What do you think about women-drivers?
I think women-drivers are similar to man-drivers, but women.
That is, it does not matter if it's woman-driver or a man-driver, because idiots happen among both woman and man equally.
Also yes, you are sexist, because there is no hidden giveaway here.
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That's true. He certainly needs money for repair because some "idiot" driver makes a mistake. That's sad.
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That was joke. I'm respective driver and have two insurance.
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Yep, sorry, English not my native, so time to time I make mistakes
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Reminds me of when i took my 70 year old mom to the DMV last year and they didn't even give her an eye test. Considering she was wearing glasses i have no clue how she got past that.
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I don't think women drivers are bad drivers ... who are bad drivers are people who get distracted, now you do get quite a few women that would text or fucking put makeup on while driving (I've seen a lot of those in my area) but you also get men that get distracted so it isn't something related to gender. On the other hand, my mom constantly complains about women drivers and if someone is driving crap in front of her or causes her to almost get into an accident the first thing she always says is that it's probably a damn women driver XD (though she says this in a very rude manner and with a lot of swearwords), not my words , my moms words there haha.
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women cause less accidents then men but if you got hit by an other driver, it depends on luck which gender the other person is so some people get hitten far often by women so they might believe they are worse drivers :(
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Do you ever see a man-driver, doing makeup during he drives car?
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No, but men look at their phones while driving just as much as women.
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Only if they want to have their junk bitten off in case there's a bump in the road :D
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beside a movie i never saw a any person doing makeup during she drives. dont get what you try to tell me O.o
btw: did you ever saw a women making a road race? i allways just read from male drivers :(
also drunken drivers might be more often male
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I do. Both of this - and makeup and road racing. Funniest part, that she had to stop on every crossroad, because traffic was quite hard. Imagine this - tires screech on start, 120 km/h in 10 seconds, than 20-30 seconds of racing, and 60 seconds waiting on crossroad.
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women cause less accidents then men
I read an interesting article about car accident statistics years ago. The article said that, yes, women caused overall fewer accidents than men. But then they compared (thing that nobody does) how many hours (or km, can't really remember) men and women drove, and surprise! Women caused more accidents per hour (or km) than men. Nothing sexist, just statistics.
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the most statistics i fount said, driving women cause less accidents then driving men. but you might be right, some male are driving far more often so they have a higher experiance so they might improove the statistics for male. the question is just, if we should compare two people with the same experiance or not... also the older can change much as well. young male cause far more accidents then older but the very old people cause more again,
due to statistics, if you compare men and women with same properties, the women looks better in most situations.
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I don't understand of you got my point.
I was saying that men drive for a lot more hours and kilometres than women. Be it because men drive more than women on average, and/or because there are more driving men than women.
I believe there are much more men on the road than women because something like 75% of accident victims are men.
With that said, if car accidents are caused, let's say, 50% by men and 50% by women, one can quite safely state that women on the road are more "dangerous" than men.
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nope, i got your point but you took the wrong conclusion :(
taxi drivers, fire workers, police men, bus driver, lorry driver, ambulance driver, package deliverer and so on... these kind of jobs are mostly done by men. so sure, they have much more experiance. but its stupid to compare groups with different amount of experiances if you want to take a conclusion, you should take two similar groups where just ONE attribute is different (for example the older to see if it makes a difference or in this case the gender).
in other words:
not women are more dangerous then men but less experianced are more dangerous then more experianced
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Sorry for the delay, I was at work!
As I replied to gonsi down here, I found an article about Italian people, with men driving on average for 11500km per year, while women 10600km per year, so there isn't very much of an experience gap.
The article also reported some other values: iirc about 14 million men driving versus 10 million women, with total accidents caused by men (about 800000) and ones caused by women (about 550000), and a ratio of accidents compared to the men and women population, with men having something like 5,65% and women 5,90%. Of course, we're talking about decimals, and statistics change every year and for every country.
