No, there is list of things that allows reroll and 'leaching' isn't there.
I won't elaborate on ratio, because I think it was already discussed many times, but if you want to share games with people who also share, just raise level in public GAs. From level 3 or 4 you should be good.
EDIT: Or you can check their profiles for things like regifting or not activating games, and then ask for reroll. That way you will have bigger chancess to have it accepted.
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Poor ratio is not grounds for a re-roll. The best you can do is to either blacklist people you spot who have what you consider poor ratios, or increase the level requirement for your GAs if you want to prevent people who hardly give anything back from entering your GAs. Neither method is great though.
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I triple checked them for that and they seemed 'clean' -.- I already set my GAs by my own level to avoid bots and to incite other steamgifters to raise their level. So it looks it's the only thing we can do.. Oh well thanks guys.
Edit: Good idea about the blacklist though!
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Don Quijote, do you realy want to blacklist all theese guys?
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You know ... honestly, when I first started using this site (about 2 months ago, even though I registered a long time before that), I was a bit irked by people who had 50+ wins and only 1-2 games contributed. I always checked the winners of my GAs to see what kind of Steam profile they had -- and usually I would find that those who didn't contribute much to the site also didn't have many games on their Steam profiles. Granted, there were a few who had a lot and are leeching the site to increase their library count, but generally most had a miserly amount of games (and a lot of free to play games).
Lately, I just look at it like this -- I don't give away anything I can't afford to give away, and since I now know most of the winners at lower levels don't usually own very many games, I know I'm doing something nice for them and that makes me feel pretty good. Getting all caught up in the numbers was ruining it for me, and since I stopped looking at the numbers and just doing what I can to share a few extra games I might have, I feel a lot better about giveaways. On top of that, it's good karma to do for others.
Just my two cents, of course -- but maybe it'll make you feel a little better. :)
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Set the contributor level requirement fairly high. 4 or 5 pretty much guarantees that the user has given away a fair enough amount of games. Of course, that doesn't mean that the giveaways aren't all for private groups or private, but I still thing that any giveaway is better than no giveaway at all.
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I tend not to care about ratio, because it's mathematically impossible for everyone to have a 1:1 ratio if even one person has a ratio better than that. For every person who gives more than they win, there's also at least one lucky person winning more than they give.
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No. Maybe increasing the level would work for you, i guess you prefer giving to new users that haven't really won much, but the reality is that the majority of users are lvl 0, no contributors.
Personally i still prefer making low level GA, as an incentive to play a part on the site, even though those GA are more of trap to find rule breakers :P
Maybe you could try that, check their profile for unactivated games, or multiple accounts
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Bleh, don't want a 1-1 ratio at all, really. But when you see on a profile '47 won, 1 sent' (veridic!) it's ridiculous. Or you see a full page of group giveaways and nothing else. Really, it's disheartening (is that a word? lol). Great idea Fnord, went thru all my winners to check them and blacklisted like 5 already. Feelin' better ^^
jbondguy007 good idea too! But can I set a GA's level higher than mine? Is there a limit to that? I'm only level 2, can I set it on 4 and still access the page? (that would be major fail if I can't access it again..)
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You can set any level requirement you want, and yes you would be able to access the page (you can actually access all giveaways page above your level, not just your own. You just can't enter them).
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you can post in the forum and not made public.
or made a puzzle. although there are a lot of lurkers...
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Rerolling isn't for when someone doesn't meet your personal standards, so no.
If you'd like to restrict your giveaways to people you deem worthy, you can do whitelist giveaways. To fill up your whitelist, you can make a thread asking for people to sign up, and set a list of requirements (must have at least x:x ratio, x level, all giveaways sent/received, etc). When people post, you check their profiles to see that they meet your standards, and then add them to your whitelist. Another criteria that's game specific I've seen is that they must have had the game on their steam wishlist for x amount of time.
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I guess not everyone can do many giveaway, because maybe they like me have a poor wallet! ;P
So, if you don't want those people join your giveaway, you just make a high level giveaway. You shouldn't use 'Request New Winner', i think it's not fair.
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-Moans about people having too many wins in comparison to given away.
-Has 46 wins
-Has 18 Giveaways.
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This is practically my first 'trolling post' mainly because I don't understand why people who have more gifts won than given are bad people. I understand if it's someone with no giveaways and many gifts won. But if they've at least done some giveaways, Isn't that good? How about if someone won 100 games and only gave away 10 games? What if they gave away 10 copies of GTA V... Would you still give that person the game?
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Finally, real talk! Yes, you're right, judging a ratio is very very hard. I totally agree with that. You can also win a ton of small indie games and only give out one fucking amazing game, for example. Anyone who has at least one GA is therefore somehow 'good'. Also the first GA is a very hard step - and do separate human users from those bots the level zero has. Plus not everyone has a lot of keys to give. This topic made me realize that indeed. My resent is now for those group-only users. And I'm surprised that there's so many of them. They're the real problem.
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People enjoy making group giveaways for:
But to be fair, This is your opinion and I don't want to get in the way of it. (Any more, xD)
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Would you be surprised if I say that I'm already part some groups? (mainly devs ones) I don't specially benefit from them - judge their GAs as all the others: if I'm interested in the reward game I enter, otherwise no. Why? Because I don't want unfair benefice over other normal users - you know, the non groups ones...
My phrase sounded selfish? Excuse me? Is it more selfish than people who simply refuse to share their toys with non groups users? Who's GAs are totally invisible to the mass? Is it a joke?! There's no much debating around the concept of community: you're either part of it or not. People that only does groups/invite/invisible GAs are definitely not part of community.
What strikes me as odd however is someone immediately flinging at me because I dared to give my opinion on groups-only users. Who are you to judge me? And why is my lame opinion so important to you anyway? Or are you just enjoying some noobz-bashing-yolo! ? If my phrase sounded selfish, on the other hand you (two) sound extremely pedant. I'm sorry you two are so offended by me; and I promise to shut up since you don't like being told the truth.
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If you really want to select a winner with good ratio, you should at least write your threshold in the description.
If you didn't, you better give him/her gift, unless the winner agree to reroll.
Of course, the best way is to create a whitelist giveaway next time.
For example, make a post and say "I want to do a giveaway for people who has good give/take ratio. Left some messages here, I will temporarily add you into my whitelist."
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It's fine to do it each time you get a winner with a private profile, it allows us to find non-activations that wouldn't get reported otherwise since the profile is private.
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If someone gave away a game shortly after winning it and has their profile set to private, that's usually enough reason for me to blacklist them.
I'm not sure if works on private profiles.
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Build yourself a whitelist...more work but it's the optimal solution.
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I've been making some giveaways and I noticed some of my winners being the kind of take-but-not-give. One having a gazillion wins and barely a few giveaways (160 vs 6 IIRC) and 2 other winners that only make giveaways for their groups (and barely any non-group giveaways). That sucks a bit.
Anyway wanted to know if it's allowed to reroll those or not?
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