Hey guys! That fool kapy deleted the proof cause s/he doesn't like having disgusting comments on his/hers profile! Lets go full hate mode on how there's no proof and accuse of slender, cause that's what we're best off.
Why didn't I block you again? I really need to do that. You're starting to annoy me in every single thread you worthless stalker.
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Sorry man, don´t want to be harsh just honest. Just read this conversation again and maybe you understand why you are getting blocked. I have no one on my blacklist. This saying "I put you on my blacklist, or going to block you" seems childish to me. edit: seen your other sensless conversations in this thread, all about beeing unfriendly from what I see. Think about your manners and be a friendly Person so all will change
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That´s exactly what I meant, don´t know if you just want to troll (I guess) or if you want honest help. Just Change your attitude, you can do it.
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"Most here are just people. I'm trying to understand people. Clearly I'm too primitive and need an explanation. "
Aaand here's your answer. You are talking like you don't belong to the other people, like you are not human or something. Jokes aside, mild autism? Not even joking. Or too young maybe to fit in society yet?
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Online professors keep nagging about a professional pisses me off. So I dont think such people deserve positive reactions. Not everyone is a retard who needs chill pills to get his/hers life destroyed... But guess that's all you online doctors can do...
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Yes, why would you need pills for what you can do on your own. I for one with mild autism can spot this kind of behaviour, and calling someone retard just makes you one too. Either way you are trolling for fun, or you are just a deviant, you are sick.
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Oh. Noes. That's not depression. I'm just pissed as fuck at how idiotic humans can be. :)))
"Hey I'll add you. Hit on your for a while! Then I'll just block you everywhere, cause I dont know why! Don't worry. You're the issue. That's why I wont tell you that I'm doing all this."
This is what people keep doing. I can't go on a public discord to chat anyone, cause there's the whinny little asshates that are too scared that I might hurt their feelings with my jokes! Who magically turn out to be the moderators best friends and bang bans for nearly nothing. On forums mods keep hitting me cencorship and allowing bots to downvote my threads.
If I go to work somewhere, people keep shittalking behind my back while acting like friends.
Getting really. Really pissed off at this bs.
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It give a lot of people that show you a other face and behavior then they have behind that mask.
At work give it nearly no friends. Nearly all will use anything against you when they have anything from it.
So make a cut between private life and work.
A part of the humans are THAT .... if you like it or not is your thing. What you make and how you handle is your thing.
You can't change other people you can only change how you act with them/that
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can i give you a advice or please you that you make "free for all" GA's only at lvl 2+ ?.
It's nothing against the real, nice, friendly players on lvl 0 + 1 but on 0 + 1 are 90% autojoiners, bots and extreme leechers (3 years on sg, never given anything out or only 1 GA to be on lvl 1 but taken hundreds of GA's).
So i think you feed the wrong people with your Giveaways.
Would be great if you think over that.
Thanks and have a nice week.
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i am too ............
alone that let you be a outsider....
but no problem for me i am "the dark from the neighborhood" :o)
Or in German "der dunkle Mann von nebenan" (more like a rime).
A lot of gemales like "the dark man" .... soooo no problem for me to be not "mainstream" :-DDDD
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If you let guys hit on you and are not interested in them thats what you get. If they cant have you they go to another one. The mean part isnt helping. Im also mean but i have to stop somtimes to havy any friends. I know what i can say and probably willl be accepted and what shouldnt say. I cant force ppl to accept me the way i am but i must adapt.
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Happy cake day.
I want to question you why you BL me.
I seen it, can't write you private at a old GA, my friend request on steam you had not accepted, so i can't question private.
It's your right to BL me for whatever (white socks ? BL. Other opinion ? BL. .... whatever) ... i am only curious.
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Happy cake day! And I would also like to know the answer on that question. My opinion: this is not place for attention whores (not saying this person is but there is way too much of them). The only way to fix this or any other problem is- get your shit together, we don't really need and want to know all those stuff. If you have problem, solve it. If you are an arrogant bitch and being blocked, then you know whats the problem... I really don't understand some ppl. But hey, they can't understand that... obviously.
