I tried this for the first time today, it was not bad but quite bland. I spiced it up a bit with butter and garlic and added some cheetos for crunch. I realize I added a bunch of junk to an otherwise healthy food but I'm not much for bland. Anyway seems a good source of protein.
I've also been eating bake beans. Pinto beans with extra junk, mainly sugar, for flavor. For a snack I've got greek yogurt. Some reduced fat milk and a bacon with egg sandwhich for breakfast.
Did some nutrition research and made the shocking discovery that all that waste we dump into the ocean is absorbed into all the things living in them and it builds up, especially the higher up the food chain. Things like mercury. Anyway, thought I would shift to non ocean alternatives.

12 hours ago

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Doesn't yoghurt belong to the Turks? -_-

12 hours ago

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yes, it's definitely interesting to even discuss this topic.

12 hours ago

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Technically if you can make it, you own it.
When was the last time you made yoghurt?

11 hours ago

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Actually we just made couple of days ago.

11 hours ago

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In English "Greek yogurt" is a term describing a specific kind of yogurt. I'm not sure which, but I think it's firmer than the "default yogurt".

10 hours ago

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It get filtered, so the solids stay in, while it contains less fluids - creamier, with a higher protein content.

"Greek style" is achieving similar consistency with thickeners, often having similar or even lower protein content than standard yogurt.

9 hours ago

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Originally, greek yogurt has a high fat concentration around 10% which gives it its creaminess and rich taste, but nowadays there's also low fat, high protein variants around.

I went to Greece with my parents a couple of times as a kid and I loved γιαούρτι με μέλι (giaoúrti me méli). It's just greek yogurt with honey and usually some walnuts sprinkled over it, but it was soo good.

I can also very much recommend the icelandic Skyr, which is a similarly stiff and creamy milk product with low fat and high protein content.

8 hours ago

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I love greek yoghurt. Very creamy and don't need much other stuff in it. Perfect with only honey or with fruits.

But Skyr isn't similar and i absolutely don't like it, it's ugly, like puked yoghurt with big "yoghurt pieces" (goes in the direction of feta), bahhhhh. Nope, nope, double nope.

3 hours ago

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If you had chunks in it, you either didn't have actual Skyr or it was too old or something. I've never had that happen and I've been eating it for years now. It has no similarities with Feta at all, not in taste and not in texture. It is creamy, not crumbly or chunky. There's no salt in it at all. Are you sure, you're not confusing it with Ayran (salted) or Clotted Cream (clots) or Cottage cheese (chunks) or something?

Sometimes, a little fluid will separate at the top. But - just like with yoghurt - with a little stir, it will be smooth and dandy again. What is true is, that pure Skyr will taste a bit bland or slightly sour compared to greek yoghurt, mostly due to the low fat, but combined with fruit or vanilla or honey or any flavor of your choice, it's great.

3 hours ago*

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I had Skyr multiple times, from different companies, so no, it weren't too old or they sell it always old in the REWE and Edeka shops :D
And yes, it doesn't tase salty like feta, i only took feta as exmaple for the direction that skyr goes when you compare it with greek yoghurt.

Es ist nicht so fest wie Feta und schmeckt auch nicht wie Feta aber es ist "klumpiger" als Greek yoghurt und normaler Yoghurt.
Keine Ahnung wie ich das besser beschreiben kann.
Aber der Geschmack ist viel schlechter als bei greek und normalem Joghurt.

2 hours ago

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Ich hab echt absolut keine Ahnung, was Du mit "klumpig" meinst. Ich hab auch zig verschiedene durch. Arla, verschiedene Eigenmarken von Rewe, Edeka, Aldi etc.. Skyr ist relativ steif und cremig, irgendwo zwischen Quark und normalem Joghurt, also ziemlich genau da, wo auch griechischer Joghurt von der Konsistenz her ist. Fester als normaler Joghurt, cremiger als Quark. Ich hab noch nie auch nur ansatzweise so etwas wie Stückchen oder Klumpen im Skyr gehabt.

Naturskyr ist geschmacklich relativ neutral mit einer leicht säuerlichen Note, da schmeckt griechischer Joghurt pur etwas süßlicher, auch durch den hohen Fettanteil. Normaler Naturjoghurt pur wiederum schmeckt säuerlicher als Naturskyr. Aber mit Früchten oder Honig oder was auch immer Du reintun magst, schmeckt Skyr super. Ich kann mir nur vorstellen, dass Du so sehr an den hohen Fettanteil als Geschmacksträger/-verstärker gewöhnt bist, dass Dir der direkte Vergleich nicht schmeckt.

2 hours ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 hour ago.

1 hour ago

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higher not lower
my standard yogurt has 5 servings at 5 grams, my greek yogurt has 5 servings at 14 grams

1 hour ago

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Jogurt is as old as civilisation. No turks or kurds back then for sure.
Do you know kefir ?

7 hours ago

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Принадлежи на България. Шибаняк.
Lactobacillus bulgaricus!!!!

5 hours ago

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I'm pretty sure yoghurt is older than Turkish people, it's been eaten for 7000 years.

