What do you think about women-drivers?
Woman have a bad driving reputation in my country and we love to make jokes like "This can be only done by a woman" when the driver does something stupid.
Well, as a former motorcycle driver, trust no one in the streets... even less in womans..
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When women / men really learn to drive its a really good experience, otherwise its total chaos.
A couple days ago I got hit at a department store while backing up (with my hazard lights on). Why people are so slow in processing information, and then reacting appropriately based on that information is what I don't understand.
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if you think that women drivers are bad and irational then you have never met bald bmw driver, those guys dont even know what signaling is, they ignore lanes, speed limits think that trafic lights are just some recomendation
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┐(´Θ`)┌ Don't mind.
As humans grow older, they “confidently drive!” And “cause accidents”
There is no gender relationship.
Everywhere, “humans who have shed their brains in the toilet” are inhabited.
In any case, those who cause frequent traffic accidents and that cause traffic accidents should be studied in Area 51.
Unexpectedly, the body may have a chuck and the contents may be different.👽👾
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I often was an witness of women-drivers irrational actions and have my own opinion about them
But in my opinion car-driving is not women stuff.
Reads like confirmation bias to me. I find it quite shocking that there are still people with such bigoted and sexist views. Even the poll is sexist, the only seemingly female-positive option ("We have to respect women-drivers") is worded as though there is no choice.
I choose to respect everyone, irrespective of age and gender. However individuals, through their actions may lose my respect. That does not mean that entire group does though.
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So how many "female-positive" options and how many "female-negative" options do you need to accept, that this poll is not sexist.
P.S. If you interesting in, I choose respect nobody, except people, who deserves respect.
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Want to know the real reason women have such bad driving reputations? Men like OP.
Years ago, women didn't drive cars, only men did. Women stayed at home, cooked, cleaned, popped out babies, looked after babies, did all the child-rearing, while the men were like "wife I'm home, where's my dinner." Time moved on and women are no longer house slaves, they have careers and drive their own cars. Some men were totally intimidated that suddenly women had the same "toys" that they do. "What? Women can't drive. Only men can operate machinery. Hurr durr." And so, some neanderthal men, to this day, think that women shouldn't be independent, they shouldn't drive or have careers among other things. They make themselves feel better by making fun of how women drive cars. It makes them feel more macho. Well... whatever floats your boat.
So, while the majority of men have moved on and appreciate that we are all human beings who can indeed operate machinery, this thread is showing us who are still the neanderthals who want "WOMAN TO GO BACK TO COOKING ON FIRE IN CAVE." =)
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You blame me, but you follow stereotypes yourself.
P.S. Are you neanderthalophob?
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Aren't you supposed to be out hunting? :P
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Don't you ever think, that I'm a vegan? Shame to you.
But serious, I grew up in family, where women was in charge. Both my grandmother and mother. And they educate me, that man have to be in charge in family.
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Nah, you're not vegan.
There aren't a lot of food options when you live under a bridge. Vegan lifestyle wouldn't work. Hahahah!
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Such... a lot... of... stereotypes... So you are "bridgepeople"-phob. Shame to you again.
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They don't smell very nice. Sorry. :(
And... the... um....fangs....
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I can highly recommend Lanfeust of Troy if you ever get the chance to read it and you'll absolutely love Trolls for the rest of your life. Trolls of Troy is very funny as well but Lanfeust is the better intro to the universe since it's the series that started the Troy universe.
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Agreed. Never like them. Especially Yoda. Feel, that he plans something awful.
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You must be delusional or something, most men feel generally comfortable behind the wheel, and that as always lead to some terrible decisions.
Some men drive while inebriated, some men drive well above the speed limit, some men see a race opportunity in a traffic light, one very common around where i live is to drift roundabouts at 3am. I wouldn't even get in a car if i lived in India or Russia.
Even i, did so dumb shit, during the first 2 years after getting my licence.
Statistics aside, if i would choose one of the 2 to get rammed by, i would take the less deadly.
I was involved in an accident with a woman, who barely scratched my car. But i've seen my fair share of dreadful accidents created by men or old folk.