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No, it means to suck it up and stop asking people on the internet about your problems if you don't like any of their answers since you seem to disagree with everyone in this thread. Go talk to people that actually know you, in person. We don't know you, and I for one don't really want to get you know you since you started off with "Okay. I'm arrogant. Cruel and mean some times. Quite emotional.".
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Admitting you're an asshole is not a free pass to be an asshole. It means you're an asshole who knows you're asshole. People can only stand assholes for so long before they need to be rid of their stench by suddenly cutting them out of their lives completely. As someone who's had to cut assholes out of my life in such a manner I can tell you there is no easy or civil way of cutting an asshole out of your life. You need to just rip that band-aid and move on. Trying to explain to someone you're cutting them out of your life because you've have enough of their shit is a losing proposition. They get all angry or mopey or whiny about it. Nothing worst than an angry mopey whiny asshole.
So, there's your answer.
Here's the solution. To be part of civilized social interactions you must be civil and considerate. If that's a deal breaker for you then you need to suck it up and stop whining when people get sick of your tired ass bullshit.
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I'm arrogant. Cruel and mean some times.
You pretty much called yourself an asshole... He just followed suit. If you're making a poll, count me as one that would block you. But you want an explanation, so here it is (you won't like it) : there's nothing more excruciating than trying to argue with stupid people, so I just block them.
At this point, I'd encourage you to seek professional help. Really. If you behave like this in real life, you'll end up hurt.
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None of the traits I pointed out make me an asshole. Only thing that makes me one is your opinion and your offensive ignorance shown towards me. If you block me I'd drink to it in joy than cry over it, as it seems that you're an actual asshole who thinks he's better than others.
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See, that's your problem, you think that being abusive, mean and racist is ok. But I've got news for you : it's not, except in your little fantasy world where you're alone. Enjoy being hated on for the rest of your life, I'll certainly find confort in knowing that you're unhappy about that and that your only shot at love now is an imaginary videogame character, I'd be sad if you weren't so ... well, yourself.
None of the traits I pointed out make me an asshole. Only thing that makes me one is your opinion and your offensive ignorance shown towards me.
And the opinion of so many others in this very thread, that you chose not to see or register. It's called denial, refusal to admit the truth or reality of something (such as a statement or charge). Psychologists can help, but I won't.
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What would you expect from someone who describes themselves as an asshole yet doesn't know the definition of the word.
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I'm arrogant. Cruel and mean some times. Quite emotional.
Sounds like an asshole to me. To be fair, assholes don't generally know others consider their behaviour to be asshole-like. Think of this as a wake up call.
The more I read this thread the more I suspect the main subject or question is utterly insincere. Instead it's a meandering attention getting self absorbed troll attempt at edgelording or pseudo intellectual superiority. I can't be sure which because I'm having a hard time giving a shit about the subject matter.
If I wanted "high school" melodrama in I'd watch Riverdale.
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Yeah, I forgot to add boring. I figured that was a given in this thread. It's a freaking joke,
As you stated, boring. It's boring when the OP answers their own question from the start yet continues to argue about it. I can only assume you were going for being edgy but instead it comes off an ignorant. I'm sorry if my replies offend you. You'd think someone who's arrogant, cruel and mean would have thicker skin.
I know you'll respond to this with a quippy sentence. It appears you believe having the last word wins the argument (it doesn't) and you don't have good defense for the words you used to describe yourself. The thread seems to be a thinly veiled attempt to get attention. For my part, I'm done feeding that beast.
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Again, incredible retort! How are people not in love with your incredible brilliance?!
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Amazing! Where do you come up with this stuff? It's always mind blowing when some puts all of their available intellect into creating a response.
Well, you've won me over. I don't understand how anyone would not want bask in the warmth of someone with such a shinning personality.