5 hours ago*

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Yoghurt is originally a Turkish food product. Historical records show that it was first produced by the Turks in Central Asia and later spread to Anatolia and Europe through migration. The word "yoghurt" itself comes from the Turkish verb "yoğurmak," meaning "to knead" or "to thicken."

For thousands of years, Turks have been making yogurt as both a nutritious food source and a long-lasting dairy product. During the Ottoman era, yoghurt became popular in Europe and especially in the Balkans. Greece later developed its own variation, known as Greek yoghurt (strained yoghurt), which has a thicker consistency.

In conclusion, yoghurt has Turkish origins, but different countries have created their own versions over time.

4 hours ago*

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Turkic people exist for 4000 years, yoghurt exists for 7000. You tell me which came first.

4 hours ago

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What the hell :D i just made a joke. What happened here?! Who cares yoghurt belongs to which calture or people? You can check these for more fight.
Yoghurt in Wikipedia
Yoghurt in another site

4 hours ago

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Edamame has become our go to 'vegetable' side dish. Salt, pepper, garlic... delicious.

10 hours ago

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It's quite nice with some seasoning

1 hour ago

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Whenever I see "edamame" I think of two things: cheese, and that one song.
Except the cheese is called Edam, not Edamame.

7 hours ago

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ohhhh that song...

1 hour ago

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waste we dump into the ocean is absorbed into all the things living in them and it builds up, especially the higher up the food chain

It's not just from the oceans, but all animal origin foods contain toxins (e.g.. dioxins). Probably plants & pesticides are an issue too. The new concern is micro-plastics though.

Obviously the solution is to stop eating.

6 hours ago

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No, the solution is stop using highly dangerous compounds in industry then dumping them.
Dioxins are already a thing of the past in much of the world, I'm sure developing countries still use them.
One would think at some point something would be done about the plastic situation but with economic concerns being put before health concerns I'm not sure it will happen.

1 hour ago

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edamame is great in stir-fry

4 hours ago

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I can see that

1 hour ago

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Like hippo says, it's all futile. Heck, when we eat outside, how would one be sure that the produce used is top-notch or even decent. Same with stuff sold in a local market or any mart. How would one know for sure if the tomatoes/chicken we're eating aren't heavily dosed with pesticides/antibiotics. Or the organic stuff isn't dosed heavily with organic fertilizers. Regulation is terrible in most places across the globe. We can never know for certain. But then again, I don't belong to a developed country with strict, severe checks on production. Growing your own produce, cooking every meal is quite impractical in a fast-paced economy.

The best thing IMO is to diversify your consumption and aim to have a balanced diet with all the essentials. Consuming ultra processed food, sugar with moderation and having an exercise regimen. Maybe even hold the authorities accountable, but that's a huge ask from the average working person.

Of course, this opinion is laced with privilege. What if one lives where the veggies are highly contaminated or doesn't have multiple options to buy from. Then there is a problem of affordability and time. Solace is that we all will somehow survive, multiple generations have survived PFAS utensils. We have come to ban PFAS, adopted PTFE, learned about it being inert. We will hopefully survive other unknowns as well. 🤞

3 hours ago

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It's not futile. There are plenty of options. I have chickens and they really don't require too much space. Growing vegetables is pretty easy and doesn't require much space either. Everyone seems to think you absolutely have to live in a concrete jungle these days in a tiny little apartment and that just isn't true. Even so you can still go to a local farmer market once or twice a week for fresh produce.
My main concern is not consuming heavy metals which are very bad for you and to that end cut fish out of my diet. Where there is a will there is a way.

1 hour ago

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First of all, it's nice that you're thinking about food at all! I also started small, but now my food is no longer bland and my taste buds are slowly adapting again.

But I noticed one thing straight away: You eat bacon and all sorts of unhealthy things, BUT the milk has reduced fat?

2 hours ago

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Your body needs fat and sugar along with all the "healthy" things. If you ate pure protein with a vitamin supplement your body would actually burn the protein as if it were a carb(sugar) and turn the rest into fat. This is why there are actually daily recommendations for fat and carbs. An egg and bacon sandwich with a glass of reduced fat milk in the morning is a good start, plenty of protein/fat/carbs and vitamins/minerals.
As for butter and sugar as flavoring, again the body needs fat/carbs but it's about moderation. I think a 28oz can of baked beans has the same amount of sugar as a 20oz bottle of Coca cola and it's obviously way better for you. A tablespoon of butter on Edamame isn't going to hurt either. I'd rather reduce the fat in the milk, which isn't needed because milk tastes just fine, and add it to the food to make it more palatable. As long as you don't go overboard with the fat and carbs it should be fine. If you are more active you can get away with a bit more as your body will use it.

1 hour ago

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When I visited Japan, people would eat edamame steamed whole and salted. It pairs quite well with a good drink.

1 hour ago

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I try not to use any extra salt anywhere, there's more than enough in most foods. While salt is not as bad as mercury it can still cause a lot of bad things if you take in too much of it.

1 hour ago

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An interesting side note to ocean pollution: the more popular seafood options are typically "farm raised", which eliminates a lot of these concerns. Carp, catfish, salmon, tilapia, sea bass, halibut. For example.

I usually just have my edamame salted. But maybe with a side of Kirin Ichiban, lol.

54 minutes ago

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