If I'll find the article again I'll post it here.
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I found an article where they say in Italy men drive on average 11500km every year, while women 10600km. Considering most of truck and taxi drivers are men, I'd say there's no real experience gap.
Anyway, I'm talking about Italy. I don't know about other countries.
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There is no any hat on seat near me. because there is my backpack. =)
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These guys love knowing that they can drive around your neighborhood with impunity. ;)
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You can write to admins. They'll decide does it or not,
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You must be one of those cocky alpha males with 0 self-esteem who thinks women belong in the kitchen. Blacklisted for sexism.
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Yep. As I say - you can call me a sexists, I don't care.
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Yep. I have an opinion and I'm not afraid to speak this opinion just because somebody dislike it. Does it bad?
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No one said that you can't be a shitty human being, because that's what you are. Congratulations, move on, no one will stop you (eventually the sg police). You're just a neanderthal and I feel very sorry for you. Poor turkish guy with a neanderthal mindset. 👍
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Was that from the time they bragged about being a homophobe, or the time they claimed LGBT had "agents" who were spreading words related to gender, equality, etc because of an LGBT conspiracy (rather than, y'know, more personal motivations)? Or the fact that the OP knew English better than native speakers, English dictionaries, or rational explanations on definition and application? How about knowing more about a topic than those who are actually familiar with it, despite stating that the only sites relevant to the topic they checked were restricted by their ISP and making it clear that they lacked any interest in looking up different sites?
Sorry, only referencing a single conversation by them, so maybe it wasn't any of those at all~
That said, they're not remotely the worst individual on the site and, while it's true that SG's response to such matters does need a bit more work, you attacking them only allows them to feel justified or, in the case of trolls, satisfied. It doesn't accomplish anything of note- even as venting, the futility of it will likely only encourage further frustration in the long run.
If you want to really affect change, put that energy towards the site management, since they're the ones who've the power to permit or restrict the behavior. Though, probably still change the tone. It really isn't anymore productive than what the OP is offering. :X
Also, maybe take a moment to treat yourself to a nice cup of something warm, along with something sweet to nibble on.
Well, it's my go-to approach for restoring a positive mindset, afterall. ^.^
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I don't take notes and therefore don't know the reasons for the blacklisted users, it's usually because of shitty behaviour. It's just funny if you find someone blacklist-worthy and notice, oh, the prick is already there, I see I see.
Is there a ranking who is worst on this site? Right now this is bad enough to give my 2 cents to it. I won't be sorry for me "attacking him", and I didn't do it to "make things better" (because we all know that such individuals are unable to learn anything in live) but it's the way I am. I see bullshit, I call it bullshit. Even a permanent block or a kick in the non existing balls wouldn't change this person, but expressing myself will make my day better. 💚 (I didn't want to write anything more here, because this person isn't worth a single letter, but since you wrote so much I couldn't ignore it, sooth :) I want the function to answer WITHOUT bumping a thread, please...
I'll treat myself with iced coffee, it's soo hot again, I'm sweating. 😅
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I swear, I just saw a smiling, winking face in the foam of that image you linked, and then it started speaking and trying to seduce me. "Baby, you know you want me inside you", that kind of thing. Guess I should probably cool myself down as well, given this clear evidence of my being beset by heat-exhaustion-derived hallucinations..
But seriously, I'm not sure what I was thinking with the "nice cup of something warm" bit. Clearly insane on my part, given the 85-95F temperature over here. ..Well, the nights have gotten down to the 50s, so I guess it really was all just about having the right timing. :P
Is there a ranking who is worst on this site?
Nah. Just, the stuff I've got the OP tagged for is minor and sparse, compared to the tags I have on some users, who feel as though they're actively competing for "World's Worst Human Being", to the point where it wouldn't be surprising to find them actively upset that Hitler got his name so preeminently out there before them. Rather, the OP's stuff seems to have been deliberate trolling more than mindblowing toxicity, something which their actively trolling comments within this thread seems to noticably support.