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And the hits keep on coming! Another incredibly clever respose from the always engaging Krapy.
All those people ghosting don't know what they are missing.
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Fucking brilliant! Keep 'em coming. Genius like this should be shared with the world.
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Do they give out Pulitzer for comments? I think I just found a candidate!
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OMG! You totally had me going there! I thought the "Z"s were some kind of deep level mythical allegory that my poor mortal brain couldn't decipher. That's what I get for pitting myself against a Brainiac level of intellect like you. Are you sure you're not a member of Mensa, Krapy?
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Golly Krapy, I just can't keep up wit yur silver tongue. Ya musta been part of the debate club or something.
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Bah! Such dullness cannot wake someone as edgy as Krapy!
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Whoa, that so deep...oh you almost had me there you sly fox! You mah new hero Krapy. Please tell me yah secret! How ya so cool yet so smart?
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Who knows. Depends on your general attitude towards/when interacting with people. Maybe you said something that offended them or made them decide that they no longer wanted to keep in touch with you, and rather than calling you out on it, they preferred to silently "fade away".
I used to chat with a guy - total racist, bigoted uneducated person. I almost wanted to unfriend them, but because I'm such a polite bastard I couldn't build up the resolve to do it. Eventually he stopped sending me messages when I kinda evaded any further discussion than small talk.
But anyways, the point is... I think he meant well. Or at least, he didn't mean to be an ass, but he just was; his way of speaking, his opinions, his general attitude... that just didn't work with me. Just shows that even I probably pissed off/annoyed/disgusted people with how I act, online or offline. Heck, I've been told (online) that I was being "too nice" and that it was probably just some fake act to become "popular" or some shit. (I know, I still can't figure out the logic behind this assumption either).
So yeah, in any case, the only person who would know why exactly you were blocked is you, or them. Or maybe someone who were present during interaction between you two (on a forum, group chat, etc).
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Hmmm... I don't know. Most people who even bother talking with me is cause of my charming personality. Why would anyone bother to go on such a person if s/he dislikes that type of attitude the first place? I mean I don't go trying to befriend people I'd hate... Guess it's just me...
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What jbondguy007 wrote. Some people just want to put a stop to it (for whatever reason, can't really say why when I don't know the person) without a fuss. They either don't want to offend someone or don't want to make it into a nasty confrontation. And people in general do not go out of their way to tell someone, 'I don't want to be friends with you anymore. Don't contact me.' Even if they did, the other person might want/demand answers and that can turn into an argument and overall a undesirable situation where both parties get hurt and feel bad. People want a clean break, without drama. And especially on the internet, thanks to the anonymity, people rather just withdraw quietly and move on.
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A "i hide away/block anyhting with no word" is NEVER a clean break.
A clean break is "i break the contact because..... After that the other one CAN think over it and maybe change anything when he/she want that. So he/she can refine themself (maybe to a "better" person).
But yes in the internet/online is it much easyer to block anyone then have the backbone to tell him any reason.
No trouble for the Blocker.
But, in my eyes, no experience to solve such situations RIGHT, too. And that is a lack in the future.
Maybe i am "too old" with my 41 years to see the positive side of this "short advantage" when i take my life experience and see for what you need the experience to solve such situations, to learn what is a backbone and a own opinion -without demand each one have the same opinion as you- (you need this for many many many situations in interacting with people in Reallife too).
I like it when i can say (since a short time) "i am too old for that shi" :o) laughing*
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A bit sry to say it.... but yes you are then too friendly.
You must not say him direct "Dude you are a a**hole i break the contact."
But you can say "sry i don't agree with a lot of stuff you say and i don't want waste so much of my lifetime with you/people like you" (maybe explain more exactly what you think or maybe not).
It give nearly ever a better way then "hold out". That is not good for you (and your mental health over time) and not good for him at the end too because he will change nothing on his behavior because he think "all fine".
