Few weeks ago we (iTraders) had several giveaways together with Cubbes. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Cubbes#
However, we later found out that the owner is a scammer, and now is also posting announcements to get fake rep.
If you did get invited to said group through us, we're sorry for not checking him/them more extensively, not telling you to leave their group, just beware when trading or donating to them.

TLDR : owner of said group is a scammer, beware.

Monday, May 23, 2016
7:49 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791441141181#announcements/detail/876326963863841154
7:50 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: https://gyazo.com/81b84cd57c12f41bd0d3f136c3d53279 im not sure if it is against steams TOS
7:50 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: but im pretty sure it is
7:50 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: that owner of that group who scammed a guy
7:50 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: is now posting announcements to rake in fake rep
7:50 PM - is now Online.
7:50 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: ready to do more scams iguess?
7:52 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: he quickly removed it after i commented
7:52 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: so i really guess hes up to no good
7:52 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: on steamrep he also admitted to the scam btw
7:52 PM -
: I'll pass it on again. Seeing as so many people do it and it's not a direct scam, I'm not sure if action will be taken.
7:53 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: no but a KNOWN scammer > asking 5000+ people for fake rep
7:53 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: seems shady
7:53 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: but thats just my 2 cents
7:53 PM - ****: Link to steamrep?
7:54 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198101980655
7:54 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: and relevant scam
7:54 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: http://forums.steamrep.com/threads/report-76561198101980655-steam-steam-games.129921/
7:54 PM - Gr3ylok [W] Ember Strike Item: I can confirm that I did scam you, and I don't know what flew into me when it happend... I apologize for what I've done and will do. I also tried to offer you back you stuff but you blocked me and I then canceled the trade. Cause I consumed you didn't want back your stuff. I'm really sorry Whaf happend.

, Cube
8 years ago

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lol, the other admin in the group....


8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Is the admin of Lot's O Giveaway's banned from SG? i would say interesting but not really

8 years ago

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Not really the place for this, let Steam/SteamRep handle it.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by bobofatt.