Well, I clearly wasn't intending to criticize. I don't get the compulsion to intentionally do non-productive things myself, but it's not like you're harming anyone else [anyone who didn't first ask for it, that is] with your comments here [rather, we all knew what we were getting into, going into this thread]. Just didn't think it likely to be worth your time or stress but, that's of course ultimately up to you to determine.
And nah, the lack of bumping shouldn't even be an issue here, given that this thread is such a straightforward violation of spamming expectations and inappropriate conduct that it should have been closed down [with complimenting suspension] rather quickly. I'll put that down to the support team being busy but, my recollection of the site's previous leniency towards hatespeech [and the fact that one long-standing support member has actively supported bigotry threads and comments] does give me some hesitancy on the matter.
Like, doubts towards the staff in general, I know one support team member will for sure handle things properly. On the other hand, that individual may be limited in what they can on such a matter, so it may not be up to them. And that's assuming they happen to be free for it. And it just feels pretty awkward to begin with, when I'm relying on a single specific staff member to be the one to clean up any mess when it occurs. >.>
..also, still mildly peeved by your image. Specifically, by my current inability to claim such a delightful beverage for myself.
How wicked of you, really. :(
Though I feel the same way about myself and those cakes, honestly. Shame on me. :S.
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No, this is a poll. And I'm interesting in people opinions.
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Uh what?
I was sure this would be a jokey title to a train or something but no, you're just being sexist and stupid.
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No train, yep. That's why this in "Off-topic" category.
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Nope, I respect women. But in my opinion car-driving is not women stuff.
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"A woman's place is in the kitchen." You said that, not me.
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You decided arbitrarily that one sex shouldn't do something 'because its not women stuff'.
They replied by using a stereotypical value on 'women stuff'.
Both things have nothing but 'opinion' on what an entire demographic should do, and both examples suggest someone should be restrained in what they can choose to do as a grown adult. :P
It's not that hard, though I suppose there is a language barrier in play.
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You have to look at it beyond gender in these cases. Driving is a skill you can develop if you drive often. I would even look at it as a hobby - you have to be invested and interested in it to get good at driving.
Generally women are not interested in cars and driving and its only logical they wont be very good drivers hence more crashes and dangerous situations.
But dont get me wrong - it applies to men just as much. I know dozens of guys who just arent interested in cars and they just go around driving as a chore.. and of course chance of crashing increases...
And I dont think its sexist to say that women arent interested in something. Women do a lot of stuff better because they do it more often and get good practice.
From my personal experience - women have created more crashes due to carelessness because they just dont take driving seriously. Not checking mirrors, running red lights, running yield signs, using phone.. I have had guy friends who have crashed due to recklessness as well.. But thats usually due to their over inflated ego about being a driving gods
PS. To strengthen my case - look at women who are racing drivers - they are professionals at what they do and they are especially good at it. Because they practice and do it often. So its got nothing with gender to do.
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And to be honest -out of my closest friends who have driving licences - everyone has crashed due to some reason.. mostly though thanks to lack of experience. Guys and girls. everyone
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My grandpa drive car for 50 years, and hadn't any accident. I wanted to be like him. =)
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I was. I am a Dunkan MacLeod from MacLeod's clan ⚔️
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Dont forget that times change and more crashes are directly correlated to the number of cars
Its just so many cars on the roads these days that Id say its statistically impossible to go actually avoid crashes completely
I havent had any crash myself, but all the years I have been driving I constantly have close calls from morons on streets. Just yesterday I almost rear-ended a car because it drove in front of me without checking mirrors and it just went on cruising in my lane with speed twice as slow as mine.. One second too late and I have two totaled cars on my hands. Man or women - you have to assume anyone can crash into you on the streets.