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Well, just tell me some cool things you usually say to others and I'll let you know what I think about them. :P
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Who cares! I mean, if someone blocks you, even after years ... ok, fine, bye, better without him / her in this case. Obviously, i understand the problem and your point of view, i've experienced something similar in the past, i just learned to not caring about people like these, of course, if it happens regularly, maybe there is something on your side too, but no one can tell that without knowing you better.
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The "who cares" part was referred to the people who block others, not to your topic/question (explaining, because i'm not sure it was clear enough, because if not, my reply would be an asshole one). And why not, if you ever come to Hungary let me know:)
Btw, the only friend a human need is herself, other people can stay around, but never put much hope into them, and trying to find an explanation to their moves is already something more than what they have ever done for you, it's not worth the hassle.
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If you ever do figure out people, please pass along the information.
I'd not bother with trying to ask for an explanation, I've gone through similar shitty situations but was just ignored and not blocked and tried to figure out why, but all I got were a bunch of lies.
Blocking people v ignoring them is a step further, I only really know of two situations where that happens often, people need to do it 'cause a person or group is harmful towards their mental health, or they're suffering abuse and decided to or are forced to by friends to block their abuser.
You're kinda an asshole so maybe they don't want to deal with your or can't handle you no more.
And I don't know enough about you to comment on the second part.
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I mean, I've interacted and seen you on this site enough to know you're an asshole, but I don't know whether you aren't or aren't a manipulative abusive person.
I can get disliking me for a lot of the threads I made, but that comment?
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Yes! I manipulate and abuse everyone! I am actually Luficer and I am trying to figure my current mentality, cause I am tired of everyone calling me evil and stuff like that. It was all my father, please remember that. I am actually a good fallen angel.
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I mean, you gotta ignore what people call you, the lot of 'em are idiots who think they know the true you because the watch a shitty pop psychology show once. I choose to revel in it.
I'm sorry if you got the impression that I was implying you might be an abuser. I don't really like you, but I don't wanna discredit you by implying something like that for no reason. I was explaining the reasons I know of people might block you and hpw they might apply to you, but I can't speak for or against your character, so I can't say how the abuse one would apply to you. Personally, I doubt it would.
And fallen angels are the good guys, getting cast out of heaven for calling out a hypocritical God.
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Don't take me wrong. Not a fan of talking to people. But I do have my needs some times. So I tend to keep a group of friends. When someone from that group goes full arsehole and block/leaves/delete everywhere without a reason. I'm pissed off.
Like... you know what I am, why dafuq add me the first place if you wont be able to handle me...
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To find why people suddenly ignore/block you. That's my life's purpose. Also inspecting your answer also brings up another question about this topic;
What do you want to hear? And no this not a troll question. I am suggesting you to answer this question honestly to yourself. Not to me i don't care.
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Fuck other people,in this 18 years i had a lot of "Fake friends" i can say now just fuck them today i have only one friend what im talking with,hangin out and im fine with that one sometimes its better then lot of them...They block u np keep going try to find best ones and fake set on other side!!!
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Yeah its rly hard to find good friends,easy to lose and hard to find today someone who will be there when u need it...
Dont care to much about some people who hate you dont like u who give damn about them show me guy who dont hate something or he/she think its to cool to text,hang out with you pff...
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Why would people go through the trouble of approaching them and explaining the reason they are blocking the person? What good would it do anyways? I doubt they can be talked out of it, and I doubt it would be a pleasant conversation. So why bother?
I haven't needed to block anyone, but do you leave a message saying "Hey, sup. I'm blocking you because you are an arrogant prick."?
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Maybe they didn't know how much of a prick you are; they thought they could bear it, but it was just too much, or you developed more along the way. I don't know you so I'm not saying you are a prick, but your reply is kind of funny. Handled by their mentality.
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Oh no you don't. Every single person who adds me sees the bad part of me first. If they expected me to be an evil arrogant bastard 24/7 and suddenly I was just... an arrogant and not so evil bastard, then it's not my fault! I AM A GOOD PERSON DEEP INSIDE EVEN IF MY POSTS DONT MAKE IT LOOK AS IF I AM SUCH...
