
Im here to talk and maybe suggest a change to this rule:

'Values are calculated based on the current USD prices of games in the Steam store. If a game lowers in price, the value of previously created giveaways will adjust accordingly, and this will be reflected on profiles and levels.'

When im buying game, for example: today, im paying full price. Lets make it 50$. Im paying 50$. Not more, not less. Game has never been bundled/free-lets keep this condition to he end of this post.
Game is not bundled, so it gives me full CV.
Then 2-3 years later, game dev decide to lower the price to 1$, just because hes going on with the sequel of game.

So my CV is deducted with -49$.

This shouldnt happen.

We have giveaways for bundled games working from day of bundle, same as free games(it gives lowered CV/0 CV from the day it was bundled/free)
So why not the same with reduced price games?

Maybe make a script for automatically adjust cv to sale-if a game is on sale, all giveaways created at the moment of sale are with lowered cv(price of discounted game), gibs created later/earlier when game was full price gives full cv for game

If game is on sale today, im making giveaway sale ends-im still taking full cv from this game.

And if ppl making giveaway while game is on sale, they can earn a lot of cvm when game goes back to full price

Also it could work, especially you cant 'store' steam gifts in your inventory from long time ago, so ppl cant buy on sale for cheap, then giveaway when full price.

What are you thinking about?

My opinion:this rule should change

3 years ago

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Should be changed?

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Nah, its Git gut
Yes, im losing cv over years!

Then again. a developer could make a game. Sell it for 1€ and then raise the price to 100€...

Or the price might glitch and read wrongly and thus give too much CV at certain point...

3 years ago

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yes, but if u make giveaway right here right now it should take price from this time. As u cant store gifts in inventory anymore, you should pay for the game the price it is. So if its higher than it shjould its up to you if u want more cv but pay higher price or wait until price stabilize and get less cv

so even price goes thousand times higher than base price(glitch or developer), your level will not go up, but same for lowering price

if i pay 50€ for game i want it to give it proper cv for me, as i use 50€ of my budget to give it for ppl. But why should i lose or gain anything if i pay for example 50€ for game, then dev lower price or maker it higher?

3 years ago

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Honestly, it sounds likes you're having a mid-life crisis.

That's not how the site works. SG does not hold pricing information locally.

But why should i lose or gain anything if i pay for example 50€ for game

Why does it matter if every person in your position is affected equally?

3 years ago

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no, cause not everybody giveaway same games :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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I doubt anyone disagrees with you but to my understanding it's difficult to change how it works.

3 years ago

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You cant loose CV if you only give bundled or free games. Or much of it anyways :)

View attached image.
3 years ago

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It affects everyone equally. It's already a fair system.

3 years ago

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I am with Ekaros, you can get more CV over time too, e.g. Shovel Knight if I remember correctly (20 -> 25 -> 30).

Can you name one game that went from 50 down to 1? As far as I know that kind of huge fluctuation only happens to "games" that are pure asset flip (money laundering?) and should not be sold for such a high price in the first place.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

3 years ago

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I think Parkitect gone up too.

3 years ago

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Factorio too, probably more good games when they left Early Access.

3 years ago

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There is no perfect system. It doesn't matter in the long run. Just make some GAs, try your luck in winning some too and chill mate :-)

3 years ago

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It uses current prices so some price errors couldn't be abused. There are times when some games registered higher than they should.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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Is that a real (as in non-photoshopped) screenshot? o_O

3 years ago

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Yes. Check US currency price history here.

3 years ago

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Wow, it even happened twice! What the hell, lol!

I have to wonder what chain of events led to that... Then again, perhaps my sanity is better preserved if I don't. :)

3 years ago

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yes, but if u make giveaway right here right now it should take price from this time. As u cant store gifts in inventory anymore, you should pay for the game the price it is. So if its higher than it shjould its up to you if u want more cv but pay higher price or wait until price stabilize and get less cv

3 years ago

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As u cant store gifts in inventory anymore

most ppl get keys though... that wouldnt apply to them.. how do you want to check when they bought their key?

3 years ago

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OP doesn't care. They just want more CV.

3 years ago

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Keys, old gifts, etc. Heck, most of the games for one of the common errors was always going to be bundle keys. You also ignore that is this is already done because of people trying to exploit things in the past. Bit late to start now even if there wasn't a reason for it.

3 years ago

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SG is already supporting group only giveawaystrading too much, CV is useless and already has no connection to the value one actually gives to the community.
Nitpicking on sale prices (which would require tracking every and all sites, all the time, in real time) is pointless.

Price decreases are rarely more than $40 ($60->20$) and already communicated upfront. The CV loss from that does not compare to the CV people get from being "charitable" in ratio-based games with mandatory giveaways, or they can get from giving developer-given keys in the name of their curator page.

I'm fine with how the system works, mostly because I got to the point that it really doesn't matter for me for giveaways, and I don't care about the coolness factor of higher levels.

If we want to change, total abolishing of CV, or separation of public CV from group/WL ones (and some modification of, or even removal of levels) would be completely fair.

3 years ago

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"Then 2-3 years later, game dev decide to lower the price to 1$, just because he's going on with the sequel of game."

I don't think this is realistic. Sure, earlier editions often have a sale price when a sequel comes out, but not usually a dramatic price change. It reflects poorly on an old title to have a very low base price.

Anyway, the system as I see it is meant to prompt people to give again years later if they haven't been giving all along. Anyone who gives in one spurt and doesn't continue giving over the next years needs that prompting.

The best bang for your buck is to try the brand-new little-known indie games that are so good, they might bust out into being hugely popular, like the earlier-mentioned Shovel Knight and Factario. Try to be the I-gave-it-away-before-it-was-cool GA mastermind, and hunt down fun indies along the way.

3 years ago

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only chnge in the cv system id reccommend is one that encourages newer games to be given away. like a period after games is avaiable (maybe make it specific games during an active release, which could theortically be another monetization angle if charging a ee to devs or their game to be on that list) in which the cv is locked to full

3 years ago

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right now this site is primarily an onboaring site to bundle and loot box type game sellers

3 years ago

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