id go for fallout 3 for 5 bucks at best but its up to u
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Wait. You'll be able to get the GOTY edition of Fallout 3 for $5 when it goes on sale.
Don't bother.
Wait. You'll be able to buy the GOTY edition for ~$7.49 when it goes on sale.
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I'm going to wait on fallout. I'm still debating on portal. I would get it again because I'm more likely to bring my xbox to a friends house than my PC.
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I've never understood the point of mods in Fallout / TES games. Surely they are already big enough, that you can get several hundred hours playing through with a single character, but people complain that it needs more content.
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I'm going to post what I did above.
I've never understood the point of mods in Fallout / TES games. Surely they are already big enough, that you can get several hundred hours playing through with a single character, but people complain that it needs more content.
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I've beaten both on 360, multiple times with New Vegas. As far as stability and other errors go, Fallout 3 was pretty stable, with maybe a handful of system crashes over my 50 or so hours, while New Vegas was great once certain stuff was patched, and even before that, I just disabled auto save.
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So pretty graphics are important to enjoying a game to you? I'm not someone who cares about that so much (still break out my Gameboy from time to time, so I'd have a problem if I did care) and the Fallout leveling system is fine for me. I just find it really pointless. I paid bugger all since I got both last year, and got about 50 - 60 hours in each. I certainly don't need more content, and the gameplay system is fine.
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I understand you and I did beat all games once without mods and they are fun, but adding Project NEVADA to fallout new vegas, or FOOK and FWE to FO3 is just making game way more amazing. And for Skyrim, I just like to install patches/fixes, or great gameplay mods (Not ones as big as Project NEVADA or FWE). All these are just my opinion and I just love to modify everything xD
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Response to the second part, about Portal 2. It could be possible that they want to play with someone who uses XBox Live, or perhaps split screen. I know Steam users can play with PS3 users, but I don't think they can do either of those.
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For Portal 2, it could be possible that they want to play with someone who uses XBox Live, or perhaps split screen. I know Steam users can play with PS3 users, but I don't think they can do either of those. I have it on both because I can play split screen with friends on XBox.
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i wouldnt. unless you wont buy the new xbox in a year or two
depending on how long your backlog is. mine is over 5 years x.x
made that 5 year back log in 6 months x.x look at my steam profile xD
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Eh I know I'm late to the punch and am answering an answered question but nevertheless: I'd advise against buying both Fallouts on a console because:
Reason 1) Loading times will drive you mad. Seriously, you will loathe all doors in these games.
Reason 2) Both games are incredibly easy even on the hardest difficulties without mod tweaking. I would highly recommend Fallout Wanderer's Edition (FWE) or something like that for Fallout 3 and Project Nevada for Fallout NV. Honestly you don't need anything more than that. Maybe an UI mod to fix the scaling from "TV" to "PC Monitor", fitting more text on-screen (DarnUI mods, google it).
Reason 3) You don't have a console to fix an unfortunate event that randomly happened and there's no way around it, for example, an object or an NPC stuck in geometry or AI loop. Or a quest suddenly bugging out in the middle and you already quicksaved. Console can fix that.
Reason 4) Freeaiming with a mouse. Yes you can play the game on controller using that fancy VATS system but it is so slow and boring in my opinion. I find FWE's & Nevada's bullet time mods instead of VATS to be much cooler and interesting.
Reason 5) Fallout 3 has UGLY faces. Honestly, most of them don't even look human. There is a mod that fixes all the NPC's faces to a more humanly-looking ones. Fallout NV has improved in that department and looks fine with the default ones.
Reason 6) It's cheaper on PC.
I just don't see how Fallouts belong on a console. PC is just a better home for them. Get the games for your console that play great on it, like brawlers or racing games or something like that. That's what gamepad is best at.
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So I decided on not getting Fallout 3, NV, and Portal 2. I ended up getting Street Fighter 4 Arcade since I use my 360 for local multiplayer most of the time. Thanks for the help!
Original Question
I'm on the fence about buying a couple of 360 games through XBLA. Help.
Also, the game's aren't GOTY. And they'd go directly into my backlog (Except Portal 2 because my gf loves it)
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