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If you get so worked up over someone blocking you it gives an inkling as to the kind of personality you have and that might be part of the reason. If somebody doesn't wish to speak to you, you can't go full thought-police mode and persecute them for it.
Personally, I'd just get on with my life and not worry about them and surround myself with people whom I knew wouldn't do something like that.
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*couldn't care less (could care less, means you do care)
it does to other people
Being content in your ignorance doesn't make you right.
You are free to butcher the language and pretend the rules don't matter, to the detriment of people's ability to understand what you are attempting to convey; that's your prerogative.
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I'm not saying you weren't blacklisted, just that I didn't keep a note as to the reason (until now). It's not clear why do you think I would lie about this, but it doesn't really matter. You asked a question in the OP, I answered with my theory. Do what you want with it.
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The posts and discussions I linked aren't only about this subject. And as I mentioned, it's not only what you say but how you say it. What you say is sufficient for many people to not want to be friends with you, but even if they don't find your views repugnant, your offensive attitude towards others (see first two links) is probably enough to steer the rest away.
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oh...thank you, saved me so much work. i don't keep any history on people, i just remember when i don't like them
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Because you wrote them.
If you don't want other people to think you are a dick, just don't post stuff like that. We can only build our opinion based on the stuff you post here.
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People will judge you on what they see of you. If you're being a dick in every single post you make, then people will assume you're a dick.
This may not represent you as a whole, but it's all we have to go on. You are being judged on the way you choose to present yourself to the outside world. If you feel that's not representative of who you are, then you should consider starting to interact differently with others.
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holy crap i just read some of the old post im satying far.......far away
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after what i just read im in the corner shaking in fear
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Well I would throw in my two pennies but, I have absolutely no idea what this is. ._.
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A love story about a human and a fictional human. They once met. The fictional human, made the real human an evil person like herself. Later the newly evil made human started slaughtering stuff. So the fictional human came to live. Then they took over the world. /s
It's a word combination.
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10 bucks if you post actual proof of me hating jews. By that i mean a photo of me beating up or showing disrespect to one. I'll tell my current best friend to make a steam account so she can come here and laugh at your claim. Awkward moment when you realize she's jewish.
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I'll tell my current best friend to make a steam account so she can come here and laugh at your claim. Awkward moment when you realize she's jewish.
You very own Eduard Bloch.
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Have you ever considered doing the "I hate Kapy" group in steam? I think you guys will have a blast there! doing Nazi and jew jokes all the time with me being the villain in all of them! Wow! You guys might even get popular and stuff! Super stars! /s
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no becuse thin we would have to thank u for something
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I'm arrogant. Cruel and mean some times.
you already know why people block you.
i think most people would try to talk if the person was open, i am guessing they think they would not get anywhere trying to explain.
be nicer or more open maybe?
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Search the term ghosting... Happens in many advanced relationship and can't happen with some random dude or friend? Human interaction, there are stupid people everywhere :)
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Yo. I got a friend who is really ghosting me. But then he sees a bloody cat on the street and comes back to me! 6 years of that!
And I think he's one of my few real friends now>.>
And I try to help humans, why do they keep trying to make me feel bad and just delete me! So evil. I tough I was the devil here T_T
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This just happened to me.. someone I trusted just completely cut contact with me and never said a word. I finally found out why from someone else and it broke my heart because I literally did nothing. The person would have rather removed me on everything than just talk to me about stuff.. :'( I have horrible abandonment issues.. hugs meow to you and hope all gets better
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I was not referring to you, I was referring to someone I have known a long time and was close to. Also ignoring you? Half the time steam says I am online I am not so really not sure how that is my fault. I am nice to everyone.
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"I'm arrogant. Cruel and mean some times. Quite emotional. But am I really that scary? " : Yes.
anyway do not try to understand everything and you will live longer
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closed it myself so whine me a river
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