That is the biggest mistake that people make - they think they can drive but they forget that others cant (well, related to crashes at least - not the original topic)
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I agree with you, there is a difference between the interests of the sexes, most women don't think about driving and cars regularly, most of them only drive, because they have to. Idk why this is the case, maybe societal norms, but I know enough women who drive well. It's a question of practice... except my mom, she drove daily and after I got my license I asked her, why doesn't she respects right hand priority in an intersection and she asked what is that... after 20 years of driving the same road.
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All the accidents ive witnessed and heard had males drivers so i cant really give an opinion on women since I felt way more safe with the ones Ive driven with which is not alot
Actually just remembered step dad crashed his car and pretty sure he said it was a woman. However this is a dude that crashes every single car and is still allowed to drive despite losing over 6 at this point
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In these cases Im glad for the insurance system we have in my country (I suppose its same in other countries as well). If you crash your insurance goes up. Some people even have to pay as high as 1000 euros a year
I have to pay 140 euros for a two door petrol car. If I made a crash it would go over 200 easily. A good motivation to be careful
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We have 2 type of insurance. First is required for all drivers, it covers repair for person, who is a victim in accident. Second one (and more expensive) covers repair for insurance owner. And renewing of second one become more expensive, if you have accident (or cheaper, if you are not). That's good motivation to be careful too =)
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Yes, we have the two as well (the expensive one suggested for newer and expensive cars)
But crashes do affect the "cheapest" base insurance as well
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Well, I pay attention to all vehicles on the road while driving. I analyze and predict their actions (not with 100%, of course), and in my experience women-drivers are more unpredictable, than man driver. So for me not aggressive style is a problem (because it's very predictable), but illogical and unpredictable actions. For example accident I described in topic.
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I don't think women drivers are any worse than men drivers, and the statistics say the opposite: men drive twice as much as women but account for three times the deaths and 19 times the convictions for deaths caused by dangerous driving. This is probably because testosterone is linked to risky behaviour such as dangerous driving. If you are basing your opinions on anecdotal evidence, my experiences don't paint a good picture for male drivers: I have been crashed into by a driver that failed to give way at an intersection, been chased and punched by two different drivers who broke road rules to do so, once as a motorist and once as a pedestrian, been threatened with an axe handle by a driver, been a passenger in a taxi where the driver pulled a knife on a cyclist that he almost ran over, and had a number of school friends killed in car accidents. All of those incidents involved male drivers, as did my own two serious single-vehicle accidents. Besides the statistical evidence and my personal experiences, one of the greatest rally drivers of all time was a woman, Michele Mouton at a time of rampant open sexism (before the 1981 Rallye Sanremo, which she won, World Rally Champion Ari Vatanen had told the press: “Never can nor will I lose to a woman.”). She won Autosport's 1982 International Rally Driver of the Year award, was at the forefront of competition during the legendary Group B era, and smashed the Pike's Peak Hillclimb record in poor conditions, and with officials attempting to prevent her doing so. Bobby Unser was vocal about expressing how upset he was about her winning, and Mouton is quoted as responding to him "If you have the balls you can try to race me back down as well.”
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It's almost as if gender barely has anything to do with driving. Main reason why I said barely was because physical aspects might cause issues at some point, like the average muscle mass tipping the balance towards women for most crashes without power steering in dangerous conditions or something.
But crashes happen with everyone.
Since you're really desperate to have your cock and chromosomes make you inherently better, have a look at this: https://www.trafficsafetystore.com/blog/who-causes-accidents/
Men get more DUIs, traffic violations and are deemed responsible for a greater portion of car accidents.
But they also drive more miles than women—a lot more. Although a recent study indicates there are over one million more licensed female drivers than licensed male drivers, men drive about 40 percent more miles per year.
Some subject experts hypothesize that men – particular men under 25 – get in more accidents because they’re more prone to aggressive behavior and risk taking.