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yeah, those dashboard cameras are a sign of terrific driving skills
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there are actually statistics saying that women cause more smaller accidents
like while parking or smaller things while in town driving slowly
on the other hand men tend to cause more serious or even deadly accident because they were driving too fast.
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This. If you take into account that men drive a lot more than women (the mileage seems to be almost twice as much on a global scale) you'll see that the differences between the genders are much smaller than a lot of people make it out to be. Per capita, men are still more involved in serious and fatal crashes, because of more aggressive/risk-taking tendencies, though. From what I've seen, it seems like women are more involved in minor accidents caused by them getting distracted, stressed, etc.
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as a woman myself i have to admit that i often catch myself thinking similarly....
e.g. if i see someone driving in front of me awfully and i sometimes think " must be a woman" or i overtake them and see that it is a woman and think " that was to be expected that it was a woman".
but there are also a lot of men out there who prove themselves as awful drivers as well. i see more men with their phone at their head than women (dont they have free speaking device or something?? even in new cars.)
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As a woman myself, I also think that way about female drivers :D
Also, as a woman, I have a problem with people calling others "sexist" just because they say something bad about one gender. Like, yeah, you're so woke, now calm the hell down lol :D
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No, not you. I was just talking about the reactions of some other commenters, though I realize it probably looks like it was aimed at you. Sorry :)
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Well, men and women evolved differently for different tasks. Because of this, it is probable that in general women are shittier at driving (as a skill) but men are more prone to being reckless retards.
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men and women evolved differently for different tasks.
Agreed. Men and women are different, and that is not a bad thing!
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And not a good thing either, it just is. It really is annoying how quickly people label others sexist and all the other buzzwords, like a child who just learned a new insult. Reality is also sexist but it won't change because they call it names.
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Basically, we are talking about negative attitude towards a person's own gender, following sexist stereotypes directed against her own gender.
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I'm on the road on a daily basis. And tbh, when something "odd" happens on the road its most often a female driver.
More accurate, an old(er) female driver. Its not sexist imo, its a hard fact. Some of them drive like shit and I dont understand why they even got their permit. My wife agrees with me on that part (so it must be true. lol)
Never been in an accident though.
But the most dangerous situations I have ever been in (and some were really close) were created by males. Young kids with no driving experience who just want to go fast from a to b. Truckdrivers. And the elderly. Omg, the elderly are the most dangerous species on the road.
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Old driver: well I use glasses to read but I don't need them for driving! Hey that road has a lot of bumps!
Pack of kindergartners: dies.
Old guy: I don't look at road signs - I was driving this road before you were born.
Huge stop sign (+smaller about traffic change): Am I joke to you?
Sorry for bad jokes. I have seen both male and female drivers that were dangerous. But nothing compares to old people.
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I disagree but I am not going to harass you for your beliefs. Take care :]
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Thanks. Of course, only you can decide what you should do and what point is right for you.
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to me, it looks more like there's a lack of driving practice.
like housewives who don't drive more than 5 minutes each week to get the groceries.
same goes for most old people plus they suffer from old age itself.
i guess i'm a little rusty myself since i barely use my car to get around. bike and train do the job just fine. and you don't need to look for a bloody spot to park your car.
at the same time i used to drive to school with a friend of mine back in the days. he always drove like a housewife indeed and even years later that didn't change at all. despite using his car almost daily to cover long distances! my theory fails to explain that. maybe some folks are just bad drivers...
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What a can of worms to open! 😂
Everybody is human, we all make mistakes. I'm living proof of somebody else's mistake ζ༼Ɵ͆ل͜Ɵ͆༽ᶘ I've also made some stupid and horrible mistakes. Gender does not mean one side is inherently worse than the other. Age group is more of a factor.
Oddly enough though, in these past few weeks alone I have almost been backed into by 3-4 separate husband and wife vehicles on my neighbourhood streets. The one main similarity is that they all DID NOT LOOK while reversing and just assumed that since it was early in the morning nobody else was on the streets. Just like I'm assuming that's the entire situation right now.
