know the term Utsuge before I googled it up but yea I guess you could call it like that...on the other hand there's also some quite heartwarming scenes within it I think so it's not all sad and depressive.
Oh also thanks for that recommendations.
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Won't read your post because I want to play Saya no Uta myself (gotta avoid dem spoilers), but I know enough about it to be certain that I want to play it. The music is also super good. I especially love Shoes of Glass. <3 The alliteration in the track names is pretty cool too!
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Congrats for been able to get into horror things. Those are not good for my pants anytime
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I heard of the game in a video from Extra credits called horror games you might not have tried. I really loved this game. The way it makes you switch points of view is awesome, you find yourself siding and identifying with the "bad guys" but not in a too obvious way. The different endings are all cool and all have this lovecraftian feeling of doom (for lack of a better word). I love horror games and movies and not one put me in the same mood I was in while playing this game. I guess it depends on the person, I asked my boyfriend to try it and he didn't seem as confused/disturbed/mind blown as I was... My english probably doesn't make this game justice but yeah it's one of the most striking game I've played...
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Oh I think I know hw you feel when you say that your english might not justice the game. For me it's also not my mother tongue and I often feel like I can't quite express myself or my thoughts about things properly in it. Also yea, it depends on the person how the exxperience is, as with everything. Well, for me it was equally emotional. While it's beed some hour now that I finished it I'm still kinda shaken up.
Oh, also thanks for the link to the nice video. :)
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Yea, that is where the game from too. After watching Madoka I wanted to check what other stuff the author had created. Although I only watched Madoka and Fate/Zero of his works. It is interesting to watch but it stands in contrast to my Happy go lucky world -_-
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great VN and great music =) new unusual expierence in my life. Not for usual people, not for everyone)
love music effects
song of saya
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Saya no Uta is one of the few VNs I've read. So far it's probably my second favorite VN after G-Senjou no Maou - which is on Steam, but prolly censored, so try to find a patch or download it elsewhere if you plan on playing it. There's actually quite a few really good visual novels, sadly most of the ones on Steam are low effort no-story cash grabs and they give the genre a bad name (there's a few good ones though - Stein;Gate made it to Steam a little while ago; there're some Grisaia games; Clannad; and perhaps a couple more).
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Thanks for the recommendations. I think this might be a genre where I need those more than anywhere else. In most cases I'm the kind of person who only needs to seee a few screenshots or a short video of a game before I can tell if it might interest me but with vn's it's hard as there main part is the story and one might be great even if the visuals doesn't appeal to me on first glance.
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2 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by MarvashMagalli
After watching a top 20 list of recommended hidden horror gems I stumbled about this visual novel, wich I just recently finished - and I have to say I'm pretty amazed.
For those of you you haven't heard about that game: The story is about Fuminori Sakisaka, a young medical student who happens to experience a heavy car accident where both of his parents die. He himself barely survives but after he regains consciousness the world around him. or rather said the way he sees it. has heavily changed. All of his sorroundings had been transformed into a bizzare, surreal, hellish version of themselves, including Fuminoris former best friends, wich now appear as fearsome, ugly and gross smelling creatures to him whose sounds can be barely described as voices. Now their - or any other humans - presence makes Fuminori just wanting to retreat himself away from everyone.
After some time and the realization that no doctor will be able to help him getting rid of this new senses Fuminori more and more wonders if he can go on living like that. That is until he meets Saya, a cheerful young girl wich is the only person that appears in perfectly human shape to him. Since Saya also feels pretty lonely for her own reasons these two start seeing each other regulary and for Fuminori Saya starts to become something like his urge to keep on living in this twisted world.
Ok, so much for short glance into the story. Don't want to go too much into detail because of spoiler danger.
To be honest gameplaywise Saya no Uta can be hardly called a game. There are a few points where you can make a decision to affect the ongoing of the story but other than than it's just clicking from text to text. But well that's the genre I guess...while I haven't played too many of this kind of games I can tell that I don't mind the low interactivity as long as the story is exciting enough to keep me interested, wich was definietely the case here. It is written very well, has it thrilling moments and pretty memorable characters.
Besides my positive opinion of the game I want to make clear that I recommend this only conditionally.as it features subjects that may give umcomfort to some people as sexual suggestive text, rape, gore and in general a story wich can be kind of depressive.
Wonder if there are any other people here who did play the game and if how their opinion about it was. Probably this is not the very best place for this but for some reason I felt like posting this here.
Concluding here's some piece of the game's ost.
Oh, also here's some obligatory ga. Sorry, nothing big...
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