But let’s look at the numbers:
Men cause 6.1 million accidents per year and women cause 4.4 million per year (National Highway Safety Administration)
105.7 million women and 104.3 million men have drivers licenses (University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute)
On average, men drive 16,550 miles and women drive 10,142 miles per year ( Federal Highway Administration)
So men account for roughly 1.73^12 miles driven per year, while women drive a combined total of 1.07^12 miles per year.
That means men drive about 30 percent more miles than women. Yet, they’re implicated in slightly less than 30 percent of car accidents. Men do cause more accidents, but they are actually less at-risk than women, by a small margin.
I wouldn't say you're sexist really. Just that you lack independent thought and instead consume stereotypes as actual facts. If you looked at things with more of a nuance than "Do you ever see a man-driver, doing makeup during he drives car?" then you'd quickly come to the realization that life isn't as simple.
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Women are worse at parking link.
Women are better at parking link.
Same news outlet, only 3 years apart.
Kinda hard to make statements about something that has never been really proven. Right now you could say either way and you'd have a study to back it up. At that point, it might just be better to not try and not make statements that convey and spread potential falsehoods.
Men and women are obviously different to an extent, but that doesn't mean that they might be better or worse at everything. Or even if they are, we can't really make statements in good faith if we can't back them up. The difference might be there in the end, in favor of anyone.But right now there's no clear result.
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Disagree with "racing" argument. Don't you think that racing and city-driving are quite different things?
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sorry my bad english i'm not able tot know\study it for some reasons...this said...
Each woman is different,you can't think all woman is same,same clones or robots.
There is Mans that is very stupid in how they drive (They surpass car also in turn road,they don't keep security distance from car front of them,they not slow speed inside city etc.) so the same can happen for womans there is woman Percect drive for many years never 1 accident and there is womans that make many of them,in the same way of mans.
Woman's it's just same as mans , there is good,there is bad,is not about Sex,is about habit,education etc.
There is also mans and womans that like drugs or alchool or use car same if is a Home or a Discoteque and so they play phone,games,or turn head around for watch\talk\sings friends back while drive and so this mans and easy is put also life of others at risk,because these people is easy to make accidents.
Top of that today's\old car that don't have automatic drive etc require one important thing , to stay Focused on road and drive , but many people that make accident most of time reason is because they is not focused at all,maybe smoke 1 cigarette,maybe use phone,maybe watch a sexylady\mans,maybe change channel radio\music while drive etc. while drive and so then accident,people think that do this things is normal in car ,normal actions,and they think also that is good to do because looks like they are "boss" to others (they want to act like movies fast and furious etc.) but they mistake and not understand that every action extra you do in car is make you lose focus on drive,that is the only thing must to do in drive and that is very important,because if you use your brain\eyes for turn on a cigarette or change a radio channel that 2-3 seconds of lose focus can be enough for kill the driver if the car hit something etc.
People must be educated about the car is a vehicle,it move because reason of gravity and physics and not because magic so must be careful
Not only this but also people must think about the car can happen fault\broken so always must to be ready for save in emergency situation where if the car broken is not work well and is hard to drive,more people understimate this and they think theyr car is never can broken then when happen broken go in crysis and panic and die for can't handle the situation.
Also people must to understand that if they want to do RACING they must to go in racing place motorsport staiums etc.,can't do it in traffic normal pubblic road,is not the same thing and is put other lifes before yours at risk.
Also people must understand that we have only 1 life,if we make and accident and die no one give us life back,so we must to take care our life,is very stupid to trow it in rubbish only for run with a vehicle or do bad actions,and they must understand this not for themselph but because there is more people with disabilieties\handicap or homeless or age old people that need HELP OF US so our life is not only important for selph but is plus important also for the fact that we can live and help others and there is more people that need our help,and would be a shame to trow our life away.