Point is, we don't have any idea what's going on in another person's life. They could be enduring some type of trauma, or the latter, they could just be ignorant and not paying attention to what they are doing.
My old friend (male) also put his vehicle in reverse and slammed into a parked car across the street. Evil male driver?
My sister was t-boned by a female driver as she was in a hurry and not paying attention. Evil female driver?
Both people in those situations were NOT giving their full attention.
Just my dollars worth.
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Frankly speaking, I don't know about parking problem, because first thing I did after I bought a car - installed parking sensors and rear camera.
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While I've got the reverse camera and also right turn camera, I find I just personally cannot rely on them.
They only work if you use them properly :) Still have to pay attention to the sensors and bells and whistles.
I was approaching a neighbour's driveway the other day, witnessed them put the vehicle into reverse (brake lights lit up) and then casually drift backwards into my approaching vehicle. I'm generally hyper-aware of this stuff, and I was already slowed down to a crawl before getting up to their driveway and they proceeded to back out. Even while I was sitting on the horn, loudly squawking away they continued to reverse into my vehicle as to where I had to throw MY vehicle in reverse to escape being hit.
Husband and wife of the same house; this is a weekly occurrence ζ༼Ɵ͆ل͜Ɵ͆༽ᶘ
Most people are in their own world in the vehicles. Adjusting the volume, their seat belts, their kids, etc etc. It's easy to lose perception of things around us. However that does not excuse ignorance. Some people just lack particular driving skills and other skill subsets.
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Damn, you do are super kindly person. As for me, such occasion would make me super angry. Enough to knock out a couple of teeth. What's your secret? Yoga? Secret meditation technique?
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Don't get me wrong; I do see red, but I've just learned how to curtail a lot of those instant emotions. I've made a few major mistakes myself and I'm fortunate enough to have figuratively walked away slightly broken but have been able to learn a lot about myself and others having been through said experiences.
Psychology is also something I'm very interested in and fascinated about; more so criminal psychopathy.
I'm also just naturally very empathetic and sympathetic (◑‿◐)
also, lots of heavy metal ♫ (⌐■_■) 😇
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According to this study 40% of accidents are because the driver's not paying attention, not looking, daydreaming, etc.
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40 percent is a lot, considering the rest of the makeup of 60% can be for a lot of OTHER issues. Wonder how those stats are across NA, or even how they compare with the rest of the world?
It really isn't hard to pay attention :) Though, you must WANT to pay attention to do so.
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I'm guessing it's about the same for the developed world*. There are some countries that have infrastructure or cultural issues that could be a significant factor, but I'm gonna say most are gonna be about the same
I don't mean western world, I mean with proper roads, real cities, police that aren't too easily bribed, etc. I've traveled around a lot, and most countries these days are quite well developed
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In my experience, drivers today tend to be shit, period. What sex they are is irrelevant. You know how many times I've passed people on their phones drifting across lanes, or not signaling, or running lights, or not looking before they turn? Literally every trip. And some of them I even know (small town) and they all think they're the best, safest drivers on the road, but those shitty women drivers, or kids, or old people, they're the real problem.
Basically what I'm saying is everyone sucks at driving and chances are youve done some dumb shit too, even if you didn't realize it.
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Nope, I didn't. I even drive with speed 10km/h less than speed limit and switch turning lights on in 10-15 seconds before I change the lane. By the way, my grandfather drive car for 50 years and have no any accident. Absolutely. I try to be like him.
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if youre always driving 10km/h less than the speed limit... then youre one of the problems. YOU are the bad driver here and provoking others. you are then a traffic hindrance.
if its says to drive 70km/h you drive 70 not 60. period. if there is 100 then you drive 100. at least as long as there is only 1 lane.
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You don't drive car, doesn't you? I'll try to explain - there are two type of signs. First red/white says "You can go with any speed lesser than X" So, for example, there are sign "70", than I go with 60 on the right lane, and everybody, who want to go faster, can use left lane without problem. I do not make a problem for traffic. Even it's one-lane road, i do everything according rules. Additional - -10rm/h speed is good, because other cars can outrace you without problem and don't break traffic rules.
