type the name of a user and you see. It's located at very bottom of the page as "Users"
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14,751 entries and I won only 46 gifts. So, yeah, don't be that hasty. 94 entries are nothing. :P
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12.329 grasshopper ;)
Edit: Somebody pointed out that we lost all Stats when the servers crashed last year which I completly forgot so add 10k to that.
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That's a secret!
Actually, it's from the stats-page
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11 wins out of 944 entries (and it's only that high because I'm in a good group). Enter more :)
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30k? Doubt it.
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thats definately wrong. i had just over 20k after they did the site update which for a very short while used to say the numbers right by the entered word on left but doesnt anymore.. i finally won my 1st 1 in the last month or so. been entering for like 3 years now.
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Yea right. We lost all stats when the servers crashed last year. I forgot about that.
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Nah, cos you're not actually investing anything (well, just a wee bit of time)
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Please note this post isn't meant to criticize, but to clarify differences in interpretation.
Not winning is not the same as losing.
Rather, if that were the case- imagine a raffle with three grand prizes, all different.
If the interpretation of (not winning = losing) were true, all three grand prize winners would be losers, since there was a prize they entered for, but did not win.
Logic aside, your usage doesn't even meet the definition of Lose:
Lose, definition: to be deprived of [something possessed] or cease to have or retain [something possessed].
There are several similar secondary definitions of the same nature, but they all break down to one core concept: You can only 'Lose' something you had to begin with.
Of course, you're using the alternative definition of lose, which means 'to suffer defeat or destruction'.
That obviously doesn't apply here either, since you weren't in an actual competition, and thus couldn't be defeated (defeat requiring the existence of competition or conflict to be such, and competition requiring qualitative elements, which aren't present in a blind lottery).
And unless you had a breakdown over not winning, you didn't suffer destruction, either [and even then, that'd be a loose interpretation, if only since it's not a direct result of the "loss"].
tl;dr version: You're using "lose" incorrectly. :/
In any case, you could argue that strict definition doesn't follow applied usage, or that the word is the best one to express the sentiment you wanted to convey, and that your intent was readily understandable.
That's all valid- unfortunately, at that point, it becomes a question of "is your usage a proper one", and many'd feel the usage lacks respectability [ie, coming across as whining about not winning (since you're referring to it as losing, rather than not winning), or even just as being overly fixated on things you don't have (ie, a feeling of being deprived)- or at worst, even suggesting the expression of a feeling of entitlement (since lose is associated with things possessed or earned, you're conveying that common impression of the word in its usage, implying that you feel you ought to have won.)]
The structure of language conveys many nuances..
The less questionable form would have been along the lines of "How many giveaways have you entered, where you didn't win?"
In any case, since your intent is pretty clear, you're fine to retain your current usage ( if you don't mind how it comes across rather negative in implications ) but many of us just can't answer your prompt, since we most certainly don't feel we've ever lost on SG.
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I've entered 9,156 won 39, though I've won an oddly high number of games this last month, most of the time my ratio was much lower.
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As openhanded as users of the site are, I suppose it'd be easy to start expecting wins- you're certainly rather likely to get plenty of them, if you just stick around a bit.
I suppose it's a difference of following the statistics and desiring the wins themselves, versus being grateful for what comes your way by luck and the generosity of others.
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68 out of 25,823 over 3 1/2 years. Developer and Puzzle giveaways tend to give better odds. Good luck!
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I have lost 2,486 giveaways... Lowest entries were 2 and I lost... So.. Yeah XD
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I'm just wondering really. I haven't won a single game here and I usually enter with low hopes of winning.
I mean, the DOOM one I'm in with over 14,000+ in there. Yeah, HAHA! No way I'm winning that one but I guess I enter these things to be a good sport.
I've lost over 94 entries. Yay 0-94!
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