This said this is not only about "Drive" can be applied also in works (for example if someone do work abotu cut things or electronics if lose focus can damage his body or die too etc.) , in life is important to stay focused and careful what we do and take care our health and life for the little we can and is important to take care others too not matter from what countries they come,humans is humans and if someone need help and merit it,we must to help.
it is very important to enjoy mom\dad\grandmom\grandad\animals\brothers\sisters\family that we have also,because more people always think life never have "Unexpected" things and all will be forever,but is not , so until we have it must to enjoy , hug,kiss,play togheder etc. because when\if they die no way to get it back in our actual planet\time.
Anyway i'm sad for what is happen you,really bad experience,i hope you will be strong and go next,take care yourselph.
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You should complain about bad drivers to steam, fbi, cia, mossad, nsa and internet authority
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Poor victims. Something like this was in my graduate day. My instructor and graduation team say many obscene words, when I had to make "slalom" because of people crossed road without any attention to cars.
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Well. Women drivers sometimes do silly things. Yes. And on three separate occasions I've almost been killed by male drivers. So... Maybe the problem is just "some drivers"?
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I think there should be less drivers in general, independant of gender.
we need better public transport, not more cars.
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would be better if same startrek movie hahaha that people instant teletransport to place hahaha , but i'm sure humans well be able to make accident also with this hahaha maybe they teletrasport on head of someone while him\she do pipi' hahahaha^_^
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It's probably not nationality, but road quality and local traffic code.
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92% reasons of traffic accidents are traffic violations. 4% - road quality and 4% vehicles breakdowns. Worldwide statistic.
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That meshes with this study which shows that in the U.S. at least 6.8% of crashes are due to car malfunctions could be as high as 11.8% and around 16.3% had environmental factors, of which about 4% were road design, geometry, etc., and about 12% being having weather-related (e.g. rain, snow)
Note that the same study shows that while Males have somewhat more accidents than Females, the biggest factor is age - 30% of crashes are drivers age 16-25, and another 20% are drivers age 26-35
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Nationality is not a race.
"Racism, or racial discrimination, is any discrimination based on ethnic or cultural factors, regardless of whether those factors can be described as racial in nature."
"While the concepts of race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in both popular usage and older social science literature"
"According to a United Nations convention on racial discrimination, there is no distinction between the terms 'racial discrimination' and 'ethnic discrimination' "
"Ethnicity is the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be inherent or essential to the group, such as a shared ancestry, culture, dialect, history, language, society, nation, behavior, or belief system."
"In the modern era racism is often based more in social perceptions of differences between two groups, than by any genetic distinction between those groups."
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Young male drivers are much more dangerous than women drivers as a whole. The statistics prove that. Young men like to show off just how cool they are in their cars. Boy racers... a moronic race. There are girl racers too, but most of them are boys. I like to think that the majority of people cop on when they reach a certain age though.
My Dad and brother were driving home from town one day. This car comes off a sideroad to the right to go straight across. My Dad saw it and turned the steering sharp left toward the ditch. The car spun, the other car still hit him on the driver's side, (we have right hand steering) but because the car spun away from the hit, they weren't injured, just a bit shaken. Car door was wrecked though, but because of his quick thinking, it didn't hit full on. Male driver took off at top speed and got away. Successful hit and run.
That happened on a Thursday. The following Thursday, in the exact same place, the same thing happened and a young man was killed. Some guy in a jeep drove straight out onto the main road without looking. He survived, but it was the person he drove into that died.
Could have been anyone of any sex who did that. If it had been a woman driver on either occasion, of course people would have said some things. Why is that?
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Well, you know why men don't want to follow rules. But why women do that?
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Hah, now I know you're trolling. Too obvious.
But, we are all people. There really is no difference between males and females when it comes to being careless. I had a friend when I was in school and she was a wild thing. When she got a car, she was a total girl racer. Just her personality. She was just as bad as the boys and loved cars... A lot. She is the only girl I know who was like that, but I know several boys who were dickheads on the road. She is mature now and not like that anymore, but she was not a safe driver when we were younger. My Dad was criticising her for driving up the town in the middle of a funeral when people were walking on the road. lol. The respectful thing to do is to wait and let the funeral procession pass. But no, the girl racer didn't do that. Too cool for school. There were a few people I wouldn't get into a car with when I was a teen - early 20s, all of them were boys... and her.