Second type of signs - blue/white say, that I have to go with speed more than X. And only in this case works what you say. But this signs are very rarely inside city, and there are no any in my city.
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Maybe it's different where you live, but here, if you are going under the speed limit, you can still get pulled over for not going with the traffic flow. but you missed my point entirely. I'm saying no one is perfect, including you, when they drive. Even if you were completely perfect in this accident, you still probably do shit that other people are going to view as you being a bad driver. Like driving 10km under the limit. Might be lawful there, but some people will still consider it poor driving if you can't or won't keep up with the limit.
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Yep, I misunderstand you. You are right, nobody is perfect. But everybody can try to be. =)
And 10km/h - it's about speedometers, they can show different from real speed from 3 to 10 km/h (depends on quality of car)
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Yes i do drive.
i drive indeed everyday to work and back.
like Kamarae pointed out, we apparently live in different countries.
we only have the red/white sign, not the other.
also i said you should drive 70 when there is 70 "at least as long as there is only 1 lane."
of course if there are multiple lanes then others can overtake you, so its okay.
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Yes, It's seems we have different traffik rules and signs.
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if its says to drive 70km/h you drive 70 not 60. period.
Ich dachte eigentlich bei euch in Deutschland wäre das so wie hier in Österreich dass die Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung die zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit darstellt und man seine tatsächliche Geschwindigkeit je nach Wetter, Sichtverhältnissen, Straßenverhältnissen und Verkehr anpassen sollte so dass man sein Fahrzeug innerhalb der Sichtweite zum stehen bringen kann.
Oder verwechsle ich da grad was?
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ist schon richtig was du sagst.
dennoch, wenn du zu langsam fährst - ohne Grund (schlechtes Wetter, etc) - gilt das als Verkehrsbehinderung.
also wenn du auf einer z.B. auf einer einspurigen Bundesstraße in der 70 erlaubt ist, nur 60 fährst und sich hinter dir der Verkehr staut, so wie auch Kamarae schon gesagt hat, dann ist das ebenfalls nicht erlaubt.
ein Traktor oder ähnliches kann nicht anders, aber ein normales Auto ohne Anhänger oder so, sollte schon so schnell fahren wie erlaubt
Leider wissen das viele nicht und da auch zu geringe Polizeipresenz da ist, fällt so was auch selten auf.
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Wird bei uns anscheinend anders gehandhabt.
20 km/h (grundlos) in einer 50er Zone wäre bei uns problematisch punkto Verkehrbehinderung (allerdings wird man da eher kontrolliert ob man besoffen ist und wenn nicht darauf hingewiesen schneller zu fahren und nicht wegen zu langsam fahren gestraft). 35 oder 40 absolut nicht.
Aber wir Österreicher habens ja generell immer gern etwas gemütlicher xD
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habe dazu was gefunden, was diese Frage kurz und knapp beantwortet
wobei 20€ nicht die Welt ist.
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Habe gerade bei der Autorevue Online einen ähnichen Artikel zur rechtlichen Situation in Österreich gefunden gefunden der im Grunde dasselbe sagt.
Das auschlaggebende scheint in diesem Fall die Behinderung des Verkehrs zu sein aber da es keine Pi mal Daumen Formel gibt wieweit die Höchstgeschwindigkeit unterschritten werden darf liegt es wohl im Ermessen des jeweiligen Polizisten was eine Verkehrsbehinderung darstellt und was nicht.
Anders sieht die Sache natürlich aus wenn ein dezidiertes Mindestgeschwindigkeitsschild existiert aber die gibt es nur sehr vereinzelt.
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Wenn ich mich recht erinner sind blaue Schilder Gebotsschilder und rote Verbotsschilder.
Andere Beispiele für Gebotsschilder sind glaub ich zB "Vorsichtig fahren! Schule / Schulweg" oder Schilder die auf Einbahnstraßen oder Sackgassen hinweisen.
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Yeah, okay dude, you've basically shown that you yourself are a terrible driver. You first of all don't drive at the required speed, you ruin the flow of traffic and you're prone to cause a traffic accident since you're an unpredictable driver.
This is legit bad, dude.
Turning lights 15 seconds before you switch lanes is also fucking awful of you to do. A turning signal is exactly that, a signal. You move 300m during that time. Like, this is legitimately dangerous. By that time you'd move past 3 intersections without acting on what you've promised to do.
According to what you're now saying, this means that you're unpredictable, you're prone to cause accidents and because of that you might kill someone, if not yourself. You're a loose cannon and a total risk. This is the reason why people recommend that you should do redo driving exams every year or two. You've gotten into a really risky habit, my dude. I hope your goal of being safe doesn't cause someone to die.
I'm not here to say that you should be off the road or something. But just that you've shown that you're not the model driver either. People make mistakes and it's good you weren't hurt in that accident and that things went better than the potentially worst option.
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Which part?
That you're unpredictable? That's no opinion. It's literally the definition of "unpredictable". Rules are given and people predict you follow them. You don't. I'm sorry, but that's as much of an opinion as saying that murdering people publicly is unexpected. You can make an argument that people expect you to not follow the rules of the road. But it'll be a total stretch.
The only thing that can be called an opinion is "I'm not here to say that you should be off the road or something. People make mistakes and it's good you weren't hurt in that accident and that things went better than the potentially worst option.".
If you really want to be a smartass about the fact that I'm happy you didn't get harmed, then fine, whatever, you got it... :/
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Whole "part". Especially math. Really, I don't know how I can go 300 m in 15 seconds, if I go with 40 km/h. Look (40х1000/3600)х15 = 166.666667 See. Well, may be you just use parallel world mathematics, I don't know...
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Whole "part". Especially math. Really, I don't know how I can go 300 m in 15 seconds, if I go with 40 km/h. Look (40х1000/3600)х15 = 166.666667 See. Well, may be you just use parallel world mathematics, I don't know...
Jeesh. First of all you really think that I should guess you're driving at 40, which literally MAKES YOU WORSE SINCE NOW YOU'RE LITERALLY DRIVING A WHOLE 20% SLOWER SO YOU'RE NOW JUST MAKING YOURSELF WORSE!
But you also ignore this:
So, for example, there are sign "70", than I go with 60 on the right lane
Right, so that's where I took the speed. You drive at 60, you behave the way you said you behave. That's 300m. Fuck, be consistent at the very least. Acting like a smarmy asshole when you yourself set the rules doesn't help anything.
You literally say 166m like that's better. In a city, you get an intersection once every 100m on average, so you still are unpredictable, leaving an entire intersection without acting on it. So you're still just as bad. In fact now you're telling me that you're even more of a risk.
Your whole attitude is so frustrating when you expect me to imagine unsaid thing, when you completely ignore what you say and when you have such a superior attitude over something that doesn't make you better, instead you now show that sometimes you're even worse and that you acknowledge that you are a total danger and that you think that's totally fine.
I'm taking back my statement that I wasn't here to say you should be off the road. Your unpredictability can literally kill someone. I don't understand how you're fine with it and how you can even be so smug about that fact.
I genuinely do now think that you need to redo your driver's exam. You need to recalibrate your skills.
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You could ask. But you prefer imagine "facts" yourself, so you have what you have.
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You could ask. But you prefer imagine "facts" yourself, so you have what you have.
Which facts?
So, for example, there are sign "70", than I go with 60 on the right lane
You said that.
I even drive with speed 10km/h less than speed limit
You said that.
and switch turning lights on in 10-15 seconds before I change the lane.
You said that.
Really, I don't know how I can go 300 m in 15 seconds, if I go with 40 km/h. Look (40х1000/3600)х15 = 166.666667
You said that.
Are you just a liar then? If what you say you do isn't a fact of what you do, then you're a liar. So which one is it? Do you just lie all the time and therefore your thread's basically you lying so you can say women are worse also or are you honest and a danger to society? Which one is it?