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I think there is really nothing to answer or comment about such a statement.. I feel lucky to be European and to never have read similar sexist ideas before..
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Sadly, sexists exist all over the globe, you were just lucky.
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Agree with this.
I am from Ireland, and there are some sexists here too. Especially older people.
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I agree too and I didn't purposely want to write a long comment on such a senseless issue, but luckily no one here can walk to the town's main square and shout "all women shouldn't drive, they are evil and they should have less rights than men and possibly be enslaved" without being taken to the next mental hospital (public health for everyone, another European lucky thing) within a couple of minutes.. of course there are minoritarian thinkings but yeah, I mean, the "neo-nazis" on some weird Internet forum or the 90-years-old guys who thinks that we should retake Jerusalem by the sword for Christianity and that Notre-Dame burned due to our society's sins.. I wasn't counting these people =P
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Well, your words look like nazism. You affirm, that European people better, than other. Lucky you.
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In 30-th Germans thought, that they are better, than others. Now this person thinks, that Europeans are better, than others. Can you explain what is the difference?
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For now - yes. But who can say, how far he will go in the future. Nazis began from "words only" too.
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I don't think, that men better than women. I think, that men in something better, than women, but women in something better than men.
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no you think you are better I live in the same culture the only things you think women better at are the things with no money or power like being your slave at the house cook ,clean, change diapers doing for free its women job but not real jobs not real eductation not driving not president because people like you think they are better, even men life worth more no one will kill sons for sex or getting raped but women are just slaves bad at everything, helevorn23 is right she is lucky she is never born here she wont see this every day like me.
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oh not at all, I actually graduated with top marks in Oriental studies actually.. and since I am Northern Italian and half of my family died between Erfurt and Oświęcim between 1943 and 1945 it's quite hard for my very nature to define myself as a Nazi.. I even have only Celtic genes so I don't think Germans would accept me ahah and if you're Nazist you should think you're part of the Germanic Volk.. that's not my case at all and I'm 100% Europeist too so one can't definitely define me as Fascist either, I'd love to abolish our borders =P
I have neither written down that Europeans are better than other nations or continents, in fact I actually admire most of Asia, many countries in America and Oceania and I'm fascinated by Africa, I visit Africa and Asia at least once a year.. I'd love to have so many features of other continents here, above them all Asia..
I just said that I'm lucky to be European since here in Europe I have never heard such sexists and unacceptable remarkings, just that, that's my experience. It's totally senseless to think that women have something less than men and deserve less rights or crap like that.. I said that here in Europe, which I consider a political and cultural entity, one can't be taken seriously (and can be taken to the next hospital) if he proposes such ideas
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Ok, I see you are adequate person. Then I can explain you my point of view. While I'm driving a car, I analyze situation around car and on road. I evaluate dangers and risks and try to predict actions of other drivers. In my experience, women-drivers are more unpredictable, than man driver. And that experience I use to avoid accidents, not worldwide statistic. Why? Because statistic is some sort of abstract information, and for driving I need actual and real information. If man drive car bad, it's easy to notice, he drive bad all time, so it's easy to predict his actions and act to avoid danger. But woman can drive good and in the next moment she can do something unpredictable and dangerous. That's the reason of my point of view about women-driver.
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29,691 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MyrXIII
Well, yesterday I had an traffic accident. A woman-driver without any reason (and turn signals) turn right from left lane and hit my car. Especially this action strange because her car go in 1/2 hull up the front of my car and have to understand, what will happen. Fortunately I react in time and get small damages, but it was close. I often was an witness of women-drivers irrational actions and have my own opinion about them. (yep, not good opinion, call me sexist, I don't care) What do you think about such phenomenon, as woman-driver?
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