Honestly, no need to respond. This is getting a bit stupid now. I shouldn't have to talk to you like you're 7. You're old enough to drive a metal death box, so you're old enough to understand that when you say things, people might actually pay attention and ask you things based on them.
You know what you're doing and you're purposefully trying to derail everything.
You do you, dude.
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LOL, 70 kloms was an example. But you prefer imaging, Also, why you took 15 secs, not 10? Because it's allow you to fit numbers, doesn't it?
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Because it's allow you to fit numbers, doesn't it?
But it does. 10 seconds, 40km/h is 111m. So yeah, it fits still.
Thank you for using your last 4 comments to just reaffirm what I've said. Even if I were generous and called you a bullshitter and therefore went to the smallest variables possible, you'd still be a bad driver.
You've dug your own grave here, seriously.
I just hope this won't end up with you forcing someone else to literally need to dig someone else's...
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Depends on situation on the road, especially if left lane is not empty. For example you need to change the lane, car after you need to change the lane. If you switch on turning light right before you start the maneuver, you can get an accident, because car after you will do the same and may be a two second earlier. Second example - I'm every day meet this situation, - after circle crossroad my car go to the 3-lane road with higher speed limit (it's 82 against normal 50) and problem is my car is in most left lane, middle and right lane are full of cars. So I have to say this cars, that I need to go to the middle and then to the right lane, so I have to switch on turning light long before I can do a maneuver just because if I'll do it right before maneuver, I have a chance to hit another car< how decide to go faster or which is go form right lane to middle.
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Yes math rules.
If you think it is a "Super explanation", you did not understand the image and do not understand math.
The image is one of the classical examples that from a false assumption you can derive anything (a false conclusion), even if the single steps are mathematical valid.
You could also do a dimensional analysis.
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Judging from your other comments in this thread, you lack a basic understanding of statistics and science method as well as manners. So I am just fine not to understand your irony.
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My teacher of Probability theory told "There are lie, blatant lie and statistics"
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I do think that while men drive more recklessly, women tend to not pay attention to the road. So both sexes can (and sadly, will) cause accidents, but for different reasons.
Also, I don't think it's fair to call the OP "sexist" when he says he's had bad experience with female drivers. But that's the modern age for you, so... SEXIST!
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This. Also it's all a matter of where you live honestly, big or small cities, inside or outside them, and stuff like that. The only thing I noticed is that women tend to go way too slow usually, and men tend to doze off for some seconds because they think they're good enough.
And yeah, OP didn't do anything wrong but people always want to attack someone that doesn't think like them. I think they have a guilty coscience or something.
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Honestly I think that nowadays, way too many people just can't stand it when someone has a different opinion :D They don't know how to react, so they will start repeating the popular terms they hear in the news (sexist, racist, toxic etc).
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... but OP took his "women are bad drivers" from the mainstream-typical-bandwagon-playbook-of-he-modern-age himself.
In my eyes, his ass is fair game.
There are idiots on the road of all types. The reproductive organs are not to blame.
Now, being elderly with bad reflexes and eye-sight... That's a real problem... Gooo Age'ism !
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Evil seems kinda too big word for such a situation to me.
From what I've noticed both men and women are bad drivers in similar numbers but the reason is slightly different:
– women are underconfident,
– men are overconfident.
Just like in every other aspect of life, underconfident people are obviously easier targets to put a blame on.
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I actually quite like this thread. Opinion expressed by OP is mainstream here in Russian, and one rarely can meet an almost unanimous reaction to it (like in this thread); it's nice to see that not everyone is a sexist on this planet for a change.
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Well, yesterday I had an traffic accident. A woman-driver without any reason (and turn signals) turn right from left lane and hit my car. Especially this action strange because her car go in 1/2 hull up the front of my car and have to understand, what will happen. Fortunately I react in time and get small damages, but it was close. I often was an witness of women-drivers irrational actions and have my own opinion about them. (yep, not good opinion, call me sexist, I don't care) What do you think about such phenomenon, as woman-driver?
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